Fair Value: Its Definition, Formula, and Example (2024)

What Is Fair Value?

Fair value is a measure of a product or asset's current market value and a reflection of the price at which an asset is bought or sold when a buyer and a seller freely agree.

Many factors go into determining the fair value of an asset, including a comparison of recent transactions for similar assets, an estimate of the expected earnings of the asset, and an estimate of the cost to replace the asset.

Key Takeaways

  • Fair value is a measure of a product or asset's current market value.
  • Fair value is determined by the price at which an asset is bought or sold when both the buyer and seller freely agree on the price.
  • Buyers and sellers compare the prices of comparable assets, look at the growth potential of the asset, and estimate its replacement cost to determine the fair value of an asset.
  • Fair value accounting is the practice of measuring a business's liabilities and assets at their current market value.

Fair Value: Its Definition, Formula, and Example (1)

Understanding Fair Value

Fair Value in Stock Investing

A common way to determine a stock's fair value is to list it on a publicly-traded stock exchange. As shares trade, investor demand creates the appropriate bid and ask prices, or market value, and influences each investor's fair value estimate.

In investing, fair value is the price that investors are willing to pay to generate their desired price growth and rate of return.

If the fair value of a stock share is $100, and the market price is $95, an investor may consider the stock undervalued and buy the stock. If the market price is $120, the investor may forego the purchase as the market value does not align with their idea of fair value.

Exploiting the Fair Value Gap

Some traders, particularly day traders, try to exploit the fair value gap. A fair value gap is a brief inconsistency between a stock's current price and its fair value price, usually caused by a temporary imbalance between buyers and sellers. "Playing the gap" requires tracking a stock's price to pinpoint the right moment to buy or sell.

Fair Value in Futures Trading

The fair value of a derivative is determined by the value of an underlying asset. When an investor buys a 50 call option, they are buying the right to purchase 100 shares of stock at $50 per share for a specific period. If the stock’s market price increases, the value of the option on the stock also increases.

In the futures market, fair value is the equilibrium price for a futures contract or the point where the supply of goods matches demand. This is equal to the spot price and accounts for compounded interest and lost dividends resulting from the futures contract ownership versus a physical stock purchase.

Fair Value of Stock Index Futures

FairValue=Cash×(1+r×(x360))Dividendswhere:Cash=Currentvalueofsecurityr=Interestratechargedbybrokerx=NumberofdaysremainingincontractDividends=Numberofdividendsinvestorwouldreceivebeforeexpirationdate\begin{aligned}&\text{Fair Value} = \text{Cash} \times \Big ( 1 + r \times \big ( \frac{ x }{ 360 } \big ) \Big ) - \text{Dividends} \\&\textbf{where:} \\&\text{Cash} = \text{Current value of security} \\&r = \text{Interest rate charged by broker} \\&x = \text{Number of days remaining in contract} \\&\text{Dividends} = \text{Number of dividends investor would} \\&\text{receive before expiration date} \\\end{aligned}FairValue=Cash×(1+r×(360x))Dividendswhere:Cash=Currentvalueofsecurityr=Interestratechargedbybrokerx=NumberofdaysremainingincontractDividends=Numberofdividendsinvestorwouldreceivebeforeexpirationdate

Fair Value in Accounting

The International Accounting Standards Board recognizes the fair value of certain assets and liabilities as the price at which an asset can be sold or a liability settled.

Fair value accounting, or mark-to-market accounting, is the practice of calculating the value of a company’s assets and liabilities based on their current market value. In some instances, companies that hedge their assets might use hedge accounting, in which the value of the asset and its hedge are accounted as a single entry.

To do this, the accountant needs to consider:

  • Current market: The fair value of an asset or liability is what it is worth in the current market. It doesn't matter what an asset would have sold for two years ago; its fair value is what it is worth today.
  • Voluntary vs. involuntary transactions: Fair value applies in orderly transactions when there is nothing compelling either the buyer or the seller to agree on a price. If a company is being liquidated, for example, its assets will not be sold at fair value.
  • Seller's intentions: When and how you intend to sell an asset or settle a liability can impact its fair value. If you need to sell an asset quickly, for example, you will probably not use fair value accounting.
  • Arms-length transactions: In fair value accounting, the transaction should be an arms-length transaction between the seller and an independent third party. Fair value accounting would not apply to a business partner or relative, as these relationships can affect the price.

If a construction business acquired a truck worth $20,000 in 2019 and decided to sell the truck in 2022, comparable sale listings of the same used truck may include two trucks priced at $12,000 and $14,000. The estimated fair value of the truck may be determined as the average current market value, or $13,000.

It is difficult to determine a fair value for an asset if there is no active market for it. Accountants will use discounted cash flows will determine a fair value by determining the cash outflow to purchase the equipment and the cash inflows generated by using the equipment over its useful life.

Fair value is also used in a consolidation when a subsidiary company’s financial statements are combined with those of a parent company. The parent company buys an interest in a subsidiary, and the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities are presented at fair market value for each account.

Benefits of Fair Value

Fair value measures the real or estimated value of an asset or liability. Fair value accounting is widely used in business and investing because of its benefits. These include:

  • Adaptability: Fair value can be adapted to apply to all types of assets and liabilities; if the asset exists, its fair value can be determined. Historical valuations are less accurate because an asset or asset class might not have existed in the past.
  • Accuracy: Valuations made with fair value accounting have a high level of accuracy because they change as prices move up or down.
  • Actual income: When a business uses fair value accounting, the total asset value reflects the actual income of the company. This can provide a more reliable picture of a company's financial position than a statement of profit and loss, which can be manipulated.
  • Asset reduction: Fair market accounting allows a business to practice asset reduction, which is declaring that the value of an asset in a sale was overestimated or overstated. This can help businesses weather financial difficulties.

Fair Value vs. Market Value

Fair value is a broad measure of an asset's intrinsic worth. It requires determining the right price between two parties depending on their interests, risk factors, and future goals for the asset. Fair value is most often used to gauge the true worth of an asset by looking at factors like its potential for growth or the cost to replace it.

Market value is the observed and actual value for which an asset or liability is exchanged. It reflects the current value of the investment as determined by actual market transactions.

Market value can fluctuate more frequently than fair value.Market value is also highly dependent on supply and demand. For example, housing prices are often dependent on the number of houses for sale in an area (supply) and how many buyers are currently looking (demand) as much as the intrinsic value of the house.

Fair Value

  • Changes slowly

  • Influenced by growth potential and replacement cost

  • Reflects the intrinsic value

Market Value

  • Changes frequently

  • Influenced by supply and demand

  • Determined by current market transactions

For example, a stock's market value can move up and down quickly depending on a variety of external factors. But the fair value of a company changes much more slowly.

Investors who know a company's fair value can use that to decide whether the market value of a stock is high (which means it's a good time to sell) or low (which means it's a good time to buy).

What Is the Intrinsic Value of a Stock?

Fair value is the price an investor pays for a stock and may be considered the present value of the stock when its intrinsic value and its growth potential are considered.

Intrinsic value is calculated by dividing the value of the next year’s dividend by the rate of return minus the growth rate.

P=D1rgwhere:P=CurrentstockpriceD1=Valueofnextyear’sdividendg=Constantgrowthrateexpectedr=Requiredrateofreturn\begin{aligned}&P = \frac{ D1 }{ r } - g \\&\textbf{where:} \\&P = \text{Current stock price} \\&D1 = \text{Value of next year's dividend} \\&g = \text{Constant growth rate expected} \\&r = \text{Required rate of return} \\\end{aligned}P=rD1gwhere:P=CurrentstockpriceD1=Valueofnextyear’sdividendg=Constantgrowthrateexpectedr=Requiredrateofreturn

How Does the Securities and Exchange Commission Regulate Fair Value?

In 2020, the SEC implemented rule 2a-5 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 requiring funds to value their portfolio investments using the market value of their portfolio securities when market quotations are “readily available.”

If data is not readily available or if the investment is not a security, the Act requires the fund to use the investment’s fair value.

The fair value is determined in good faith by the fund’s board who are required to establish fair value methodologies and oversee pricing services.

What Is Historical Cost Accounting?

Fair value accounting measures assets and liabilities at estimates of their current value. Historical cost accounting measures the value of an asset based on the original cost of the asset.

What Methods Are Used to Determine Fair Value?

There are several ways to determine fair value:

  • A market approach uses the prices associated with actual market transactions for similar assets to derive a fair value.
  • An income approach uses estimated future cash flows or earnings to determine the present value fair value.
  • A cost approach uses the estimated cost to replace an asset to help find an item's fair value.

The Bottom Line

Any transaction implies an agreement on fair value by a seller and a buyer.

The same principle applies to investing in stocks, property, or any other financial asset. The buyer and seller must agree on fair value for the transaction to take place.

In transactions large or small, both parties may consider a number of factors in determining fair value, including the recent prices of similar purchases and the real benefits of the purchase being considered.

Fair Value: Its Definition, Formula, and Example (2024)


Fair Value: Its Definition, Formula, and Example? ›

Fair value is determined by the price at which an asset is bought or sold when both the buyer and seller freely agree on the price. Buyers and sellers compare the prices of comparable assets, look at the growth potential of the asset, and estimate its replacement cost to determine the fair value of an asset.

What is the formula for fair value? ›

It is calculated by subtracting depreciation from the cost of the asset. Fair value represents the current market price that both buyer and seller agree upon. Carrying value reflects the firm's equity. This transaction benefits both parties.

What is an example of fair value calculation? ›

Comparable information calculation: One of the simplest but most effective methods of assessing fair value is using fair comparisons. For example, when selling a piece of equipment, you could compare prices in the market by checking stores or searching online, then average those prices to find a fair value.

What is the definition of fair value? ›

IFRS 13 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (an exit price).

What is an example of fairness value? ›

Fairness refers to the "proper" distribution of resources to those who need them. The three ways people can view fairness are the following: income, happiness, and freedom. An example of fairness in economics is the following: charity, fixing prices, and disabled parking spots.

What is an example of fair value method? ›

If a construction business acquired a truck worth $20,000 in 2019 and decided to sell the truck in 2022, comparable sale listings of the same used truck may include two trucks priced at $12,000 and $14,000. The estimated fair value of the truck may be determined as the average current market value, or $13,000.

What is the formula for fair use? ›

There is no legal formula or rule to determine what percentage or amount of a copyrighted work you can use under the fair use doctrine. Using small portions from a copyrighted work is more likely to be considered fair use than using a larger portion of the work.

What is the fair value principle with example? ›

The fair value principle measures an item's worth purely and fundamentally based on the true value of an asset, which does not change regularly. For instance, while the fair value of an item may be $500, low supply means that the price of the item on the market could be reflected as higher.

What is the best evidence of fair value? ›

Quoted market prices in an active market are the best evidence of fair value and should be used, where they exist, to measure the financial instrument.

What is the fair value rule? ›

» securities for which market quotations are readily available must be priced at. market value; and. » all other securities must be assigned a “fair value as determined in good faith by the board of directors” of the fund.

How to calculate fair market value? ›

How fair market value is calculated. There's no absolute formula for calculating fair market value. But is often calculated by taking the value of three or more comparable homes, or comps, that have recently sold and obtaining an average, Garrity says.

What is an example of fair value through profit and loss? ›

Fair Value through Profit or Loss

All transaction costs associated with the investment are expensed immediately. Example: XYZ Company purchased an investment on November 1, 2016 for $1,000. At December 31, 2016, the fair value of the investment is $3,000. Transaction costs are 4% of purchases.

What is the IRS definition of fair value? ›

FMV. FMV is the price that property would sell for on the open market. It is the price that would be agreed on between a willing buyer and a will- ing seller, with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the rele- vant facts.

What is an example of fairness values? ›

For example, we think it is fair and just when a parent gives his own children more attention and care in his private affairs than he gives the children of others; we think it is fair when the person who is first in a line at a theater is given first choice of theater tickets; we think it is just when the government ...

What are 5 examples of fairness? ›

Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  • Take Turns.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Play by the rules.
  • Think about how your actions will affect others.
  • Listen to people with an open mind.
  • Don't blame others for your mistakes.
  • Don't take advantage of other people.
  • Don't play favorites.

What is an example of fair value measurement? ›

For example, an entity that uses a 12-month futures contract against the cash flows associated with 12 months' worth of interest rate risk exposure on a five-year financial instrument within a group made up of only those financial assets and financial liabilities measures the fair value of the exposure to 12- month ...

How do you calculate fair present value? ›

Present value is calculated using three data points: the expected future value, the interest rate that the money might earn between now and then if invested, and number of payment periods, such as one in the case of a one-year annual return that doesn't compound.

What is the formula for fair value futures? ›

This is the relation between the present price of the stock (PV), and the fair price (fV) when there is no possibility of arbitrage: 'fV = PV(1 + R)', where R is the risk-free rate of return.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.