Feng Shui Forecast 2024: Navigating the Year of the Dragon (2024)

Snake: Fortunes and Fertility (1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013)

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Snakes can expect positive developments in various aspects of life, including career and family. Fertility is highlighted, making it an auspicious time for those contemplating expanding their family. Snakes will be blessed with good energy to pursue various fields, while its luckier months are May, September and November. Lucky colours are yellow or brown, mixed with red; lucky numbers are two and six.

Horse: Navigate Unexpected Expenditures (1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014)

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Horses are advised to exercise caution, especially in June, October and December, where unexpected expenditures may arise. Patience is key, as the second half of the year promises more support. Luckier months for horses are February and July while the colours green or yellow along with red or purple are lucky colours. As for numbers, two and three would prove fortunate for Horses this year.

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Goat: Super Auspicious Year (1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015)

The Goat enjoys an exceptionally favourable year marked by success and advancements, especially the female Goats. For those who wish to compare to the year before, 2024 may fare well with better tidings for their health fortunes as well. Seeking advice from fellow Goats is recommended, and challenges are expected to be resolved smoothly. The months of July, November and January in 2025 would see a boost in luck, while brown or yellow mixed with red or purple are the Goats’ lucky colours of the year. In terms of lucky numbers, it would be one, four and nine.

Monkey: Navigating Gossip and Legal Issues (1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016)

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Monkeys should brace themselves for potential gossip and legal issues fuelled by jealousy. Extra care is essential, particularly in April, August and December, to minimise unnecessary losses. Luckier months for Monkeys are April, August and December, while lucky colours are gold, mixed with brown or yellow and lucky numbers are one, six and nine.

Rooster: Temptations and Relationship Caution (1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017)

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Roosters face temptations and disturbances, potentially leading to relationship issues. Caution in decision-making and avoiding unnecessary expenses in March and December are advised. However, those who are still single will have a lot of new chances to find love, but one should think twice before acting on anything or making decisions and take consultation from friends and family before making any move. Luckier months are April and August while lucky colours are gold and blue. Lucky numbers are one, six and nine.

Dog: Balancing Travel and Finances (1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018)

Dogs can expect frequent travel opportunities but must exercise financial prudence, especially in October. Job upgrades are probable in the first half, offering a buffer against potential financial setbacks. Lucky months for Dogs are June and December while lucky colours are gold and purple. The lucky numbers for Dogs are one, six and nine.

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Pig: A Year of Celebrations and Success (1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019)

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Pigs can anticipate a year filled with celebrations and success. Wealth and family life are particularly highlighted, making it an auspicious time for marriage and childbirth. Generally, good news will come in a trio, so one should expect glad tidings one after another. Should there be any challenges, noble Pigs will offer sound advice to help resolve any challenges. Luckier months are May, July and November, while lucky colours are gold or white, as well as purple. Lucky numbers are one, six and nine.

Rat: Navigating Challenges and Disturbances (1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020)

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Rats may face challenges, including gossip and potential legal issues stemming from jealousy. Careful consideration is advised, with challenging months in April, June and August. To counter this, Rats should consider their lucky colour, blue mixed with brown or gold, and keep in mind that the lucky numbers for the year are two, seven and eight.

Ox: A Year of Luck and Harvest (1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021)

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Oxen are in for a lucky year marked by celebrations and success. Challenges are expected to be automatically resolved, offering a year of prosperity and good health. The luckier months for those born in this year are May, August and Jan 2025, while lucky colours include gold mixed with blue. Lucky numbers for the Ox to keep in mind are one, six and nine.

Tiger: Travel Caution and Health Focus (1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022)

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Tigers should exercise caution during travel, especially in June, October and December. Health maintenance is crucial, with dental scaling and blood tests recommended twice in the year. The lucky months for Tigers are February, June and September, while purple and green are their lucky colours of the year. Lucky numbers include two, three, seven and eight.

Rabbit: Wisdom in Decision-Making (1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023)

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Rabbits are advised to think wisely before making decisions, seeking guidance from wise individuals. Careful attention to health, particularly in March and September, is crucial to navigate the year’s challenges. Despite this, July would prove to be a fortunate month for Rabbits. Green and blue are lucky colours while two, seven and eight are their lucky numbers.


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Kenny Hoo Feng Shui Year of Wood Dragon Zodiac Prediction

Feng Shui Forecast 2024: Navigating the Year of the Dragon (2024)


What is the prediction for the Dragon in 2024? ›

In 2024, Dragon zodiac individuals have good luck in relationships and family. It's a great time for new relationships or starting a family. There might be trials that can be overcome by doing extra effort and maintaining open communication. The ones who are still single will get a chance to meet their partners.

Where to place Dragon feng shui 2024? ›

In Feng Shui, we say that in 2024 the Dragon is the Lord of the Year, also called the Tai Sui or Grand Duke of the Year. The Dragon is associated with the southeast direction, specifically standing at southeast 1. Thus, the whole sector (or South East Palace) is associated with the Tai Sui.

What did the Feng Shui master predict for 2024? ›

The feng shui master said 2024 will likely bring chaos and power struggle.

What is the best direction for feng shui in 2024? ›

According to Kwan, the most auspicious area for 2024 is the wealth and good luck corner in the North, aka the money spot. “You can locate this by finding the north direction with a compass whilst standing at the center of your space.

Which Chinese zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

Luckiest signs in the year 2024, according to the Chinese Horoscope. According to the China Highlights website, the signs with the most luck and fortune in 2024 will be: monkeys, roosters, and pigs.

What is the lucky color for the year 2024? ›

2024 is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology. The Dragon represents strength and success. Lucky colors for this year are golden, yellow, green, gold, silver, and purple. Each zodiac animal has its own set of lucky colors, creating a vibrant canvas of fortune in 2024.

What are the lucky charms for dragons in 2024? ›

Take care of your dragon partner and friends, talk to them to keep them company. Lucky charms: Wear brightly coloured clothes and bird-shaped accessories, such as chickens or parrots, to boost your luck and social connections.

Which direction should a dragon face? ›

To attract wealth, prosperity and success, it is suggested to place a Feng Shui dragon in the north or east direction of your house. It should face inwards as it indicates the energy flowing into the house. You must strictly avoid placing the dragon facing the entrance door or any window.

What are the lucky directions for dragon? ›

The lucky directions are northwest and southwest. Wearing a rutilated quartz or smoky grey quartz bracelet will be advantageous, as goats and pigs are supportive signs. Dragon (Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024): Unsupportive stars will cause dragons' fortunes to fluctuate.

What is the lucky month to move in 2024 Feng Shui? ›

February's calendar in 2024 is dotted with auspicious dates, perfect for transitioning into your new abode. Interestingly, this month, the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui leans towards Water Days over Fire Days.

What is the Chinese fortune teller for 2024? ›

Chinese Horoscope 2024 predicts a prosperous year for the dragon, representing authority, prosperity, and good fortune. Wood Dragon year 2024 brings evolution, improvement, and abundance. Rats have a great chance of success and recognition. Ox may face difficulties with the Wood Dragon's energy.

What is the Feng Shui remedy for 2024? ›

If that is not feasible, it's crucial to use Feng Shui cures to suppress its effects. The best 2024's Feng Shui cure for the #5 Misfortune Star is the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda. Alternatively you can use the Emerald Pagoda, Heart Sutra Pagoda (8-Inch) or 6 Inch Tree of Life 5 Element Pagoda.

How will 2024 be for dragons? ›

The Year of the Dragon offers Dragon zodiac individuals opportunities for new investments and income. Those turning their passion into a profession may prosper, fueled by the Dragon's positive energy in 2024. They may expect the return of money from wise investments, but stay cautious and learn the market carefully.

How to get lucky in the year of the Dragon? ›

Those who are born in the year of the dragon, in particular, can take other steps to counter any potential negative energy, as well, he said. He recommended wearing red, as well as yellow and green, which are often associated with the wood dragon. Adding plants and wooden items into the home can also help.

What is the wealth corner for 2024? ›

In 2024, the presence of the Eight White Earth Star in the north means that this year's annual wealth position is in the northern part of your home. Decorating this area with metal ornaments might draw more wealth energy, aligning with the metallic element associated with the Eight White Earth Star.

When in 2024 will the Year of the Dragon arrive? ›

Wood dragon year has already started from February 10, 2024.

Is dragon lucky in 2025? ›

In the Dragon Chinese Horoscope 2025 from the perspective of wealth, income, and family growth, the year 2025 looks very promising for those born under the Dragon zodiac. There will be progress in financial ventures and potential growth in new businesses.

What is the Year of the Dragon 2024 for the Tiger? ›

The year 2024, governed by the aggressive Wood Dragon, brings opportunities and obstacles for the Tiger. Embracing change and discovering inner power is crucial. In the workplace, strategic planning and responsibility will be recognized and respected. Flexibility and innovation are needed for unexpected circ*mstances.

What years will be the Year of the Dragon? ›

What years are Year of the Dragon? While 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, the next one will not be until 2036. Below are the previous years when the Year of the Dragon fell on.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.