Financial Management EPR Bullets (2024)

- Navigat'd flt turn-over; trgt'd trng f/experience gaps/development of 31 prgms--aced FY22 execution w/66% new prsnl
- Expanded wg FM trng prgm; cultivated devlpmnt f/acct'g tasks/9 month path--strengthened prsnl budgetary capes f/X

- Champion'd JBER earthquake crisis; fund'd 42 hangar/bldg rprs/56 FY20 projs--ID'd/execut'd $76M w/0 msn stoppage
- Craft'd 1st JBER RMB; org'd 86 NAF/CPAC/FMB rqmts/max'd Wg-CC $/manpwr--12/12 NAF profitable/#1 cmd obs
- Mng'd $24M FSRM pgm; push'd 13 CTO/24 local projs--100% fund'd <16 day std...ern'd add'l $11M f/FY20 CEG bdgt
- Oversaw $3M 673 LRG bdgt; fund'd $459K f/crit lvl 0/1 rqmts/$1M f/C-17 acft spt/JMC ops--coin'd by PACAF FM/CC
- Pilot'd Wg ExPlan; ID'd/correct'd 8 acct errors f/9 FY19 msn rqmt/fix'd $2M disconnect w/HHQ--assur'd $36M f/FY20
- Shoulder'd SFS RA vacancy; led reimbursem*nt pgm/advocat'd f/14 msn rqmts--rcvd $129K/fund'd 100% UFRs/$657K
- Creat'd CPTS/CONS PR rvw process; built real-time cradle-to-grave tracker/pd 402 rqmts--led cmd w/$254M kts fund'd
- Anchor'd Guam typhoon recovery effort; mobiliz'd 19 Amn to aid w/restoration--rcvd $178K FEMA f/JBER assistance
- Govern'd Wg UFR process; mng'd rqmts f/4 gps/saf'd $240K f/PACAF TCCC pilot pgm--ID'd/fund'd 85 UFR's f/$5.5M
- #1 in PACAF f/FIAR; mng'd 8 mbr tm/148 hrs/only base to exceed 90% 14/14 audits--set bar f/cmd w/98% overall score
- Drove largest PACAF SIF/CRF bdgt; fund'd 67 innovation/46 readiness rqmts/$3M--ob'd add'l $350K...go-to wg f/cmd
- Led 673 ABW $247M bdgt f/2 HHQ; led 8 prsnl/incr'd FY19 execution 10%--#1 obs f/PACAF...crush'd 80/20 rule/92%

- Empower'd FMA tm; created continuity/trn'd 31 mbrs on 22 bdgt tasks--mentorship led to 3xGp/yr, 4xGp/Q/1 BTZ awd
- Attack'd FM rqmts; cmplt'd 2 day DEAMS crse/1 wk jt reimbursem*nt class-ern'd 23 CPE's/improved 2 bdgt processes
- Conquered FM level 2 Cert tasks; devoted 52 hrs/cmplt'd 60 CPEs/led 22 trngs/2 confrences-finished rqmts 4 mos early
- Advocat'd f/TFTN; enabl'd 120 resilience events--creat'd 1-stop JBER in-processing/secur'd $638K...1K% bdgt increase

- #1/550 FM CoPs AF-wide; SAF/FM CoP of the Qtr (Oct-Dec 08); 47K "hits"; FM info at customer fingertips
- #1/6 ACC large bases 2nd and 3rd quarter performance indicators--numbers tell the story; Langley sets the std
- 100% of $200M pgm executed--only $60K left at EOY--paved the way for the best EOY in over 5 years

- Accompl'd 3 bank runs; 17 pmts processed, 235M CFA disbursed--FOB vehicle/crane sppt contract issues mitigated
- Accompl'd FY17 RAFM GPC recon; pushed 182 cards/tracked $18.4M--garnered $33K in rebates f/RAFM VPI pgm
- Administered $2.8M pmnts; processed 36 docs w/DFAS, coord'd 8 MIPRs--funded DAPS printer svcs for Wg
- Administrated eight GPC master accounts; $376K expertly utilized--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY16

- Aggressive focus on GTC prgm! Lowest delinquency rate in 3+ yrs; rcv'd rebate providing add'l funds for Wing
- Asst'd w/GEPCO emergency pmts; disb'd $150K/80.3M CFA, 3K+ CM of aggregate laid--abated runway proj delays
- Audited 3.4K mil pay docs; achiev'd 97% accuracy--crush'd AF 95% std/ensur'd proper entitlements paid w/out delay
- Avert'd AOR-wide BX shutdown; estab'd $2M cash chg ntwk w/USAFE--secur'd $222K net profit/nonstop svc f/80K

- Beat GTC delinquencies into submission--1.7% yearly avg beat 2% standard; earned 90K+ in GTC rebates
- Blazed trail of success! Skillfully executed $200M program--Langley is #1, at home and away; I'll tell you why
- Bolstered QoL f/480 junior enlisted w/$20K wifi project f/$70M/5-dorm campus--Wg/CCC: Huge TM morale haul!
- Bridged 5 mo manning gap; filled primary mil pay input role--prcs'd 3K transactions/sustain'd swift 1 day turnaround

- Built $1.5B Langley/Ft Eustis joint base funding/manpower req't--key piece of BRAC legislation--no msn gaps
- Built first-ever "Top 10 DTS Errors" tool; gave tips to 9K travelers; benchmarked by HQ to use across Cmd
- Built resource mgt team--CONS, RAs & DFAS--reduced aged invoices 15%, recognized 93% of discounts

- Cashiered f/AB 201; ex'd $27K/14M CFA+, over 500 trans during 5 mos tenure--strengthened US/Nigerien econ ties
- Certified E-Leave/COT/SDT orders; examined travel entitlements/105 psnl--sv'd mbrs $198K costs/increased morale
- Civilian pay guru; verified DAO tracker with 116 certifiers & 15 timekeepers--audit ready and 100% MICT compliant
- Co-led 7 nation/58 mbr tasking; 34 tons mobilized f/largest sq deployment--prep'd 9K warfighters/OPLAN execution

- Collab'd w/coalition/Jt forces; facilitated emergency supplies purchase/$113K--enabled OAR...5.4K Afghans rescued
- Collab'd w/HI-wide CPOs; dvlp'd C-19 resp/trn'd 249 psnl on civs pay--ensur'd 0 missed pay cycles for $16.1M payroll
- Competent professional; skillfully planned/executed AF BAH Audit, documented over 1000 dependency updates
- Completed 5 lvl tng rqmts; 4 modules/105 hrs/6 mos ahead of schedule--awarded DoD Finance certification 1 yr early

- Conducted PRA rvws w/in CPTS; scrubbed $2.5M/insp'd 44 pay docs, 0 D&F rpt'd--exaultedCongress' FIAR initiative
- Conquered Wg GTC pgm; axed 1K delinquent accts/$1.7M pd/earn'd $112K QoL funds--tagged Cmd's "Best Practice"
- Coor'd w/DFAS on vchr recon; prcs'd 181 trans, 0 vchrs out-of-balance f/FY17--RAFM efforts "lauded" by AFIMSC
- Coord'd budget solvency drill w/A3 staff; id'd $600K add'l for air cbt training--funded COMACC's top msn priorities

- Coord'd w/RAFL Housing/USAFE FM f/OHA audit; ID'd 86 debts, processed 53 debt letters--returned $25.1K to AF
- Coordinated all WSA DLA copier leases; 17 copiers/$41.4K--retained vital assets for 13 offices/zero halts to mission
- Coordinated/report'd GTC data to MAJCOM FM/base APCs; advised Wg leadership/delinquencies declined 5%
- Crafted disaster recovery spend plan; valid'd 90 rqmts; echoed strat msg to OSD/Congress--$330M deliver'd in FY20

- Creat'd ad-hoc DTS help-desk; 1st on-site spt f/<1K jt Combined Air & Space Ops Ctr pers--resolv'd 17 cases/<24 hrs
- Created trend analysis charts; tracked individual tech prog/regression--provided key development info to leadership
- Created/deployed "Smart Money" newsletter; pushed key FM news to base populace; lauded by 1FW/CCC
- Created/implemented financial surge tm; acquired manning from partner APRC--reduced ticket que/on pay wait time

- Delivered the mission; enabled 8K sorties/12K flying hrs--ensured AF air dominance & combat capability
- Detailed NAF analysis led to Golf Course recognizing $378K profit--ended 54 month AF/MAJCOM flagging
- Dev'd 1st ever elec funds trace process; provided skills/expertise to AFRC--supported 7K IMA/recoup $7K lost pay
- Developed use of MPF data to post SH03--ACC Amn out-process w/out finance stop; implemented AF-wide

- Diligent! Generated, addressed and distributed the missing time report for 360+ employees--paid on time every time!
- Dir'd lcl strategic plan'g for AFIPPS; unified CPTS-MPS 62 psnl/weekly tng pgm--propelled HAF vision of 1 HR sys
- Directed logistics team f/EUCOM ops ctr; led 3 surveys/fwd staging rqmt secured--$162k/yr savings/met 4-Star vision
- Discovered missing equip during SAV/insp; initiated 7 ROSs/kept process on track--recovered $16K assets f/20 FW

- Drafted $250M logistics plan contract; built rqmts/road map f/contr transition--upped manning by 4 prsnl/fluid ops spt
- Drafted WSA UFR list; id'd 34 unsourced requirements worth $696K--acquired critical EoY supplies in under 4 hrs
- Drove budget pgm; reconciled100 payment/collection vouchers/0 over payments--accounted $1.3M inaccounting sys
- Drove Cmd's GTC rebates;routed 4th qtr Citibank checks/$1.6M for 8 bases--secured add'l funds for Wg's top 3 UFRs

- Drove SAF/FM tasks; coord'd w/55 APCs/Citi Bank on unclaimed $/notified mbrs <2 wks--2K Amn refunded $750K
- Dvlp'd ANG sep/ret proc; coord'd w/154 Wg ldrs/est'd agreement w/CPTS--pd timely final pay to 452 Guardsmen/$99K

- Educated 122 PCS-in newcomers 1-on-1/id'd 32 high cost of living hardship issues/reduced brief time by 30%
- Enabled 15 Wing lethality; spt'd 8 exer/3.9K sorties/9.5K fly hrs--garnered 12 sq/5 gp/1 wg/3 cmd awds w/14 DV coins
- Enabled distribution/availability of 183K wrkdys for 1.7K-mbrs--88.9% execution of resources/WG mission-ready
- Engaged w/Wg ldrs to build case for E-6 BAS approval; reduced DFAC overcapacity by 15%--superb decision supt!

- Engineered base PCS briefing; provided financial info to 55 mbrs--perfected PCS transition to 6 units across 3 GSUs
- Engineered CPTS newsletter; educated 15 sqs on GTC prcs for First Term Amn--WG/CCC lauded sq's info campaign
- Engineered RIO tm briefing; provided financial info to mbrs f/120 days--perfected PCS transition/maintained quality
- Evolved MDG capes; sync'd w/2 orgs, bought 20 laptops--empowered mobile med svs f/3 wgs, 65 GSU & 7K pts mthly

- Ex'd $236M bgts f/7 tenants/4 GSUs; led dets w/i 4 diff MAJCOM's thru EOY--enhancd USEUCOM msn footrprint
- Executed $206K AMXS budget; sq on course to close out FY16 FHP--facilitated 10.6K srts/21.6K hrs flown to date
- Executed $6.7M AFCEC MIPR; JIAC capabilities revitalized f/21 existent RAF facs--aligne w/Congressional dir 705
- Executed $6M disbursing ops; rallied COVID-19 posture, 4K trans--powered busiest AFCENT aerial port/5.5K msns

- Executed annual RAB inventory; permitted 625 mxer's to focus on mx--fueled 98% MSE rt, FY17/dwarfed 95% goal
- Expertly mng'd t/s'g f/civ pay; >75 remedy tickets settled, acct'd f/100% of FM cases--0 rcds/pay checks unreconciled

- Facilitat'd AOR closeout; sourc'd 36 crit rqmts/>$5M--giant voice upgrade at 2 sites/CFACC #1 pri/12K jt prsnl secur'd
- Facilitated 350 customer inquiries; resolved 10 complex pay issues w/in 24 hrs--scored 100% svc satisfaction ratings
- Filled NCO gap; absorbed add'l $25M budget as MDG/WSA analyst--spt'd 14 agencies/named Wg Warrior of the Wk
- Filled Sq SEL x30 days; led tm to 11x sq/3x group/3x PACAF/FM awards, 2 BTZ wins--awarded WSA SNCO OT4Q

- FM chair/F-22 FTU site survey; detailed analysis mapped $326M relo costs--informed AF permanent basing strategy
- FM self-service is reality; innovation reduced walk-in traffic 28% from FY08; satisfaction still soars 4.8/5.0
- Funded the fight; supported 25+ exercises, deployments and operations--processed 1400 Airmen/47 locations

- Gap-filled pos during 40% mnpwr crisis; asst'd tvl & pay inquiries f/1700+ Amn/Civ prsnl--lauded f/spt to WG/GSUs
- Grew MCA! FMer sel'd for Wg TRON tm; led Proj CASCADE/tracked wg rdyness pgms--trailblazed DevSecOps race

- Handl'd GPC program recon; crtf'd 150 accts/$1.5M monthly avg f/FY16--garnered $33K rebate f/wg QoL initiatives
- Handpicked to assist ARPC HQ f/6 mo; fixed enormous reserve travel voucher backlog--supported all AFRC IMAs
- Hard charging officer and leader on high powered and diverse staff--make a Sq CC then select for IDE in-residence
- Headed asset integration tm; ran 11 acceptance insp s/reduced backlog by 15%--added 11 sys f/STTR range taskings

- Heightened Sq capes; coord'd addition of $6.6M of equip w/4 offices--streamlined process by 4 mo/8 sys rdy f/5 jt ops
- Helm'd AF's lrgst OCO cash ops; ink'd new SOPs f/7 sites/$15M--vital to AFCENT/FMA Special Staff Team OTY '20
- High performer! Stepped up as lead proc tech; led travel voucher proc/auditing for 3 mo--lauded for pt to Wg/GSUs
- Highly knowledgable; id'd/addressed a multitude of complex civ/mil pay entmnt tasks--exhibited amplified expertise

- Id'd critical $304k shortfall in C-12 CLS funding; scrubbed 9 CTF budgets to source funds--enabled 202 C-12 hours
- ID'd FY21 COLA sys errors; coop'd w/AFIMSC for fixes/update--prevented $100K erroneous debts/saved 20 man hrs
- ID'd WSA budget execution issue; realigned $9.1K towards critical wing shortfall rqmts--Sq Ao3Q & PACAF PoTM
- Instrmntl to DEAMS trnst'n; endless hrs of overtime to learn system, train RAs, create prcss'--minimum msn impact!
- It doesn't stop there; awarded #1 FM team in the AOR during AEF 9/10--Langley members define excellence

- Key player f/$7M contract; scoped 2K assets/17 sys/$40M equip--paved sustainment f/$3.9B USAFWC/CC initiative
- Key tm member for ACC FY20 budget plan rollout; readied $7.1B/8,500 msn requirements for warfighter execution
- Key to $5.7M MCA process; ensured fund availability/pymnts for facility bills--kept utility services on/civilians paid
- Key to Op JUNIPER MICRON success; MSG TM cert'd 737 /$1M--enabl'd 1.6M gal offload/crit NATO AAR op

- Langley pacesetters! 100% of squadron passed AF PT test; 7 scored excellent--fit-to-fight anywhere, anytime
- Lead auditor for base Financial Svcs Ofc; certified 1.1K pay documents w/99% accuracy--crushed USAFE's 95% std
- Lead DTS admin; approv'd 1,3K claims, coord'd RI changes w/USAFE FM f/3 OLs--repurpos'd $156K f/Wg initiatives
- Lead DTS admin; processed 120 travel inquiries for med Ops--resolved 50 high-visibility obstacles w/zero msn delay

- Lead escort f/Change of Cmd Ceremony; welcomed & escorted CC family--recognized by AFCR/CC f/performance
- Lead mil pay tech; 1.5K phone calls, emails/input 3K TLA/BAH transactions w/98% accuracy--$1.5M pay disbursed
- Lead trainer f/civ pay rpts/new processes; trnd 10 Amn/impl'd filing/int'l allotment practice--dev/enhanced trng prgm
- Leader amongst peers; trn'd flt on entitlements/guided 2 core gp sessions--postured flt of 32 for 8 unit qtrly awd wins

- Led 154 ANG tng for new help-desk sys; dvlp'd "how-to" guide/educated 4 psnl--streamlined cust svc for 425 AGRs
- Led 21 mil; coord'd w/MHO/steered 393 ROM claims/$2M--team earned HQ Perf OTM/Cmd 'Best Practice'/2 HSMs
- Led 6-mbr tm; revamped tracker/trn'd step-by-step prcs f/suspended debts--#1 in AF f/FM metric/earned Gp NCOTQ
- Led 85 in-processing briefs; audited 1.1K vchrs/$1.3M--sustained <1% GTC delinquency/expedited transition to units

- Led AB 201 Eagle Cash prgm; issued 146 cards, 725 card inventory sec'd/acct'd for--724 EABS/FM ops audit ready!
- Led efforts to correct audit deficiencies--13 audits, 73 recommendations, 100% timely implemented--wow!
- Led FY16 qtrly cash count team; ensur'd proper use of $525K/460NOK f/3 sqdn/GSUs--safeguard'd f/U.S. Treasury
- Led reqs dvlpmt for C-17 weight/balance app; liais'd w/2 orgs/3 SMEs--rdy to save 350 hrs yrly/spt 224 arcft/14K jacks

- Led spt planning cell; negotiated air/gnd logistics/msn config f/31 events--geared range to conduct 2.6K hrs msn ctrl
- Leveraged $15M OCO funding; ensured Team Langley deployment capable--mobility & readiness fully funded
- Liaised w/AFOSI & DFAS; resolved 3 fraudulent housing cases--reinforc'd financial integrity/$1.6K recoup'd to govt
- Liaison'd w/IPR f/OCO tvl order approvals; cert'd 137 CED orders/$155K disb'd--ess to Op Juniper Micron execution

- Linchpin in OTJ; coor'd w/USAFE A3 on short notice taskings/300+ mbrs--enabled successful show of force
- Lobbied $234M for RC-135 Simulator; secured supp funding/preserved pilot training pipeline--rebuilds full capacity

- Managed $5.1M MSG CRA bdgt; in-depth analysis for five sqs/support gp staff--100% obligated by CRA end
- Managed 25 deployed BPAs worth $16M; oversaw accounting of $77M budget; expertly sustained the mission
- Managed ACSA $2M transfer to LDA; validated 50 Jt forces sustainment rqmts--fueled 17 nations' NATO operations
- Managed travel pay for 70 mbrs; processed 50 advances <1-day receipt/100% accurate--mbrs pd on time...every time

- Managed virtual org box; resolved 600 pay inquiries/vetted 450 pay records--slashed response time from 72-to-24 hrs
- Mastered Eagle Cash Card prgm; issu'd 1.7K cards/reduc'd customer traffic/US currency--morale boost f/10K jt force
- Mentored CPTS; briefed 2 officers, 9 enlisted, & 5 Civ on AF plan to rebuild for war & FM contingency ops
- Meticulously accounted for 1.7K lines of dormant obs worth $394M--freed $10M in prior yr for critical needs

- Meticulously certified $1.8M; created 24 planning Fm 9's--enabled seamless FY16 crossover/0 msn stoppage
- Meticulously managed UTM prgm, completed MICT ahead of schedule--all personnel up-to-date on training rqmts
- Meticulously prcs'd 50+ tvl vouchers/15 OHA & TLA claims; disbursed $15K--ensured prompt GTC payments f/prsnl
- Meticulously researched open document listing; identified & deob'd 13 PY items valued $65K--reduced 5 yr backlog

- Mg'd cashier cage proj; coor'd safe move, cage build & improved FP w/safe upg--aligned w/DoD FMRV5 directives!
- Mg'd SFS $3.3M budget! Spt'd 285 SF psnl/44 UTC s/>$7M--prot'd assets=15 KC-135, 10 CV-22 & 7 MC-130/$5B
- Mission Essential Skills Training fund manager; appropriated 497 days, 18K travel for required mx task completion
- Mng'd 18 DAs/PAs; dart'd $19.5M/23K transactions, ran 21 cash counts--postur'd US/20-partner forces f/OIR/OFS ops

- Mng'd acquisition forecast; drove MAJCOM f/two deployable sys transfers--saved $4M/primed sq f/global coverage
- Mng'd auditin f/RAFM Financial Svcs Ofc; cert'd 32.8K pay docs wrkld w/96% accuracy--crushed USAFE's 95% std
- Mng'd finance customer spt center; guided hundreds of customers wkly--saved AFRC over 1K man hrs/pay on time
- Modernized COT/IPCOT trvl; polished guides for 58 CSS's/incr'd acc by 10%--decreased pay time from 14 to 3 days

- Navigat'd 5 last-min Paying Agent taskings; coord'd w/Navy Intel/$87K cash spt--propell'd CYBERCOM msn to Japan

- Orchestrat'd AFCENT Eagle Cash prgm; 6 FOBs/225 devices--alt method remov'd $90M cash/mitigated potential loss
- Organized 2 no-notice cash verification audits; validated $51.5K cash-on-hand--100% Disbursing Ops accountability
- Other addt'l duties include FARM, CPR instructor, Safe Custodian--all mng'd w/ 100% dedication to audit readiness
- Outstanding RA! Mng'd 557 GTC accounts/$902K GTC expenses--upheld 1.8% delinquency rt/bested ACC's 2% std

- Overhauled GPC prgm; mng'd 6 mbrs/budgeted $2.5M UFR--closed 10-yr funding gap f/DoD's only mobile space sim
- Oversaw GTC pgm; reduced delinquent cards 33%/Wg earned $45K QoL rebates--awd'd PACAF/FM SNCO OT1Q
- Oversaw $12M pymts; coord'd $152K print contract/8 Mil Inter-departmental PRs--guaranteed TM print capabilities
- Oversaw annual fuel budget; monitored Sq's 46 vehicle fleet--reduced monthly liabilities by $7K during sequestration

- Oversaw CED cert process; certified 66 orders/$102K in 2 hours--successful execution of Operation
- Oversaw FY19 COLA survey efforts; 11 retail CATs rvw'd, 140 items research'd w/in 48 hrs--imprv'd QoL f/16K prsnl
- Oversaw honor guard integration; shifted $30K into WSA budget--supported 450 ceremonies/20K square mile AOR
- Oversaw sq's ROM prcs; sync'd w/NGIS/reconciled 360 lodging claims--$1.4M paid/zero out-of-pocket for 360 Amn

- Partner'd w/FM Deputy Dir, Combined Air & Space Ops Ctr--spt'd $1.2B OCO portfolio/44.6K sorties/6.8K air strikes
- Partnered w/DLA/DFAS; identified/corrected $29K in erroneous fuel charges--saved $221K in mission funds
- Personally in-processed 48 FW/CC & CCC; prioritized PCS--zero delays leadership gained on station w/in 24 hrs
- Prepared 58 EOM RBA Status of Funds reports for 15 CTF PM/SPOs and 14 test customers--100% delivered on time

- Pri AFIPPS trainer f/2 bases; dvlp'd trng pgm f/30 3F0 prsnl/142 tasks--primed f/seamless transition ISO 11K Amn in '22
- Process'd 543 PCS arrivals on new Amn; updated all pay/allowances in < 1 day--destroyed AF 5-day standard
- Processed $6.9M+; obligated 160 docs w/100% accuracy, transferred 5 PY charges--freed up $70K for FY16
- Processed 372 funding docs; loaded $10M to accounting syst--reinforced spending power/msn capes for 15 squadrons

- Processed funding actions, balanced, ensured funds cntrl of O&M, MilPers--99.5% execution of Top 3 ANG budget
- Procured $48K of PPE/cold wx gear; 625 mxer's focused on mx effort--upheld 98% MSE rt FY16/dwarfed 95% goal
- Produced DB to provide ldr's w/ accurate data on unpaid mil/trvl pay--expdt hndrds/mbrs receipt of pay & entlmnts
- Pushed Sq's Land Mobile Radio upgrade; procured 26 assets/$175K--strengthened mx/warfighter's comm capes 60%

- Ramrodded 62 time sensitive DTS accruals/paid $76.2K late GTC bills; mitigated DoD AEF cycle bottleneck
- Ran TW OCO budget; consolidated travel/gear/pay funds of 37 squadrons--executed $3.7M/bolstered warfighter spt
- Refin'd PCS gaining SOPs; in-prcs'd 1.6K Amn/$5.6M paid <3-days vs. AF 30-day std--pgm #1/9 wgs in Cmd x6 mos
- Refined ROM OIs; coord'd w/NGIS, elim'd 647 delinquent lodging claims--$100K pd...awd'd PACAF/FM NCO OT2Q!

- Regulated PCS ops; tm audited 2K vouchers/payment timeliness up 9%--#1 of 9 wgs in Cmd achieved #9/98 in AF
- Reinforced CMS prgm; coord'd w/MPF/DFAS/AFPC to close 2.8K cases w/in 45 days--topped HHQ metric 6/12 mos
- Reorg'd wg's Welcome Ctr; infused 8 ntwk tools/trn'd 16 stf--surged 8/13 FM stats, 4 into ACC's top 10%, svd 300 hrs/yr
- Researched and resolved complex internal/external budget issues; maintained integrity of all appropriated funds

- Resolved AFIMSC pay reports; 4-mbr team fixed 14 mbrs' pay--closed 3 MICT discreps/prevented $20K BAH errors
- Resolved HQ-generated pay rpts; led 4-mbr tm, fixed 20 pay records--closed 4 MICT discreps, averted BAH errors/$50K
- Resource conscious DTS reviewer; audited/corrected/input 735 auths/vouch; 112K--produced accurate/timely pay
- Revamp'd AOR disbursing prgm; reduc'd lead time from 1 wk to 48 hrs--expedit'd cash/mov'd $1.9M/aid'd 6 CONOPS

- Revamped civ pay pgrm; dev'd step-by-step trn'g guide, impl'd ingenious rcd prc f/23 new hires--sect knwldg bolstered
- Revamped civ/mil pay pgrm; dev'd step-by-step trn'g guide, impl'd ingenious record proc--reduced pay reject by 99%
- Revamped customer svc audit process; initiated on-spot corrections for 3 techs--reduced military pay rejects by 30%
- Revamped sep/ret pgm; conducted 317 1-on-1 briefs/approved 475 leave requests--elim'd 6 mos backlog/eased transit

- Revised DTS and GTC training; developed e-Registration; 169 Amn given hands-on training; lauded by all
- Revised Reserve spt f/vchr prcs; cleared backlog...expedited 75 vchr's/$25K paid--cut pymt time by 8 wks/66% faster
- Revived contingency tng; 1st in 13 mos/postured sq for Paying Agent msn--shouldered 4/8 PACAF/FM TDY taskings
- Revived CPTS newsletter; 15 sqs informed on new GTC prcs for TTGs/eased PCS transition--coined by 613 AOC/CC

- Secured 56K EOY funding for OCP APEX and backpacks -- ensured mbrs were properly equipped for new uniform
- Secured/mng'd $880K in new contracts; led acft sun shade/travel pod overhaul--spt'd 10.9K srts/23K hrs f/FY17 FHP
- Selected #1/13 AFCENT paying agents Jan 09 and two AEW NCO/month--Dec 08, Sep 09; certified rockstars
- Smashed Triannual Review items; integral in research of 35+ docs--validated $250K w/$80K returned to units

- Sole sq GPC cardholder; enabled telework, acquired $125K comm/ofc eqpmt--reduced spread, sustained 3 orgs 24/7 ops
- Sole supply/logistics mgr f/2 sq's; oversaw $186M inventory f/33 high-vis EW msns--spt'd 22 DoD/coalition partners
- Solo FM lead at 536 person 419th CTF; executed $111M budget supporting 8 aircraft, 6 test sorties and 40 test hours
- Spearhead'd OHA/Utility Expn survey tasker; 30% participation goal achiev'd--better'd QoL/utility expn index 9%

- Spearheaded Shaw's $58K intake/exhaust cover replacement contract--enhanced appearance/boosted FOD prevention
- Sppt'd Mano Dayak a/p sec detail; moved 17 vehicles/$238K valued assets--improved AB 201's mobility & response
- Spt'd 52 acft HUREVAC <24 hrs; gen'd orders f/47 Amn/protected $2B fleet--keyed Grp's '16 Mx Daedalian Trophy
- Spt'd Cmd largest acctng pgm; tm'd w/37 RAs/5Cmds/secured$850K transient alert UFR--executed $388M fiscal ops

- Sq SME on DoD procurement/ethics; aced financial crs/rqmts--executed budget ISO 1.9K range hrs f/14 CCMD ex's
- Steered wg's DoD FM cert pgm; dvlp'd tng f/32 psnl, 24 crses completed/72 credits--8 Amn SEI rqmts done 6+ mos early
- Stellar DTS Reviewing Official; fixed/processed 100+ travel vouchers--val'd $25K in claims/eased fiscal constraints
- Stopped TCN from scanning flightline; eliminated potential force protection violation--nation's assests secured

- Streamlin'd ROM-lodging prcs; sync'd w/MHO/dir'd 1K claims/$5.2M settl'd--cut scan time by 5 days/paid 28% faster
- Streamlined station gain procedures; cut wkly briefings from 3 to 1--saved 234 man-hrs/slashed processing time 30%
- Sync'd w/MPS & First Sgts; facilitated 22 emer leaves--secured US air transportation for 49 family mbrs w/in 24 hrs

- Tackled problem 3K travel voucher backlog; restored pay/entitlements f/7K Amn--Awd'd 2nd Ach medal f/excellence
- The awards just keep coming--4 ACC/FM, one 1FW, eleven 1FW staff and 2 ASMC award winners this year
- The numbers tell the story--they say Langley is #1 and more than deserving of the FM organization of the year
- TM LMR data call lead! Right-siz'd'd 94 radios/sav'd $500K--TM $1M 1st responder net refresh set!

- Tm'd w/MPS f/pay reform; produc'd x5 A1/SAF/FM-dir'd trngs/trn'd 5 tm leads--prep'd 7.5K/67 units f/AFIPPS reorg
- Tm'd w/MPS on pay reform; produc'd x5 A1/SAF/FM-dir'd trngs/trn'd 5 areas--prep'd 7.5K/67 units for AFIPPS reorg
- Trained civ pay rpts & new processes; 4 new rpts id'd, impl'd filing/int'l allotment practices--coined by USAFE/FM CC
- Trusted w/largest FM prog on TM! Spt'd 1.4K msns--skilled analysis allowed FY16 $32.5M closeout w/zero fallout

- Ultimate warriors; steadfast support to OEF/OIF--8 members deployed--funding freedom's fight; we're all in!

- Validated 276 aircrew incentive pay records; coord'd w/HARM ofc & rectified 3 errors--accurately accounted $465K
- Virtually eliminated interest penalty payments! Paid only $73K for the year--an unbelievable accomplishment
- Vital to AEWs CV-19 response posture; sourced $13M f/quarantine camps/medical PPE--incr'd testing capes by 200%
- Vol'd f/mo food delivery/mail offloads; aided 30+ msns/66 trucks/est. 32+ tons/$1.2M value--huge TM moral booster
- Volunteered Amn time; scrubbed/insp'd pay docs, lowering excess vouchers w/DETs--coord'd improv w/AFRC FM

- Waged war on out of balance vouchers; from 14 months OOB to zero--accounted for > $40K; excellent results
- WG GPC admin; conduct mnthly pmt review/processing, coord'd w/RAs--$13.5K crdt to WG for timely pmt prcssng
- WG/IG WIT mbr; conducted 2 vert insps/4 fiscal pgms/104 checklist items--validated MXS & AMXS UEI-compliant

Financial Management EPR Bullets (2024)


What are the 3 parts to an EPR bullet? ›

There are three parts to a bullet: action, impact and result. The bullet starts with action, a strong, past-tense verb. "This part is the most important," emphasized Alexander, "'Assist' gets you nowhere. Use words like 'led,' 'orchestrated' and 'oversaw,' especially for officers and NCOs."

How to write bullets for EPR? ›

The process for writing effective bullets is simple. State the accomplishment (and how well accomplished), the impact, and the resulting recognition. Describe what the person or organization did and how well they did it. Remember, you're a salesperson, so use energetic, creative adjectives to describe performance.

What is the bullet in EPR? ›

The bullet statement format is a way to describe an achievement in as few words as possible yet fully explain the accomplishment. It's a direct manner of listing accomplishments which specifically avoids generalities, unsubstantiated claims, and flowery embellishments.

What is tactical financial management? ›

Tactical financial management planning occurs after the initial strategic plan has been outlined, and instead includes short-term steps and actions that need to be taken to achieve those broader goals. Tactical financial management is also reviewed or reexamined more regularly, monitoring if steps need to be changed.

What are the 3 main types of bullets? ›

"round-nose" - The end of the bullet is blunted. "hollow-point" - There is a hole in the bullet that creates expansion when a target is struck, creating more damage. "jacketed" - The soft lead is surrounded by another metal, usually copper, that allows the bullet to penetrate a target more easily.

What are the 4 parts of a bullet? ›

The basic components of ammunition are the case, primer, powder, and projectile(s).

What is the rule of bullets? ›

If all items are complete sentences, include a period after each bullet. If all items are single words or short phrases, include a period after the final bullet only.

Can you write your own EPR? ›

Although Airmen don't write their own EPRs, they are expected to keep track of their accomplishments and provide a list of EPR inputs when it's time for EPRs. Once in a while, even after being asked several times, an Airman will not provide any inputs at all.

What is EPR ammunition? ›

Enhanced Performance Round, Lead-Free

The Army Research Laboratory and other participants developed the M855A1, Enhanced Performance Round (EPR), by applying ballistics concepts originally used in large-caliber cartridges to small arms. The result was significant improvements to lethality of small arms.

What goes on an EPR? ›

EPRs are normally written by the member's supervisor with additional input provided by their supervisor's supervisor. Although the bulk of the evaluation is focused on their duty (job) performance, enlisted members are also evaluated on their off-duty performance in areas such as volunteerism and continuing education.

What is an accomplishment impact bullet statement? ›

Bullet points, also known as accomplishment statements, are written proof of your results, achievements and successes from your past jobs, plus show prospective employers what you can do for them. They are the heart of your resume marketing campaign so it's important to write them thoughtfully.

What is an ELD bullet? ›

ELD® Match (Extremely Low Drag Match) bullets are technologically advanced, enhanced accuracy target bullets featuring Heat Shield® tips with the PERFECT MEPLAT (tip point) combined with numerous design features that deliver the highest-in-class ballistic coefficients, superior accuracy and extreme consistency from ...

What are the three types of financial management decisions? ›

The goal of financial management is to maximize a company's shareholder value by making the best possible decisions about how to use its financial resources. There are three primary types of financial decisions that financial managers must make: investment decisions, financing decisions, and dividend decisions.

What is strategic finance vs FP&A? ›

The differences between strategic finance and FP&A

Simply put, strategic finance focuses more on helping businesses to achieve long-term growth goals with the help of data-driven financial decisions. In contrast, FP&A focuses on maintaining the financial health of a business.

What is the role of a finance manager in financial management? ›

Finance manager job description

As Finance Manager, your responsibilities will include overseeing end-to-end finance operations, financial planning and analysis, balance sheet reconciliations, looking to make improvements to procedures and controls, as well as ad-hoc projects and requests as and when they come up.

What is a 3 on an EPR? ›

Or "consider for promotion after the rest of the free world has already been promoted. twice." Or use the stock phrase for "3" EPRs: "consider for promotion". Promotion Statement Key: 5 - promote now, immediately, as soon as possible (promote) 4 - ready for promotion (don't promote)

What are EPR rounds? ›

The Army Research Laboratory and other participants developed the M855A1, Enhanced Performance Round (EPR), by applying ballistics concepts originally used in large-caliber cartridges to small arms. The result was significant improvements to lethality of small arms.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.