Financial wellbeing definition (2024)

Table of contents

Financial well-being synonym

7 stages of financial well-being

Strategies for financial freedom

The importance of financial well-being

Evaluating financial well-being of a company

Financial well-being theory

Wrapping up

You may have heard the phrase “financial wellbeing” tossed around in a recent conference, open enrollment session, or webinar and thought to yourself: What is financial wellbeing anyway? For a deep dive into all things financial wellbeing, keep on reading!

“Financial well-being refers to the overall financial stability and confidence of an individual. It encompasses the ability to manage everyday expenses, save money for future goals or expenses, and to prepare for retirement. It is not just about having more money, it is about achieving a sense of financial literacy, security, and peace.”

Financial wellbeing can be defined as a person's overall financial health, including their ability to meet financial goals and needs. To assess one's financial wellbeing, individuals can take a financial assessment quiz or use a financial health assessment tool to identify areas for improvement. Financial literacy and financial well-being are closely linked, as a good understanding of financial concepts leads to better decision-making. Both a financial wellbeing questionnaire and a financial well-being scale questionnaire provide further insight into one's financial wellbeing status and highlight areas that require attention. Ultimately, the goal of all financial education is to promote financial wellbeing and equip individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed financial decisions for themselves and their families.

Too many words, too little time: Need a financial well-being synonym?

If you’ve ever read anything from Your Money Line, you may have noticed that our definition of financial wellbeing is the exact same as our definition of financial wellness. That’s no mistake. When we refer to financial well-being, we are essentially using a synonym for financial wellness. The terms are interchangeable and convey the same concept of achieving a state of stability in your financial life. In short—the two are used interchangeably, and they're effectively another word for financially stable.

We like to qualify financial wellness or well-being as when you have both financial confidence AND financial stability. So we aim for individuals to feel that their financial life “feels good” (confident) and “is good” (it’s objectively stable).

Similarly, financial well-being can be seen as a synonym for financial health. It emphasizes the state of being in good financial condition and having a sound financial position. Financial well-being encompasses factors such as effective financial management, responsible spending habits, and the ability to meet financial goals. It implies a sense of balance, control, and harmony in one's financial affairs.

On the other hand, if we explore a financial well-being antonym, we encounter the notion of financial instability or financial hardship. This refers to a situation where individuals experience financial difficulties or lack the necessary resources to meet their financial obligations. In contrast to financial well-being, financial instability represents a state of uncertainty and vulnerability in managing one's finances. This isn’t a fun place to be, and helping folks get out of it is why we exist.

In the end, don’t let yet another financial synonym trip you up. If you hear financial health or financial stability, that’s essentially a financial well-being or wellness synonym. And we wish all four of those descriptors for the future money lives of you and your employees.

7 stages of financial well-being

Financial well-being is a multifaceted concept that varies from person to person. To measure and assess one's financial well-being, individuals often employ different frameworks tailored to their specific goals and aspirations. These aren’t specific tips and tricks for “how to achieve financial freedom before 30” or “find financial freedom in 5 years.” Rather, these frameworks provide guidance on achieving financial freedom, independence, and overall well-being.

While the stages of financial freedom may differ for individuals, one framework identifies 7 steps to achieve financial freedom that mark the progression towards overall financial well-being. Let's explore the seven stages of financial well-being and the pathways to attain them. They include:

  1. Survival: Meeting basic needs and managing day-to-day finances.
  2. Stability: Establishing an emergency fund, reducing debt, and budgeting effectively.
  3. Security: Acquiring adequate insurance coverage and saving for medium-term goals.
  4. Independence: Accumulating assets, building investment portfolios, and pursuing financial goals with confidence.
  5. Abundance: Experiencing a level of wealth that surpasses immediate financial needs, providing opportunities for personal fulfillment and philanthropy.
  6. Legacy: Leaving a lasting impact by creating a generational wealth transfer or contributing to society through charitable endeavors.
  7. Significance: Attaining a level of financial success that allows individuals to make a significant difference in their communities and the world at large.

It's important to note that if you’re looking to measure financial freedom, net worth is the measure we most recommend. There are many nuances and other metrics to look at, but also important to consider the state of contentment and balance you find in your money management practices. Ultimately, the journey towards financial well-being involves setting clear goals, adopting sound financial practices, and consistently progressing through the various stages with discipline and determination. Tony Robbins has framework called the 5 levels of financial freedom, but we’ve also seen the following 4-step framework to describe a financial journey:

Financial stability: The initial stage of financial well-being is achieving stability. It involves effectively managing income, expenses, and debt, and establishing an emergency fund. Building a solid foundation of financial stability sets the stage for further progress.

Financial security: Moving beyond stability, financial security entails having sufficient savings and insurance to handle unexpected events such as medical emergencies or job loss. It provides a safety net and peace of mind, protecting against potential setbacks.

Financial independence: Financial independence is often equated with the ability to cover living expenses and meet financial goals without relying on a traditional job. There are inherently different levels of financial independence, but on the whole, it allows individuals to pursue their passions, take risks, and have more control over their time and decisions.

Financial freedom: Financial freedom goes beyond independence. It refers to achieving a level of wealth and financial abundance that enables individuals to live life on their terms. Financial freedom offers the flexibility to pursue dreams, support causes, and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without financial constraints.

In the end, we're less concerned about whether you're in a state of financial freedom vs financial independence.

Strategies for financial freedom

To achieve financial freedom, particularly before the age of 30, there are countless strategies, but a few of the most common pieces of advice include:

Investing early and wisely: Starting to invest at a young age allows individuals to take advantage of compounding returns and grow their wealth over time. Making informed investment decisions and diversifying portfolios are key.

Living below your means: Practicing frugality and maintaining a lifestyle that is below one's income level can free up resources for saving and investing. Living within or below one's means is crucial for long-term financial success.

Building multiple streams of income: Creating alternative income streams, such as starting a side business or investing in rental properties, can accelerate wealth accumulation and provide financial resilience.

Managing debt effectively: Minimizing high-interest debt and developing a strategy to pay off debt efficiently is essential for achieving financial freedom.

Continual learning and self-improvement: Educating oneself about personal finance, investing, and wealth management is crucial for making informed decisions and adapting to changing financial landscapes.

The importance of financial well-being

Financial well-being holds immense significance in terms of personal health, stress management, and long-term economic success. There are many factors affecting financial well-being—including income levels, job stability, effective debt management, savings and investments, access to financial resources, and financial literacy. When these factors are in harmony, individuals experience a sense of control, security, and satisfaction in their financial lives.

The importance of financial well-being cannot be overstated. It directly influences personal health and well-being, both mentally and physically. Financial stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, while achieving financial well-being can alleviate these issues, promoting mental and emotional well-being, reducing stress levels, and fostering a greater sense of security and contentment.

Moreover, financial well-being establishes the groundwork for long-term economic success. It empowers individuals to build a stable financial future, achieve their financial objectives, and establish a solid financial legacy. Financial well-being equips individuals with the ability to navigate economic uncertainties, seize opportunities, and pursue higher education or career advancements without being hindered by financial burdens.

Financial well-being examples can manifest in various ways, such as having an emergency fund to handle unforeseen expenses, affording essential healthcare and insurance coverage, enjoying the freedom to pursue personal interests and hobbies, or having a secure retirement plan. It can also involve supporting one's family, providing quality education for children, or contributing to the community through charitable endeavors.

Evaluating the financial well-being of a company

In addition to personal finances, many people want to identify the financial health of their current or prospective company—which is vastly different from personal financial well-being or wellness. When learning how to determine the financial health of a company, there are various methods and tools available for evaluating its financial performance and overall stability.

Want to know how to evaluate the financial performance of a company? Start by conducting a comprehensive financial analysis. This analysis involves examining the company's financial statements, such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. By assessing key financial indicators, such as revenue growth, profitability, liquidity, and debt levels, one can gain insights into the company's financial health.

The financial health of a company holds great importance for several reasons. It serves as an indicator of its ability to generate profits, manage expenses, and meet financial obligations. A financially healthy company is more likely to attract investors, secure financing, and withstand economic downturns. Additionally, the financial health of a company can impact its reputation, credibility, and ability to retain and attract talent.

To check the financial status of a company, individuals can review financial reports, analyze financial ratios, and compare performance against industry benchmarks. If you need a Financial health ratio formula, such as liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and solvency ratios—simply check your good friend Google for a deeper dive. These can provide quantitative measures of a company's financial well-being. These ratios are calculated using unique formulas to each ratio, enabling a more objective financial analysis of a company.

Looking for a financial health of a company example? A company with a strong financial health might have consistent revenue growth, healthy profit margins, low debt levels, and sufficient cash flow to meet its obligations. On the other hand, a financially distressed company may exhibit declining revenues, negative profitability, high debt burdens, and difficulties in generating positive cash flow.

In the end—the importance of financial health of a company can’t be understated—learning how to check the financial status of a company is crucial for investors, business partners, and certainly by employees who rely on the company to fuel their salaries and personal financial lives. By conducting a thorough financial analysis and using financial health ratios, individuals can gain insights into the company's financial performance, stability, and long-term prospects. Understanding the financial health of a company is essential for making informed decisions, mitigating risks, and maximizing potential opportunities.

Financial well-being theory

Financial well-being theory encompasses the study and measurement of an individual's overall financial wellness and its impact on their quality of life. Researchers and organizations, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), have developed tools and scales to assess financial well-being, providing insights into its psychometric properties and its measurement over the lifecourse.

The CFPB has developed the Financial Well-being Scale, a widely recognized tool for measuring financial well-being. This scale assesses individuals' subjective experiences and feelings related to their financial situation. It encompasses a range of indicators, including financial security, freedom of choice, financial control, and the ability to meet financial goals. The psychometric properties of the CFPB Financial Well-being Scale have been extensively studied, demonstrating its reliability and validity as a measure of financial well-being.

Measuring financial well-being over the lifecourse allows researchers to explore how individuals' financial circ*mstances change over time and the factors influencing those changes. It provides insights into the dynamic nature of financial well-being, taking into account life events, socio-economic factors, and individual experiences. This research helps identify patterns, challenges, and opportunities in promoting financial well-being across different stages of life.

The CFPB financial well-being definition is a state where individuals have a sense of security and control over their current and future financial situation. It emphasizes the importance of financial stability, the ability to handle financial shocks, and the pursuit of financial goals aligned with personal values. The CFPB's financial stability questionnaire, combined with the Financial Well-being Scale, provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual's financial health and offers a CFPB financial well-being score.

Financial well-being theory encompasses the measurement, research, and understanding of individuals' financial wellness. The CFPB's Financial Well-being Scale and related tools provide a framework for assessing financial well-being, exploring its psychometric properties, and understanding its impact over the lifecourse.

Other financial well-being research delves into various dimensions, including the impact of financial literacy and education, social support, and access to financial resources on an individual's overall well-being. It explores the link between financial well-being and mental health, physical health, and overall life satisfaction.

Wrapping up an exploration of financial well-being

Here at Your Money Line, we use a variety of different tools (both third-party and proprietary to us) to evaluate financial well-being and guide employees toward having more of it. Whether utilizing our guides and services, leaning into the CFPB, or working with another financial professional—all that matters is that you’re on a path to greater financial well-being and healthier, less stressful financial future.

Financial wellbeing definition (2024)


Financial wellbeing definition? ›

Financial well-being defined

What is another term for financial well-being? ›

There are several terms used, sometimes interchangeably with FWB: financial wellness, financial health, financial satisfaction, financial comfort, financial resilience (Nibud, 2018; Schmidtke et al., 2020; Sorgente & Lanz, 2017; Xiao & Porto, 2017).

What is personal financial wellbeing? ›

Financial wellbeing is about having the financial freedom to make choices that allow you to enjoy life. There are some things that affect our finances that we can't control, like rising cost of living or unexpected expenses. But there are some things we can control. Every day we make choices with our money.

What does do well financially mean? ›

“Well to do” and ''Well off'' refer to a person's ''net worth'' and financial stabiity... While this can be a ''relative'' measurement—especially dependong upon where one lives— having at least enough of a ''savings buffer'' to last one year could be considred ''well off''

What are the 4 pillars of financial health? ›

Many financial experts agree that financial health includes four key components: Spend, Save, Borrow, and Plan. It is crucial that you actively work on improving the health of each one.

What determines financial wellbeing? ›

Being financially well means you can meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel secure in your financial future, and are able to make choices that allow you to enjoy life – in other words, financial freedom.

What does it mean to be financially well? ›

Financial well-being defined

Financial well-being is a state of being wherein a person can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future and is able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life. 3.

How do you get financial wellbeing? ›

How good habits can help you achieve financial wellbeing
  1. Live within your means. ...
  2. Spend wisely. ...
  3. Free up funds. ...
  4. Build emergency savings. ...
  5. Avoid excessive borrowing and manage your existing debt. ...
  6. Save for the future. ...
  7. Protect what matters. ...
  8. Beware of scams and fraud.

How do you describe someone who is financially stable? ›

A simple definition of financial stability is being able to comfortably live every month without worrying about money. You don't overspend but you still enjoy doing things you love to do. You pay your bills on time and you have an emergency fund in place.

What is an example of financial wellbeing? ›

Effectively managing your regular expenses, such as groceries, utilities, and rent or mortgage payments, is the foundation of financial wellness. When you can comfortably cover these expenses, it can reduce daily stress and anxiety.

What does financial wellness look like? ›

In general, you should consider yourself financially healthy if you can keep up with your bills and debt, have money set aside for emergencies, and have enough extra cash to plan for future expenses, such as college and retirement.

What does a financially healthy person look like? ›

Typical signs of strong financial health include a steady flow of income, rare changes in expenses, strong returns on investments, and a cash balance that is growing.

What is another word for financial wellbeing? ›

If you hear financial health or financial stability, that's essentially a financial well-being or wellness synonym.

How can you tell if someone is financially stable? ›

The most common signs of a financially stable person include having little to no debt, being able to make and stick to a budget, having a healthy amount of money in savings, and having a good credit score. Financially stable people tend to see their net worth increase year over year.

How to tell if you're doing good financially? ›

5 Signs You're Financially Stable
  1. Living Below Your Means. Living below your means indicates that you have a budget and you can stick to it. ...
  2. Paying Your Bills on Time. Do you pay your bills on time every time? ...
  3. Having a Good Credit Score. ...
  4. Investing Regularly. ...
  5. Having Clearly Defined Financial Goals.

What are the 5 steps in personal financial management? ›

Five personal financial planning steps to take
  • Assess your financial situation and typical expenses. ...
  • Set personal financial goals. ...
  • Create a plan that reflects the present and future. ...
  • Fund your personal goals through saving and investing. ...
  • Monitor your progress.
Jun 20, 2024

What are the 5 principles of wellbeing? ›

5 ways to wellbeing
  • Connect. Spend time developing and nurturing relationships with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues. ...
  • Be active. Try to find an activity that you enjoy, and that keeps you active, such as walking, swimming, cycling or playing football. ...
  • Keep learning. ...
  • Give. ...
  • Take notice.

What are the 5 steps to wellbeing model? ›

Check them out below.
  • Step 1 – Connect. Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are. ...
  • Step 2 – Get active. Many people find that physical activity helps them maintain positive mental health. ...
  • Step 3 – Take notice. ...
  • Step 4 – Learn. ...
  • Step 5 – Give.

What is take 5 steps to wellbeing? ›

The Take 5 steps to wellbeing (Connect, Keep learning, Be active, Take notice and Give) approach contributes to improving wellbeing in its fullest sense, both physically and emotionally, where people feel good and function well.

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