Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (2024)

Who doesn’t want a whiter smile? After all, it’s a reflection of overall good oral health. But what’s the best way to whiten your teeth?

Over-the-counter kits are popular but can come with the risk of sensitivity and gum irritation. When you’re looking for the best whitening treatment, you should always consult a dental professional to ensure you get great results, and a process that’s safe and gentle on your teeth.

From convenient, prescribed home treatments to in-office professional whitening, let’s look at safe, effective options that you can talk through with your dentist or hygienist.

If you want… fast, dramatic results

To get the brightest smile possible, check in with your dental professional for an in-office treatment.

Whitening with whitening lamps gives the most intense results, accelerating ingredients to get to work and reverse staining. As your dental professional carries this out for you, you can be sure you’re getting a safe whitening treatment.

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (1)

This kind of whitening is especially effective if you have deep discoloration, maybe from years of smoking, drinking wine and coffee, or taking certain types of medication.

With Philips Zoom! WhiteSpeed, your smile can whiten up to 8 shades in 45 minutes. Not only do you get a whiter smile, your dental professional will follow up whitening with our post-treatment gel that’s clinically proven to reduce sensitivity and help protect enamel.

With outstanding whitening and little to no sensitivity, you get the best of both worlds. Click here to find your nearest dental professional who offers WhiteSpeed.

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (2)

Philips Zoom! WhiteSpeed

Our best teeth whitening treatment for: those who want dramatic, instant results

From 450€

If you want… to take your first steps into whitening

Maybe you’re new to whitening, or want to try it for a special occasion?

Getting your dentist or hygienist to carry out your whitening treatment ensures you’re in safe hands: tooth whitening is safest and most effective when carried out by a dental professional, lowering the risk of sensitivity and gum irritation.

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (3)

If you want… to whiten teeth at home

You want to nudge that smile up a couple of shades? With one of our home kits, you can brighten your smile gradually and conveniently, with a treatment that fits into your schedule.

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (4)

To get the best in home teeth whitening, it makes sense to get advice from a dental professional to get the right treatment to meet your needs. Personalized treatments, prescribed by your dentist, give you peace of mind as you whiten at home. Philips Zoom! DayWhite and Philips Zoom! NiteWhite are recommended by your dental professional so you won’t be caught out by picking too strong a formula.

You get customized whitening trays that fit every contour of your teeth for even results and, depending on the strength recommended to you, you’ll have whiter teeth in one to two weeks. As part of your kit, you’ll also get our post-treatment gel, that helps to protect enamel and reduce sensitivity.

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (5)

PhilipsZoom! DayWhite

Our best teeth whitening treatment: to fit into your day-to-day schedule

From 280€

Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (6)

PhilipsZoom! NiteWhite

Our best teeth whitening treatment for: convenient overnight brightening

From 280€

Our five-step routine for a healthy smile

  • Clean that

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (7)

    AM: Clean for 60 secs

    Clean that tongue

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (8)

    AM: Clean for 60 secs

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (9)


    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (10)


    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (11)


    Tip:Remove bad breath bacteria that settle overnight by cleaning your tongue first thing.

    Explore TongueCare+

  • Brush those

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (12)

    AM + PM: Brush for two minutes

    Brush those teeth

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (13)

    AM + PM: Brush for two minutes

    Fact:Acidic breakfast foods can weaken your enamel for about 45 minutes after you've eaten.

    Tip:Brush before breakfast, and rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash after you've eaten.

    See our range

  • Blast that

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (14)

    PM: Floss between your teeth

    Blast that plaque

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (15)

    PM: Floss between your teeth

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (16)


    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (17)


    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (18)


    Tip:40% of each tooth is hidden by its neighbor. Remove plaque from between your teeth before you brush, so your toothpaste can work its magic.

    Discover AirFloss

  • Replace that
    brush head

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (19)

    Every 3 months

    Replace that brush head

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (20)

    Every 3 months

    Fact:As your bristles wear out they start to remove less plaque.

    Tip:If your blue reminder bristles fade before three months of use, it's time to replace your brush head.

    See our range

  • Whiten that

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (21)

    In office or at home

    Whiten that smile

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (22)

    In office or at home

    Fact:Over four million patients whitened to a beautiful, white smile with Philip Zoom!

    Tip:Special occasion coming up? Whitening can give you a brighter, more confident smile.

    Find your best teeth whitening method | Philips Zoom! (2024)
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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Views: 6482

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    Author information

    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

    Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

    Phone: +3763365785260

    Job: Accounting Engineer

    Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.