FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (2024)

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (1)FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (2)

Last Updated: [last-modified] (UTC)

Firewalls running Threat Defence support site to site (AKA LAN-to-LAN) VPNs. They’re slightly different though, as the VPN is configured in FMC, not on the device itself.

In this article, we’ll look at how to configure a site-to-site VPN through FMC.

Please note, this applies to FMC managing devices that run FTD. Regular ASA with Firepower Services do not have their VPN’s configured in FMC.

It is recommended to have an understanding of IPSec, especially phase-1 and phase-2, before starting

[maxbutton id=”4″ text=”IPSec Basics” url=””][maxbutton id=”4″ text=”ASA VPN” url=””]


The first thing to be aware of is the topologies that are supported. There are three topology types to choose from:

  • Point to Point– This is a simple topology between two endpoints. In FMC, A and B nodes need to be defined
  • Hub and Spoke– A group of spoke sites creating tunnels to a hub site
  • Full Mesh– A group of multipoint tunnels, where any device can connect to any other

Each device in any of these topologies is called anendpoint. At least one endpoint will be a device managed in FMC.

Any device in your VPN topology that’s not FMC managed is called anExtranetdevice. This includes devices in your network that don’t run threat defence, devices outside of your network (such as a router in a partner network), and Threat Defence devices managed by a different FMC server.

We can use FMC to push VPN config to remove FTD devices. This is possible for devices managed in our FMC, or devices managed with another FMC server (such as a remote office managed by a different team).

Each endpoint has aprotected networkassociated with it. This is, as the name suggests, the network that’s behind the VPN device. The ultimate goal of the VPN is for the protected networks to communicate with each other.

No special licensing is required for the VPN, as long asexport-controlled featuresis enabled.

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (3)


IKE Policies and IPSecProposals

Each endpoint can be authenticated using either certificates or preshared keys. Preshared keys may be automatic if FMC manages all the endpoints.

There are some predefined IKE policies that you can use, or you can create your own:

  1. Go to theObjectstab
  2. Browse toVPN, then eitherIKEv1orIKEv2

As shown below, you can select the algorithms that you want to use. The same applies to IPSec proposals.

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (4)


We’ll now create a point-to-point VPN that connects to a third-party device.

  1. Browse toDevices->VPN->Site To Site
  2. ClickAdd VPN->Firepower Threat Defence Device
  3. Enter a name for the topology
  4. Select a topology type (point to pointin our case)
  5. Select the versionof IKE to use (IKEv2 is recommended)

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (6)

Now we need to define our first endpoint (Node A).

  1. Make sure you’re on theEndpointstab
  2. Next toNode A, click the green Add button
  3. Select a Threat Defence device that your FMC manages from the list
  4. Select an interface that the VPN will be established on
  5. If there is more than one IP address on this interface, select the one to use
  6. If this is a private IP address (non-routable over the internet), tick theThis IP is Privatecheckbox, and enter the corresponding public IP
  7. Select theConnection Type
    • Bidirectional– Either node can negotiate the VPN
    • Answer-Only– The local node will respond when the remote node negotiates the VPN
    • Originate-Only– The local node will negotiate the VPN, but will not respond if the remote tries to negotiate
  8. Click the green Add button next toProtected Networks
    • Add one or more networks behind this device, that will be accessible over the VPN
    • From FMC 6.2.3, you have the option of using a subnet/IP address object, or an extended access list

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (7)

Now, configure the remote endpoint (not managed by us):

  1. Next toNode B, click the green Add button
  2. SelectExtranetas the device
  3. Enter a friendly Device Name
  4. Enter the IP address of the device
  5. For version 6.2.3 and newer, there will be an option to add acertificate map(we don’t need it, as we’re using preshared keys)
  6. As before, add a protected network

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (8)

Next, we configure IKE (the phase-1 tunnel). The settings available to us are determined by the version of IKE that we’re using.

  1. Go to theIKEtab
  2. Select a suitable policy (we’re usingthe predefinedAES-SHA-SHApolicy)
  3. Select the authentication type
    • A preshared manual key is entered at both ends manually
    • A preshared automatic key is managed by FMC. This requires FMC to manage both ends
    • A certificate can be used, but it requires a trustpoint to be configured

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (9)

And now we configure IPSec (phase-2 tunnel):

  1. Go to theIPSectab
  2. Select a suitable IPSec proposal (If you’re not sure, leave the defaults in place)
  3. Enable Reverse Route Injection to add protected networks into the local routing table
  4. Optionally, enable Perfect Forward Secrecy. If you’re not sure, leave it enabled
FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (10)

Additional Configuration

There are a few final things that you may want to consider for your environment.

NAT Exemption– If you use NAT, you will need to create an exemption for the traffic going over the VPN.

Dynamic Routing– Reverse Route Injection gets the route into the local routing table, but it doesn’t go any further. If you want to advertise this route, you need to redistribute it into your IGP.

Policy Deployment– Remember that your changes will not take effect until you deploy them to your devices.

Verification andMonitoring

The simplest place to check the status of your VPN is in FMC.

Browse toSystem->Health->Events. Then click onVPN Status.

The remaining verification takes place on the FTD CLI. When you are at the CLI, runsystem support diagnostic-clito get the Classic-ASA style console.

From here, run packet-tracer to simulate traffic between the protected networks.

NOTE: I’ve used some fake IP’s here, so I don’t share any real network information.

Simulate Traffic with Packet-Tracer

firepower# packet-tracer in inside icmp 8 0 1Type: UN-NATSubtype: staticResult: ALLOWConfig:nat (Inside,Outside) source static Network-Test Network-Test destination static Network-Remote Network-Remote description VPN ExemptionAdditional Information:NAT divert to egress interface OutsideUntranslate to 2Type: ACCESS-LISTSubtype: logResult: ALLOWConfig:access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ globalaccess-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced trust icmp any any rule-id 268436517 event-log flow-endaccess-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268436517: PREFILTER POLICY: Site Prefilteraccess-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268436517: RULE: ICMPAdditional Information:Phase: 3Type: CONN-SETTINGSSubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:class-map class-default match anypolicy-map global_policy class class-default set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP set connection decrement-ttlservice-policy global_policy globalAdditional Information:Phase: 4Type: NATSubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:nat (Inside,Outside) source static Network-Test Network-Test destination static Network-Remote Network-Remote description VPN ExemptionAdditional Information:Static translate to 5Type: NATSubtype: per-sessionResult: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:Phase: 6Type: IP-OPTIONSSubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:Phase: 7Type: INSPECTSubtype: np-inspectResult: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:Phase: 8Type: VPNSubtype: encryptResult: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:Phase: 9Type: NATSubtype: rpf-checkResult: ALLOWConfig:nat (Inside,Outside) source static Network-Test Network-Test destination static Network-Remote Network-Remote description VPN ExemptionAdditional Information:Phase: 10Type: FLOW-CREATIONSubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:New flow created with id 41815442, packet dispatched to next modulePhase: 11Type: ROUTE-LOOKUPSubtype: Resolve Egress InterfaceResult: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:found next-hop using egress ifc OutsidePhase: 12Type: FLOW-LOOKUPSubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:Found flow with id 41634632, using existing flowPhase: 13Type: CAPTURESubtype:Result: ALLOWConfig:Additional Information:MAC Access listResult:input-interface: Outsideinput-status: upinput-line-status: upoutput-interface: Outsideoutput-status: upoutput-line-status: upAction: allow

Now, let’s confirm phase-1 (IKE). You may find that the commands below do not return any data initially.

This is because FTD will not attempt to bring the tunnel up until it sees some traffic trying to pass over it. A ping or packet-trace can help with this. Configuring IP SLA somewhere else in the network may be useful to keep the tunnel up.

Confirm Phase-1

! IKEv1 or v2 can be usedfirepower# show crypto ikev1 saIKEv1 SAs: Active SA: 1 Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)Total IKE SA: 11 IKE Peer: Type : L2L Role : initiator Rekey : no State : MM_ACTIVE

Now, havea look at phase-2 (IPSec). In particular, look forencapsanddecaps.

Encaps are packets that we encapsulate and send over the VPN. Decaps are packets that are sent over the VPN to us, that we need to decapsulate.

Confirm Phase-2

firepower# sh crypto ip sainterface: Outside Crypto map tag: CSM_Outside_map, seq num: 2, local addr: access-list CSM_IPSEC_ACL_1 extended permit ip local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer: #pkts encaps: 43, #pkts encrypt: 43, #pkts digest: 43 ! We are encapsulating traffic and sending #pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0 ! We are not getting return traffic to decapsulate #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 43, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0 #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0 #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0 #TFC rcvd: 0, #TFC sent: 0 #Valid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0, #Invalid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0 #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 82(52), media mtu 1500 PMTU time remaining (sec): 0, DF policy: copy-df ICMP error validation: disabled, TFC packets: disabled current outbound spi: 6EAB4C07 current inbound spi : B53ECF25 inbound esp sas: spi: 0xB53ECF25 (3040792357) transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 2, IKEv1, } slot: 0, conn_id: 12288, crypto-map: CSM_Outside_map sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (3915000/26892) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Anti replay bitmap: 0x00000000 0x00000001 outbound esp sas: spi: 0x6EAB4C07 (1856719879) transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 2, IKEv1, } slot: 0, conn_id: 12288, crypto-map: CSM_Outside_map sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (3914997/26892) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Anti replay bitmap: 0x00000000 0x00000001

If you’re using Reverse Route Injection, then you should check that the route is in the routing table.

Start by checking if the route is in FTD, as shown below. Then check that it’s being redistributed into your IGP successfully.

Check Static VPN route

firepower# show route static! ---Output removed for brevity---Gateway of last resort is to network* [1/0] via, OutsideV connected by VPN (advertised), Outside


Cisco –Firepower Threat Defense Site-to-site VPNs

FMC Site to Site VPNs - Network Direction (2024)


How do I check my site to site VPN status in FMC? ›

The simplest place to check the status of your VPN is in FMC. Browse to System -> Health -> Events. Then click on VPN Status. The remaining verification takes place on the FTD CLI.

How to configure site to site VPN in FTD? ›

Select the correct external interface for the FTD and then select the Local network that will need to be encrypted across the site to site VPN. Set the public interface of the remote peer. Then select the remote peers' network that will be encrypted across the Site-to-Site VPN as shown in the image.

How does site to site VPN tunnel work? ›

A site-to-site Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides this by creating an encrypted link between VPN gateways located at each of these sites. A site-to-site VPN tunnel encrypts traffic at one end and sends it to the other site over the public Internet where it is decrypted and routed on to its destination.

What is point-to-site and site-to-site VPN? ›

A Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN gateway connection lets you create a secure connection to your virtual network from an individual client computer. A P2S connection is established by starting it from the client computer.

How do you set up a site-to-site VPN? ›

To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection using a virtual private gateway, complete the following steps:
  1. Prerequisites.
  2. Step 1: Create a customer gateway.
  3. Step 2: Create a target gateway.
  4. Step 3: Configure routing.
  5. Step 4: Update your security group.
  6. Step 5: Create a Site-to-Site VPN connection.

How can I tell if Cisco site-to-site VPN? ›

In ASDM you can go to Monitoring -> VPN -> VPN statistics -> Sessions and select "IPsec Site-to-Site" as the filter.

How do I get around VPN site detection? ›

How to bypass a VPN block?
  1. Use a different encryption or tunneling protocol.
  2. Connect to obfuscated VPN servers.
  3. Get a dedicated VPN address.
  4. Choose a VPN that can do it all, we recommend NordVPN, now 63% OFF.
Dec 29, 2022

Which are the three modes that a site-to-site VPN supports? ›

NAT over VPN - Used when VPN sites have same or overlapping networks.
  • Main Mode - Used when VPN Sites have permanent/Static public IP address. ...
  • Aggressive Mode - Used when One Site has permanent/static public IP and the other site has a dynamic/temporary public IP address.

What layer is site-to-site VPN? ›

Site-to-site VPNs allow sites in different locations to securely communicate with one another over a layer 3 network such as the internet.

How do I manually configure a VPN? ›

Manually (built-in)
  1. Go into your Android settings.
  2. Click Network & Internet.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Select VPN.
  5. Click the plus sign.
  6. Enter in your administrator's information.
  7. Click Save.
Jun 14, 2022

What is the difference between VPN site to site and tunnel? ›

A site-to-site VPN does not give you that type of redundancy since the network is configured in the policy itself. Tunnel interface offloads that configuration from source network to destination network to a route policy.

What is the difference between site to site VPN and express route? ›

TL;DR: ExpressRoute provides direct connectivity to Azure cloud services and connects Microsoft's global network. All transferred data is not encrypted, and do not go over the public Internet. VPN Gateway provides secured connectivity to Azure cloud services over the public Internet.

What are 3 types of VPN tunnels? ›

The most common VPN tunneling protocols include PPTP, L2TP/IPsec, OpenVPN and SSTP.

Is point to site VPN bidirectional? ›

It's also bi-directional, but it's many-to-many and stays up no matter if your server/workstation is running or not because the connection is established through a network gateway and not from the computer operating system. In Azure, the Virtual Network Gateway is the platform providing both functionalities.

What are two types of site to site VPNs? ›

2. Site to Site VPN
  • Intranet based VPN: When several offices of the same company are connected using Site-to-Site VPN type, it is called as Intranet based VPN.
  • Extranet based VPN: When companies use Site-to-site VPN type to connect to the office of another company, it is called as Extranet based VPN.
Jan 24, 2023

What is site to site VPN in simple terms? ›

A site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) is a connection between two or more networks, such as a corporate network and a branch office network. Many organizations use site-to-site VPNs to leverage an internet connection for private traffic as an alternative to using private MPLS circuits.

What are key components of a site to site VPN? ›

Site-to-Site VPN Components. A Site-to-Site VPN connection offers two VPN tunnels between a virtual private gateway or a transit gateway on the AWS side, and a customer gateway (which represents a VPN device) on the remote (on-premises) side.

How to route traffic through VPN? ›

Routing traffic via VPN Tunnels
  1. Go to Settings > Network > WAN Policies.
  2. Click Add WAN Policy.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. For the Type, choose Specific WAN.
  5. Select your VPN interface in the WAN drop-down.
  6. Click Save to confirm the new policy.

Can police track VPN activity? ›

Police can't track live, encrypted VPN traffic, but if they have a court order, they can go to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and request connection or usage logs. Since your ISP knows you're using a VPN, they can direct the police to them.

Can my internet provider block VPN? ›

Yes, an ISP can block a VPN by blocking IP addresses associated with a certain VPN provider or disabling communication ports. If you're unable to connect to the internet when using a VPN, your ISP might be restricting the access. You can solve this problem by switching to a different server, port, or protocol.

Can a Wi-Fi network block VPN? ›

Some Wi-Fi networks do not allow VPN connections and restrict VPN access using network or firewall settings. If this error appears when you connect to Secure VPN for the first time, it could be due to the network or firewall settings.

Does it matter where my VPN server is located? ›

Your VPN server address is important because the location of your VPN affects your internet speed, privacy, and security, as well as the range of content you can access online. Whether you use a VPN to access restricted content or avoid spyware, the location of your VPN server is critical.

Can I tell if someone is using a VPN on my network? ›

The IP addresses of VPN servers aren't difficult to recognize — there are even databases specializing in VPN detection, that try to determine whether an IP belongs to a particular provider. When you access a website with a VPN on, it may be able to identify that you're using a VPN using your IP.

How to configure site to site VPN in Cisco router? ›

How to Configure Site to Site VPN on Cisco Routers
  1. 1) Configure the ISAKMP Tunnel From BR1 to BR2 router ( Phase1). ...
  2. 2) Configure IPSEC Tunnel From BR1 to BR2 router ( Phase2). ...
  3. 3) Configure the traffic that need to be encrypted from BR1 to BR2 router ( Interesting Traffic).
Jul 27, 2018

How do I tell if all traffic is going through the VPN? ›

You can use a tool like Wireshark to "sniff" the traffic on your local network. Wireshark will allow you to see which traffic is going where based on the source and destination IP addresses. Set up Wireshark on an interface that is between the hosts you want to test.

What does obfuscated VPN mean? ›

Obfuscated servers are special VPN servers that hide your data and even the fact that you're using a VPN. This is useful if you're connecting from a place that heavily restricts internet usage, as even your ISP won't know you're connected to a VPN.

Can VPN be blocked by government? ›

Currently, a handful of governments either regulate or outright ban VPNs. Those currently include Belarus, China, Iraq, North Korea, Oman, Russia, and the U.A.E., to name a few. Still others impose internet censorship laws, which makes using a VPN risky.

Which 3 types of authentication can be used for IPsec site to site VPNs? ›

The three main protocols comprising IPsec are: Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), and Internet Key Exchange (IKE).

Which 3 steps are created sequentially while you establish a site to site VPN connection? ›

Create a local network gateway. Create a VPN connection. Verify the connection. Connect to a virtual machine.

What are the four VPN topologies used? ›

VPN Topologies Guide
  • Site-Site VPN Connectivity. Site-to-Site VPN, also known as Gateway-to-Gateway VPN, is a VPN tunnel between two sites. ...
  • VPN Hub and Spoke Connectivity. ...
  • Full Mesh VPN Connectivity. ...
  • Transparent VPN. ...
  • VPN Redundancy & Resilience.

Is VPN Layer 3 or 4? ›

As a rule, a traditional VPN sits on Layer 3, the network lay- er, and primarily applies the IPsec standard.

Is VPN a layer 2 or 3? ›

Layer 2 VPNs virtualize the datalink layer (Layer 2) so as to make geographically remote sites look as if they were operating in the same LAN network. Layer 3 VPNs virtualize the network layer (Layer 3) so as to route your customer networks over a public infrastructure like Internet or Service provider backbone.

What is site to site VPN Phase 1 and 2? ›

VPN negotiations happen in two distinct phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2. The main purpose of Phase 1 is to set up a secure encrypted channel through which the two peers can negotiate Phase 2. When Phase 1 finishes successfully, the peers quickly move on to Phase 2 negotiations.

What are the three components required when a VPN is to be set up? ›

Basic requirements to set up a VPN include the following:
  • Client VPN software. VPNs require client software to make secure remote connections. ...
  • VPN infrastructure. ...
  • VPN appliance, concentrator or server.

How do I force VPN to connect? ›

Connect to a VPN
  1. In Settings, select Network & internet > VPN.
  2. Next to the VPN connection you want to use, select Connect.
  3. If you're prompted, enter your username and password or other sign-in info.

How do I enable VPN configuration? ›

Setting up a VPN in Android
  1. Head into Settings > Network & Internet > Advanced > VPN (you should see a little key icon). ...
  2. If you happen to be setting this up on a new phone, or if you haven't yet set a screen lock or password, Google will prompt you to first set one for your phone. ...
  3. Now create your VPN profile.
Mar 1, 2019

What is difference between Dmvpn and site-to-site VPN? ›

Understanding DMVPN

While a VPN acts as a connector between remote sites and HQ, or between different branches, the DMVPN creates a mesh VPN protocol that can be applied selectively to connections being utilized in the business already. Each different site (or spoke) can connect to one another securely.

How do I create a site-to-site VPN in Azure with FortiGate? ›

Step by Step How to Configure Site-to-Site VPN Microsoft Azure to FortiGate
  1. Creating the Microsoft Azure virtual network.
  2. Creating the Microsoft Azure virtual network gateway.
  3. Creating the Microsoft Azure Local network gateway.
  4. Creating the VPN Connection.
  5. Configuring the FortiGate tunnel.
Jan 1, 2022

How do I allow access to VPN configuration? ›

Step 2: Enter VPN information
  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap Network & internet. VPN. If you can't find it, search for "VPN." If you still can't find it, get help from your device manufacturer.
  3. At the top right, tap Add .
  4. Enter the information from your administrator.
  5. Tap Save.

Can OpenVPN do site-to-site? ›

OpenVPN Access Server can be configured in a site-to-site bridging setup that allows you to transparently bridge two sites together using a OpenVPN gateway client.

Why use DMVPN over MPLS? ›

DMVPN supports Spoke-to-Spoke encrypted tunnels over the Internet which is less stable than carrier network. MPLS VPNs are typically in service provider networks and large campus networks where voice and video reliability is also key requirement.

Is DMVPN a routing protocol? ›

DMVPN combines Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels, IPsec encryption, and Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP). It provides IP routing for remote sites, while minimizing the overhead on the network devices.

Why is my network blocking my VPN? ›

This error can be caused due to temporary problems with your network connection. If you were able to connect to VPN before on the same Wi-Fi network, wait for some time and try connecting to VPN again. Some Wi-Fi networks do not allow VPN connections and restrict the VPN access using network or firewall settings.

Which routes can be configured to a VPN? ›

Without a Cloud Router, the VPN can be configured only using static routes. In the static routes, we need to specify each subnet in the VPN tunnel configuration which we want to connect.

What is the difference between OpenVPN and site-to-site VPN? ›

In site-to-site connections, OpenVPN functions faster and provides more security than IPsec. IPsec encryption operates on a kernel level, whereas OpenVPN functions in user space. Therefore, in terms of endpoint performance, IPsec is more favorable. With OpenVPN, you're limited to the capacity of the software.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.