FOB Shipping Points Explained: All You Need To Know (2024)

FOB is aninternational shippingterm that stands for “free on board.” FOB rules define who is responsible for goods during transport by sea, and who bears the costs if something goes wrong.

In this article, learn the difference between FOB shipping point and FOB destination, so you can confidently navigate shipping agreements.

Table of contents

  • What is FOB?
  • Incoterms
  • FOB shipping point: Tips for buyers
  • How to document FOB shipping terms
  • 4 common misunderstandings about FOB shipping
  • FOB shipping FAQ

What is FOB?

FOB, or “free on board,” is a widely recognized shipping rule created by theInternational Chamber of Commerce(ICC). It defines the point when a buyer or seller becomes liable for goods transported by sea.

FOB status says who will take responsibility for a shipment from its port of origin to its destination port. It indicates the point at which the title of the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer, and therefore who needs to cover the costs of transit and deal with any issues.

FOB rules apply to shipments delivered by sea and inland waterways. Air, rail, and road freight are covered under different ICC rules.

FOB shipping point vs. FOB destination

In shipping documents and contracts, the term “FOB” is followed by a location in parentheses. This could be the port of origin or the destination port.

The stated location determines who is responsible for goods during transit. When the destination is the origin port, it’s known as theFOB shipping point. When the destination port is the location, it’s known as theFOB destination.

  • InFOB shipping point, the buyer becomes responsible for products as soon as they leave the shipment origin.
  • InFOB destination, the seller remains responsible for products until the shipment is complete.

FOB shipping point

When goods are labeled as FOB shipping point, the seller’s role in the transaction is complete when the purchased items are given to ashipping carrierand the shipment begins. At that point, the buyer holds the title to the goods they bought.

Unless there are additional terms in the shipping agreement, buyers handle any costs for FOB shipping point goods from when the shipping vessel departs to when they receive their purchase.

Because of this, misunderstanding FOB shipping point terms can be costly for buyers. Imagine you’re a small business owner who secures a deal to import antique furniture from an overseas supplier. You see the term “FOB shipping point” in the contract but, unsure what it means, you sign away.

A few weeks later, your shipment arrives, and you find the furniture was badly damaged in transit: you’re left with a hefty bill for goods you can no longer sell.

Hopefully, the buyer in this example took out cargoinsuranceand can file a claim. Due to agreed FOB shipping point terms, they’ll have no recourse to ask the seller for reimbursem*nt.

FOB destination

FOB destination is the opposite of FOB shipping point. When goods are labeled with a destination port, the seller stays responsible for damages, lost items, and other costs and issues until the shipment is complete.

FOB destination terms are indicated by the word “Destination” or the destination port, usually in parentheses. So, if the shipment is heading to Vancouver, the terms would read “FOB (Vancouver).”

FOB destination shipping is in the buyer’s best interest and an effective way for businesses to enhance theircustomer service. Only when the purchase arrives in perfect condition does the buyer accept it and consider the sale officially complete.

How FOB terms impact accounting

Shipping costsare usually tied to FOB status, with shipping paid for by whichever party is responsible for transit.

Beyond those costs, FOB terms also affect how and when a business will account for goods in its inventory.

If a shipment is sent FOB shipping point, the sale is considered complete as soon as the items are with the shipment carrier. That means the seller will record the sale immediately. At the same time, the buyer will record the goods as inventory, even though they’re yet to physically receive them.

If a shipment is sent under FOB destination terms, the seller won’t record the sale until the goods reach the buyer’s location. Likewise, the buyer won’t officially add the goods to its inventory until they arrive and are inspected.

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Free on board is one of around a dozenIncoterms, or international commercial terms. Incoterms are published and maintained by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

There are11 internationally recognized Incotermsthat cover buyer and seller responsibilities during exports. Some Incoterms can be used only for transport via sea, while others can be used for any mode of transportation.

ICC Incoterms were lastupdated in 2020but remain valid contractual terms. They can be used in any relevant freight agreement.

Here are all 11 Incoterms:

Incoterms for transport via sea and waterways

FOB is by far the most frequently used Incoterm for exports by sea. But other terms include:


FASstands for “free alongside ship” and is often used for bulk cargo transactions. It says that sellers must deliver goods to a vessel for loading, with the buyer taking responsibility for bringing them onboard.


CIF means “cost, insurance, and freight.” Under this rule, the seller agrees to pay for delivery of goods to the destination port, as well as minimum insurance coverage.


CFRor “cost and freight” means that a seller agrees to arrange export and pay for the costs of shipping—but not for insurance, so the buyer takes on the risk of losses once the goods are onboard.

Incoterms for all transport modes

There are seven Incoterms that can be used in freight agreements for any mode of transport:


EXW or “ex works” requires the seller to prepare goods for shipping. From that point, the buyer is responsible for making further transport arrangements.


FCAor “free carrier” means a seller is obligated to deliver goods to a specified location or carrier where the buyer will take responsibility for transit.


Under CPT, or “carriage paid to,” the seller pays for delivery of goods to a carrier or nominated location and assumes risks until the carrier takes possession.


CIP stands for “carriage and insurance paid to” says that the seller pays for delivery and insurance of goods to a carrier or nominated location.


DAP, or “delivered-at-place,” says a seller agrees to be responsible for transporting goods to a location stated in the sales contract.


DPU, or “delivered-at-place unloaded,” says a seller agrees to cover costs and liabilities associated with transporting goods to a location stated in the sales contract—and for unloading goods.


DDP means “delivered duty paid.” Under this Incoterm rule, the seller agrees to deliver goods to the buyer, paying for all shipping, export, and import duties and taxes.

FOB shipping point: Tips for buyers

When you agree to receive items under FOB shipping point terms, it’s essential to be aware of your liabilities.

Read all contracts carefully, calculate potential costs, purchase insurance—and consider negotiating additional terms in your shipping or sales agreement to protect against losses.

Here are five tips for buyers considering FOB shipping point terms:

1. Understand your liabilities

Before negotiating, make sure you understand the consequences of using FOB shipping point or FOB destination for your purchase—in terms of costs, risks, and responsibilities. Some companies will offerdifferent international shippingfor different types of products.

2. Evaluate your risk tolerance

Consider your options for managing your goods during transit and purchasing cargo insurance. If your items are expensive, unique, or in a category where obtaining insurance is difficult, negotiating for FOB destination may be a better option.

3. Consider shipping costs

If you agree to FOB shipping point terms, remember to factor in the costs of shipping andimport taxesto your location when negotiating price. Alternatively, work with the seller to add additional coverage for shipping costs into your contract.

4. Leverage volume

If you’re ordering many products from a single seller, you may have more leverage to negotiate FOB destination terms, as the cost of shipping per unit will likely be lower for the seller.

5. Use a freight forwarder

Especially forinternational ecommerce, a freight forwarder can help manage logistics, reducing the complexity and risk for the buyer in a FOB shipping point agreement.

FOB Shipping Points Explained: All You Need To Know (1)

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How to document FOB shipping terms

Here’s what to look for when reading orwriting a shipping label:

  • FOB terms:Shipping labels, contracts, and other documents should clearly state either FOB shipping point or FOB destination.
  • A defined location:Documents should specify the shipping point (the origin port or the seller’s warehouse) or the destination (the destination port or the buyer’s location).
  • Detailed responsibilities:For clarity, documents can define FOB terms, underscoring when the buyer assumes responsibility.
  • Date and time:Documents should show the date and time when goods will be transferred to the shipping point and give an estimated delivery date.
  • Condition of goods:At the shipping point and destination, document the condition of goods. This can be useful for disputes or insurance claims.

4 common misunderstandings about FOB shipping

FOB terms don’t cover all risks and responsibilities associated with shipping. Here are some common misconceptions about FOB shipping:

1. FOB covers all costs

FOB doesn’t cover all costs. For example, in FOB shipping point, the buyer is responsible for freight, insurance, and other costs from the shipping point onward.

2. FOB determines legal jurisdiction

FOB terms don’t determine the legal jurisdiction for disputes. This should be specified separately in the contract.

3. FOB shipping point always benefits the seller

While FOB shipping point does transfer risk to the buyer, it may affect a seller’s reputation and sales conversion rate.Shipping costs are reduced, but fewer buyers are willing to accept shipping point terms, especially on large or fragile orders.

4. FOB destination means the seller pays all costs

While the seller does bear higher costs under FOB destination, they canfactor shipping costs into pricing. Also, the buyer may still indirectly pay for freight and insurance.

All aboard

FOB rules are a key component of any sea freight shipping agreement. Failing to check whether a shipment is labeled as FOB shipping point or FOB destination can leave you uninsured, out of pocket, and responsible for damaged or unsellable goods.

Remember, while FOB and other Incoterms are internationally recognized, trade laws vary by country. So, if you’re buying orselling globally, review the laws of the country you’re shipping from.

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FOB shipping FAQ

Who pays for shipping in FOB shipping point?

In FOB shipping point, the seller pays for the shipping costs to bring the goods to the shipping point. The buyer is then responsible for paying the shipping costs to take possession of the goods.

What is an example of FOB shipping point?

FOB shipping point is a term used in the transportation industry to indicate who is responsible for the costs associated with the shipment of goods. For example, if an importer of rare wines agrees to FOB shipping point, they become liable for costs and damages related to their shipment—even if the wine is spoiled or lost in transit.

What is FOB destination?

FOB destination is a type of Incoterm (international commercial term) used in international trade. It means that a seller pays for all shipping costs and that a transaction is not complete until the goods reach the buyer’s destination undamaged.

As a seasoned expert in international shipping and trade, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is rooted in a deep understanding of shipping terms, regulations, and industry practices, ensuring that the information I provide is accurate, reliable, and valuable.

The article primarily focuses on the concept of FOB (Free On Board), a crucial international shipping term established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). FOB determines the point at which the responsibility for goods in transit shifts from the seller to the buyer and outlines the associated costs. Here's an in-depth breakdown of the key concepts covered in the article:

FOB (Free On Board)

Definition: FOB, or "free on board," is a shipping rule established by the ICC. It specifies when the buyer or seller becomes liable for goods transported by sea, indicating the transfer of title and responsibility for costs during transit.

Application: FOB rules are applicable to shipments via sea and inland waterways, distinct from ICC rules governing air, rail, and road freight.

FOB Shipping Point vs. FOB Destination

FOB Shipping Point:

  • The buyer assumes responsibility for products once they leave the shipment origin.
  • Costs and issues during transit are the buyer's responsibility.
  • The seller's role is complete when the items are given to the shipping carrier.

FOB Destination:

  • The seller remains responsible for products until the shipment is complete.
  • The buyer accepts the purchase only when it arrives in perfect condition.

Incoterms (International Commercial Terms)

Definition: Incoterms are a set of international commercial terms published by the ICC, covering buyer and seller responsibilities during exports. FOB is one of the Incoterms, with others specified for various modes of transportation.

Incoterms for Sea and Waterways:

  1. FAS (Free Alongside Ship): Seller delivers goods to a vessel for loading.
  2. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight): Seller pays for delivery and minimum insurance coverage.
  3. CFR (Cost and Freight): Seller arranges export and pays for shipping costs, excluding insurance.

Incoterms for All Transport Modes:

  1. EXW (Ex Works): Seller prepares goods for shipping, and the buyer takes over transport arrangements.
  2. FCA (Free Carrier): Seller delivers goods to a specified location, and the buyer assumes transit responsibility.
  3. CPT (Carriage Paid To): Seller pays for delivery to a carrier or nominated location.
  4. CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To): Seller pays for delivery and insurance to a carrier or location.
  5. DAP (Delivered at Place): Seller is responsible for transporting goods to a specified location.
  6. DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded): Seller covers costs and liabilities for transporting and unloading goods.
  7. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid): Seller delivers goods to the buyer, covering all shipping, export, and import duties.

How FOB Terms Impact Accounting

Shipping Costs: FOB terms influence when a sale is considered complete and impact how businesses account for goods in their inventory.

Tips for FOB Shipping Point Buyers

  1. Understand Liabilities: Be aware of the costs, risks, and responsibilities associated with FOB shipping point.
  2. Evaluate Risk Tolerance: Consider options for managing goods during transit and purchase cargo insurance.
  3. Consider Shipping Costs: Factor in shipping costs and import taxes when negotiating prices.
  4. Leverage Volume: Use order volume as leverage to negotiate favorable terms.
  5. Use a Freight Forwarder: Consider employing a freight forwarder, especially in international ecommerce, to simplify logistics.

How to Document FOB Shipping Terms

  1. FOB Terms: Clearly state FOB shipping point or FOB destination in shipping labels, contracts, and documents.
  2. Defined Location: Specify the shipping point or destination for clarity.
  3. Detailed Responsibilities: Clearly define FOB terms and responsibilities.
  4. Date and Time: Include the date and time of goods transfer and estimated delivery.
  5. Condition of Goods: Document the condition of goods at the shipping point and destination for dispute or insurance purposes.

Common Misunderstandings about FOB Shipping

  1. FOB Doesn't Cover All Costs: FOB doesn't cover all costs; buyers are responsible for certain expenses.
  2. FOB Doesn't Determine Legal Jurisdiction: Legal jurisdiction for disputes must be specified separately.
  3. FOB Shipping Point Impact on Sellers: While it reduces shipping costs, it may affect a seller's reputation.
  4. FOB Destination Costs: Sellers can factor shipping costs into pricing, and buyers may indirectly pay for freight and insurance.

In conclusion, understanding FOB terms is crucial for businesses engaged in international trade, and this article provides a comprehensive guide to navigating FOB shipping point and FOB destination agreements.

FOB Shipping Points Explained: All You Need To Know (2024)


FOB Shipping Points Explained: All You Need To Know? ›

Free on board (FOB) is a trade term that indicates whether the buyer or the seller is liable for goods lost, damaged, or destroyed during shipment. A free on board shipping point indicates that the buyer is responsible for loss or damage when the goods reach the shipper.

What are the disadvantages of FOB shipping point? ›

The main disadvantage of FOB for the buyer is that they are responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during the transport, and they may face delays or extra charges at the destination port. The main advantage of FOB for the seller is that they have less risk and liability once the goods are loaded on the vessel.

Who pays for freight on FOB shipping point? ›

In FOB shipping points, if the terms include "FOB origin, freight collect," the buyer pays for freight costs. If the terms include "FOB origin, freight prepaid," the buyer is responsible for the goods at the point of origin, but the seller pays the transportation costs.

Does FOB shipping point mean that the seller pays the freight? ›

Traditionally with FOB shipping point, the seller pays the transportation cost and fees until the cargo is delivered to the port of origin. Once on the ship, the buyer is responsible financially for transportation costs, customs clearance, fees, and taxes.

What are the different types of FOB shipping? ›

The two types of FOB shipping are termed FOB Shipping Point and FOB Destination. At the time of sale negotiations, a sales contract is brought forth outlining all the details of the shipping sale and determines if a FOB Shipping Point or FOB Destination will be used during a shipping agreement.

What is a real life example of FOB destination? ›

For the FOB Shipping Point, this is accomplished when the goods are loaded on the transportation vehicle. For the FOB Destination, the ownership exchange happens upon the successful delivery of goods at the buyer's place. Consider an example of a manufacturer in Detroit selling vehicle parts to a buyer in Los Angeles.

Who owns the goods in FOB shipping point? ›

In a FOB shipping point agreement, ownership transfers from the seller to the buyer once the goods are delivered to the point of origin. At this shipping point, the buyer becomes the owner and bears the risk during transit. Alternatively, FOB destination places the delivery responsibility on the seller.

Who will pay freight charges in FOB? ›

If the terms include the phrase "FOB Origin, freight collect," the buyer handles freight charges. If the terms include "FOB Origin, freight prepaid," the buyer assumes responsibility for goods at the point of origin, but the seller pays the cost of shipping.

Who owns the goods in transit under FOB shipping point? ›

Under FOB shipping point, the sale takes place when the goods reach the shipping point and therefore, the title passes to the buyer before the goods are shipped out. That means the buyer now gets ownership of the goods in transit.

What is the alternative to FOB? ›

CIF is the most common alternative to FOB. CIF terms are generally simpler than FOB, as there are fewer variables or optional conditions.

What is the risk of loss in FOB destination? ›

FOB destination point refers to a product sold to a customer after it arrives at the buyer's destination. In contrast to the FOB shipping point, the seller may bear the risk of loss and responsibility for transportation expenses while the goods are in transit.

What's the difference between FOB shipping point and destination point? ›

In a FOB shipping point contract, the seller transfers any title of ownership to the buyer upon the product leaving the seller's location. The buyer then has full ownership. In a FOB destination sale contract, the buyer may not receive the title of ownership until the product reaches the buyer's location.

What is an example of a FOB? ›

For example, if a buyer in Vancouver buys basketball shoes from a seller in Chengdu, China, he must pay for the transport costs from the seller's warehouse to the port, cost of loading goods onto a ship, and all transport costs from the shipping port to his warehouse/store.

How to explain FOB? ›

First of all, FOB – or F.O.B. – stands for Free On Board. It is the point in the supply chain where the seller relinquishes ownership, and the buyer accepts ownership of products purchased in a specific transaction.

How to calculate FOB? ›

FOB Value = Ex-Factory Price + Other Costs

(b) Other Costs in the calculation of the FOB value shall refer to the costs incurred in placing the goods in the ship for export, including but not limited to, domestic transport costs, storage and warehousing, port handling, brokerage fees, service charges, et cetera.

How to record FOB shipping point? ›

In the FOB shipping point, when the buyer gets the responsibility of the goods from the buyer, they can make an entry in their inventory list. The seller can also record a sale in their accounts when they transfer the ownership to the buyer. The accounting rules change when it comes to FOB destination.

What are the disadvantages of key fobs? ›

Key fobs are small and can easily be misplaced or stolen. If a key fob falls into the wrong hands, an unauthorized person could gain access to a secure area, potentially putting confidential information, employees, or other valuable assets at risk.

What are the risks of FOB? ›

Under the FOB Origin, the risk of damage or loss transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are loaded onto the transporting vessel at its origin port. This means that any damages, losses, or delays incurred during transit will be borne by the buyer.

Who has the risk of loss in FOB shipment? ›

FOB Origin means the buyer assumes all risk once the seller ships the product. FOB Destination means the seller retains the risk of loss until the goods reach the buyer. FOB terms impact inventory, shipping, and insurance costs.

What are the major implications of FOB contracts? ›

Under FOB contracts, the buyer is responsible for shipping and other costs, as well as insurance as soon as the goods are loaded onto the vessel and during the voyage. FOB contracts are generally more cost-effective because buyers have more control over shipping and insurance.

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