Foreign Exchange Policy Notices (2024)

Appointed overseas office/AOO

a) a Holding/Parent Entity, subsidiary Entity, sister Entity, head office or branch outside Malaysia within a LOB’s banking group and its overseas office outside the LOB’s banking group approved by BNM.


a) any utilised or unutilised credit facility or financing facility;

b) any utilised or unutilised trade financing facility, including but not limited to, trade guarantee or guarantee for payment of goods;

c) redeemable preference share or Islamic redeemable preference share; or.

d) Corporate Bond or Sukuk.

Notwithstanding the above, the following areexcludedfrom the

definition of Borrowing —

i. a trade credit term extended by a supplier for any goods or services;

ii. a credit limit that a LOB apportions for its client to undertake a Forward Basis transaction, excluding a transaction that involves—

A. exchanging or swapping of Ringgit or foreign currency debt for another foreign currency debt; or

B. exchanging of foreign currency debt for a Ringgit debt;

iii. a Financial Guarantee or Non-Financial Guarantee;

iv. an operational leasing facility;

v. a factoring facility without recourse;

vi. a credit card or charge card facility obtained by an Individual from a Resident and used for payment for retail goods or services only; or

vii. a credit facility or financing facility obtained by a Resident Individual from a Resident to purchase one (1) Residential property and one (1) vehicle.

Note:For clarity purposes, the transactions in paragraphs (ii)(A) and (ii)(B) shall be considered as Borrowing

Direct Investment Abroad or DIA

a) An investment in Foreign Currency Asset Offshore by a Resident resulting in at least 10% equity ownership or control of a Non-Resident Entity outside Malaysia or a Labuan entity;

b) An inter-company lending by a Resident Entity to a Non-Resident Entity within the Resident Entity’s Group where the Non-Resident Entity is outside Malaysia or a Labuan Entity or;

c) A capital expenditure by a Resident investor in an unincorporated Entity outside Malaysia or a project outside Malaysia by an agreement with no establishment created, where the Resident investor —

i. Contributes capital of at least 10% of the cost of the project;

ii. Is entitled to at least 10% of profits from the unincorporated Entity or project; or

iii. Have management control of the unincorporated Entity or project.

Direct Shareholder

A shareholder with at least 10% effective shareholding in a Resident Entity.

Domestic Ringgit Borrowing

a) Any Borrowing in Ringgit obtained by a Resident from another Resident; or

b) Any obligation considered or deemed as Domestic Ringgit Borrowing under any of the FEP Notices.
Note: For purposes of determining the Domestic Ringgit Borrowing status of a Resident Entity—

a) The Resident Entity is deemed to have a Domestic Ringgit Borrowing when another Resident Entity with Parent Subsidiary Relationship has a Domestic Ringgit Borrowing; and

b) The following shall not be considered as Domestic Ringgit Borrowing —

i. A Borrowing obtained from another Resident Entity with Parent-Subsidiary Relationship;

ii. A Borrowing obtained from its Direct Shareholder; or

iii. Any facility including credit facility or financing facility which is used for Sundry Expenses or Employees’ Expenses only.

“Sundry Expenses” refers to small and infrequent expenses for office supplies (e.g. stationaries), ancillary services (e.g. software and online subscription) and other minor expenses to facilitate daily business operation.

“Employees' Expenses” refers to business-related expenses which may include, but not limited to, travel (e.g. lodging and transportation), entertainment, health, insurance, takaful and other employees' expenses, excluding investment.

“Borrowing” refers to the definition of “Borrowing” above.


a) Any corporation, statutory body, local authority, society, cooperative, limited liability partnership and any other body, organization, association or group of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated, in or outside Malaysia; or

b) The Federal Government, any State Government or any other government.

External Account

An account in Ringgit opened with any Financial Institution in Malaysia —

a) By a Non-Resident—

i. Individually;

ii. Jointly with another Non-Resident; or

iii. Jointly with a Resident, excluding

· For a joint venture in Malaysia;

· A husband and wife; or

b) By a person who operates the account in trust for or on behalf of a Non-Resident. The designation of the account shall be determined based on the residency of the beneficiary.

Financial Guarantee

A guarantee, indemnity or undertaking to secure the repayment of a Borrowing.

Firm Commitment

A commitment arising from -

a) An obligation to make or a right to receive, any payment under any agreement or arrangement;

b) A holding of an asset or a property; or

c) A holding of a debt, obligation or liability.

Foreign Currency Asset Onshore

a) Foreign Currency-denominated securities or Islamic securities offered in Malaysia by a Resident as approved in writing by Bank Negara Malaysia;

b) Foreign Currency-denominated Financial Instrument or Islamic Financial Instrument offered in Malaysia by a Resident as approved in writing by Bank Negara Malaysia excluding a derivative or Islamic derivative transaction entered with Firm Commitment;

c) Deposit in Investment FCA with a LOB or an approved Financial Institution as specified in Notice 3; or

d) Any instrument offered by a LOB with foreign currency delivery at maturity.

Foreign Currency Asset Offshore (previously referred to as “Investment Abroad”)

a) A financial asset in Malaysia swapped for a financial asset in a Labuan Entity or outside Malaysia;

b) Foreign Currency Borrowing given to a Non-Resident;

c)Working capital arising from the set-up of any business arrangement outside Malaysia (including a joint venture project where no Entity is created or established);

d) Deposit in a Foreign Currency Account maintained with a Labuan Entity or outside Malaysiaexcludingreasonable amount of deposit for education, employment or migration outside Malaysia; or

e) Foreign Currency-denominated—

i. asset (tangible or intangible) offered by a Non-Resident or any person whose residency cannot be determined;

ii. asset (tangible or intangible) in or maintained with a Labuan Entity, or outside Malaysia;

iii. Financial Instrument or Islamic Financial Instrument (excluding Exchange Rate Derivatives) without Firm Commitment offered on a Specified Exchange under the CMSA outside Malaysia undertaken by a Resident through a Resident futures broker; or

iv. Financial Instrument or Islamic Financial Instrument (excluding Exchange Rate Derivatives) without Firm Commitment issued or offered by a Non-Resident.

Global Supply Chain

A business activity where Resident imports goods or services to support production or distribution of goods or services by Resident exporters for Resident exporter’s export activities. This includes domestic trade in goods or services between the Resident importer and the Resident exporter undertaken through Resident intermediate entity.


An Entity's -

a) Ultimate or direct Holding/Parent Entity;

b) Head office;

c) Branch;

d) Subsidiary company where theEntity owns more than 50% of ordinary shares in the subsidiary company;

e) Associate company where the Entity owns between 10% and 50% of ordinary shares in the associate company; or

f) Sister company where the Entity and its sister company have a common shareholder with minimum of 10% of ordinary shares in both the Entity and its sister company.

Immediate Family Member

A legal spouse, parent, legitimate child (including legally adopted) or legitimate sibling of an Individual.

Labuan entity

An Entity which is created, incorporated, licensed or registered under any of the following legislation:

a) Labuan Companies Act 1990 [Act 441];

b) Labuan Trust Act 1996 [Act 554];

c) Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010 [Act 704];

d) Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010 [Act 705];

e) Labuan Foundations Act 2010 [Act 706]; or

f) Labuan Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2010 [Act 707].

Licensed Onshore Bank or LOB

a) A licensed bank or a licensed investment bank under the FSA; and

b) A licensed Islamic bank under the IFSA.

Miscellaneous Expense

A Current Account Transaction that is of reasonable amount and infrequent in nature, including but not limited to holiday expenses abroad, medical expenses abroad and advance or reimbursem*nt for purchase of goods and services abroad on behalf of a Resident Individual residing in Malaysia.

Parent-Subsidiary Relationship

A relationship between a Resident Entity and its direct or indirect —

a) Resident Holding/Parent Entity; or

b) Resident subsidiary.

For the avoidance of doubt, this includes a relationship between a Resident subsidiary of a Non-Resident Holding/Parent Entity with the Resident subsidiary’s ultimate Resident Holding/Parent Entity.

Real Estate Abroad

The real estate is for the Resident Individual’s own accommodation or the Resident Individual’s Immediate Family Member’s accommodation only.

Real Sector Activity

An activity relating to -

a) Construction or purchase of a Residential or commercial property,excludingpurchase of land which will not be utilized for construction or production of goods or services; or

b) Production or consumption of goods or services,excluding -

i. Activity in financial services sector, whether Islamic or otherwise;

ii. Purchase of securities or Islamic securities; or

iii. Purchase of Financial Instrument or Islamic Financial Instrument.

Ringgit Asset

a) Ringgit-denominated security or Islamic security issued in Malaysia by a Resident;

b) Ringgit-denominated security or Islamic security issued by a Non-Resident as approved by the Bank Negara Malaysia;

c) Ringgit-denominated Financial Instrument or Islamic Financial Instrument as approved by BNM;

d) Ringgit deposits with a Financial Institution in Malaysia; including deposit-like instrument with only Ringgit delivery at the inception and maturity; or

e) Any property in Malaysia.

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Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

Appointed overseas office (AOO)

An appointed overseas office, or AOO, refers to a holding/parent entity, subsidiary entity, sister entity, head office, or branch located outside Malaysia within a LOB's (Licensed Onshore Bank) banking group. It can also include an overseas office outside the LOB's banking group that has been approved by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).


Borrowing refers to various types of credit facilities or financing facilities obtained by a resident entity. This can include utilized or unutilized credit facilities, trade financing facilities, redeemable preference shares, Islamic redeemable preference shares, corporate bonds, or sukuk. However, certain types of transactions are excluded from the definition of borrowing, such as trade credits extended by suppliers, certain financial guarantees, operational leasing facilities, factoring facilities without recourse, and credit card facilities used for retail goods or services .

Direct Investment Abroad (DIA)

Direct Investment Abroad, or DIA, refers to investments made by residents in foreign currency assets offshore. This can include equity ownership or control of a non-resident entity outside Malaysia, inter-company lending to a non-resident entity within the resident entity's group, or capital expenditure in an unincorporated entity or project outside Malaysia. Certain conditions, such as contributing capital, entitlement to profits, or management control, need to be met for an investment to be considered DIA.

Direct Shareholder

A direct shareholder refers to an individual or entity that holds at least 10% effective shareholding in a resident entity.

Domestic Ringgit Borrowing

Domestic Ringgit Borrowing refers to borrowings in Ringgit obtained by a resident from another resident. It can also include obligations considered or deemed as domestic Ringgit borrowing under the Foreign Exchange Administration Notices (FEP Notices). However, certain types of borrowings, such as those obtained from a resident entity with a parent-subsidiary relationship or direct shareholder, may not be considered as domestic Ringgit borrowing.


An entity refers to any corporation, statutory body, local authority, society, cooperative, limited liability partnership, or other body, organization, association, or group of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated, in or outside Malaysia. It can also include the Federal Government, State Government, or any other government .

External Account

An external account refers to an account in Ringgit opened with any financial institution in Malaysia by a non-resident individually, jointly with another non-resident, or jointly with a resident (excluding certain exceptions). The designation of the account is determined based on the residency of the beneficiary.

Financial Guarantee

A financial guarantee refers to a guarantee, indemnity, or undertaking to secure the repayment of a borrowing .

Firm Commitment

A firm commitment refers to a commitment arising from an obligation to make or receive payments under an agreement or arrangement, holding of an asset or property, or holding of a debt, obligation, or liability.

Foreign Currency Asset Onshore

Foreign Currency Asset Onshore refers to various types of foreign currency-denominated securities, financial instruments, or deposits offered in Malaysia by a resident and approved by Bank Negara Malaysia. It can also include instruments offered by a licensed onshore bank with foreign currency delivery at maturity.

Foreign Currency Asset Offshore

Foreign Currency Asset Offshore, previously referred to as "Investment Abroad," refers to various types of financial assets, borrowings, working capital, deposits, or instruments denominated in foreign currency. These assets are either held by residents outside Malaysia or held by non-residents or entities whose residency cannot be determined. However, certain exceptions apply, such as reasonable amounts of deposits for education, employment, or migration outside Malaysia.

Global Supply Chain

A global supply chain refers to a business activity where residents import goods or services to support the production or distribution of goods or services by resident exporters for export activities. This includes domestic trade in goods or services between the resident importer and the resident exporter through a resident intermediate entity .


A group refers to an entity's ultimate or direct holding/parent entity, head office, branch, subsidiary company, associate company, or sister company. The relationships within a group can involve ownership of ordinary shares, with the entity owning more than 50% of ordinary shares in a subsidiary company, between 10% and 50% of ordinary shares in an associate company, or a common shareholder with a minimum of 10% of ordinary shares in both the entity and its sister company.

Immediate Family Member

An immediate family member refers to a legal spouse, parent, legitimate child (including legally adopted), or legitimate sibling of an individual.

Labuan Entity

A Labuan entity refers to an entity created, incorporated, licensed, or registered under specific legislation in Labuan, Malaysia. This can include entities governed by the Labuan Companies Act 1990, Labuan Trust Act 1996, Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010, Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010, Labuan Foundations Act 2010, or Labuan Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2010.

Licensed Onshore Bank (LOB)

A Licensed Onshore Bank, or LOB, refers to a licensed bank, licensed investment bank, or licensed Islamic bank under the Financial Services Act (FSA) or Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) in Malaysia.

Miscellaneous Expense

A miscellaneous expense refers to a current account transaction of a reasonable amount and infrequent nature. It can include expenses such as holiday expenses abroad, medical expenses abroad, or advance or reimbursem*nt for the purchase of goods and services abroad on behalf of a resident individual residing in Malaysia .

Parent-Subsidiary Relationship

A parent-subsidiary relationship refers to a relationship between a resident entity and its direct or indirect resident holding/parent entity or resident subsidiary. This relationship can also include a resident subsidiary of a non-resident holding/parent entity with the resident subsidiary's ultimate resident holding/parent entity.

Real Estate Abroad

Real estate abroad refers to real estate properties that are intended for the accommodation of a resident individual or the immediate family member of a resident individual.

Real Sector Activity

A real sector activity refers to an activity related to the construction or purchase of residential or commercial properties, or the production or consumption of goods or services. However, certain activities in the financial services sector, purchase of securities or financial instruments, or purchase of financial instruments in the Islamic financial sector may be excluded .

Ringgit Asset

A Ringgit asset refers to various types of Ringgit-denominated securities, financial instruments, or deposits issued or maintained in Malaysia by a resident or non-resident, as approved by Bank Negara Malaysia.

I hope this information helps clarify the concepts mentioned in the article. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Foreign Exchange Policy Notices (2024)
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