Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund - Growth [194.0584] | Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2024)

Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund - Growth [194.0584] | Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (1)

Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund - Growth [194.0584] | Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2)

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Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund - Growth [194.0584] | Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (5)

Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund - Growth [194.0584] | Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (6)

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  • Regular
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  • NAV

    : ₹ 194.05840.19%

    (as on 13th September, 2024)

Crisil Rank

Relatively weak performance among peers

Fund Size: ₹ 3674.59 Cr

(1.39% of Investment in Category)

Expense Ratio: 2%

(1.89% Category average)


Very High

Large & Mid Cap Fund :Large & Mid Cap Fund : The fund has 96.03% investment in domestic equities of which 34.27% is in Large Cap stocks, 22.43% is in Mid Cap stocks, 6.97% in Small Cap stocks.

Suitable For : Investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3-4 years and looking for high returns. At the same time, these investors should also be ready for possibility of moderate losses in their investments.

  • One-time Investment
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This Scheme


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    Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index

  • NA

  • NA

  • Gold

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  • Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index : -

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  • '+v.schemeName+'
  • '});listr += '

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  • '+v.stock_name+'
  • ' });listr += '

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  • '+$(this).find('a').text()+'
  • '});listr += '

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"); $.ajax({ url: link, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(t) { var n50d = []; var temp = []; var x_data = []; var x_data_2 = []; var temp_stat = []; var y_tot = 0; var ff = []; i = 0; var per = []; var en = []; var first_val_1 = 0; var first_val_2 = 0; var dt1 = []; var dt2 = []; var navval = []; var cmpval = []; var month_arr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] $.each(t.g1, function(k, v) { var spl ="-"); var y = spl[0]; var m = spl[1] - 1; var d = spl[2]; var dd = v.investamt; dt1.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); dt2.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); x_data.push(v.investamt); x_data_2.push(v.returnamt); }); var fund_date = dt1[0] var n50_date = dt2[0] first_val_1 = x_data[0] first_val_2 = x_data_2[0] for (var k = 0; k < x_data.length; k++) {navval.push(x_data[k]); //x_data[k] = ((x_data[k] - first_val_1) / first_val_1) * 100; var ttt = [dt1[k], x_data[k]]; temp_stat.push(ttt) } for (var k = 0; k < x_data_2.length; k++) {cmpval.push(x_data_2[k]); //x_data_2[k] = ((x_data_2[k] - first_val_2) / first_val_2) * 100; var ttt = [dt2[k], x_data_2[k]];if(dt2[k] <= dt1[x_data.length-1] && dt2[k] >= dt1[0]){n50d.push(ttt)} } var y_min = Math.min.apply(null, x_data); var y_max = Math.max.apply(null, x_data); var y_min_2 = Math.min.apply(null, x_data_2); var y_max_2 = Math.max.apply(null, x_data_2); var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; Highcharts.chart(resp_div, { chart: { type: 'line', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.002)' }, title: { text: '' }, subTitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', }, yAxis: { title: { text: (width < 768 ? '' : 'Amount') }, labels: {x: 20,y:-2 }, startOnTick: false, min: Math.min(y_min, y_min_2), max: Math.max(y_max, y_max_2), gridLineWidth: 0.5, }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormatter: function() { var point = this;var date_obj=new Date(point.x) $("#sipmouseoverDate").html(date_obj.getDate()+' '+month_arr[date_obj.getMonth()]+' '+date_obj.getFullYear());$("#sipmouseoverCmpVal").html("Value on selected date : "+cmpval[point.index]+"");$("#sipmouseoverNavVal").html(navval[point.index].toFixed(2));return '\u25CF ' + + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + ''; } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', // floating: true, y: 20, }, plotOptions: { line: { marker: { enabled: false } }, areaspline: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ name: 'Investment', data: temp_stat, //absoluteY: color: '#2867A0', }, { name: 'Value on selected date', data: n50d, // yAxis: 1, color: '#DF9311', }], exporting: { enabled: false } }); } });}//$(document).ready(function(e) {//$('#siponeymfd_clk').click();//});

  • Returns Calculator
  • SIP Calculator
  • VIP (Value Avg)


  • Investment Date

  • Sell Date

  • Investment Value


  • Sell Value


  • Profit/Loss


  • Annualised Returns


  • Date : -
  • Investment : -
  • Value on selected date : -

Returns (NAV as on 13th September, 2024)

Period Invested for ₹10000 Invested on Latest Value Absolute Returns Annualised Returns Category Avg Rank within Category
1 Week 06-Sep-24 10249.70 2.50% - 1.98% 9/30
1 Month 13-Aug-24 10708.00 7.08% - 5.83% 3/30
3 Month 13-Jun-24 11230.80 12.31% - 9.50% 5/30
6 Month 13-Mar-24 12840.20 28.40% - 27.34% 9/30
YTD 01-Jan-24 12616.00 26.16% - 29.03% 18/28
1 Year 13-Sep-23 13887.00 38.87% 38.75% 42.98% 19/27
2 Year 13-Sep-22 15353.40 53.53% 23.87% 28.18% 23/27
3 Year 13-Sep-21 16179.80 61.80% 17.38% 20.39% 20/27
5 Year 13-Sep-19 25714.40 157.14% 20.77% 24.14% 21/23
10 Year 12-Sep-14 35166.20 251.66% 13.38% 16.11% 18/19
Since Inception 02-Mar-05 194058.40 1840.58% 16.38% 19.20% 19/30

SIP Returns (NAV as on 13th September, 2024)

Period Invested for₹1000 SIP Started onInvestmentsLatest ValueAbsolute ReturnsAnnualised Returns
1 Year13-Sep-231200015000.9125.01 %49.02 %
2 Year13-Sep-222400033900.2941.25 %37.03 %
3 Year13-Sep-213600053264.1847.96 %27.1 %
5 Year13-Sep-1960000111649.1586.08 %25.08 %
10 Year12-Sep-14120000282292.02135.24 %16.3 %

Tax Treatment

If sold after 1 year from purchase date, long term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 12.5%, if your total long term capital gain exceeds 1.25 lakh. Any cess/surcharge is not included. If sold before 1 year from purchase date, short term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 20%. Any cess/surcharge is not included in the 20%.

Portfolio (Updated on 31st Aug,2024)

  • Equity (97.63%)
  • Debt (0%)
  • Others (2.38%)

Equity Holding : 96.03% | F&O Holdings : 0.00%| Foreign Equity Holdings : 1.60%| Total : 97.63%

No of Stocks : 51 (Category Avg - 76.97) | Large Cap Investments : 34.27%| Mid Cap Investments : 22.43% | Small Cap Investments : 6.97% | Other : 33.93%

Top 10 Stocks in Portfolio

How to read this table?

Stock Invested in Sector Value(Mn) % of Total Holdings 1M Change 1Y Highest Holding 1Y Lowest Holding Quantity 1M Change in Qty
Indusind Bank Ltd. Private sector bank 1511.4 4.11% 0.52% 4.11% (Aug 2024) 1.25% (Sep 2023) 10.60 L 1.46 L
Axis Bank Ltd. Private sector bank 1474.7 4.01% 0.49% 4.29% (Jun 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 12.55 L 1.58 L
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Passenger cars & utility vehicles 1393 3.79% -0.18% 4.62% (Jun 2024) 1.58% (Oct 2023) 4.97 L 0.00
Zomato Ltd. E-retail/ e-commerce 1212.6 3.30% -0.71% 4.05% (Apr 2024) 0.96% (Sep 2023) 48.40 L -0.15 Cr
Endurance Technologies Ltd. Auto components & equipments 1209.3 3.29% -0.51% 4.53% (Jun 2024) 2.23% (Sep 2023) 4.89 L -0.43 L
HCL Technologies Limited Computers - software & consulting 1174.2 3.20% 0.17% 3.2% (Aug 2024) 1.97% (May 2024) 6.70 L 0.00
Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. Non banking financial company (nbfc) 1165.3 3.17% 1.69% 3.17% (Aug 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 8.01 L 4.20 L
Coforge Ltd. Computers - software & consulting 1129.9 3.07% -0.34% 3.42% (Jul 2024) 1.13% (Sep 2023) 1.78 L -0.19 L
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd Personal care 1073.9 2.92% 0.05% 2.92% (Aug 2024) 1.82% (Sep 2023) 7.25 L 0.00
Max Financial Services Ltd. Life insurance 1072.9 2.92% 0.49% 2.92% (Aug 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 9.98 L 2.04 L

- indicates change in weight in the portfolio. # indicates a new entry.

Name Type of Instrument Weight (%)
Net Receivables Net Receivables 2.38%

Risk Ratios

Ratios calculated on daily returns for last 3 years (Updated as on 30th August, 2024)

  • Standard Deviation

    Low volatility


    Category Avg

  • Beta

    Low volatility


    Category Avg

  • Sharpe Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Treynor's Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Jension's Alpha

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

Alternative Funds (Category Peers)

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 4 5810.75 9.15 16.82 41.25 59.32 25.94
Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund - Growth 5 6205.14 8.02 12.72 33.72 57.40 22.85
Bandhan Core Equity Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 5 6552.58 6.67 13.23 33.33 55.68 26.66
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund - Growth 5 3706.81 2.22 2.70 22.59 51.64 27.10
HSBC Large & Midcap Fund - Growth 3 3638.62 4.59 8.43 34.97 48.26 20.32
UTI Large & Mid Cap Fund - Growth 4 3931.11 6.20 12.68 30.44 48.18 23.45
LIC MF Large & Mid Cap Fund - Growth 3 3220.66 4.98 10.86 34.07 48.00 19.01
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 14246.48 5.37 10.39 29.24 47.61 20.44
Baroda BNP Paribas Large and Mid Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 1443.47 6.16 11.18 26.95 47.50 20.93
Nippon India Vision Fund - Growth 4 5375.02 6.30 8.97 27.10 46.46 21.52

More Funds from Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund

Out of 38 mutual fund schemes offered by this AMC,4 is/are ranked 5 * ,4 is/are ranked 4 * ,7 is/are ranked 3 * ,4 is/are ranked 2 * ,6 is/are ranked 1 * ,and 13 schemes are not ranked. See more about AMC

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund - Growth 4 17842.805.6010.5023.2441.1222.05
Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund - Growth 5 14423.335.447.0934.5749.0428.58
Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund - Growth 5 14423.337.9511.0337.6352.8026.05
Franklin India Prima Fund - Growth 3 12745.756.3910.6735.2652.2522.70
Franklin India Focused Equity Fund - Growth 4 12740.065.638.6123.2436.8220.48
Franklin India Bluechip Fund - Growth 2 8234.606.2910.7520.8033.3714.25
Franklin India Bluechip Fund - Growth 2 8234.605.038.0617.9532.1514.38
Franklin India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 4 7143.115.7010.8323.6742.1522.31
Franklin India Opportunities Fund - Growth 3 5381.375.379.0637.2766.8829.09
Franklin India Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 4347.695.790.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.