French Potato and Green Bean Salad Recipe (2024)

By David Tanis

Updated Oct. 17, 2023

French Potato and Green Bean Salad Recipe (1)

Total Time
1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
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If this sounds like a pared-down salade niçoise, it is. Make a bold vinaigrette that is unapologetically fragrant with garlic and anchovy. Boil medium-size potatoes in their skins. Peel, slice and dress them while they are still slightly warm. You can even do the work in advance and then assemble it all just before serving. Authentic, traditional or somewhere in between, maybe we’ll just call this a potato salad with a southern French accent and let it go at that.

Featured in: A Summer Salad the French Might Recognize

Learn: How to Cook Eggs

Learn: How to Make Salad

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Yield:4 to 6 servings

  • 2pounds medium potatoes, like Yukon Gold or Yellow Finn
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1bay leaf
  • 1large thyme sprig
  • 3garlic cloves, smashed to a paste with a little salt
  • 1tablespoon chopped anchovy
  • 1tablespoon chopped capers
  • 2teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 4tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1pound small French beans, or small romano or wax beans
  • 4large eggs
  • 1tablespoon thinly sliced chives
  • 2tablespoons roughly chopped parsley
  • 2tablespoons roughly chopped basil
  • 6 to 8anchovy fillets, optional, for garnish
  • 8ounces arugula, optional

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (6 servings)

327 calories; 17 grams fat; 3 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 10 grams monounsaturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 35 grams carbohydrates; 6 grams dietary fiber; 5 grams sugars; 12 grams protein; 780 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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French Potato and Green Bean Salad Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Bring a large pot of well-salted water to a boil. Add the potatoes, bay leaf and thyme branch. Cook at a brisk simmer until the potatoes are firm but easily pierced with a skewer, about 30 minutes. Remove and let cool slightly.

  2. Step


    While the potatoes are cooking, make the vinaigrette: In a small bowl, stir together the garlic, anchovy, capers, mustard and vinegar. Slowly whisk in the olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Whisk again before using if the dressing separates.

  3. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, remove the skins with a paring knife and carefully cut into pieces ¼-inch thick, or slightly thicker. Put the slices in a low bowl, season lightly with salt and pepper and add half the vinaigrette. Using your hands, gently coat the potatoes with the vinaigrette, taking care not to break them. Cover and set aside at room temperature.

  4. Step


    Top and tail the beans. Simmer in salted water until firm-tender, about 3 to 4 minutes, then cool under running water and pat dry.

  5. Step


    To cook the eggs, bring a medium pot of water to a rapid boil. Add the eggs and cook for 8 minutes for a somewhat soft-centered yolk or 9 minutes for a firmer yolk. Cool the eggs immediately in ice water, then crack and peel. Cut each egg in half and season lightly with salt and pepper.

  6. Step


    When ready to serve, season the beans with salt and pepper, then dress with the remaining vinaigrette. (Reserve 2 tablespoons vinaigrette for the arugula, if using.)

  7. Step


    Combine the dressed beans and potatoes, using hands to toss, and pile onto a platter. Sprinkle with chives, parsley and basil and arrange the eggs over the top. Garnish with anchovy fillets, if desired. Dress the arugula and send it to the table separately.



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A little trick worth mentioning:
Instead of adding the olive oil to the vinegar, add the vinegar to the olive oil whisking all the while: it will emulsify better and won't separate as easily, if at all.


Great recipe for relatively quick meal. I don't boil eggs though, I steam them and they come out perfect every time. Bring a bit of water to a boil in a pot with the steaming basket in it. When the water is boiling add the eggs to the basket, cover the pot and set a timer for 12 minutes. When the timer goes off, put the eggs in a bowl of ice water until completely cooled. Instead of being dry, crumbly and pale yellow, the yolks are a beautiful dark orange with a soft, creamy texture.


Delicious! It satisfies the craving for Salade Nicoise with less work and a more appropriate amount to serve me and my husband. I added cherry tomatoes, which taste so good with the basil and look beautiful I also use anchovy paste, so convenient to keep on hand. Next time, I'll cook the potatoes differently. I prefer to cut them in chunks and steam with the skin on. I tried to cook them as directed, but I had lots of trouble slicing them, and we like the skins.


Delectable as a summer supper, especially with a few Kalamata olives added. Two work-reduction techniques: I left the skins on tiny potatoes, and then just cut them in half. As for the eggs, I brought them to a boil then turned off the stove and let them sit, lid on, for 15 minutes; then replaced the still-hot water with icy tap water for another 15 minutes. And I omitted the arugula, and did not miss it.


This fellow loves his sodium. You don't need to add salt when cooking potatoes, pasta or rice. And what is 'well salted'? People have varying ideas and maybe the recipe should be more precise. With the exception of some freshly ground pepper there is no need for the extra salt. The dressing has enough flavour and 'saltiness'. Great recipe
Forgive me I work in cardiac nutrition...

Joan Collignon

I used 1 3/4 lb beans to the 2 pounds of potato; makes it more of a vegetable salad than potato.


Because I had on hand, added 1/2 jar of artichoke hearts marinated in EVOO. Nice.


I used baby potatoes and haricot vert from Trader Joe's. Cooking the haricot vert any more than 2 min 30 secs will overcook them, even with an ice bath. I did not peel the potatoes and using the thyme and bay leaf are unnecessary--you won't taste the herbs. Instead of chives I added some pickled red onions which added a nice piquancy to the dish.


Its a really great salad, but def best the same day; it doesn't save very well.


Be careful when you substitute anchovy paste for real anchovies--paste is preserved with a lot of salt. Add to that the salted potatoes & green beans, capers, etc. and I found it way too salty to serve to health-conscious eaters. I cut that by adding a small amount of plain olive oil and white wine vinegar (in equal portions) and mixing that in. Added a 1/4 cup parsley to cut taste of salt. I doubled this recipe and was plenty for a crowd with other sides. (Great dish--just control salt!)


Great recipe! Made last night with potatoes, green beans and herbs from the farmers mkt. Especially like the vinaigrette, would use with other salads. Did not use/need arugula. Usually leave skin on the potatoes, however it was peeling off anyway so removed. To help with clean up, cooked the beans in the potato water while they were cooling. Cooked eggs similar to others here: added to cold water, brought to boil, turned off heat and simmered 8 minutes - perfect with no brown/green edges.


For years I've made my vinaigrette in a 1-cup Pyrex measuring cup, (red wine vinegar, Country Dijon, s&p, occasionally garlic and/or fresh thyme, light olive oil) whipping using a small DESSERT fork. The fat tines of the dessert fork seem to be the trick to this and it emulsifies the dressing like nobody's business - it rarely separates. I only make enough dressing for 1 salad as it is so easy to prepare fresh. I never use "left over" dressing.

Marian V.

I used the same salted water to cook the potatoes, green beans and eggs. I started with the potatoes, added eggs timed to finish at the same time as the potatoes, and lastly the green beans. Only one pot and cut the time down considerably.


Not sure that I would cook the potatoes for 30 minutes - might get a little mushy - I find 20 will usually do it and I include the eggs in the same pan - helps with clean up.


I've never understood the direction to "top AND tail" green beans. I get the top part but why the tail -- it perfectly edible.


Double the sauce and serves twice the people as a side dish, so could easily make just half a portion


Great with fancy Italian jarred Tuna on top. My fave is Tonnino yellowfin fillets with garlic. They wont remind you much of canned tuna. Add Kalamata olives.


The vinaigrette was delicious. I heated the oil and added whole anchovies (they melt immediately), then the chopped capers (they melt as well), and finally the pressed garlic (I don't like raw garlic in salads). Finally, I added mustard and vinegar, and let it cool. The whole mix comes together beautifully, it's an explosion of flavors. I find green beans difficult to flavor, they retain a lot of water even after straining and patting them down with a paper towel. Does anyone have any tips?


Double the dressing! You will not regret it. The potatoes soak up a lot. You can always use any extra dressing on other veggies or salads.


This was fantastic, and I did most of it in the Instant Pot and didn't heat up the kitchen with steam from saucepans. I had baby Yukons, so I left the skin on and cut them in 1/2" slices after cooking. Husband doesn't like fresh basil OR arugula (I love both), so I just used the parsley and also used butter lettuce for some extra crunch. I added some Kalamatas and I used fresh regular green beans. It's a winner for Meatless(ish) Monday.


I love this salad! I followed the recipe to the letter except I grated the eggs instead of slicing. It’s a beautiful dish, and very delicious!


I didn't have capers, so I chopped up an extra anchovy. Used champagne vinegar and added a bit of honey to take the edge off. Followed the rest of the recipe as written. One of the most delicious summer salads I've ever eaten! Also it's a great way to use up the bumper crop of green beans in the garden.

Aya H

I have no clue what peeling the potatoes after they were cooked did - other than making them hot and slippy to handle. Boil the potatoes normally by peeling first! Then they’ll take in the salt in your water well too.


Super yummy! I kept the skins on and smashed the potatoes so the sauce would soak into the potatoes more. Added an entire tin of diced anchovies into the sauce for added oompf. Was good served immediately hot, room temperature, or cold. This is a winner of a recipe!


Quite enjoyed this--I substituted some crumbled, leftover bacon for the umami the anchovies provide (I had none in the house). Next time I'll lightly saute the garlic in the olive oil and then put it to the side as we felt the raw garlic was too assertive. Great dish for the handfuls of fresh green beans from the garden!


I was thinking that bacon would taste really good in this salad. I may try it next time when it's not Meatless(ish) Monday here.


it's important to immediately add some wine and vinegar to the potatoes as soon as you take them out of the boiling water.

Amy J

Truly excellent summertime dish when you can’t even fathom turning on the oven. I did pair this with slow-poached citrus salmon (Alison Roman, also NYTimes). Other than that, 10/10 no notes, no critiques. I will keep this in our weeknight rotations and also use the dressing for other dishes as well.


I made just the potatoes and the vinaigrette, which is crazy delicious. (I also used anchovy paste and may have almost doubled the garlic and mustard because, why not?). Then, because I was inspired by a few German potato salad recipes, I caramelized three large thinly-sliced shallots, briefly deglazed the pan with a splash of white balsalmic vinegar and added those to the potatoes with a handful of chopped flat-leafed parsley. Divine.


Fabulous. I did add the arugula and followed the suggestions for olives, tomatoes, leaving the skins on the potatoes and steaming the eggs. I did make about 1.5 times the recipe because I was serving 7 but would have been just fine with making it as written. Not mad about the leftovers though!


very delicious and filling salad! i poached the eggs instead of boiling because i prefer them and the yolk added to the dressing on the plate perfectly. also added half a minced shallot to the vinaigrette. faster than niçoise!

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French Potato and Green Bean Salad Recipe (2024)
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