Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (2024)

Fundrise is an online real estate investment platform that allows users to invest in high-quality commercial and residential properties with ease.

This is a testimonial in partnership with Fundrise. We earn a commission from partner links on GoodFinancialCents®. I have been a personal client of Fundrise since 2018. All opinions are my own.

It’s fun watching HGTV and imagining how it would feel to make money flipping houses.

There must be a huge sense of accomplishment when you uncover a home’s original charm beneath decades of bad interior design choices, not to mention the cash that seems to result from all this work.

Let’s Face It:

Most of us don’t have the time, the resources, or the home improvement skills to make this work.

You’d have to buy the property up-front, along with the building materials and the skilled labor. Then, you’d have to wait until the property sells to see any profit.

Still, adding real estate investments to your portfolio can be a really smart idea – not only because real estate has proven itself as a solid investment choice, but also because diversity is absolutely crucial for each of us.

To get ahead in life – and to build a nest egg that can stand the test of time – we can’t put all of our eggs in one basket, right?


Wouldn’t it be great if you could invest in real estate without dealing with all the hassle of buying, improving, and re-selling real estate?

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (1)

Invest in Real Estate

  • Low minimum investment – $10
  • Diversified real estate portfolio
  • Portfolio Transparency

Now, thanks to new firms like Fundrise and Realty Mogul you can invest your money specifically into real estate.

With Fundrise, you can invest in commercial property without dealing with the hands-on aspects of owning physical property. Check out other great ways to invest by reading our M1 Finance review or Betterment review.

Think about how much easier this could be.

If you “flip houses,” you’ll have a ton to worry about. You might have to come up with a huge cash payment just to buy a property to begin with, plus hire contractors, oversee construction and workers, then work tirelessly to make sure you sell the home for a profit.

As a residential or commercial landlord, on the other hand, you might have an entirely different set of tasks. Finding tenants, planning repairs, and maintenance, collecting rent, and paying taxes. It can be a full-time job by itself.

And each time a tenant moved out, you would need to start the process overtaking the time to find a new tenant, working up a lease and financial agreement, cleaning up after the former tenant, then managing any other issues that might arise.

When you invest usingFundrise,however, you can take a completely hands-off approach to your investments. You provide the money but not the elbow grease or the asset management.

This is possible because you’re buying notes that list real estate as the underlying investment – not the real estate itself.

Here’s how it works:

You invest in Fundrise which in turn invests in real estate development projects. If the projects you invest in make money, you see a return on your investment.

For a lot of people, this is the best (and only) way to invest in real estate for the long haul. Not everyone can rehab dirty houses or be a landlord, right?

Table of Contents

  • Review of Investing in Real Estate Through Fundrise
  • Everything You Need to Know About Fundrise
  • Understanding Fundrise’s New Goals-Based Plans
  • Benefits of Investing in Fundrise
  • Fundrise Disadvantages
  • Final Thoughts on Fundrise Review
  • Fundrise Review FAQs

Review of Investing in Real Estate Through Fundrise

If you’re looking for a hands-off approach to investing in real estate, Fundrise is a firm you might want to consider.

Through their real estate investment products, investors earned an average of 12 – 14 percent on their money last year, and all without painting a wall or dealing with unruly tenants. If you want to see “real-life returns” you can check out how my Fundrise account has performed.

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (2)

Here’s the part that I think is really smart: Fundrise uses technology to locate and capitalize on real estate investments that are most likely to earn income, projects inside a “sweet spot” that exists between the large institutional investments and the smaller, higher-risk individual investments.

According to Fundrise founders Ben and Dan Miller, it’s harder to earn income on large, institutional real estate investments because competition drives down profits over time.

At the same time, the small “fix and flip” assets you see on shows like HGTV’s Fixer Upper are typically riddled with problems and risk.

Not only are these smaller projects comparatively expensive to operate, but there are simply too many things that can go wrong.

What if you discover asbestos? That will probably add another six-figure line item to the budget, for example, which cuts directly into your profits.

To remedy these limitations in your ability to earn income from real estate, Fundrise focuses its efforts on that “sweet spot” I was talking about: mid-size, sub-institutional assets that have less competition but the potential for higher returns.

So, with Fundrise, your dollars won’t be invested in any real estate investment that comes along; instead, Fundrise focuses on investments that fit within certain parameters and offer superior potential for low risks and high returns.

How Does Fundrise Find These Kinds of Projects?

Through a stringent project vetting process that results in only 1 percent of submitted projects getting funding, according to the Fundrise team.

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (3)

So, not only can you invest in real estate without doing all the leg work, but you can also have the knowledge that your investment is well-positioned to earn income.

Everything You Need to Know About Fundrise

If you’re still reading, I’m guessing you are interested in investing through Fundrise and would like to know some of the nitty-gritty details about how it works and who can invest.

So let’s get started, shall we?

First of all, the minimum investment required by Fundrise is just $10 for investors who invest in their Starter Portfolio, $1,000 in their eREIT™ products, and around $5,000 for those who invest in their other placements.

Here are their current plans, as of 8/23/23.

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (4)

Helpful Terms

Fundrise has trademarked new terms for its investment vehicles. Here’s how they work

What is an eREIT™?

To understand Fundrise’s eREIT™ products, let’s first define a traditional REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust. People have been investing in REITs for about half a century. REITs own real property and you can buy and sell shares at any time through a broker, just like you would with stocks.

Fundrise’s eREIT™, or electronic Real Estate Investment Trust, products work similarly except you don’t need a broker because shares are not publicly traded. You buy shares directly from Fundrise when you open an account.

This is good because investments are not subject to the volatility of the market, but keep in mind it’s also harder to sell shares since they’re not publicly traded.

What is an eFund™?

Fundrise’s eFund™ is a diversified fund comprised of residential real estate projects such as single-family homes, apartment complexes, condos, etc. These funds are structured as partnerships, not corporations, to avoid double taxation, and they’re sold exclusively through Fundrise.

Like eREITs, they are not publicly traded.

This relatively low barrier for entry makes this type of investment a really good option for people who want to dip their toes into real estate without going into full throttle.

As of now, any U.S. resident can invest in Fundrise provided that:

  • they can meet the minimum investment amount
  • their investment does not exceed 10 percent of their gross annual income or net worth.

The Starter Portfolio really is one of the more intriguing offerings in the REIT space.

Not only does it only require a $500 investment to get started, but you will be invested across three different REITs; the West Coast eREITs, and Fundrise is offering a 90-day buy-back period so you can try it out with no risk.

In addition to individual placements, Fundrise offers both an Growth eREIT™ for beginners, both of which have similar goals but a slightly different set-up.

  • Fundrisecreated its Growth eREIT™ has a greater potential to accrue more value over time. While a dividend is paid quarterly, most of the returns for this investment are paid out toward the end of the investment period.

Also, keep in mind that additional investments may be available to you if you are an accredited investor – a term coined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to describe financially sophisticated investors who have high net worth and need little protection.

Understanding Fundrise’s New Goals-Based Plans

Fundrise now offers another way to categorize your investments: by choosing one of three goals-based plans. Each plan’s name can tell us a lot about how it works, and Fundrise offers a questionnaire to help you decide on a strategy if you’re not sure.

  • Supplemental Income Strategy — this approach should yield the highest stream of income from your investments.
  • Balanced Investing Strategy — this approach leans more toward long-term growth by reducing the emphasis on earning immediate income.
  • Long-Term Growth Strategy — this approach invests more in higher-risk projects which means immediate income will likely be lower but there’s also a greater opportunity for your investments to grow in the long run.

Fundrise Fees

You can invest in Fundrise’s real estate trust funds without paying the middleman (or middlewoman) brokerage fees, unlike with traditional Real Estate Investment Trusts. So what do you pay?

  • 0.85 percent annual fee on your assets.
  • 0.15 percent annual fee for management.

Total: 1 percent annual fee on assets. The fee is automatically deducted from your account.

Here’s how their fees compare to other publicly traded REITs:

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (5)

Benefits of Investing in Fundrise

While no type of investment is perfect, Fundrise does offer some benefits that help it stand out. The best features offered by Fundrise, in my opinion, are summed up below.:

  • Fundrise charges low fees for its services. There’s a 0.85 percent fee annually on assets and a 0.15 percent management fee.

    Naturally, this compares favorably with traditional approaches that cost 5 or 6 percent a year. If you’re looking for an investment option with fees that won’t eat away at your earnings too much, Fundrise might be it.

  • You can potentially invest in Fundrise through an IRA. If you open a self-directed IRA, you can invest your funds into Fundrise notes.
  • Fundrise lets you search through and filter offers to find the most interesting – and potentially profitable – deals. Just like Lending Club lets you sort notes based on risk level and earning potential, you can browse the Fundrise site for investments that meet your personalized criteria.

    If you like to have some control over your investments, this is a huge deal.

  • Fundrise accounts are free. Opening your account is absolutely free, and you won’t be charged for browsing investments, either. If you want to dig around their website before you commit, you can. And actually, I would suggest doing that anyway before you get started.
  • Fundrise income is as passive as it gets. While investing in real estate the old-fashioned way requires a lot of intensive planning and plenty of hands-on work, Fundrise requires nothing of the sort. Once you choose your investments, nearly everything else is taken care of for you.
  • Most Fundrise investments offer rolling maturity dates. While not always the case, most of their investment options let you cash out part or all of your investment every few years. So while they are not liquid in a general sense, you will have access to your money periodically.
  • Fundrise lets you invest from the comfort of your home on their secure website. Opening an account and choosing your investments is easy. Plus, you can add funds via an electronic check and even sign documents online.

Fundrise Disadvantages

No investment option is perfect, and Fundrise is no exception. While investing in Fundrise can offer high returns and truly passive income, there are some disadvantages to consider as well.

  • Many Fundrise investments outside of their new eREIT products are not available to unaccredited investors. To become an accredited investor, you must meet certain criteria decided by the SEC. One way to qualify as an accredited investor is to earn an income of at least $200,000 per year or a joint spousal income of at least $300,000 per year for at least two years.

    Also, having a net worth of at least $1 million dollars will do, regardless of your income. There are other ways to meet the requirements to become an accredited investor, of course, but those are the two easiest.

  • Fundrise investments are not liquid until they reach maturity. While Lending Club offers a secondary market where you can sell notes if you need to cash out, Fundrise does not offer this option yet. As a result, your investments are not liquid until they reach maturity.

    If you feel you might need to access your money at any time, this is a disadvantage. Fundrise has recently introduced a stopgap measure to make it easier to cash out investments.

  • Fundrise offers limited investment options at this point. Even for accredited investors, investment options are somewhat limited. This will likely continue to change as Fundrise grows its platform, but it’s still worth noting that your choices are not plentiful yet.
  • Fundrise is relatively new, so we don’t have a lot of data to work with yet. While Fundrise investors earned an average of 13 percent on their investments in 2015, the company wasn’t founded until 2012.

    Earnings dipped into the single digits in 2016 but bounced back to 11.44 percent in 2017, 8.81% in 2018, 9.16% in 2019, 7.31% in 2020, 22.99% in 2021, 1.5% in 2022 and -0.88% (so far in 2023)

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (6)

Final Thoughts on Fundrise Review

There is so much more to know about Fundrise, and if you want to dig a little deeper, I highly suggest you look over their website, specifically their FAQs. The site starts off with general information, but you can drill down to the fine print even without opening an account.

If you have questions about Fundrise investments or almost anything else, you’ll likely find the answers you’re looking for there.

The best part about investing in Fundrise is the fact that it is a truly hands-off and passive investment – as in, you won’t have to get your hands dirty or do any of the heavy lifting, either the physical kind that results in pulled muscles and splinters or the mental heavy lifting that’s necessary when you’re actively managing an investment project.

Like any other investment, however, there are risks involved. Since investing in real estate in this fashion is a relatively new concept, make sure you know what you’re getting into before you put real money on the table.

Get Started with Fundrise Today

Fundrise Review FAQs

Is Fundrise a safe investment?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Fundrise is a real estate investment company, and as such, its investments involve a certain degree of risk.

However, the company has a strong track record of delivering positive returns to its investors, and it has been praised for its user-friendly platform and overall transparency.

Is Fundrise a Scam?

The short answer is no, Fundrise is not a scam. However, as with any investment, there is always some risk involved. So make sure you do your research before investing in any company or product.

What is the minimum investment for Fundrise?

The minimum investment for Fundrise is $10 with their Starter Portfolio. This portfolio consists of a mix of Fundrise’s eREITs and eFunds.

How do you get your money out of Fundrise?

From your account page on Fundrise, you can choose to withdraw your money either by check or by electronic transfer. Checks are mailed directly to your address, and electronic transfers are sent to the bank account you have on file with Fundrise.

How do you make money with Fundrise?

The process of making money with Fundrise is relatively simple. First, you need to create an account on their website and then fund your account with at least $10 (for their starter portfolio). Once your account is funded, you can start investing in various real estate projects listed on the Fundrise platform.

There is no guarantee that you will make money with Fundrise, but by investing in high-quality real estate projects, you have a good chance of earning healthy returns over time.

How does Fundrise compare to traditional real estate investments?

Traditional real estate investments typically require significant capital and hands-on management. With Fundrise, investors can start with a lower initial investment and do not have to directly manage the properties.

Instead, they invest in eREITs or eFunds managed by Fundrise, which pools money from multiple investors to invest in real estate. This offers a more passive form of investment compared to owning real estate directly.

Is Fundrise FDIC insured?

No, Fundrise investments are not FDIC insured. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures deposits at banks, ensuring the safety of a depositor’s funds up to certain limits in case of a bank failure. Investments made through platforms like Fundrise involve purchasing real estate assets and not making bank deposits.

As a result, they carry inherent risks, just like other types of investments, and are not covered by FDIC insurance.

How We Review Brokers and Investment Companies:

Good Financial Cents conducts a thorough review of U.S. brokers, focusing on assets under management and notable industry trends. Our primary objective is to offer a balanced and informative assessment, assisting individuals in making informed decisions about their investment choices. We believe in maintaining a transparent editorial process.

To achieve this, we gather data from providers through detailed questionnaires and take the time to observe provider demonstrations. This hands-on approach, combined with our independent research, forms the basis of our evaluation process. After considering various factors, we assign a star rating, ranging from one to five, to each broker.

For a deeper understanding of the criteria we use to rate brokers and our evaluation approach, please refer to our editorial guidelines and full disclaimer.

Fundrise Review

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (7)

Product Name: Fundrise

Product Description: Fundrise is an online crowdfunding real estate investment company that allows anyone to invest in commercial and residential properties.

  • [ Open an Account ]

Summary of Fundrise - Online Real Estate App

Fundrise is a real estate investment platform that allows individual investors to invest in commercial and residential properties for as little as $10. The company’s platform uses technology to reduce the costs and complexities of real estate investing, making it more accessible to a wider range of investors. Fundrise offers a variety of investment options, including eREITs (real estate investment trusts) and eFunds (real estate investment funds), which allow investors to diversify their portfolios and earn potential returns on their investments.

  • Cost and Fees
  • Customer Service
  • User Experience
  • Product Offerings



  • Investors can get started with as little as $10
  • Allows for real estate investing without the need for personal property management
  • Offers a variety of investment options for diversification
  • Can potentially earn higher returns on investments


  • There is the potential for loss
  • Value of real estate investments can fluctuate
  • Investments in Fundrise are illiquid, meaning it can take some time to liquidate.
  • Fundrise is a relatively new company and its platform is still evolving, so there may be uncertainty about its long-term viability.
  • No FDIC Insurance


The publicly filed offering circulars of the issuers sponsored by Rise Companies Corp., not all of which may be currently qualified by the Securities and Exchange Commission, may be found at

Fundrise Review 2023 | Investing In Real Estate With Fundrise (2024)


Is Fundrise a good investment in 2023? ›

Fundrise's investments returned 1.5% to investors in 2022 and -3.21% in the first three quarters of 2023 with 1.0% annual fees. This compares to -25.10% and -5.17% returns for publicly traded REITs in 2022 and the first three quarters of 2023, respectively.

Can you really make money on Fundrise? ›

Can you really make money with Fundrise? Yes, you can make money with Fundrise by investing in its real estate, private credit, or venture capital funds. You can receive profits either through periodic dividends or fund price appreciation at the end.

Is Fundrise still worth it? ›

Fundrise is a good investment platform for low-cost real estate, private credit, and venture capital funds for short-term cash flow and long-term appreciation. Non-accredited investors can access most of Fundrise's investment options.

How long should I keep my money in Fundrise? ›

Fees: The shares you own are intended to be held long-term. The Flagship Fund, the Income Fund, and the Innovation Fund do not charge a penalty for liquidation; however, any eREIT and eFund shares you've held for less than five years may be subject to a penalty.

What is better than Fundrise? ›

What Is Better than Fundrise? Groundfloor is better than Fundrise in terms of liquidity. Groundfloor offers short-term investment opportunities (6-18 months), while Fundrise's investment period is 5 years or more. With Fundrise, you'll have your money tied up for a more extended period.

Can I trust Fundrise? ›

Yes. Fundrise is a legitimate company and has been around since 2012. Three of the funds are registered with the SEC, as defined by the Securities Act of 1940, while 10 funds are exempt from registration. Non-registered funds are best for aggressive investors willing to risk all of their capital.

Does Fundrise pay you monthly? ›

You receive dividends as quarterly cash payments that are either distributed to your bank account or reinvested, depending on your preference. To learn more about dividends at Fundrise, read our full blog post.

Can I take money out of Fundrise? ›

Place a standard liquidation request on the Fundrise platform. 2. Once your liquidation request is processed, your funds will be automatically sent to your IRA with our third-party custodian, Inspira Financial*. From there, you can work with them to transfer, rollover, or take a distribution from your IRA account.

What is the Fundrise controversy? ›

The Initial Allegations

Investors claimed that they were misled about the nature and risks associated with their investments. Some alleged that Fundrise had exaggerated the potential returns, while others accused the platform of failing to disclose crucial information about the underlying real estate projects.

Is it better to invest in REITs or Fundrise? ›

Fundrise charges a higher management fee than most REITs and is less liquid. However, the Fundrise fee of 1%+ can still be cheaper than other private real estate equity alternatives, and thus Fundrise might make sense for an accredited investor looking to cut down on the costs of investing in private real estate.

Does Fundrise charge a monthly fee? ›

Fundrise charges an annual advisory fee of 0.15%, paid directly by you, the investor. An investment of $1,000, for example, would pay $1.50 per year in fees.

Is Roots better than Fundrise? ›

If you're looking for the most property types, Fundrise might be the better option for you. If you are looking for less fees, a focus on residential, and to invest in real estate that has a unique, positive social impact on the renters, Roots is for you.

How long does it take to start making money on Fundrise? ›

Once you place an investment, it can take up to 5 business days (typically a week or 7 calendar days) to fully settle, at which time you will begin participating in potential returns. Investors can then earn returns in two ways: Dividends and Appreciation.

What are Fundrise average yearly returns? ›

Annual returns of client accounts
Fundrise (all clients) 1Public REITs (all U.S. REITs) 2
3 more rows

What is the minimum balance for Fundrise? ›

Fundrise at a glance

$10 minimum, though higher account and investment minimums may apply depending on the plan. Flagship and Income Funds impose no early redemption penalty. Most other funds have a penalty. Asset management fee of 0.85% and advisory fee of 0.15%, but other fees may apply.

What is the best investment right now 2023? ›

The 5 best investments in 2023
  1. Treasury bills (T-bills): Best for those with a lower risk tolerance. ...
  2. High-yield savings accounts: Best for those who still want access to their money. ...
  3. Certificates of deposit (CDs): Best for those who have a specific timeline in mind and won't need access to their money before then.
Apr 3, 2023

What not to invest in in 2023? ›

3Selected luxury goodsLouis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, Kering and Dior
4ShippingZIM Integrated Shipping
5Crypto meme coinsDogecoin and Shiba Inu
6Cruise linesCarnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Lines
3 more rows
Jan 20, 2023

What is the future outlook for Fundrise? ›

For 2024, Fundrise is continuing to invest in attractive real estate opportunities and believes real estate prices could recover as mortgage rates get cut in 2025 and beyond. In Fundrise's opinion, we passed the bottom of the commercial real estate market in 4Q 2023 and now have upside potential.

What is the best REIT to invest in 2023? ›

Don't Miss:
Vornado Realty TrustVNO41.54
EPR PropertiesEPR41.09
Welltower Inc.WELL39.64
Lument Finance Trust Inc.LFT39.36
6 more rows
Jan 4, 2024

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.