Gamification in Banking 2024: examples & ideas in finance (2024)

Amid a rapid increase of mobile apps in the FinTech sector, companies always look for new solutions to stand out. Gamification in banking is a way to boost engagement, increase retention, and add unique features to your solution.

This article will explain how to use gamification in banking, what benefits it brings, and provide real-world examples of game-like elements. Let’s go!

Table of contents

    What is gamification

    In short, gamification is a method of including game-like elements in web and mobile apps. It can benefit various industries, such as education, healthcare, wellness, retail, and finance and banking.

    UI/UX designers use gamification to make interfaces more engaging and inspire interactions, sharings, and reactions among users

    Some examples of gamification include:

    • Point system
    • Daily or weekly goals
    • Progress indicators
    • Challenges
    • Streaks

    Gamification statistics worth knowing

    Gamification has taken the app development market by storm, and it is not just a blank statement. We have some facts and numbers to prove it.

    The gamification market worldwide is expected to reach nearly $22.45 billion in 2024 compared to $4.91 billion in 2016. And is set to continue to grow and is expected to be valued at over $56.7 billion by 2028.

    Gamification in banking is a must-have to stay relevant, increase the conversion rate, and bring in new customers

    More than 70% of the companies from the Global 2000 list use gamified elements in some way. It includes Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of China, and many other role models of the banking industry.

    The Texas bank Extraco launched a gamified process to educate customers about account changes. The game walked users through the reasons and benefits of a new system. As a result, the conversion rate increased from 2% to 14%, while customer acquisitions rose by 700%.

    4 key principles of gamification

    Gamification is based on fundamental human psychology. Many experts tried to break down why users enjoy interacting with game-like interfaces. Their suggestions vary from people’s need for recognition, reward, status, and achievement to the human desire for self-expression and altruism.

    Studies helped figure out key principles of gamification that make it engaging and enjoyable.

    🗞️ Story or narrative

    Creating a story around gives users a reason to care and makes them involved in the process. Unfolding the story forward can be a powerful motivation to keep opening the app.

    🤳🏼 Enhanced visuals and high interactivity

    Eye-catching and visually pleasing elements draw the user’s attention and drive engagement. The more coherent and interactive the interface is, the less time the user will spend searching for a necessary button or action. It will directly influence customer satisfaction and retention rate.

    💌 Frequent feedback on progress

    Give the users control of their own actions and provide real-time insights and suggestions on how to achieve the desired goal. The timely feedback with tips will help you form a better relationship with users and gain data on their behavior patterns.

    🥇 Sense of achievement

    To maintain motivation, it is important to give away rewards or badges for achieving goals and milestones. Most apps also come up with quizzes and challenges to help users complete more tasks for rewards.

    Benefits and challenges of gamification in the banking sector

    To successfully build a game-based strategy, it is crucial to keep up with the main challenges and benefits of gamification in web and mobile interfaces. Let’s review 8 advantages and possible threats of play-like interfaces in digital banking.

    Benefits of gamification

    1. Increased engagement level. Gamified elements turn mobile banking apps into creative and interactive platforms for exploring, learning, and accomplishing objectives. Naturally, it drives engagement.
    2. Boost the retention rate. Gamification makes information absorption easy. Bills, due dates, balances, and accounts together with the game-like elements create a conducive environment for comprehending extensive data.
    3. Attracts new clients. Gamification enables designers to be more creative and sparks curiosity among new users to test out-of-the-ordinary interfaces.
    4. Stands you out for investors. Investors are looking for startups that are competitive in the market and provide a superior user experience. Gamified features will showcase your understanding of how to attract, engage, and retain users.

    Challenges of gamification

    1. Keep the seriousness level. The banking industry is a serious matter, and it is important to maintain the balance between fun and intent. Users need to remember that in between challenges and rewards, your approach to their money is solemn and strictly professional.
    2. Carefully decide what elements to gamify. Banking services cannot be a plain game. To find a middle ground, you need to intentionally choose where to introduce game features.
    3. Target different groups of audiences at once. Digital banking solutions are used by people of diverse demographics, goals, and interests. When creating gamified experiences, it is vital to consider the differences and link up common themes and patterns.
    4. Create a long-lasting experience. Gamification can transform banking into a personalized, enjoyable experience, but if the concept is overused and not adaptable, it can cause fatigue in the long run.

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    4 examples of gamification in banking

    The arrival of game elements and features in the financial sector was ground-breaking. It showed users that taking care of finances can be fun, engaging, and comprehensible. To provide more insights on gamification in digital banking, we put together a showcase of four popular play-like features across the world with descriptions and visuals. Let’s dive in!

    Saving goals

    Goal setting is a valuable feature for users to stay on track with their savings and progress. Imagine you decide to save up for a dream vacation in Hawaii and use an old-school piggy bank. You just throw money in it with no plan or progress tracking. How long will it take you to reach the goal? God knows.

    Virtual piggy banks can be much more effective for users. Setting up a goal can help them break the process down into smaller pieces of the puzzle. For example, track how much money is already in the money box or how much they need to save weekly or monthly.

    🏦 When Tinkoff users open a savings account, they can set a goal and a deadline to keep an eye on the process. The app will display how much a user needs to top up every month to achieve the objective and keep the motivation up.

    Saving goals in Tinkoff


    Though personal finances can seem scary and overwhelming from a distance, gamification is a great way to teach users financial literacy and establish positive spending habits.

    One of the most popular gamified features of budget management apps is expense tracking. Usually, it includes elements like visualized spending transactions, colorful category grids, dashboards, and a percentage tracker.

    🏦 Oops’s mission is to “help you not waste your money.” Users can link a card to the app, immediately see past transactions, and swipe left-right to sort transactions into categories represented with emojis.

    The gamification strategy helped the app become viral on social media, and since its launch in 2022, Oops helped users sort out over $23 million in transactions.

    By using the app with well-known mechanics and visuals, like swiping or emojis, users spend less time sorting out transactions

    Cashback and rewards

    To boost customer loyalty, gamification in the banking sector leans on cash back, a system of monetary rewards in which a user gets back a small amount of the total price paid. Usually, banks collaborate with retailers and companies to create such incentives.

    🏦 Revolut offers users a 3% cashback on online purchases from more than a thousand brands and retailers. Unlike other shops and cards, there is no need to wait for weeks for cash rewards. It gets applied instantly in the app.

    Additionally, Revolut has an extensive reward hub with limited-time tasks and offers.

    On the rewards and perks screen, users can see the expiration date and terms, as well as provide quick feedback with a simple thumb-up or thumb-down

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    Achievement badges

    How to make banking transactions and tasks enjoyable? Introduce the achievement-based system. For example, give away badges to users for spending on certain categories, using the card abroad, or splitting bills with friends. Unlocking achievement badges can help maintain the motivation of users and achieve a high retention rate.

    🏦 Monobank is one of the gamification champions in the FinTech sector. In 2019, the bank launched an achievement program for users to complete simple tasks and earn up to 51 badges. Tasks included completing your personal profile or using ApplePay for a transaction. The first users to collect all badges got exclusive prizes and perks from the company.​​

    For badge designs, Monobank used brand mascot — a friendly domestic cat

    How to choose a developer for a gamified banking app

    Having a skilled and competent developer is the key to having a secure and robust mobile app. To successfully apply gamification strategies and avoid all possible pitfalls, a wise choice of a contractor is a must.

    Here are 3 tips from our team on how to choose a developer for your app.

    1️⃣ Do market research to narrow down your options. Think about how complicated your mobile application will be and what stack you need for the software development services. For gamification banking apps, you would probably want a full-stack team that knows the best practices for data security and has similar experience in the FinTech sector.

    2️⃣ Check a portfolio and verify references from previous clients. It is time to turn into a private investigator for a bit and do your cyberstalking to check the credibility and expertise of developers. Pay attention if the team has already worked with the same industry and concept.

    3️⃣ Ask if the team offers post-launch support.​​​​ To stay relevant and trendy, you will need to continue using development services after the release. For example, to release updates, fix some bugs, or scale up and add new features. Make sure your developer won’t disappear and will be there to help you with new versions.

    See also Full Guide To Mobile App Development Partnership

    Wrapping up

    Сreating a banking app is a complex and challenging task itself. If you want to stay relevant to the market and add gamified elements, it adds an extra layer of responsibility to the team.

    But everything is possible with the right developer who has relevant experience and pays attention to detail. Make sure they understand the most common challenges that come with gamification and already have solutions for them.

    About us

    At Purrweb, we provide mobile and web software development services with straightforward and cutting-edge UI/UX to level up the user experience for your customers. We help startups and existing companies build an MVP in 3 months and test a business idea with real-world customers.

    Wanna move forward with your app idea, and consult our developers? Drop your email and we will get back to you soon

    Our cases

    We have a lot of experience developing FinTech mobile apps and solving complex tasks. For example, we once created a crypto e-wallet with no backend to ensure the safety and anonymity of the users.

    See also How to create an API puzzle and save a client’s money: Purrweb’s crypto wallet case

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    Gamification in Banking 2024: examples & ideas in finance (2024)


    How do banks use gamification? ›

    To boost customer loyalty, gamification in the banking sector leans on cash back, a system of monetary rewards in which a user gets back a small amount of the total price paid. Usually, banks collaborate with retailers and companies to create such incentives.

    What is gamification in finance? ›

    Gamification, in simple terms, is taking elements from games and applying them to non-game situations. It's about making a process more interactive and fun by incorporating elements like points, badges, leaderboards, challenges, and rewards into web and mobile banking.

    How to gamify your finances? ›

    One of the easiest ways you can begin to gamify your budget is by implementing the “money saver” game. This gamifies your savings, making it more fun to save money toward your future. The game is simple: Create a separate “money saver” savings account, and save all of your leftover money at the end of each month.

    What is an example of gamification in wealth management? ›

    In wealth management, gamification has been used in various ways, such as virtual stock trading platforms and interactive budgeting tools. These tools provide users with educational materials that explain concepts like risk tolerance and diversifying investments.

    What is an example of a gamification technique? ›

    Gamification techniques examples include progress tracking and leveling up, rewards and incentives, social interaction and collaboration, challenges, quests, storytelling, and other elements.

    Can gamification improve financial behavior? ›

    When applied to learning processes, gamification can enhance engagement, motivation, and the effectiveness of educational experiences. Gamification can be a powerful tool for improving financial literacy by making learning about personal finance more engaging and interactive.

    What are the 4 phases of gamification? ›

    These are the four core experience phases in gamification:
    • Discovery Phase. This is where it all begins - the initial interaction and exposure. ...
    • Onboarding Phase. Once the initial intrigue of the discovery phase subsides, the onboarding phase takes the baton. ...
    • Scaffolding Phase. ...
    • Mastery Phase.
    Aug 17, 2023

    What are the three types of gamification? ›

    Three different types of Gamification in Learning: Peripheral, Intermediate or Core.

    What is gaming in banking? ›

    Gamification to help customers reach their goals

    Different customers have their own goals, be they savings, investing, managing their money to stay out of debt. Gamification helps nudge clients to become consistent in ways they would otherwise not have.

    How do you make finance fun? ›

    How to Make Personal Finance Fun
    1. Embrace Personal Finance Apps. In the modern world, there is an app for everything — including your money. ...
    2. Chat About Finances With Friends. They say you shouldn't talk about money with friends. ...
    3. Try a Visual Plan. ...
    4. Treat Yourself. ...
    5. Save on the Small Stuff. ...
    6. Learn via Podcasts. ...
    7. Give Yourself Grace.
    Sep 2, 2023

    How to make money from gamification? ›

    Gamification is a strategy you can use to engage your audience more effectively, increase user engagement, build loyalty and help increase revenue. It's the process of applying playful elements like leaderboards, points, and rules and rewarding the user for engagement. Gamification can be implemented in various ways.

    How do you automate finances? ›

    Five Tips for Automating Your Finances
    1. Direct Deposit. ...
    2. Autopay Your Bills. ...
    3. Add Money to Your Emergency Fund. ...
    4. Automate Retirement Contributions. ...
    5. Increase Auto-Save Amounts Over Time.
    Apr 25, 2024

    What are the application of gamification in financial services? ›

    Gamification financial services show immediate progress from completing simple tasks. This overall contributes to customer satisfaction and, as a result, makes your audience more active. For example, gamified websites get a 29% increase in customer activity. Enhance revenue generation.

    What is gamification of financial goals? ›

    Behavior Modification: Gamification can encourage positive financial behaviors. Through incentives, goals, and rewards, individuals are motivated to adopt habits like regular saving, responsible spending, and debt reduction. These behavioral changes contribute to long-term financial well-being.

    What is an example of a gamification tool? ›

    Self-Improvement Gamification Software Examples: Habitica

    We all have to achieve our goals, but it takes motivation to do it. That's why we have software like Habitica, which doesn't just motivate us by saying: “Go get it!” Instead, Habitica makes motivation and self-improvement fun by gamifying the process.

    How are banks using virtual reality? ›

    Virtual Branch Tours

    Using advanced VR technology, we captured the exact dimensions, layout, and textures of a physical branch to create a highly realistic virtual environment. This tour allows customers to explore the bank's facilities from anywhere, enhancing convenience and appealing to tech-savvy users.

    How do companies use gamification? ›

    In business, gamification can be implemented in a variety of departments, including sales, marketing, and HR and recruiting. For example, gamification techniques may be used to motivate employees to complete activities that drive sales, leads, and meetings with qualified candidates.

    What strategy do banks use? ›

    Customer-Centric Approach: Finally, a successful banking strategy puts the customer at its core. Understanding and meeting customer needs is what ultimately drives growth. Banks must continuously seek to enhance the customer experience.

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    Author: Golda Nolan II

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    Name: Golda Nolan II

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