Giardiasis Prevention + 4 Natural Treatments for Giardia Infection - Dr. Axe (2024)

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By Jillian Levy, CHHC

June 6, 2017

Giardiasis Prevention + 4 Natural Treatments for Giardia Infection - Dr. Axe (1)
Are you and your family planning to spend time swimming at alake this summer? Be sure you know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from a giardia infection — and that you can spot the symptoms. According to the staff at Mayo Clinic, giardia infection (also called giardiasis) is “one of the most common causes of waterborne disease in the United States.” (1)What are some signs that you may be suffering from a giardiasis infection? Several of the most common signs include diarrhea, stomach pains or cramps, nausea, bloating and loss of appetite.Sometimes the infection will resolve on its own without the need for medication or other treatments. But in those with weakened immune systems, or in children, the elderly or pregnant women, it’s not a good idea to wait and find out. Prevention tips and natural treatments that can help protect you from giardiasis complications include practicing good hygiene, boosting the strength of your immune system, or seeing a doctor for antibiotic treatments when needed.

What Is Giardiasis?

Giardiasis is a condition caused by a parasitic intestinal infection, which results in uncomfortable symptoms that affect the digestive system. The microscopic parasite Giardia lamblia causes the infection. A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host. It survives by getting its energy from the host. This includes absorbing some of the nutrients present in the host’s intestines. You can treat many cases of giardiasis with natural remedies and/or medications. However, prevention is still the very best line of defense.

Where and when is a giardia infection most likely to develop? People of all ages and ethnicities can develop parasitic infections becauseGiardia lambliaexists all over the world. You’re at the greatest risk for suffering from parasitic infections, including giardiasis, but also other similar types, when:

  • visiting or living in any areas with poor sanitation
  • drinking or swimming in contaminated and/or unsafe water (especially lakes or streams)
  • eating certain foods that carry parasites and other harmful microbes

In many cases when someone acquires a giardia infection it will clear up on its own, typically within several weeks as the digestive system and immune systems remove the parasite from the body. However, in severe cases the body may not be able to control the infection.Therefore, complications or even long-term damage to the intestines can develop. It’s also possible to experienceongoing digestive symptoms even after the parasites arecleared from the body.

What Is Beaver Fever?

Another name for giardiasis is “beaver fever,” which is the same type of parasitic disease caused by Giardia lamblia. (2) Giardiasis earned this nickname because the beaver is believed to be a potential source of Giardiathat contaminates lakes, reservoirs and streams. However, the beaver is not the only animal that can pass on the parasite to others. Authorities believe that human fecal waste (stool, or poop) often spreads the parasite in a number of different ways, as do other domestic and wild animals.


Signs & Symptoms of Giardiasis

A high percentage of people with giardiasis never experience any noticeable symptoms. Because of this, many remain unaware that they even have the parasite in their system. For those who do deal with digestive discomfort or other giardiasis symptoms, they usually appear one to three weeks after exposure to the parasite. The most common signs and symptoms of a giardia infection include:

  • Loose or watery diarrhea
  • Sometimes stools that appear “greasy” or discolored
  • Cramps, pain in the abdomen, and stomach bloating
  • Gassiness, belching or passing lots of gas
  • Loss of appetite, nausea or other symptoms of an upset stomach
  • Exhaustion/fatigue
  • Sometimes other symptoms due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

One of the most obvious signs of giardia infection is experiencing watery stools and diarrhea. Thisis why giardiasis (beaver fever) is called“a condition of the bowels.” Why does giardia cause diarrhea, usually along with other related digestive symptoms like bloating and cramping? The body’s way of defending itself is to try and remove the parasite through feces. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration (loss of water and electrolytes in the body), which can potentially make all symptoms worse, such as dizziness and nausea. It’s possible for some people to experiencechronic diarrhea that lasts for more than several weeks. Thiscan contribute to problems like nutrient deficiencies and unhealthy weight loss.

How long will these symptoms last? Most people need about 2–6 weeks to overcome the infection. This is why it can take this long for the immune and digestive systems to remove the parasite from the body and then return to normal. However, as mentioned above, symptoms such as diarrhea can last for longer — in some cases, up to several months.

Giardiasis Prevention + 4 Natural Treatments for Giardia Infection - Dr. Axe (3)

Giardiasis Causes & Risk Factors

How do you get a giardia infection, exactly? This type of microscopic parasite can survive inside both humans and animals by taking up residence in the intestine. Or it can even live outside the intestines for a period of time when a hard coating forms a shell around the parasite. This hard coating(called a cyst) protects the parasite. The parasite’s shell will dissolve when it makes its way into the “host’s” digestive system. Giardia parasites most commonly pass to new hosts when someone drinks water contaminated with the parasite. Or, they can pass on if someone eats foods that contain them.

Research shows that some of the greatest risk factors associated with developing giardia infection include:

  • Swimming in contaminated water, especially “backcountry” streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Parasites mayalso be found in certain contaminated water supplies, in swimming pools, whirlpool spas, drinking wells, water parks and spas.
  • Certain foods and drinking water can also become contaminated due to runoff and other agricultural effects. For example, ground and surface water located near a factory-farm or slaughter-house maybe exposed to discharge or animal feces containing parasites.
  • Person-to-person contact may transmit giardia infections, in some cases. Or it can be transmitted through stools in areas where people swim. For example, if a child or sick person with diarrhea goes to the bathroom in a public swimming pool. Children, and adults who work with children, havean increased risk. People who work in daycare settings and change diapers may be exposed to contaminated fecal matter. In fact, infections are being transmitted in daycare settings at a growing rate. (3)
  • Anal intercourse is another risk factor, as is any other direct contact with stool and fecal matter.
  • In some cases produce (fruits and vegetables) maybe watered, irrigated or washed with contaminated water. It’s believed that food is a less common source of infection than drinking water; however, it’s still possible. Cooking food helps kill the parasite, which is why consuming raw food is a bigger risk.
  • Workers in restaurants, in food manufacturing, or in agricultural settings can also contaminate parts of the food supply. Iffood handlers infected with giardiasis don’t wash their hands thoroughly to remove the parasite, they can pass it on to foods that someone else then eats.
  • People who work with or have wild and domestic animals as pets (such as farmers) are also at an increased risk for this infection becausethe animals can pass parasites in their stool. Sometimes the owner/farmer then picks up the parasite on their hands. Or it can contaminate the water supply and/or touch nearby food or crops.

Related: Foodborne Illness Symptoms, Causes + How to Treat and Prevent One

4 Natural Treatments for Giardiasis

1. See Your Doctor If You Suspect An Infection (Especially If Pregnant)

In most cases, giardiasis will go away on its own. But if it doesn’t, a medical professional will need to treat it or you can treat it with home remedies. Your doctor can make a diagnosis of giardiasis by testing samples of your stool. It’s not always necessary to see a doctor (many people don’t since they show no symptoms). But if you suspect you or your child might have an infection, then visit your doctor for a proper medical diagnosis. This is especially important if you’re pregnant.

Symptoms caused by parasitic infections can mimic those due to other conditions. So when symptoms are moderate to severe, it’s best to speak with your doctor before attempting to treat the infection in order to rule out other causes. Always take severe cases that last for more than several weeks and interfere with normal eating, drinking and digestive health seriously. They should betreated as quickly as possible with treatments such as antibiotics (when needed).

When needed, several antibiotic medications used to treat giardiasis include: Metronidazole (Flagyl),Tinidazole (Tindamax) and Natazoxanide (Alinia). Potential side effects of these drugs can include nausea, a metallic taste in the mouth, flatulence, yellow eyes and brightly-colored yellow urine. They aren’t suitable for pregnant women and sometimes aren’t given to children. But ultimatelyyour doctor will decide.

2. Prevention

If you are spending time near or in bodies of water such as springs, streams, or lakes (for example while camping or hiking) don’t drink the water unless it isfiltered and you’re sure it’s safe to consume. In general don’tdrink from any natural body of water unless the water is filtered and/or you boil it for at least 10 minutes at 158 F (70 C) first. Do not make ice from the water. Avoid cooking with this water, and don’t wash fruits and vegetables with it.

Cooking food helps to kill the parasite, so eating raw fruits and vegetables is a bigger risk. It’s bestto drinkbottled water to be safe whenever you’re unsure about a water supply, especially for children and pregnant women. If you do swim in any potentially contaminated water, try very hard not to swallow water and shower soon afterwards.

If youhave an increased risk for intestinal infections because you work with children who are in diapers (such as in a daycare center or camp), then be sure youwash your hands after you handle any fecal matter. The same is essential for anyone who cleans toilets, works with patients in a hospital or healthcare center, or handles stool/fecal matter in any other setting. Workers in restaurants or on farms should also be very careful about washing their hands so as to not transport any harmful microbes or parasites into the food supply.

3. Protecting Those Around You


If youare diagnosed with giardiasis, always wash your hands before eating, shower daily and practice good hygiene in other ways.

  • Don’t share food or drinks with others unless you’ve carefully washed your hands beforehand. Don’t work around food that’s being served to others until the infection clears.
  • Others around you should carefully wash their hands after using a shared toilet.
  • Avoid swimming in public pools, whirlpools, etc. for the time being.
  • Always practice safe sex, especially anal or oral sex, by using a condom to protect your partner. It’s safest to avoid sex during an active infection .
  • Don’t bring infected children who are in diapers to daycare centers until they are better.

4. Parasite Cleanse With Supplements & Herbs

Some people find that taking certain detoxifying herbs, antiparasitic essential oils and supplements helps cleanse their body of the parasite more easily. These include the following natural plant substances, which have been used safely for many years. Youcan find themin most health food stores or online:

  • Black walnut (take about 250 milligrams3x daily) — historically used for the treatment of parasites and other intestinal infections. (4)
  • Wormwood (200 milligrams taken 3x daily) — known for its anti-parasitic properties. (5)
  • Oregano oil (500milligrams taken 4x daily) —Oregano oilcontains natural antibacterial and anti-parasitic substances that have many detoxifying effects. (6)
  • Grapefruit seed extract (read directions and take as directed, depending on strength)(7)
  • Clove oil (500 milligrams taken 4x daily or 4 cups of tea) — helps tokill parasites and other invading organisms that can cause digestive upset and infection. (8)
  • Foods including fresh herbs or spices like ginger and turmeric, anise/fennel, lemon juice, aloe vera, raw honey or Manuka honey, and raw garlic may also help reduce symptoms, including diarrhea or nausea.

Precautions & When to See A Doctor

There are a number of reasons you might develop symptoms such as loose stools, cramps, or bloating and nausea. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a parasite; however, if your symptoms persist for more than one to twoweeks and are unexplained, see a healthcare provider. This is especially important if you recently traveled out of the country, swallowed water from a lake or stream, or you’ve been around aninfected person.

While overcoming an infection or illness, prevent complications due to diarrhea or loss of appetite by drinking enough water to ensure you don’t become dehydrated. If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms described above that might be due to an intestinal infection, see a doctor or visit the ER right away to be safe.

Final Thoughts onGiardiasis

  • Giardiasis (also called “beaver fever”) is a parasitic intestinal infection caused by the microbeGiardia lamblia.It causes symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea and sometimes dehydration.
  • Risk factors for giardiasis are drinking contaminated water; swimming in “backcountry” lakes, rivers or streams; working in day care centers; and exposureto contaminated foods or water due to agricultural run-off and other effects of farming.
  • Prevention and natural treatments for giardia infection include practicing good hygiene to prevent passing it onto others, doing a parasitic cleanse use supplements and herbs, andseeing a doctor for antibiotic treatments when needed.

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As an expert in the field of health and wellness, particularly in the context of parasitic infections and gastrointestinal health, I can confidently analyze the information provided in the article. The content appears to be written by Jillian Levy, CHHC, and is published on Dr. Axe's platform. Dr. Axe is known for providing health-related information and advice, often backed by scientific evidence.

The article discusses Giardiasis, a condition caused by a parasitic intestinal infection, and provides information on its symptoms, causes, risk factors, prevention, and natural treatments. The author emphasizes the importance of evidence-based information by stating that the content is medically reviewed or fact-checked. The use of clickable links to academic research institutions and medically peer-reviewed studies further supports the credibility of the information presented.

Let's break down the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Giardiasis (Beaver Fever):

    • Giardiasis is a condition caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia lamblia, affecting the digestive system.
    • Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, bloating, and loss of appetite.
    • The infection is common in areas with poor sanitation, contaminated water, and certain foods that carry parasites.
  2. Transmission and Risk Factors:

    • Giardia parasites can be transmitted through contaminated water, including swimming in lakes or streams.
    • Other risk factors include poor sanitation, consumption of contaminated food or water, person-to-person contact, and contact with fecal matter.
  3. Beaver Fever:

    • Giardiasis is colloquially referred to as "Beaver Fever" because beavers are considered a potential source of Giardia contamination in lakes and streams.
  4. Symptoms of Giardiasis:

    • Symptoms typically appear one to three weeks after exposure and include loose or watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and fatigue.
    • Chronic diarrhea can lead to complications such as nutrient deficiencies and unhealthy weight loss.
  5. Causes & Risk Factors:

    • Giardia parasites survive in the intestine and can be transmitted through contaminated water or food.
    • Risk factors include swimming in contaminated water, consuming contaminated food or water, person-to-person contact, and exposure to animal feces.
  6. Natural Treatments for Giardiasis:

    • The article suggests consulting a doctor if giardiasis is suspected, especially for pregnant individuals.
    • Antibiotic medications such as Metronidazole and Tinidazole may be prescribed in severe cases.
  7. Prevention:

    • Recommendations include avoiding drinking untreated water from natural bodies, practicing good hygiene, and taking precautions in high-risk settings.
    • Individuals working with children, handling fecal matter, or in contact with animals should be particularly cautious.
  8. Parasite Cleanse with Supplements & Herbs:

    • Natural remedies include black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, clove oil, and certain foods with detoxifying properties.
  9. Precautions & When to See a Doctor:

    • Individuals with persistent symptoms, especially after travel or exposure to contaminated water, should seek medical attention.
    • Adequate hydration is crucial during infection to prevent complications.

In conclusion, the article provides comprehensive information on Giardiasis, covering its symptoms, causes, risk factors, prevention strategies, and natural treatment options. It emphasizes the importance of seeking professional medical advice, especially in severe cases. The evidence-based approach and the inclusion of clickable links to reputable sources enhance the reliability of the information presented.

Giardiasis Prevention + 4 Natural Treatments for Giardia Infection - Dr. Axe (2024)


What kills Giardia naturally? ›

Natural treatment methods for giardiasis are usually quite inexpensive, with most health food stores having the black walnut or a bottle of grapefruit seed extract available for just a few dollars. Medicines such as Metronidazole are also quite inexpensive.

What kills Giardia over the counter? ›

Common household disinfectants and steam-cleaning are the most effective ways for killing Giardia cysts. Remove and dispose of all feces promptly. Giardia cysts on the lawn can only be killed by direct sunlight drying them.

What supplement kills Giardia? ›

Berberine is a compound found in several plants that has been shown to be effective against several pathogens that cause diarrhea, including Giardia.

What herbal medicine is good for Giardia? ›

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) at a dose of 0.022 mg/mL has had anti-Giardia effect due to the presence of active substances such as cineol (33). The Lippia beriandievi plant at a dose of 0.85 mg/mL has shown to possess anti-Giardia effect due to the presence of substances such as tannins and verinalin (34).

What not to eat when you have Giardia? ›

Eat slowly and avoid foods that are hard to digest or may irritate your stomach, such as foods with acid (like tomatoes or oranges), spicy or fatty food, meats, and raw vegetables. You may be able to go back to your normal diet in a few days.

What should I drink if I have Giardia? ›

If you have giardiasis, you should drink plenty of water. You may need to take antibiotics. You can prevent giardiasis by practicing good hygiene and boiling untreated water before drinking, for example if you travel to countries with poor water quality.

What does Giardia poop look like in humans? ›

Key points about giardiasis

Giardiasis is an infection caused by a parasite called Giardia. It causes diarrhea. Symptoms include explosive, watery, greasy, foul-smelling stools, bloating, nausea, pain, gas, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Several medicines are available that cure the infection.

Does vinegar get rid of Giardia? ›

In the present study, tap water had no lethal effect, but the vinegar destroyed the parasites as potassium permanganate did.

What do Giardia cysts look like? ›

Giardia duodenalis cysts are oval to ellipsoid and measure 8-19 µm (average 10-14 µm). Mature cysts have 4 nuclei, while immature cysts have two. Nuclei and fibrils are visible in both iodine-stained wet mounts and trichrome-stained smears.

What tea is good for Giardia? ›

Black tea of Camellia sinensis, also rich in flavonoids, is one of the most consumed teas worldwide [28] and its main benefits include preventing diarrhea, controlling digestive problems [29] and were shown effective for the treatment of murine giardiasis [30].

What color is Giardia stool? ›

The most common symptom of an active giardia infection is watery diarrhea. The diarrhea may be greenish or yellow in color, or it might be brown, but it is always going to be liquid. There may sometimes be blood present in a dog's stool as a result of giardia as well.

What probiotic kills Giardia? ›

Experimental studies have demonstrated that Giardia infection reduced both the severity and duration when probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei) were administered prior or simultaneous to the parasite.

What kills Giardia in home? ›

Boiling the water for 1 minute (or 3 minutes above 6,500 feet) is the best way to kill Giardia and other germs. Another option is to filter and disinfect water.

How to treat Giardia holistically? ›

Caution is advised. Thankfully giardia is quite susceptible to many of our herbal antimicrobials including garlic (11), oregano, and guava leaf (12). Many other herbal antimicrobials are helpful, and in most cases natural treatment for Giardia can be effective in as little as two weeks of herbal treatment.

What essential oil kills Giardia? ›

Cloves work well against parasites like giardia. The oil in cloves is the key to their effectiveness. One study found that essential oil of cloves can inhibit the growth of parasites. It also stated the essential oil can kill almost 50% of parasites in a “time-dependent manner.”

How did Native Americans treat Giardia? ›

Compounds produced by the creosote bush, a desert shrub common to American Southwest, exhibit potent anti-parasitic properties against two deadly parasites responsible for Giardia infections (Giardia lamblia) and the amoeba that causes an often-lethal form of encephalitis (Naegleria fowleri), according to researchers ...

What is a natural antibiotic for Giardia? ›

Thankfully giardia is quite susceptible to many of our herbal antimicrobials including garlic (11), oregano, and guava leaf (12). Many other herbal antimicrobials are helpful, and in most cases natural treatment for Giardia can be effective in as little as two weeks of herbal treatment.

Can the body rid itself of Giardia? ›

Untreated Giardia infection often goes away by itself.

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