Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (2024)

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Today I’m sharing my Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust. Or you could just call it the Easiest Gluten-Free Pie Crust Ever if you prefer!

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (1)

It’s week 2 of A Gluten-Free Holiday and the theme is Thanksgiving Favoritesfrom beverages, appetizers, soups, salads, entrees, and side dishes,to luscious desserts. In the dessert category, can you think of Thanksgiving without thinking of pie?

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (2)

We sure can’t in my family … we LOVE pies! Mr. GFE is always singing “P.I.E. spells pie, pie,” when the holidays roll around, or just about any time pie makes its appearance.

Like I said, we love pies … even enough to sing about them. But what about pie crusts after one goes gluten free? How does one deal with them?

Well, I’ve shared before what a life-changing moment it was when I found out that I could add ¼ cup of gluten-free flour mix to just about any pie recipe to make it crustless. The beauty of crustless pies is that not only are they easy, but nobody eating them ever misses the crust.

If you don’t tell them, there’s no crust, they don’t notice. These pies just sort of stand on their own merit—yes, pun intended.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (3)MyEasy Crustless Pecan Pieis the most popular post here at gfe, followed by my Best Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie Ever and myCrustless Coconut Pie. Next up is myEasy, Crustless Apple Pie. (which uses a slightly different method) and then Crustless Sweet Potato Pie and my original Crustless Pumpkin Pie.

Sometimes though we want a crust for our pies. Yes, you can run to Whole Foods or another gluten-free friendly grocery store and buy a prepared gluten-free pie crust, but what’s the fun in that?

Plus, you lose control over what’s actually in your pie crust. Gluten free, yes, but maybe there are some other ingredients you don’t want or are intolerant to. I didn’t use such prepared crusts before I went gluten free, why would I want to now?

The pie crust method that I use instead, for the times when I don’t want to take the crustless route, is a gluten-free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust. My Pumpkin Pecan Pie is shown below with its gluten-free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (4)

This pie crust is gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan,soy free, nut free, and even rice free if you use a gluten-free flour mix that does not contain rice. Note that it is a bit different from a traditional rolled pie crust in taste and texture.

I’ll tell you though that nobody who has eaten pies with my press-in crust has ever disliked them. Furthermore, while Mr. GFE and Son would always leave those traditional pie crusts on their plates, they would eat every morsel of this pie crust … and still do, even though it’s gluten free.

This gluten-free pie crust It just has that crunchy crumb-type appeal, and I tell you thatin full disclosure. I know that not everyone likescrumbs. Personally, we find these pie crust crumbs to be a good thing, but if you are looking for that “perfect rolled pie crust look,” this won’t be the crust for you.

For that type of flaky, rolled pie crust, you can head over to Linda’s (Gluten-Free Homemaker) and check out her Gluten-Free Pie Crustor her Multi-Purpose Pastry Dough. Megan of Allergy-Free Alaska also has a flaky pie crust—Best Gluten-Free Flaky Pie Crust Recipe.In Johnna’s Kitchen offers Perfect Gluten-Free Pie Crust. I know just by looking at their photos—that all theirpie crust recipes are delicious.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (5)

Let me tell you more about this gluten-free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust. You sift the flour mix and mix most of the ingredients right into your pie plate/pan.

Then as the directions indicate below, you use your hands to pat and press in the pie crust right there, as you like. Then you fill as usual. You can’t mess this pie crust up, no matter how hard you try. Seriously.

Don’t you love it? This method and recipe isgfe for sure!

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (6)

Do you need more recipe ideas for Thanksgiving? Check out my post on Thanksgiving—The GFE Way.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (7)

There are ideas for salads (one even non-salad eaters will love), main dishes (turkey breasts made in the slow cooker—traditional and special), side dishes (including stuffing made using tortilla chips—super easy!), more desserts, and even delicious breakfast ideas (casserole, volcano pancake, or scrumptious muffins—you choose) for your overnight guests.

Want to add a seasonal soup or serve that instead of a salad? This pumpkin soup might be just the thing you are looking for.

Looking for a special ice cream to serve with those pies? Perhaps you want one that will impress, but not bog down your already busy schedule.

Make this non-cooked gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, egg-free Honey Cinnamon Grand Marnier ice cream a few days in advance and have it ready to pull out of the freezer right before the pies are served. (It’s made with honey and a little alcohol, so it stays “scoopable.”) Your guest will be both delighted and impressed. My guests sure were last Thanksgiving.

Are you new to gluten-free living and/or still concerned about eating safely at group gatherings? You’ll want to read my 5 Tips for a Safe Gluten-Free Thanksgiving (or Group Event) as well as my gfe readers’ comments on this post.

Plan ahead for Thanksgiving leftovers, too. Are you “over” the stuffing by Day 2 or 3? Turn your stuffing into croutons. This method is the easiest way to make gluten-free croutons ever.

Do you know you’ll have turkey left over and want a specific way to use it rather than winging it? How about makingTurkey Tortilla Soup or Turkey Pot Pie? (Both recipes are gluten free, dairy free, and more.)

Still have a holiday quandary, check out my Recipes and/or postyour question on my gfe Facebook pagewhere you’ll be able toget not just my input, but other experienced gluten-free folks’ opinions as well.

Is it the schedule that gets to you when hosting Thanksgiving? Kim (Cook IT Allergy Free) walks you through the big day and the days before, step by step, in her Ultimate Thanksgiving Prep Series.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe

Updates: Here are two of the gfe reader reviews that have come in:

“It’s the best we’ve ever tried!!”

“My favorite!”

I’ve actually made a “new and improved” version of this pie crust that uses almond flour in addition to the gluten-free flour mix. It’s a great recipe but you can’t go wrong with either of these recipes if you’re looking for an easy and delicious pie crust recipe—especially one that you don’t have to roll out!

Yield: 1 pie crust

The Original Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (8)

Folks this gluten-free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust is the easy wonderful pie crust recipe you've been looking for. You won't believe it!


  • 1 ½ cup gluten-free flour mix (I use my Two-Ingredient Flour Mix)
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp milk (dairy or non-dairy)
  • ¾ tsp xanthan gum (optional; see notes)


  1. Sift flour, sugar, salt, and xanthan gum into 9-inch pie plate.
  2. In a separate small bowl or large glass measuring cup, add milk to oil and stir vigorously with a fork until oil turns into little droplets. (I usually measure my oil in a glass measuring cup and then add the milk to that cup.)
  3. Pour milk and oil mixture over dry ingredients and mix. (I just use the same fork that I used to mix the oil and milk. It works great.)
  4. Pat crust out with hands, trying to make thickness the same throughout and extending crust as high as you would like on the sides of the pie plate.
  5. Fill and bake per your recipe.


There are no baking times shown because this pie crust is designed to be baked with a filling. Therefore, you will follow the baking time for whatever pie you are baking. I don't recommend blind baking this crust; i.e., baking it without a filling.

I have used many different combinations of flours successfully. There will be slight variations in flavor and texture with each. For example, when I used my Two-Ingredient Gluten-Free Flour Mix and ½ cup of almond flour (which, of course, made the recipes unsafe for those with nut issues), I thought the crust was a little more crumbly. However, it was still fine for us and I thought it tasted especially good.

I rarely use xanthan gum in this recipe, but it will make your crust bind a tad better and, therefore, a little less crumbly.

Sometimes the salt stands out in the flavor of the crust, but it provides a nice contrast to sweet fillings or a complementary one to savory fillings. If necessary, you can reduce the amount of salt a bit.

Be sure to check out the Pumpkin Pecan Pie recipe.

Recipe adapted from Kevin Roth’s Never Fail Pie Crust in Woman’s Club of King George Favorite Recipes Vol. 3 Cookbook

Did you make this recipe?

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Originally published November 11, 2010; updated December 13, 2021.

Gluten-Free Never-Fail No-Roll Press-In Pie Crust Recipe (2024)


Why is my gluten-free pie crust tough? ›

Too much flour in pie crust makes it tough and, for gluten-free, gritty. If you're making your own flour blend or using one without xanthan gum, add 3/4 teaspoon xanthan gum to this recipe.

Why does gluten-free pastry fall apart? ›

Xantham gum is what helps hold the flour and pie ingredients together, and mimics what gluten does. Gluten is like glue, and is why doughs stay together. Without xantham gum, it will be crumbly and fall apart.

How does gluten affect pie crust? ›

Gluten is what makes bread soft and stretchy – it's desirable in bread, but not in pie dough. Rather, pie dough should be flaky and tender! So, it's important to use cold butter and ice water with your flour, as the coldness interrupts gluten development. Try to not handle the dough too much when mixing.

What is one thing you should not do when making pie crust? ›

The Most Common Pie Crust Mistakes (And Ways To Avoid Them)
  1. The ingredients are too warm. ...
  2. The pie dough is overworked from excessive mixing or rolling. ...
  3. The pie dough isn't given enough time to relax and chill. ...
  4. The pie dough is shrinking down the sides of the pan.
Oct 18, 2022

What pie dough ingredient tenderizes the gluten and enhances flavor? ›

Salt has some tenderizing and conditioning effect on the gluten. Its main contribution is to flavor. Salt must be dissolved in the liquid before being added to the mix to ensure even distribution. The fat is cut or rubbed into the flour until the particles of shortening are about the size of peas or hazelnuts.

How do you keep gluten free dough from crumbling? ›

Mix the Additives in Before the Wet Ingredients

Without it, gluten-free products can be dry and crumbly. There is a way to compensate for this however — use xanthan gum. Some bakers also use gelatin or agar. If you're using additives, mix them thoroughly with the dry ingredients before adding the wet.

What to add to gluten free flour when baking? ›

Gluten-free flours often contain fine starches, so they absorb more liquid than conventional flour. To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters. They may also call for a larger quantity of leavening, like baking powder, to help add volume and lighten the texture.

How to make gluten free dough more elastic? ›

Psyllium husk is the crucial ingredient in gluten free bread baking. It acts as a binder, and it gives gluten free bread dough the elasticity, flexibility and extensibility it needs so you can actually knead and shape it without any problems.

What helps gluten-free dough rise? ›

Eggs are natural leaveners that help boost the rise and volume of bread. Eggs also add moisture, flavor, and protein to gluten-free bread recipes. If you select a gluten-free bread recipe that includes eggs, you have a better chance that the resulting bread will have good color, more volume, and softer texture.

Can you over knead gluten-free dough? ›

Overall, it is important to handle gluten-free dough gently. Knead it a bit more slowly and somewhat longer rather than too vigorously and fast, otherwise your gluten-free dough will become tough. Gluten-free dough should only be kneaded just as much as necessary.

How do you make gluten-free dough taste better? ›

Add some almond flour: Using a small amount of almond flour in your baking can enhance the taste and texture dramatically. Due to the high moisture and fat content, it can also add moisture, and will help your baked goods to brown.

Do gluten-free pie crusts taste different? ›

While it tastes very similar to regular pie crust, a gluten-free pie crust must be handled a little differently. It is less stretchy and needs to be a little thicker than a regular pie crust. The texture of the dough is also a little more crumbly than a traditional pie crust.

What are two ways to limit the development of gluten in pie dough? ›

However, if there is too little gluten in the pastry dough it will fall apart easily. Mixing, type of flour, amount of water, and presence of fats are amongst the factors that can affect gluten formation. Fats can prevent gluten development by creating a coating around the proteins (see shortening).

Which ingredient in pie dough activates the gluten in flour? ›

Amount of Water

Gluten can't form unless water is added to flour, so water—or any water-based liquid—is just as important as flour in doughs and batters.

How to keep pie crust from being tough? ›

Keep the dough ingredients cool

But if that fat starts to melt and mixes with the flour, it can start to develop gluten, which can lead to a tough crust. To prevent this, keep everything as cold as possible. Some bakers go so far as to put ingredients and equipment in the fridge or freezer before making pie crust.

Why is gluten free baking so difficult? ›

Gluten-free baking is a lot harder than traditional baking because gluten protein is what gives baked goods their structure. Bread without gluten or any gluten substitute will be thick and crumbly when it comes out of the oven.

Does gluten-free crust take longer to bake? ›

Bake gluten free pizza for longer than you would bake a regular pizza of the same size. For the pizza in the video above, the bake time is about 13 minutes on a hot baking stone. (A dough with gluten would be about 8 minutes.)

How can you improve the texture of gluten free baked goods? ›

Besides eggs, which are protein-based, two starch-based products often used to bind and thicken gluten-free baked products are guar gum and xanthan gum. These products are largely interchangeable and are used in small amounts (1/2 to 1 teaspoon per cup of flour) to add volume and texture to baked goods.


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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.