Gold Mine/Home Village (2024)

Gold Mine/Home Village (1)

For the Builder Base version, see Gold Mine/Builder Base.

Gold Mine/Home Village (2)

"The Gold Mine produces gold. Upgrade it to boost its production and gold storage capacity."

Gold Mine/Home Village (3)

Level 1

Gold Mine/Home Village (4)

Level 2

Gold Mine/Home Village (5)

Level 3

Gold Mine/Home Village (7)

Level 5

Gold Mine/Home Village (8)

Level 6

Gold Mine/Home Village (9)

Level 7

Gold Mine/Home Village (10)

Level 8

Gold Mine/Home Village (11)

Level 9

Gold Mine/Home Village (12)

Level 10

Gold Mine/Home Village (13)

Level 11

Gold Mine/Home Village (14)

Level 12

Gold Mine/Home Village (15)

Level 13

Gold Mine/Home Village (16)

Level 14

Gold Mine/Home Village (17)

Level 15

Gold Mine/Home Village (18)

Level 16


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Strategies
    • 2.1 Offensive Strategies
    • 2.2 Defensive Strategies
  • 3 Upgrade Differences
  • 4 Statistics
    • 4.1 Supercharges
  • 5 Icon Descriptions
  • 6 History
  • 7 Trivia
    • 7.1 Comparisons


  • The Gold Mine collects Gold from an unlimited underground reserve and stores it until collected by the player and placed into a Gold Storage. When the mine is full, production will be stopped until it is collected (or raided by an enemy player).
  • The production rate and storage capacity depend on the level of the Gold Mine. One can estimate the amount of resources in the mine by looking at the small cart at the right side of the mine.
  • The Gold Mine takes up a 3x3 space.
  • When you choose to upgrade a Gold Mine, it will automatically collect any uncollected Gold. Note that if your Gold Storages are full at that time, the uncollected Gold will be lost. During the upgrade, the mine temporarily stops producing Gold.
  • Tapping on a gold mine when the gold icon is up collects all gold from all the Gold Mines in your base.
  • Once the Gold Mine has been upgraded to level 5, you can temporarily boost its production with Gems or a Resource Potion. Spending Gems will double the Mine's production for one day, while using a Resource Potion will double all Home Village resource collectors' production rate for one day. When you click to boost the Gold Mine, a clock appears for a few seconds.
    • Level 1 to 4 Gold Mines cannot be boosted with Gems, but can still be boosted using a Resource Potion. However, you can only use the potion if you have a collector that can be boosted with Gems (either a level 5 or higher Gold Mine or Elixir Collector, or any level of Dark Elixir Drill).
    • If you upgrade the Gold Mine while a boost is active, the boost will end prematurely, even if the upgrade is later cancelled (or completes) at a time where the boost would have been active.


Offensive Strategies

  • Pay careful attention to the location of Elixir Collectors when planning your attack, as Gold Mines are usually only marginally protected and can be quite lucrative, especially at high levels. Many times a single Archer can be placed in such a way that it can destroy a Gold Mine while standing clear of any defenses}, unless if it is stalled forever by a Battle Builder repairing the collector when it is in the healing range of a weaponized Builder's Hut. Alternatively, if you are at Town Hall 11 or higher, a single Sneaky Goblin can often destroy an Gold Mine without getting detected.
  • If you see a round number of Gold in a raid, it is most likely going to be in the Gold Mines rather than in the Gold Storages (example 90,000). Although round numbers can occur in Gold Storages, they happen much more often when Gold Storages have been completely emptied by previous raids, and the resultant shield has allowed the Gold Mines to fill up completely.
  • Make sure you target carefully, as Gold Mines tend to lure your troops away from what you intend to attack, ex. a Cannon or the Dark Elixir Storage.

Defensive Strategies

  • It is a good idea to put your Gold Mines outside of your Walls, so they can act as a distraction to units with no preferred target such as Barbarians and Archers.
  • Attackers can steal up to 50% of the uncollected Gold in your mine. Having too many uncollected resources will make you a more attractive target.
  • If a Gold Mine is destroyed in an attack while it is being upgraded, no Gold will be lost, as the mine is empty during this time.
  • When you are farming for resources, it is a good idea to put all or some of your Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors in your Walls, so people can't steal uncollected resources as easily.
    • It is better to place higher level collectors inside of Walls, as they will produce more Gold and are more valuable than the other Gold Mines.
    • There is no need to protect them in your war base, as people cannot take your loot anyway.

Upgrade Differences

  • Gold Mines undergo significant visual changes at levels 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16.
    • When initially constructed, the Gold Mine consists of a somewhat dilapidated wooden structure covering a set of narrow rails diving deep within the earth, with the side having diagonal wood pieces, and the top having some crooked ones horizentally across, not covering the entrance of the mine properly. There is a tiny stone rubble pile on the edge of the structure. A very faint glow emits from the mine. A rail cart with blue wheels periodically arrives and dumps its contents into a small wooden repository to the side of the mine then reenters the mine.
    • At level 2, the Gold Mine appears to be fully repaired, with more wood pieces placed haphazardly over the top vertically, and held in place by two set of ropes reinforcing it. The rubble pile grows slightly. The light from the mine becomes more noticeable.
    • At level 3, a third set of ropes is added and the wood pieces on top is arranged properly. The rubble pile grows to a noticeable size.
    • At level 4, a fourth set of ropes is added. The rubble pile outside the mine grows even more. The light from the mine glows slightly brighter once again.
    • At level 5, the wood pieces have been replaced with ones that have a uniform cut. The ropes are replaced with a blue-gray steel bar being riveted down with small bronze rivets. A stone foundation replaces the rubble pile in front of the mine, still having some jagged edges. The light emanating from the mine grows significantly more brighter and a steel reinforcement is added at the back.
    • At level 6, another set of ropes is added to the back while the steel bar is moved up a bit.
    • At level 7, the steel bar grows in width and the rivets are removed, and yet another set of ropes is added to the back. The foundation also increases in height in stages and is fully smooth now. The steel reinforcement in the mine grows taller and the wooden structure of the mine is replaced with metal.
    • At level 8, another wide steel bar is added replacing the ropes, and both bars are riveted on the side. The furthest wood piece of the top is flipped up to make place and support a small pulley system on the top right part of the mine, complete with a track being held in place by the metal bars for the cable. The cable can be seen inside the mine. Two small stone protrusions appear on each side of the mine.
    • At level 9, the back steel bar has a new rivet, an unused axle is added on the back bar across the whole top with a wood piece holding it up. The pulley wheel itself grows larger, the metal structure holding its axle gets wider placed and shifted the third wood piece on top in between it and the wheel. The two protrusions are taller and their base is reinforced.
    • At level 10, the wood piece ceiling and steel bars are made taller, covering the pulley system entirely, with two more steel bars riveted on top, perpendicular to the other two. The pulley system now rest on the metal structure of the mine, a bigger gear is added to axle with the wheel and a smaller is placed on the unused axle of the back. The corners gain spiked metal plates, and the light shines even brighter. The protrusions are replaced with screws holding the reinforcement in place.
    • At level 11, the steel bars on the top are replaced by a riveted steel panel with an opening, with a large gear is added to the top of the mine and its axle place across the plate. The gear itself has a section in the back with a track, pulling two cables; a second pulley wheel is added next to the original one, each pulling one cable. The spiked metal plates at each corner connect to each other with a few more spikes at the sides.
    • At level 12, the rivets on the steel bar have moved up and get bigger as the mine is made slightly taller, metal plates have been added under the steel bar. The metal panel turns into a black metal, with handlebars added on each end of the axle. All gears turn golden, the top gear is flipped, consisting of a bigger and wider one at the back and a new gear that is smaller in the front, with two cables between them. The bottom gear gets bigger and wider as well, with an extra one in front which is smaller, and a three pulley wheel is added next to the two, also pulling its own cable. The corner plates no longer connect to the side and is made with black metal. The light becomes significantly brighter.
    • At level 13, the rivets on the metal bars turn golden, and the one on top are removed but the handlebar gains a small amount of gold at the connection. The corner plates of the mine is replaced with a two-staged black metal plates, while the side plates become smaller and also made of black metal, all the spikes are removed.
    • At level 14, the the front metal bar is replaced with black metal and the back becomes much darker, with most of the rivets removed besides one from the front bar. The top metal panel is removed and the top axle now host a long spiral gear with a small gold gear with a black rivet in front and black gear in the back. A track also exist in the front pulling a belt, while the back has two larger wheels with ropes, both connecting to the lower set of pulleys. The lower gears are replaced with one large, protruding gear in the middle, the belt track in front, and three pulley wheels in the back, with the final one leading into the mine. The corner plates are replaced with grey gradiant stone.
    • At level 15, the axles each has a new pulley in the front being connected with a belt, placed beyond the iron bar thus embedded it into the pulley system. The front gear of the top axle is completely gold, and the bottom one gain a slightly bigger golden gear with a black metal core and gold rivet. The corner plates are replaced with purplish-grey metal with a groove in the middle and gold reinforcement on the front of the mine and the side plate gain a shorter golden plate.
    • At level 16, the main protruding gear is split into two, the front gear of the top axle has a black metal core and a smaller rivet, the bottom one is thicker, and a gold gear is added at the end of each axle. The belt is more grey and less shiny and the cable is made of hemp. The corner plates are now made of grey metal for the top half and gold at the bottom with two spikes each.


Gold Pass modifiers Gold Mine/Home Village (19)

Input Gold Pass boosts to modify the statistics in the tables below accordingly

Town Hall Level12345678
Number Available12345666
Town Hall Level910111213141516
Number Available77777777
Size Gold Mine/Home Village (20)
Gold Mine/Home Village (21)
Production Rate
Gold Mine/Home Village (24)
Boost Cost
Time to FillBuild Cost
Build Time
Gold Mine/Home Village (27)
Experience Gained
Catch-Up Point*Town Hall Level Required
45,000800/hr520N/A6h 15m1,40010m2430m2
510,0001,000/hr560410h3,00040m482h 40m3
620,0001,300/hr600515h 23m 5s7,0003h10310h3
730,0001,600/hr640618h 45m14,0006h1461d 2h4
850,0001,900/hr68071d 2h 18m 57s28,0006h1461d 8h4
975,0002,200/hr72081d 10h 5m 27s56,00010h1892d 15h 20m5
10100,0002,800/hr78091d 11h 42m 52s75,00010h1891d 12h 40m5
11150,0003,500/hr860101d 18h 51m 26s85,00012h2072d7
12200,0004,200/hr960101d 23h 37m 9s170,00016h2403d 8h8
13250,0004,900/hr1,080112d 3h 1m 14s400,00020h2685d10
14300,0005,600/hr1,180112d 5h 34m 18s800,0001d 16h37911d 16h11
15350,0006,300/hr1,280112d 7h 33m 20s1,200,0002d 18h48722d12
16385,0007,000/hr1,350112d 7h2,000,0004d58736d14


These additional levels can be attained at Town Hall 16 once the maximum level of the building has been attained. These Supercharges will be removed when a new level is added.

Charge Level
Gold Mine/Home Village (30)
Production Rate
Gold Mine/Home Village (33)
Boost Cost
Time to Fill
Gold Mine/Home Village (35)
Build Cost
Build Time
Gold Mine/Home Village (37)
Experience Gained
Catch-Up Point*Town Hall Level Required
1415,0007,000/hr1,350112d 11h 17m 9s1,700,0002d415N/A16
2415,0007,500/hr1,350112d 7h 20m1,500,0003d50942d16
3415,0007,500/hr1,400112d 7h 20m1,300,0004d587N/A16

* The Catch-Up Point is the time at which the newly upgraded Gold Mine has equaled the total production of the mine had it not been upgraded - this does not consider recovering the cost of the Elixir required to perform the upgrade. Or, in easier to understand terms, the catch-up point is the amount of time it would take to get the resources it would have collected if it wasn't being upgraded.

Caveat: The Catch-Up Point calculation assumes that the player collects all resources from the Gold Mine without allowing it to reach its storage capacity, as resource production ceases at that point. This is more of a concern at lower levels where the capacity is limited and Time to Fill is relatively short. If the player is unable to regularly collect and achieve the full potential of the collector, the Catch-Up Point is actually shorter and performing the upgrade becomes more advantageous.

Icon Descriptions

Gold Mine/Home Village (40)Tapping this icon displays information about the Gold Mine, such as Level, Capacity, Production and Hitpoints.
Gold Mine/Home Village (41)Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Gold Mine to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder (or B.O.B). When the Gold Mine is at maximum level, this icon is replaced by the Supercharge! icon.
File:Icon Supercharge!.pngTapping this icon begins supercharging the maxed Gold Mine to the next charge, if you have enough resources and a free Builder (or B.O.B). When the Gold Mine is at maximum charge, this icon is not shown.
Gold Mine/Home Village (42)Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Gold Mine to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Gold Mine is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Gold Mine/Home Village (43)Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Gold Mine/Home Village (44)Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Gold Mine/Home Village (45)Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Gold Mine/Home Village (46)Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion.
Gold Mine/Home Village (47)Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.
Gold Mine/Home Village (48)Tapping this icon boosts your Gold production for 1 day at the cost of the displayed amount of Gems.
Gold Mine/Home Village (49)Tapping this icon boosts your Gold production of all the Gold Mines for 1 day at the cost of the displayed amount of Gems.
Gold Mine/Home Village (50)Tapping this icon boosts the production of all the Resource collector buildings for 1 day at the cost of one Resource Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Resource Potion.
Gold Mine/Home Village (51)Tapping this icon collects the uncollected Gold from the Gold Mine.
Gold Mine/Home Village (52)This icon informs you that you don't have Gold to be collected from your Gold Mine.


August 2, 2012Game ReleaseIntroduction of the Gold Mine, with 10 levels and 5 of them to build.Gold Mine/Home Village (53)Gold Mine/Home Village (54)Gold Mine/Home Village (55)Gold Mine/Home Village (56)Gold Mine/Home Village (57)Gold Mine/Home Village (58)Gold Mine/Home Village (59)Gold Mine/Home Village (60)Gold Mine/Home Village (61)Gold Mine/Home Village (62)
August 10, 2012UpdateAdded the sixth Gold Mine available at Town Hall level 6.
October 27, 2012UpdateAdded the level 11 Gold Mine.Gold Mine/Home Village (63)
November 19, 2012UpdateGold Mines can now be boosted at level 5 using Gems.
April 17, 2013UpdateReduced build times at level 5 to 11:
  • Level 5: 4h -> 2h Gold Mine/Home Village (64)
  • Level 6: 12h -> 6h Gold Mine/Home Village (65)
  • Level 7: 1d -> 12h Gold Mine/Home Village (66)
  • Level 8: 2d -> 1d Gold Mine/Home Village (67)
  • Level 9: 3d -> 2d Gold Mine/Home Village (68)
  • Level 10: 4d -> 3d Gold Mine/Home Village (69)
  • Level 11: 5d -> 4d Gold Mine/Home Village (70)
June 24, 2013Maintenance BreakAdded the seventh Gold Mine available at Town Hall level 10.
August 9, 2013Maintenance Break
  • Reduced the boost cost at level 5 to 11:
    • Level 5: 10 -> 4
    • Level 6: 12 -> 5
    • Level 7: 14 -> 6
    • Level 8: 16 -> 7
    • Level 9: 17 -> 8
    • Level 10: 19 -> 9
    • Level 11: 20 -> 11
  • Increased boost duration.
October 22, 2014UpdateSlightly reduced boost cost for level 11 Gold Mine from 11 to 10.
December 11, 2014Update
  • Added the level 12 Gold Mine.Gold Mine/Home Village (79)
  • Decreased hitpoints at level 2 to 6:
    • Level 2: 450 -> 440 Gold Mine/Home Village (80)
    • Level 3: 500 -> 480 Gold Mine/Home Village (81)
    • Level 4: 550 -> 520 Gold Mine/Home Village (82)
    • Level 5: 590 -> 560 Gold Mine/Home Village (83)
    • Level 6: 610 -> 600 Gold Mine/Home Village (84)
  • Increased hitpoints at level 7 to 11:
    • Level 7: 630 -> 640 Gold Mine/Home Village (85)
    • Level 8: 660 -> 680 Gold Mine/Home Village (86)
    • Level 9: 680 -> 720 Gold Mine/Home Village (87)
    • Level 10: 710 -> 760 Gold Mine/Home Village (88)
    • Level 11: 750 -> 800 Gold Mine/Home Village (89)
April 30, 2015Update
  • Reduced build times at level 1 and 2:
    • Level 1: 1m -> 10s Gold Mine/Home Village (90)
    • Level 2: 5m -> 1m Gold Mine/Home Village (91)
July 1, 2015UpdateIncreased hitpoints at level 10 to 12:
  • Level 10: 760 -> 780 Gold Mine/Home Village (92)
  • Level 11: 800 -> 860 Gold Mine/Home Village (93)
  • Level 12: 840 -> 960 Gold Mine/Home Village (94)
May 22, 2017Update
  • Moved the seventh Gold Mine to Town Hall 9.
  • Gold can now be collected from all Gold Mines at once by tapping on just one (rather than needing to individually tap all of them).
June 26, 2018Balance Changes
  • Reduced build times at level 5 to 12:
    • Level 5: 2h -> 1h Gold Mine/Home Village (95)
    • Level 6: 6h -> 4h Gold Mine/Home Village (96)
    • Level 7: 12h -> 8h Gold Mine/Home Village (97)
    • Level 8: 1d -> 16h Gold Mine/Home Village (98)
    • Level 9: 2d -> 1d 12h Gold Mine/Home Village (99)
    • Level 10: 3d -> 2d Gold Mine/Home Village (100)
    • Level 11: 4d -> 2d 12h Gold Mine/Home Village (101)
    • Level 12: 5d -> 3d Gold Mine/Home Village (102)
June 29, 2018Balance ChangesIncreased production at level 10 to 12:
  • Level 10: 2500/hr -> 2800/hr
  • Level 11: 3000/hr -> 3500/hr
  • Level 12: 3500/hr -> 4200/hr
October 23, 2018UpdateAdded the level 13 Gold Mine.Gold Mine/Home Village (106)
April 2, 2019UpdateReduced build times at level 7 to 13:
  • Level 7: 8h -> 6h Gold Mine/Home Village (107)
  • Level 8: 16h -> 8h Gold Mine/Home Village (108)
  • Level 9: 1d 12h -> 10h Gold Mine/Home Village (109)
  • Level 10: 2d -> 12h Gold Mine/Home Village (110)
  • Level 11: 2d 12h -> 16h Gold Mine/Home Village (111)
  • Level 12: 3d -> 1d Gold Mine/Home Village (112)
  • Level 13: 6d -> 3d Gold Mine/Home Village (113)
March 30, 2020UpdateAdded the level 14 Gold Mine.Gold Mine/Home Village (114)
April 12, 2021Update
  • Doubled Storage Capacity at level 1 to 4 so they do not cap out after 3 hours.
  • Reduced build times at level 3-14 (except for level 7, 8, 9 and 10).
    • Level 3: 15m -> 4m Gold Mine/Home Village (115)
    • Level 4: 1h -> 10m Gold Mine/Home Village (116)
    • Level 5: 1h -> 40m Gold Mine/Home Village (117)
    • Level 6: 4h -> 3h Gold Mine/Home Village (118)
    • Level 12: 1d -> 20h Gold Mine/Home Village (119)
    • Level 13: 3d -> 1d 16h Gold Mine/Home Village (120)
    • Level 14: 5d -> 3d 8h Gold Mine/Home Village (121)
  • Reduced upgrade costs at level 10-14.
    • Level 10: 84,000 -> 75,000
    • Level 11: 168,000 -> 100,000
    • Level 12: 336,000 -> 200,000
    • Level 13: 504,000 -> 400,000
    • Level 14: 840,000 -> 800,000
December 9, 2021UpdateAdded the level 15 Gold Mine. Gold Mine/Home Village (127)
December 12, 2023Town Hall UpdateReduced upgrade times at:
  • Level 8: 8h -> 6h Gold Mine/Home Village (128)
  • Level 10: 12h -> 10h Gold Mine/Home Village (129)
  • Level 11: 16h -> 12h Gold Mine/Home Village (130)
  • Level 12: 20h -> 16h Gold Mine/Home Village (131)
  • Level 13: 1d 16h -> 20h Gold Mine/Home Village (132)
  • Level 14: 3d 8h -> 1d 16h Gold Mine/Home Village (133)
  • Level 15: 6d -> 2d 18h Gold Mine/Home Village (134)
February 27, 2024UpdateAdded the level 16 Gold Mine. Gold Mine/Home Village (135)
September 9, 2024UpdateAdded 3 Supercharge levels for the Gold Mine. Gold Mine/Home Village (136)
Gold Mine/Home Village (137)


  • The upgrade costs of the Gold Mine and the Elixir Collector match at every level, but prior to the June 2021 update, there existed a discrepancy between the level 5 upgrade prices (3,000 Elixir for the Gold Mine, 3,500 Gold for the Elixir Collector), which was resolved by reducing the Elixir Collector's upgrade cost.
  • Although directly selecting a Gold Mine with a Gold bubble above it automatically collects any resources it has stored, there is a way to check how much Gold has been stored without collecting it. This can be done by moving any other building to an invalid spot on your map (e.g., off the edge of your map, or fully or partially occupied by an obstacle, decoration or another building) and releasing it while its surrounding square has turned red. Then select the desired Gold Mine and choose the "Info" option to display the amount of Gold gathered by the mine to that point.


  • The Gold Mine is one of the 4 buildings that a player starts with at the beginning of the tutorial, the others being the Town Hall, Builder's Hut, and Army Camp.
  • The Gold Mine's sound (when you collect gold from it) has the same sound with Fortune Tree, Golden Poet, and Golden Hog.
Home Village Buildings
Defensive BuildingsCannonArcher TowerMortarAir DefenseWizard TowerAir SweeperHidden TeslaBomb TowerX-BowInferno TowerEagle ArtilleryScattershotBuilder's HutSpell TowerMonolithRicochet CannonMulti-Archer TowerGiga TeslaGiga Inferno (TH13TH14TH15TH16) • Wall
Traps: BombSpring TrapAir BombGiant BombSeeking Air MineSkeleton TrapTornado Trap
Resource BuildingsTown Hall (Magic Items) • Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageClan Castle (Treasury)
Army BuildingsArmy CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryDark Spell FactoryBlacksmithWorkshopBarbarian King AltarArcher Queen AltarGrand Warden AltarRoyal Champion AltarPet House
Other BuildingsBoatAirshipForgeDecorationsObstaclesLoot CartStrongman's CaravanSuper SaunaBuilder's HutB.O.B's Hut
Gold Mine/Home Village (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.