Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (2024)

DLC - Trespasser (Story Achievements)

Trespasser is the third and final DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition. This DLC can only be started if you have an end game save after beating Corypheus. You will head back to the Winter Palace two years after the defeat of Corypheus to attend the Exalted Council. This council will be the last chance you have to catch up with old friends and decide the final fate of the Inquisition.

This DLC adds 11 achievements for a total of 240 GamerScore. Only 4 of the achievements can actually be obtained while playing the new content. The rest of the achievements will require a partial play through of the main game with new special Trials that can be toggled on and off from the game's options menu.

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This guide will start off by covering the new content and will follow with the partial play through at the end dealing with the different trial achievements.

The Winter Palace - The Exalted Council

To begin this DLC you will need to start the War Table Operation "Attend the Exalted Council". As mentioned just a second ago, you must have an end game save after beating Corypheus for this war table operation to appear. Make sure you have everything done that you want done in your playthrough before beginning the Exalted Council. Once this operation is selected you will be locked out of all previous areas you have ever been too. That means Skyhold as well!! You've been warned.

So if you're ready to begin start the operation and you will be transported 2 years into the future where you are attending the Exalted Council at the Winter Palace. After the intro scene you will be out in the Palace's Courtyard.

The first thing you should do now is go into your menu settings. Press Start, select Options and then Trials. Make sure to toggle on the trial Walk Softly. This trial will promote certain enemies to make them stronger. By turning this trial on right at the beginning of this DLC I was able to unlock the achievement Trial of the Emperor just before the ending, so hopefully this will work for you too. If not, you're going to need to do another partial playthrough of the entire game anyway -.-

Now that you have control of your Inquisitor you can run around the Winter Palace Gardens for a while and catch up with your companions. Talk to everyone and you'll be able to see the effects some of your choices have had on your companions lives over the last two years. There's a few other unmarked sidequests you can look out for while you're exploring this area as well.

  • Cullen now has a dog. If you spam your search function and find all the expensive dog treats hiding in the gardens you will get a quick cut scene with the new pooch and which will reward you with the Cudgel of the Gold-and-Ebon Queen.
  • There will be Harlequin's stealthing around the palace. If you can get your Inquisitor to approach them stealthily from behind you will be able to catch them and receive +2 dexterity each time. There are 5 Harlequin's that can be caught in the Winter Palace and you will receive the Brand Schematic if you can manage to catch all 5 of them.
  • Lastly, there are tilted paintings located throughout the Winter Palace. Fixing any painting that is not hanging correctly will grant you +2 strength each time. There are 5 paintings that can be fixed: in the bar, in a small room to the north of the bar, in the bathhouse, and two on the top floor of the palace that can only be accessed after you trigger the first Exalted Council meeting.

Now that you are done catching up with your companions you will need to talk with Teagan Guerrin and Cyril de Montfort before you can move on with the main quest. Both men are marked with quest markers on your map. Once you have spoken with both ambassadors you will be able to head to the palace entrance to trigger the first Exalted Council meeting.

The council proceedings will not get too far along, before you are interrupted by a messenger stating the Leliana would like to speak with you. Rudely leave the council meeting and meet up with Leliana who will inform you that a dead Qunari has been found inside the palace.

You will now need to use your search function to follow the Qunari's blood trail up a nearby trellis. This will take you to the top floor of the palace (only time you'll be able to access those last tilted paintings). Continue following the blood trail into the adjoining room where you will find an active Eluvian.

Head through the mirror and you will be able to choose your party members to tag along into the Crossroads.

The Crossroads

Your party will now be in the Crossroads. You start of at location #1 on the Map. Continue following the blood trail to an Eluvian directly in front of you (Map Location #9). It will be inactive. There will be another blood trail leading to the right, however, which leads to an active mirror.

Instead of following the blood trail to the Eluvian at Map Location #3 like your supposed to as soon as you enter the Crossroads here you can head immediately left to find a skeleton. You can get a map off the skeleton which will start a hall treasure hunt side quest that you'll be able to do when you return to the Winter Palace. The map will show you the location of a hidden halla statue located at the Winter Palace. Find the 4 halla statues located near the statue behind the bar, in the central fountain, on top of the bath house and at the top of the stairs to the right of the main palace gates. Once you have found all four you can return to the skeleton here to finish off the side quest. You'll receive +1 to cunning everytime you find a statue and +6 when you return to the skeleton. You'll also receive a staff schematic for finishing the quest.

You should now take another detour around the back to Map Location #2 first. Head through the Eluvian here and you will end up in the Abandoned Chateau. In here will be a chest. Once you go to unlock the chest you will be attacked by demons. Kill all the demons and then you will be able to open the chest for a unique ring called The Hand That Cuts. There are four of these chests to open and each chest contains a piece of armor that makes up The Taken Shape set. Collecting all of these will unlock this achievement:


Find all of the wearable items that make up the Taken Shape.

Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (3)

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Since we can only access this piece now lets exit this area and move to the Eluvian at Map Location #3.

Elven Mountain Ruins

After arriving at the Elven Mountain Ruins you will be inside of the Vine-Covered Tower. Climb up the staircase and go behind the entrance to find some purple flames (Map Location #1). These will kill you instantaneously if you walk into them unprotected. Your inquisitor will soon get an Anchor Discharge ability which grants a few seconds of invulnerability when used which will allow you to walk safely through the flames. If you'd rather not wait you can also use a mage with Barrier to walk through these flames. Opening the chest here will reward you with a Superb Belt of Urgency.

Next head to Map Location A and head through the Eluvian there to cross over to the Bridge. When you arrive at the Bridge you will see Qunari across the other side. You won't be able to cross this area yet. There is a broken statue piece on a pedestal that you will have to fix in order to raise the bridge. Since we can't move forward just yet, head through the Eluvian to your left at Map Location B.

You will now be at the Smoking Tower. You will come upon some spirits. If you drank from the Well of Sorrows you will be able to bypass fighting them. If not you will need to fight them before moving on. Make your way to Map Location #2 and have your mage cast barrier again to reach the chest past the purple flames. Afterwards head to Map Location #3 and interact with the Mosaic there. The wall will disappear and you will be able to pass through and interact with the Eluvian on the other side at Map Location C.

You will exit out the other side at the Silent Tower. Climb the stairs around this tower and make your way to Map Location #4. Here you will interact with another mosaic. Enter the structure and make your way down the stairs and interact with yet another mosaic. Enter the dark room that the mosaic was blocking and your Inquisitor's anchor will flare up. This flare up will grant your Inquisitior the Anchor Discharge ability. This ability can be used to light dark places and grant you and your nearby party members temporary invulnerability. Use this ability now by pressing Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (9) + Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (10) to light up the room. You need to grab the statue in the center of the room. This will trigger a fight with some spirits. Clear the room and then retrace your steps all the way back to the Bridge at Map Location #6. Interact with the broken pedestal here and you will finally be able to make your way towards the Qunari across the bridge at Map Location #7.

Now that you have finally crossed the bridge your party will now arrive at the Forgotten Sanctuary. The last part of this area. You will have to clear out the Qunari in this area before entering the sanctuary. You can run around the outside of the sanctuary area, but there really is nothing to see or do around the outside. So you can just enter right away if you want to. You will have to fight off more Elven Spirits and Qunari. Make you way to map location #1. You should now have cleared out all of the enemies inside of the sanctuary. There is a hidden chest located in the upper level on the South Side, blocked by purple flames that you can get if you want. The main goal here is to solve the first Lateral Thinker puzzle. Solving all 4 of the Lateral Thinker puzzles will award you with this:

The clue to this Lateral Thinker puzzle is: "The Dread Wolf keeps its gaze on the light that illuminates the way forward". For this puzzle you will have to light the Veil Fire brazier on the wall that the Dread Wolf statue is directly looking at. Use a mage to energize the brazier that the statue is looking at. You will then need to press the button on the statue which will make the statue's eyes light up and reveal a staircase hidden below it. This will also unlock a loot box in front of the statue. Make sure you loot the box, you'll get the bow Arrowwood, before heading down the stairs. The solution to the puzzle is shown in this picture below:

You can now head down the stairs and interact with another mosaic. You will now be in the Hidden Armory. If you head into the room immediately to your left after you pass through the mosaic there will be a wall blocked with crates you can destroy to get a treasure chest. You will now have to clear the Hidden Armory area of more Qunari. Loot all of the dead Qunari's bodies. A Qunari Shock Trooper should have some orders on him outlining a Qunari plot to infiltrate Halamshiral. You can also look around the side rooms to find another note about an Unknown Agent who attacked the Qunari (This room is the one just to the left of the Eluvian in this area if you are looking directly at it). You can now head back to the Winter Palace to update your advisors on the situation. Head through the Eluvian marked by the quest marker in this area. You will now be back at the Vine Covered Tower. Use the lever in this room to open the gate. If you head into the room directly across from the one you are now coming out of you will find more crates blocking a wall. If you break the crates you will be able to access a hidden Eluvian that will take you back to a previously inaccessible area of the Smoking Tower, where you will now be able to get the chest. Now backtrack back to the Vine Covered Tower and the original Eluvian you entered this area through. You should now go and update your advisors on the Qunari plot back at the Winter Palace.

After you have updated your advisors back at the Winter Palace you will now have a quest marker marking the Eluvian used to get back to the Crossroads from the Winter Palace. This Eluvian is in the room under the top-right hand stairs of the palace. When you enter back into the Crossroads a new path will have opened up that you can follow to the Deep Roads.

The Crossroads 2

To move onto the next section you will want to head along the new path to Map Location #5. Before heading into the Eluvian here, head around the back to Map Location #4 to enter the Hidden Hollow. Here will be another treasure chest that once interacted with will spawn demons. Kill the demons here and loot the chest. You will be awarded with an amulet called The Eye That Weeps. This is the 2nd piece of The Taken Shape. Exit out of this area and head over to the Eluvian at Map Location #5 to enter The Deep Roads.

The Deep Roads

You start off in the Deep Roads at Map Location #1. This area is much more linear than the previous Elven Ruins. You will have to take care of some Qunari in this area before moving through to Map Location #2. At this point you should start heading down the stair case. You can use the Inquisitor's Anchor Discharge ability to light the way when it gets dark. For the next little bit you'll be fighting off Deep Stalkers instead of Qunari. At Map location #2 you will notice that there are several gaatlok barrels blocking a caved in area here. This area leads to the second Lateral Thinker puzzle. You won't be able to access this area until you complete The Shattered Library later on in the story and upgrade you anchor ability more. So for now just keep making your way through the mostly linear map.

Continue on through Map Location #3 and #4 until you reach a Hideout at Map Location #5. Here you will meet a former Templar from Kirkwall called Jerran. He signed up for the Qun after the events at Kirkwall and has been teaching the Qunari everything he knows about lyrium. Unfortunately for Jerran he now believes the Qunari are crazy as well and is having second thoughts about having helped them. After your conversation with Jerran you can chose to either kill him or let him go. It's all up to you!

After your leave Jerran you will run into more deepstalkers. Around Map Location #6 is another purple fire blocking a treasure chest containing a sigil. There's also another locked treasure chest that you can open before you cross a long bridge into the next area. When you are fighting the Qunari along the way you can detonate the gaatlok barrels with fire and electricity or you can manually detonate them. They can help take out the Qunari pretty quickly. They shouldn't have left their explosives laying all over the place Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (20).

Your ultimate goal right now is to make it to Map Location #8. Here you will fight a pretty strong Saarebas (Qunari mage) along with several other Qunari. Make sure to take out the Saarebas as quick as you can. Loot the treasure in this area and pick up the gaatlok primers.

You will now have 4 quest markers on your map in the four corners of Map Location #7. Head to each of these locations and use the primers here to blow up the towers and all of the Qunari's gaatlok. Once the fourth area is blown up the cave will start to flood. Now it's just a matter of backtracking your way out of this entire area while fighting Qunari. If you let Jerran bolt you'll find his dead body on your way out and can loot an amulet off of him. Head back to the Winter Palace to update your advisors.

Back at the Winter Palace you will get another cutscene. Your advisors will inform you that there has been a situation between on of the Inquisition soldiers and an Orlesian servant. You will have to decide whether to take your Inquisition soldier or the Orlesian servant into custody. Doesn't really matter either way. Once you decide your Inquisition soldier will pass on a note to you that Leliana will translate. The note tells you that the Viddasala can be found through an Eluvian by a bookcase.

Head back to the Eluvian at the Winter Palace and make your way back to the Crossroads.

The Crossroads 3

Heading back into the Crossroads for the third time now you will finally open up the rest of the map. Make your way over to Map Location #5 where you just finished off with the Deep Roads. Along the East side of the island you will notice a red device that you can now interact with. Doing so will start to create a path. Head over to Map Location #6 and enter the Eluvian here to get to the Forgotten Tower. Here you will find the third chest for the Coroner achievement. Interact with the chest, kill the Revenants and then loot a belt called "The Bind That Guides". Make your way back out to the Crossroads.

You will now want to head back over to the island at Map Location #5 and interact with the red device to the South. You can now head over to Map Location #8. Before heading into the Eluvian on this island lets complete our first achievement for this DLC. Head up and around the stairs here and make your way over to the island at Map Location #7 in the very South. Enter the Eluvian here to get to the Ancient Jail. Just like the three times before, interact with the chest, kill the demons and loot the chest. You will receive your fourth and final piece of the Taken Shape armor set. It's a pretty cool looking body armor piece called "The Skin That Stalks". You'll get the schematic for this armor too along with the following achievement:


Find all of the wearable items that make up the Taken Shape.

Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (22)

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Now head back out to the Crossroads again and back over to the Eluvian at Map Location #8. Enter the Eluvian to get to the Shattered Library.

Shattered Library

You'll start off in the Shattered Library at Map Location #1. If you exit out of this initial room and walk all the way around the back you will find an abandoned camp of Sandal Feddic's. He's left you some goodies.

You'll now want to start heading down the path towards to Map Location A. You will run into an Archivist who will fill you in a bit about what is going on. If you head down the path to the left of the spirit instead of heading up the stairs you can find a "secret shop" where you can buy the shield The Best Defense as well as it's schematic. Not sure what that skeleton needs all the money for?

Now head back to the Archivist and up the stairs to the main platform. You will see Qunari in the distance on an upside down island. Interact with the red device to raise some stairs. You will need to find a few more of these to raise all of the stairs though. Continue following the path around to the Eluvian at Map Location A. Head through to reach the Courtyard at Map Location #2.

On the main platform behind the Archivist you will notice more Qunari on an "inverted island". Activate the red device to raise a portion of the steps needed to get there. However, you need to raise more portions in order to reach the Qunari. Follow the path to find another mirror to enter the Courtyard.

In the Courtyard there are 2 Eluvians. It does not matter which order you head through them but for this guide we will be heading to the Eluvian up the shorter flight of stairs to the North at Map Location B first.

Going through the Eluvian at Map Location B will bring you to the Broken Tower at Map Location #3. You'll pass through a ring of creepy looking statues before, heading up the staircase to find another Archivist. At Map Location C go through the Eluvian to get to the Scholar's Retreat at Map Location #4.

At Map Location #4 you will be able to do another Lateral Thinker puzzle. To solve the Lateral Thinker puzzle in this area ("When the Dread Wolf's gaze is bright, light burns in a ring of the dead") required for the achievement you will have to do the following:

  • First make all of your party members Hold Position at the Eluvian at Map Location #4-C.
  • Then take your Inquisitor and head back up the stairs to where the Elven murals are. Around the back of the murals is a purple flame area. One part of this area holds a treasure chest. Pass through the flames using the Inquisitor's anchor discharge and you will be able to head up some stairs and reach a statue of the Dread Wolf. Press the button on the statue and the statue's eyes will glow green.
  • Now switch to one of you characters that you have holding position at the Eluvian. With the character you will want to quickly run through the mirror to get to the island at Map Location #3. If you remember when you came into this area there was that ring of creepy looking statues. Hop down to the statues in this area and they will all have their braziers lit with veilfire.
  • Quickly interact with one of the statues braziers to light a veilfire torch. This event is on a pretty quick timer. Once you have a torch lit the braziers will go out on the statues shortly after. You can relight them with your new torch if you'd like.
  • Now make sure your Inquisitor has the torch in hand and head back over to Map Location #4 and the Dread Wolf Statue there. There is a veilfire that you can light here near the statue. This will unlock the box located on the statue which you can now loot for a unique sword called Rime.

If the written description was too confusing for this puzzle Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (28) you can check out this YouTube video to help you out:

Now that you've gotten that puzzle out of the way, you will want to activate the red device to raise another portion of stairs over at Map Location F. You may want to keep that veilfire torch with you for the next Eluvian area as there is a little secret you'll be able to trigger with it. The red device is found down a set of stairs to the opposite of the stairs that you come up from in this area. So go up the stairs, hang a right where you see all of the murals and in that area you will see a set of stairs going down which will take you to the red device. Now you can start retracing your steps back to the Courtyard at Map Location #2. Along the way you will be attacked by more Qunari.

When you return to Map Location #2 your Inquisitor's mark will flare up again and you will gain the Anchor Blast ability. This upgrade allows you to damage all nearby enemies along with granting you temporary immunity.

You will now head up the longer flight of stair to Map Location #2-D and head through the Eluvian here. Upon entering turn immediately left and interact with the swarm of bees here to obtain Fade-Touched Honeycomb. Afterwards head up the stairs to have another chat with the Archivist. Afterwards head through the Eluvian at Map Location #5-E right behind them.

When you get to the next area at Map Location #6, instead of heading down the stairs right away, sneak over to the alcove to the South. If you still have your veilfire torch with you you'll find a rune here that says "Behind You". Must be a Dark Souls reference. Immediately after reading this you'll be attacked by a bunch of spiders and a Fear Demon Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (29). Once you've defeated these guys you can grab a Superb Amulet of Barrier off the Fear Demon. With them dead you can head down the stairs and find the last red device in the North West of the lower area. Interact with the device to raise the last portion of the stairs to the upside down island. Now retrace your steps back to the Courtyard at Map Location #2. As always you'll be attacked by more Qunari on your way back. These guys really need to stop breeding ...

Back at the Courtyard you will be attacked by the four Librarian's who are pretty much Fear Demons. Take care of them and then head back over to the island at Map Location #1. You'll now be able to use the steps you've raised to access the Eluvian at Map Location #1-F.

When you step out of the Eluvian at Map Location #7-F you will finally greet the Viddasala. She'll monologue for a bit and then leave her minions to attack you. Defeat these guys and then loot the area. You'll be able to pick up some nice amulets as well as find a good bow schematic behind the purple flames in this area. On one of the dead Qunari should be a Darvaarad Keystone that you'll need. Once your done head up the stairs to talk to the Archivist one last time. They tell you that the Viddasala is headed to the Darvaarad. They tell you that to get to the Darvaarad you need the keystone you've looted along with the words "Maraas Nehraa". They also fix the path behind them leading to the Eluvian at Map Location #7-G. This will help you exit the area much quicker. You can now retrace your steps out of this area to head back to the Winter Palace to fill in your advisors.

Back at the Winter Palace your advisors update you on the current situation. During this conversation your anchor flares up again and you finally come clean to your advisors that the anchor is killing you Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (30). You tell them that you must get to the Darvaarad to stop those crazy Qunari from destroying all of Thedas.

Before you head back out to the Crossroads again you can do another sidequest. Even though the Inquisitor is dying they apparently feel like celebrating with fireworks ...?? In the south-western corner of the palace courtyard you can try your hand at some pyrotechnics. To get max points at this mini-game you want to try to detonate the fireworks at their peak point. The higher your score the better you reward from this. If you can manage a score of 80+ you'll nab yourself +6 to your magic stats and a Chromatic Greatsword Schematic.

Now that your done partying we can return to that Qunari problem that threatens all of Thedas ... Head on back out to those Crossroads.

The Crossroads 4

Before continuing with the main quest we are going to take a quick detour back to the Deep Roads at Map Location #5. We need to finish the Lateral Thinker puzzle, that was previously inaccessible, before we can move on.

The Deep Roads - Part 2

Arriving back at the Deep Road for the second you will notice that most of the area is now underwater thanks to us blowing everything up. From Map Location #1 head through the room and down the staircase towards Map Location #2. At this location you will notice an caved in area surrounded by a couple of canisters of gaatlok. With our nifty Anchor Discharge upgrade that now enables us to blow stuff up we can finally clear the way here. Use your Anchor Blast on the canisters and it will clear the way through the door to an Eluvian. Head through the mirror and you will be transported to the Unknown Ruin.

The clue for this Lateral Thinker puzzle is: "Where the Dread Wolf's gaze blazes, paths are brought to light." First you will want to have one of your characters light a torch with the veilfire that is available when you first get into the ruin. Then when you enter the area with the Dread Wolf statue you will see a large mural taking up the entire wall opposite, along with a brazier in the middle of the wall that is unreachable. Stretching from the statue to the brazier you will see notches jutting out of the floor in a straight line. What you want to do is have your character who is holding the veilfire torch stand on the notch coming out of the floor closest to the wolf statue and hold position (Map Location A). Then use a second party member to push the button on the back of the statues head (Map Location B). This will cause the notches in the floor to raise up and create a staircase to the brazier. Switch back to your character holding the veilfire torch and quickly have them run up the stairs and light the brazier. As soon as the brazier is lit the staircase will retract and you will be able to read a veilfire rune that shows up on the mural wall. Next make sure to open the chest at the Dread Wolf statue to obtain your new staff, Heart of Pride.

Now retrace your steps back out to the Crossroads.

The Crossroads (Last Time)

This is going to be the point of no return. If you have left anything unfinished up to this point you will have to complete it now. Once we head to the Darvaard we will not be returning this way. So finish up what you want to do now. If you're ready to finish this game off and good to go, head to Map Location #9 and enter the Darvaard.

The Darvaarad

You start off in the Darvaard near Map Location #1. Make you way across the bridge while fighting off the Qunari. Make your way to Map Location #2 and kill the Qunari in this area as well. Make sure to loot all of the Qunari that you kill in this area as one will have a Gatehouse key on him. Also make sure to take advantage of the Inquisitor's ability to explode gaatlok barrels while giving the group temporary invulnerability at the same time.

The Gatehouse key that you loot will unlock the control room at Map Location #3. The solution to opening the locked door blocking the way forward from the control room is:

  • Turn the right wheel until the right pole is completely retracted
  • Turn the left wheel until the left pole is completely retracted
  • Turn the center wheel until the vertical center pole is completely retracted

This will unlock the way forward, but before we do that lets take a quick detour and get an achievement. Head over to the Research Tower at Map Location #4. We are going to complete our last lateral thinker puzzle. The clue for this puzzle is: "One sees the hunter, one flees from it, one outwits them all." Inside the Research Tower are statues of an owl, halla and a dragon. You want to light the veilfire braziers in front of them in the correct order. The tower has three levels and you want to start on the bottom or basem*nt floor. Down here is the Dread Wolf statue. You can light your veilfire torch down here. This is also where the owl (hunter) statue is. This is the one that you want to light first:

Then you're going to head to the very top floor. Up here are the Halla and Dragon statues. Light the Halla (flees from it) statue second:

Then light the Dragon (outwits them all) statue third:

This will unlock the loot box down at the Dread Wolf statue. Before heading down to the bottom level there is a golden nug statue behind the halla statue up here that you can use to synch up all of your schematics with. You might want to use this if you need to do another playthrough as it gives all characters across your account access to all schematics you own from the get go. If you have to do another playthrough of the game this can be very useful. Now that your synched up head to the basem*nt and retrieve you new dual blade dagger - The Bloody Bargain! You'll also unlock this:

Lateral Thinker

Unlock all caches watched over by ancient statues.

Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (39)

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Now that you are done in this area head through the door you unlocked previously at Map Location #5.

When you enter the Barracks you'll want to head left first to Map Location #6. The door to Map Location #7 is initially locked. Clear out the Qunari in this area and loot a chest for a key. With this key you can now head to Map Location #7 and unlock the door. You'll be able to nab an Amulet of Physical Immunity.

Now head over to Map Location #8. From here you can enter the study at Map Location #9 to learn more about the Qunari's plans. At Map Location #10 you should be able to pick a lock to one of the cell doors here for a supply cache.

When you finally reach the gaatlock factory at Map Location #11 you will have another run in with the Viddasala. At this point in the game you will run into the Viddasala again. If you never finished Iron Bull's sidequest, Demands of the Qun, or if you did finish the sidequest but chose to sacrifice the Chargers, then you will end up having to kill Iron Bull in this upcoming fight. Even if Bull is not in your party he will still show up to fight you at this point. It doesn't matter if you are in a romance with Iron Bull either. He'll still attack you. If you chose to save the Chargers in the sidequest and Bull happens to be in your party then he will not turn on you. After you have dealt with all of the Qunari in this area you will need to make your way over to Map Location #12 for the final fight of this area.

By now your party has figured out that the Qunari's Dragon's Breath plan involves an actual dragon. At Map Location #12 you will face a ton of Qunari along with the dragon Ataashi, who is not too thrilled with the Qunari's plans either. You can now decide whether you want to kill Ataashi or set her free. It is not clear if freeing Ataashi will have repercussions in further games or not, but there is also no reward for killing her. I've always chosen to free her, If you want to free Atashi sick your party members on the Qunari first. Then take your Inquisitor near the dragon. There are rings of fire on the ground floor surrounding Ataashi. There is also a wagon on the floor here filled with gaatlok. With your Anchor Blast/Discharge ability blow this wagon up. You will now need to move the flames the flame rings that are holding Ataashi in the circle. There are three wheels on the upper level that will move their corresponding rings of flame. You don't even have to bother with the inner and middle rings of flame. Just use the wheel that controls the outermost ring. From the entrance to the room this is the wheel that is the farthest to the right (South on the Map). Move the wheel until the flames line up and someone will mention that they are in place. Once that is done run over to the gate door and throw the levers that are on both sides of the gate. This will finally free Ataashi and you'll get a pretty cool cutscene. I honestly didn't fight any of the Qunari with my Inquisitor during this fight. If they get in the way you can use you Anchor Discharge ability to help you out. Basically just run from one objective to the next ignoring the enemies. Once the dragon is freed this battle is over.

With the dragon free you'll chase after the Viddasala again. She'll tell you her plans to kill Solas and leave through another Eluvian. You'll automatically follow in pursuit.

Elven Ruins

Chasing after the Viddasala you will wind up in the Elven Ruins. Your Inquisitor's Anchor will begin to flare up even more and it will cause a big explosion. Your Inquisitor will now have the Anchor Meltdown upgrade. Your Anchor is now discharging whether you want it to or not. If you allow your focus to fully build up your anchor will explode damaging your party. In this area you will need to continuously use your Anchor ability whenever it's available to avoid it "overheating" and damaging your party members.

This area is very linear. Basically fight through Qunari until you reach an Eluvian and can move onto the next island. Fight your way through Map Location #1, 2 and 3. At Map Location #3 just be careful which way your Inquisitor is facing when using the Anchor Meltdown ability as it usually blasts them back and you are fighting on a narrow bridge. When you head through the eluvian after fighting across the bridge at Map Location #3 you will finally reach the Shrine to the Dread Wolf at Map Location #4.

When you run into the courtyard here the Viddasala will come out of an Eluvian along with her super powere Saarebas Saarath. She'll sick Saarath on you while she watches. Saarath has a couple of strong attacks. He'll launch a glowing orb of magic at you that is very hard to dodge and he has an AOE leap attach. When he puts up a barrier around him, ranged attacks will no longer work. You need to get in the barrier with him and deal close range damage. There will also be other Qunari on the field while you fight him. Once you've done enough damage to Saarath he will break his chain and run off along with the Viddasala.

Follow after to the next courtyard. In this area there will be a unch more Qunari along with several active Eluvians. There is only one correct Eluvian to head through in this area. The rest will lead you right back to the courtyard. I headed through the Eluvian that was to the very North of the Map, straight ahead of you in this area. This was the correct one right off the bat.

Once you've gone through the correct Eluvian you will arrive in an area with one last Eluvian along with the unleashed Saarath. This fight is pretty similar to the last one, except Saarath will do a lot more AOE attacks this time around. When he starts to get low on health he will also start to summon demons. Defeat Saarath for good this second time around and head through the last Eluvian.

This last area will be one big cutscene wrapping up the entire game. You'll finally get to talk to Solas. He'll tell you stuff, yada yada ... You'll eventually arrive back at the Winter Palace where you will need to decide the fate of the Inquisition. Do you disband the Inquisition and avoid corruption from within, or do you keep the Inquisition intact and risk infiltration from agents of Fen'Harel. The choice is up to you, but I'm pretty sure this decision will have some impact on the next Dragon Age game. Make your decision and you'll earn yourself the last story achievement of this DLC:

Forever Marked

Progress the story to unlock.

Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (45)

1 guideGuide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (46)Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (47)Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (48)

For me I was also able to earn this achievement during the Elven Ruins area of the game for having the Walk Softly trial turned on from the beginning:

Trial of the Emperor

Defeat 20 foes promoted by Walk Softly.

Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (49)

6 guidesGuide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (50)Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (51)Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (52)

If you did not achieve this by the end it's ok. We're still going to have to do a partial playthough to earn the other Trial achievements. So that's it for the entire Dragon Age: Inquisition story! Congrats on finishing up to this point. It's been a long haul Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (53)! We'll continue in the next section with the partial playthrough to get you those pesky trial achievements Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (54)!

17. DLC - Tresspasser (Partial Playthrough)15. DLC - The Descent

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Guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition - DLC (2024)


What level should I start the Dragon Age Inquisition DLC? ›

Jaws of Hakkon you need to be at least level 20, and The Descent around 20-27. If you read the war table description it does have recommended levels. For Descent the game recommends level 17 but I'd go a bit higher most of the gear you pick up is can't be used until you're at least level 19 or 20.

What is the max level in Dragon Age: Inquisition with all DLC? ›

The level cap is 27, it's pretty easy to hit if you do all quests and have the DLC. Turn on the trial "Even Ground" and you can get hit it with several areas left to explore. 9-14-1959 - 5-4-2014. Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.

How many hours of gameplay is Dragon Age Inquisition DLC? ›

6 Hours
Main Story234h 11m
Main + Extras536h
Completionist397h 30m
All PlayStyles1156h

What does the Dragon Age Inquisition DLC add? ›

The Black Emporium expansion adds four high-level stores that sell epic weapons, powerful accessories, new crafting materials and schematics, and other hard-to-find items. Change your facial appearance with the Mirror of Transformation.

Is Jaws of Hakkon worth playing? ›

It's a good, fun, entertaining extra bit of Dragon Age Inquisition, and if that doesn't excite you then, well, you don't need it. Jaws of Hakkon is a well-made addition to Dragon Age: Inquisitions. It provides a beautiful new location to explore, more loot to acquire and enemies to vanquish. But in the end, that's it.

What level should I be at Jaws of Hakkon? ›

The Frostback Basin area has a recommended minimum character level of 20 and is designed to be a late or post-game experience. Combat is similar to the main game, which focuses on the player's ability to prepare, position, and form a cohesive team with their party members.

How long does it take to get to 100% in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition is about 51 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 149 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many endings are there in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Executive Producer Mark Darrah has a new post on the Bioware forums that shares more information on the 40 possible endings from the OXM preview. 1. Minor variations based upon choices you make in the game or previous games. There are HUNDREDS of these variations.

What is the max level in Inquisitor Martyr? ›

The Inquisitorial Rank represents your standing within the Holy Order of the Inquisition. The current rank cap is 100. Rank Points by completing missions in the game.

How long is Trespasser after Inquisition? ›

The pack follows members of the Inquisition as they uncover a conspiracy to invade southern Thedas, while at the same time being confronted over their relevancy as an organization two years after a cataclysmic series of events which unfolded in Inquisition.

How long does the Inquisition last? ›

The Spanish Inquisition was a judicial institution that lasted between 1478 and 1834. Its ostensible purpose was to combat heresy in Spain, but, in practice, it resulted in consolidating power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom. Its brutal methods led to widespread death and suffering.

Does Dragon Age: Inquisition game of the Year have all DLC? ›

Every DLC – This edition includes all the story and gameplay content ever released: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser.

Can I play Jaws of Hakkon after Trespasser? ›

The important thing first: Both The Descent and Jaws Of Hakkon can be played while the main story is still ongoing – though both require high level gear and specializations. Trespasser sets the stage for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and therefore becomes available only after you have finished the main quests.

What level should I do DLC Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The other DLC areas require you to be Level 20+, although I highly recommend being at least Level 24 for Trespasser. The DLC Areas aren't initially available, mind you. Trespasser is only accessible once you finish the main story.

Is Trespasser DLC worth it? ›

Trespasser is a polarizing DLC, to say the least.

Some players were happy to get some answers in the short form. Others complained that the game's "true ending" shouldn't be hidden behind a paywall (something that's been done before by Bioware, in Dragon Age: Origins). Then, you get to the plotline.

When should I play Dragon Age: Inquisition DLCs? ›

You will need high level gear. I usually don't play these DLCs until the party is level 20 or above. An intense battle beyond the Deep Roads in The Descent.

What level should I do DLC? ›

We recommend you start the Elden Ring DLC at level 120-150, but if you can beat Mohg then you're likely ready for the Shadow Realm. Don't collect any Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes for an extreme challenge. Collect Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes as you see them for a balanced experience.

What level should I do Dragonborn DLC? ›

Doesn't really matter. Most of the game levels with you anyway. The cultists usually start looking for you after you meet with the Greybeards at High Hrothgar for the first time.

What levels are recommended for dragons Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

It is not advisable to try to fight the Fereldan Frostback until a player has reached Level 12. In fact, it is not advisable to try and fight any dragon until at least Level 12, or they may make quick work of a player's party.

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