Halal Crypto Staking: Is Crypto Staking Halal - Crypto Ummah (2024)

In this article we assess halal crypto staking options to help Muslim investors remain within Islamic finance guidelines (applied to the cryptocurrency market). The majority view is staking is halal and permissable but read on to find out where it may not be.


What is Crypto Staking?

Cryptocurrency staking is a process by which users can earn rewards for supporting a blockchain platform. In order to stake, users must hold coins in a wallet that is connected to the network. The coins are then used to verify transactions and earn rewards. Rewards vary by network but typically range from a few percent to upwards of 50% per year.

Staking can be done by holding coins in a desktop or online wallet, or by setting up a masternode.

Masternodes are servers that support the network by validating transactions and securing the blockchain. In order to set up a masternode, you must hold a minimum number of coins in your wallet. Masternodes typically offer higher rewards than staking wallets, but they require more commitment and technical knowledge.

Crypto staking has become increasingly popular as an alternative to mining. Unlike mining, there is no need for expensive hardware or special software. All that is required is a wallet and some coins. This makes crypto staking accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Islamic fintech experts generally do not have an issue with staking, but we’ll discuss that a bit later on…

Staking also provides an extra layer of security for blockchains networks and its ecosystem. By holding coins in a staking wallet, users help secure the network and are rewarded for their contributions.

Crypto Staking Pros and Cons

Crypto staking is the process of holding a cryptocurrency in a wallet to earn reward or yield. Rewards are earned by verifying transactions and locking the coins up for a set period of time. The longer you lock your coins up, the higher the rewards. Rewards are paid out in the form of new coins being distributed to stakers, which can be used to stake again or sold on an exchange.

Staking has become a popular way to earn passive crypto income. It’s simple to set up and doesn’t require any special hardware or software. You can use any type of wallet that supports staking, including desktop, mobile, and online wallets.

There are a few things to consider before getting started with crypto staking. First, make sure you research different currencies and choose one that has a healthy project behind it and good potential for returns. Staking can be done with a small amount of coins, but the rewards are lower than with full-stake. This means that staking is always rewarding, and you will never lose out. The more coins you stake, the higher the rewards.

When is crypto staking allowed in Islam?

Much like cryptocurrency, shariah experts are also divided when it comes to crypto staking. Some say it is halal and permissable while others disagree. Fortunately, a majority of Muslim scholars hold the opinion that staking crypto is allowed but we need to look carefully at the details as staking can mean a number of different things, some of which are halal and others are not:

  1. They take your cryptocurrency and pay you an interest rate, similar to a cash on cash loan. This is haram
  2. They take your cryptocurrency and use it to verify the blockchain. This is halal

In addition, the underlying coin itself need to be halal.

1) The cryptocurrency must have a tangible value, meaning it must be a legit project.

2) The purpose of staking must be for further development causes, something that supports the ecosystem or platfor.

3) The person staking must have complete knowledge and understanding of what they’re doing.

4) There should be no element of gambling involved in the process.

5) The crypto being staked must not be associated with any unislamic or unlawful activity.

Does staking involve riba?

The Islamic faith prohibits the taking of riba (arabic for interest), in any form. This has led some Muslims to question whether staking cryptocurrencies is permissible, as staking often involves receiving rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency tokens, but is that interest or is it something else?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on the specific details of each individual case. Some scholars argue that staking is inherently halal, as there is no riba involved. Others contend that staking does involve riba, as the act of lending money and receiving a return on that investment constitutes usury under Islamic law.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual Muslim to decide whether they believe staking is halal or not. If you are unsure about whether a particular stake is permissible under Islamic law, it is always best to consult a qualified scholar for guidance. A lot of coins screened on our site our coins include opinions of scholars and muftis and details can be found under each coin.

Isn’t staking crypto the same as gambling?

Many people see staking as a form of gambling. You are essentially betting that the coin will increase in value so that you can sell it at a higher price and earn a profit. However, if you compare this to holding a stock and hoping it will increase in value is there really a difference in principle with the act of investing and hoping it will go up?

An argument could be made that the stock is ownership of a company and a coin is not ownership of the company. However, this just opens up a can of worms. For instance, the share you buy may not give you any rights to voting so are you really an owner with owners rights? There are many other things which we can discuss here but to stick to the topic, staking is another form of investment that allows the investor to generate a profit, in return for supporting the network.

Staking is very different to buying a lottery ticket.

Is Staking Halal or Haram?

Cryptocurrencies can be used to purchase goods and services, or can be held as an investment.

One way to earn a return on investment in cryptocurrencies is through staking. Staking is the process of holding a cryptocurrency in a wallet and locking it up for a period of time. In return, the holder receives a reward based on the amount of cryptocurrency they stake and the length of time they lock it up. Some people believe that staking is halal, while others believe it is haram.

Cryptocurrency staking has been around for a few years now and is growing in popularity. The premise is simple – you hold a certain amount of a particular cryptocurrency and in return, you earn rewards for helping to secure the network. But is staking halal or haram?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on the specific cryptocurrency and how it is implemented. Some cryptocurrencies are more complex than others, and may have elements that are not considered halal by some Muslims. For example, some cryptocurrencies use Proof of Work (POW) or Proof of Stake (POS) algorithms to secure their networks. POW algorithms require miners to use special software and hardware to solve complex mathematical problems in order to create new blocks and earn rewards. There is nothing inherently haram about this. However, other projects may use staking linked to loans or interest which are clearly haram.

After assessing over 200 coins being staked some 95% of them have been deemed as halal and permissable for Muslims to buy, invest and stake, but its the 5% odd that you need to avoid. Please check out our halal crypto list to find suitable coins to stake.

How To Start Crypto Staking

Cryptocurrency staking is a process by which you can earn rewards for simply holding onto your coins. In this section, we will show you how to start crypto staking with Binance Coin (BNB). Binance is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world so is relatively safe.

First, you will need to create a Binance account and download the Binance Wallet. Next, you will need to add some BNB to your wallet. You can do this by transferring it from an exchange or by minting new coins. Once you have added some BNB to your wallet, you will need to lock them up in order to start staking. To do this, go to the “Stake” tab and click the “Lock Up” button. Choose the amount of time you want to lock your coins up for and click “Submit”.

Your coins will now be locked in and begin staking automatically.

A similar method applies for other coins, but some can be a bit more complicated. Check our our shariah screening pages to see the coins that can be staked and start your halal staking journey there.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency and Islamic finance, I bring forth my expertise to dissect the intricacies of halal crypto staking, demonstrating a profound understanding of the concepts involved.

Crypto Staking: A Comprehensive Overview

1. What is Crypto Staking?

Crypto staking involves holding cryptocurrencies in a wallet connected to a blockchain network, using these coins to validate transactions, and earning rewards in return. This process can be executed through various means, such as holding coins in a desktop or online wallet or setting up a masternode. Masternodes, in particular, provide higher rewards but demand more commitment and technical expertise.

The popularity of crypto staking has surged as an accessible alternative to traditional mining, requiring only a wallet and coins, thus eliminating the need for expensive hardware. This practice not only generates passive income for users but also enhances the security of blockchain networks.

2. Crypto Staking Pros and Cons

Staking is a method of earning passive income by locking up cryptocurrency for a designated period. Rewards are distributed in the form of new coins, with higher returns for more extended lock-up periods. This approach is user-friendly, adaptable to various wallets, and requires minimal technical prerequisites.

Before embarking on crypto staking, potential investors should meticulously research different currencies, opting for projects with solid foundations and promising returns. While staking with a small amount of coins is possible, the rewards are proportionately lower.

3. When is Crypto Staking Allowed in Islam?

The permissibility of crypto staking in Islamic finance is a topic of debate among Shariah experts. The majority opinion leans toward considering staking as halal, with certain conditions:

  • The cryptocurrency must have tangible value and be associated with a legitimate project.
  • Staking should serve development causes or support the platform's ecosystem.
  • Individuals staking must possess complete knowledge of the process.
  • The staking process should not involve any elements of gambling.
  • The staked crypto must not be linked to any un-Islamic or unlawful activities.

4. Does Staking Involve Riba?

The prohibition of riba (interest) in Islamic finance raises questions about whether staking, which often involves receiving rewards in the form of additional tokens, is permissible. Scholars' opinions on this matter vary, with some asserting that staking is inherently halal, while others argue it involves riba. The decision ultimately rests on individual interpretation, and consulting a qualified scholar for guidance is advised.

5. Isn't Staking Crypto the Same as Gambling?

Contrary to the perception that staking resembles gambling, it is essentially an investment strategy where investors bet on the coin's value increasing over time. Drawing parallels with stock ownership, the argument is made that staking is another form of investment, allowing investors to profit while supporting the network.

6. Is Staking Halal or Haram?

The halal or haram status of staking varies based on the specific cryptocurrency and its implementation. While some cryptocurrencies, especially those using Proof of Work or Proof of Stake algorithms, are generally considered halal, others may involve elements like loans or interest, making them impermissible. A thorough assessment of over 200 staked coins indicates that approximately 95% are deemed halal, emphasizing the importance of due diligence.

7. How to Start Crypto Staking

A step-by-step guide on starting crypto staking, using Binance Coin (BNB) as an example, involves creating a Binance account, downloading the Binance Wallet, adding BNB to the wallet, and locking up the coins through the "Stake" tab. The process is user-friendly on reputable exchanges like Binance, but complexities may arise with other coins, necessitating consultation with halal crypto lists and screening pages.

In conclusion, navigating the realm of halal crypto staking requires a nuanced understanding of Islamic finance principles, the specific cryptocurrency in question, and careful consideration of individual circ*mstances.

Halal Crypto Staking: Is Crypto Staking Halal - Crypto Ummah (2024)


Is staking crypto haram in Islam? ›

Always make sure you understand the level of risk involved, the projects involved and the legitimacy of the network before staking your assets. A problem could arise if the blockchain itself is deemed halal but further down the line it starts to become involved in haram industries.

Is staking crypto halal in Islamqa? ›

Therefore, it is not a valueless activity. Hence, staking cryptocurrencies is not haram. Nevertheless, Muslims are advised to do their due diligence when it comes to staking crypto. It is important to verify that the crypto project itself complies with sharia law before staking its coins.

Is staking XRP halal? ›

Ripple (XRP): Despite some controversy surrounding its centralization, XRP is often considered halal due to its utility in facilitating cross-border payments.

Is staking halal hanafi? ›

Some scholars argue that staking is inherently halal, as there is no riba involved. Others contend that staking does involve riba, as the act of lending money and receiving a return on that investment constitutes usury under Islamic law.

Is crypto halal for Muslims? ›

Among the major cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin come under the halal category, while Shiba Inu (SHIB) token, Alpha, and PancakeSwap (CAKE) are labelled haram.

How do I know if crypto is halal or haram? ›

Arguably, the cryptocurrency system can involve both Halal and Haram elements. You can assess any digital currency from both technological and Islamic perspectives to check their Shariah-compliance. Islamic law provides a set of certain conditions that must be met for an asset to be considered Halal.

Is staking in Binance halal? ›

"Crypto in general is halah to buy, sell or keep as an asset, but for binance (or any other exchange) only spot trading is halal, so margin trading, futures, staking, defi staking, earn services, loans, dual investments, borrowing ALL are Haram, and binance in particular even for normal staking gives you the rewards + ...

Is stake investment halal? ›

Stake is Shariah Compliant

Stake has received an Islamic Window license from the DFSA. With this approval, we are now permitted to offer Shariah-compliant Islamic Financial Business through the Islamic Window.

Is crypto halal hanafi? ›

Here are key views on Cryptocurrency in Islam from Hanafi: Halal Perspective: Some scholars, including Mufti Muhammad Abu-Bakar and Mufti Faraz Adam, consider cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin permissible under Islamic Sharia rules due to their value, availability as a currency, and absence of interest (riba)[1][4].

Is Cardano halal? ›

Yes, buying, trading and staking Cardano is halal based on our own Sharia screening. This is because staking does not involve any form of speculation or gambling, which are both prohibited in Islamic law.

Is cryptocurrency halal in salafi? ›

Sheikh al-Manea issued a fatwa (a legal opinion or ruling) in 2018, deeming Bitcoin acceptable under Islam.

Is trx halal or haram? ›

TRX is used to facilitate transactions on the platform and can be bought and sold on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Most scholars hold Tron to be halal in and of itself, we share this view.

Is crypto staking allowed in Islam? ›

If the business and long-term growth prospects of this project confirm halal principles, then staking your tokens for it is encouraged. However, if you find that a project seems to invest in ambiguous or unlawful activities, staking your assets here would be haram.

Is investing in crypto halal islamqa? ›

As long as there is no illegal activity, then trading or investing in crypto should not be deemed to be contrary to Shariah principles. There has been some discussion amongst Muslim scholars around the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal activities such as gambling, drugs, and money laundering.

What is the safest halal investment? ›

Precious Metals. Precious metals like gold and silver have historically been considered safe havens and viable investment options, especially within halal investing.

Is the stake app halal? ›

Stake is Shariah Compliant

Stake has received an Islamic Window license from the DFSA. With this approval, we are now permitted to offer Shariah-compliant Islamic Financial Business through the Islamic Window.

Is staking dot halal? ›

Therefore, the mechanism used by this protocol is in agreement with the Shariah rulings so staking Polkadot is Halal.

Is interest from crypto haram? ›

Interest. The absence of interest (riba) is a core principle of Islamic finance. Since cryptocurrencies do not charge interest, some Islamic scholars consider them halal.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.