hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests (2024)

Source code: Lib/hashlib.py

This module implements a common interface to many different secure hash andmessage digest algorithms. Included are the FIPS secure hash algorithms SHA1,SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, (defined in the FIPS 180-4 standard),the SHA-3 series (defined in the FIPS 202 standard) as well as RSA’s MD5algorithm (defined in internet RFC 1321). The terms “secure hash” and“message digest” are interchangeable. Older algorithms were called messagedigests. The modern term is secure hash.


If you want the adler32 or crc32 hash functions, they are available inthe zlib module.

Hash algorithms

There is one constructor method named for each type of hash. All returna hash object with the same simple interface. For example: use sha256()to create a SHA-256 hash object. You can now feed this object withbytes-like objects (normally bytes) usingthe update method. At any point you can ask it for thedigest of the concatenation of the data fed to it so far using thedigest() or hexdigest() methods.

To allow multithreading, the Python GIL is released while computing ahash supplied more than 2047 bytes of data at once in its constructor or.update method.

Constructors for hash algorithms that are always present in this module aresha1(), sha224(), sha256(), sha384(), sha512(),sha3_224(), sha3_256(), sha3_384(), sha3_512(),shake_128(), shake_256(), blake2b(), and blake2s().md5() is normally available as well, though it may be missing or blockedif you are using a rare “FIPS compliant” build of Python.These correspond to algorithms_guaranteed.

Additional algorithms may also be available if your Python distribution’shashlib was linked against a build of OpenSSL that provides others.Others are not guaranteed available on all installations and will only beaccessible by name via new(). See algorithms_available.


Some algorithms have known hash collision weaknesses (including MD5 andSHA1). Refer to Attacks on cryptographic hash algorithms and thehashlib-seealso section at the end of this document.

Added in version 3.6: SHA3 (Keccak) and SHAKE constructors sha3_224(), sha3_256(),sha3_384(), sha3_512(), shake_128(), shake_256()were added.blake2b() and blake2s() were added.

Changed in version 3.9: All hashlib constructors take a keyword-only argument usedforsecuritywith default value True. A false value allows the use of insecure andblocked hashing algorithms in restricted environments. False indicatesthat the hashing algorithm is not used in a security context, e.g. as anon-cryptographic one-way compression function.

Changed in version 3.9: Hashlib now uses SHA3 and SHAKE from OpenSSL if it provides it.

Changed in version 3.12: For any of the MD5, SHA1, SHA2, or SHA3 algorithms that the linkedOpenSSL does not provide we fall back to a verified implementation fromthe HACL* project.


To obtain the digest of the byte string b"Nobody inspects the spammishrepetition":

>>> import hashlib>>> m = hashlib.sha256()>>> m.update(b"Nobody inspects")>>> m.update(b" the spammish repetition")>>> m.digest()b'\x03\x1e\xdd}Ae\x15\x93\xc5\xfe\\\x00o\xa5u+7\xfd\xdf\xf7\xbcN\x84:\xa6\xaf\x0c\x95\x0fK\x94\x06'>>> m.hexdigest()'031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b37fddff7bc4e843aa6af0c950f4b9406'

More condensed:

>>> hashlib.sha256(b"Nobody inspects the spammish repetition").hexdigest()'031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b37fddff7bc4e843aa6af0c950f4b9406'


hashlib.new(name, [data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)

Is a generic constructor that takes the string name of the desiredalgorithm as its first parameter. It also exists to allow access to theabove listed hashes as well as any other algorithms that your OpenSSLlibrary may offer.

Using new() with an algorithm name:

>>> h = hashlib.new('sha256')>>> h.update(b"Nobody inspects the spammish repetition")>>> h.hexdigest()'031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b37fddff7bc4e843aa6af0c950f4b9406'
hashlib.md5([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha1([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha224([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha256([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha384([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha512([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha3_224([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha3_256([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha3_384([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.sha3_512([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)

Named constructors such as these are faster than passing an algorithm name tonew().


Hashlib provides the following constant module attributes:


A set containing the names of the hash algorithms guaranteed to be supportedby this module on all platforms. Note that ‘md5’ is in this list despitesome upstream vendors offering an odd “FIPS compliant” Python build thatexcludes it.

Added in version 3.2.


A set containing the names of the hash algorithms that are available in therunning Python interpreter. These names will be recognized when passed tonew(). algorithms_guaranteed will always be a subset. Thesame algorithm may appear multiple times in this set under different names(thanks to OpenSSL).

Added in version 3.2.

Hash Objects

The following values are provided as constant attributes of the hash objectsreturned by the constructors:


The size of the resulting hash in bytes.


The internal block size of the hash algorithm in bytes.

A hash object has the following attributes:


The canonical name of this hash, always lowercase and always suitable as aparameter to new() to create another hash of this type.

Changed in version 3.4: The name attribute has been present in CPython since its inception, butuntil Python 3.4 was not formally specified, so may not exist on someplatforms.

A hash object has the following methods:


Update the hash object with the bytes-like object.Repeated calls are equivalent to a single call with theconcatenation of all the arguments: m.update(a); m.update(b) isequivalent to m.update(a+b).


Return the digest of the data passed to the update() method so far.This is a bytes object of size digest_size which may contain bytes inthe whole range from 0 to 255.


Like digest() except the digest is returned as a string object ofdouble length, containing only hexadecimal digits. This may be used toexchange the value safely in email or other non-binary environments.


Return a copy (“clone”) of the hash object. This can be used to efficientlycompute the digests of data sharing a common initial substring.

SHAKE variable length digests

hashlib.shake_128([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.shake_256([data, ]*, usedforsecurity=True)

The shake_128() and shake_256() algorithms provide variablelength digests with length_in_bits//2 up to 128 or 256 bits of security.As such, their digest methods require a length. Maximum length is not limitedby the SHAKE algorithm.


Return the digest of the data passed to the update() method so far.This is a bytes object of size length which may contain bytes inthe whole range from 0 to 255.


Like digest() except the digest is returned as a string object ofdouble length, containing only hexadecimal digits. This may be used toexchange the value in email or other non-binary environments.

Example use:

>>> h = hashlib.shake_256(b'Nobody inspects the spammish repetition')>>> h.hexdigest(20)'44709d6fcb83d92a76dcb0b668c98e1b1d3dafe7'

File hashing

The hashlib module provides a helper function for efficient hashing ofa file or file-like object.

hashlib.file_digest(fileobj, digest, /)

Return a digest object that has been updated with contents of file object.

fileobj must be a file-like object opened for reading in binary mode.It accepts file objects from builtin open(), BytesIOinstances, SocketIO objects from socket.socket.makefile(), andsimilar. The function may bypass Python’s I/O and use the file descriptorfrom fileno() directly. fileobj must be assumed to bein an unknown state after this function returns or raises. It is up tothe caller to close fileobj.

digest must either be a hash algorithm name as a str, a hashconstructor, or a callable that returns a hash object.


>>> import io, hashlib, hmac>>> with open(hashlib.__file__, "rb") as f:...  digest = hashlib.file_digest(f, "sha256")...>>> digest.hexdigest() '...'
>>> buf = io.BytesIO(b"somedata")>>> mac1 = hmac.HMAC(b"key", digestmod=hashlib.sha512)>>> digest = hashlib.file_digest(buf, lambda: mac1)
>>> digest is mac1True>>> mac2 = hmac.HMAC(b"key", b"somedata", digestmod=hashlib.sha512)>>> mac1.digest() == mac2.digest()True

Added in version 3.11.

Key derivation

Key derivation and key stretching algorithms are designed for secure passwordhashing. Naive algorithms such as sha1(password) are not resistant againstbrute-force attacks. A good password hashing function must be tunable, slow, andinclude a salt.

hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(hash_name, password, salt, iterations, dklen=None)

The function provides PKCS#5 password-based key derivation function 2. Ituses HMAC as pseudorandom function.

The string hash_name is the desired name of the hash digest algorithm forHMAC, e.g. ‘sha1’ or ‘sha256’. password and salt are interpreted asbuffers of bytes. Applications and libraries should limit password toa sensible length (e.g. 1024). salt should be about 16 or more bytes froma proper source, e.g. os.urandom().

The number of iterations should be chosen based on the hash algorithm andcomputing power. As of 2022, hundreds of thousands of iterations of SHA-256are suggested. For rationale as to why and how to choose what is best foryour application, read Appendix A.2.2 of NIST-SP-800-132. The answerson the stackexchange pbkdf2 iterations question explain in detail.

dklen is the length of the derived key. If dklen is None then thedigest size of the hash algorithm hash_name is used, e.g. 64 for SHA-512.

>>> from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac>>> our_app_iters = 500_000 # Application specific, read above.>>> dk = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', b'password', b'bad salt' * 2, our_app_iters)>>> dk.hex()'15530bba69924174860db778f2c6f8104d3aaf9d26241840c8c4a641c8d000a9'

Function only available when Python is compiled with OpenSSL.

Added in version 3.4.

Changed in version 3.12: Function now only available when Python is built with OpenSSL. The slowpure Python implementation has been removed.

hashlib.scrypt(password, *, salt, n, r, p, maxmem=0, dklen=64)

The function provides scrypt password-based key derivation function asdefined in RFC 7914.

password and salt must be bytes-like objects. Applications and libraries should limit passwordto a sensible length (e.g. 1024). salt should be about 16 or morebytes from a proper source, e.g. os.urandom().

n is the CPU/Memory cost factor, r the block size, p parallelizationfactor and maxmem limits memory (OpenSSL 1.1.0 defaults to 32 MiB).dklen is the length of the derived key.

Added in version 3.6.


BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function defined in RFC 7693 that comes in twoflavors:

  • BLAKE2b, optimized for 64-bit platforms and produces digests of any sizebetween 1 and 64 bytes,

  • BLAKE2s, optimized for 8- to 32-bit platforms and produces digests of anysize between 1 and 32 bytes.

BLAKE2 supports keyed mode (a faster and simpler replacement for HMAC),salted hashing, personalization, and tree hashing.

Hash objects from this module follow the API of standard library’shashlib objects.

Creating hash objects

New hash objects are created by calling constructor functions:

hashlib.blake2b(data=b'', *, digest_size=64, key=b'', salt=b'', person=b'', fanout=1, depth=1, leaf_size=0, node_offset=0, node_depth=0, inner_size=0, last_node=False, usedforsecurity=True)
hashlib.blake2s(data=b'', *, digest_size=32, key=b'', salt=b'', person=b'', fanout=1, depth=1, leaf_size=0, node_offset=0, node_depth=0, inner_size=0, last_node=False, usedforsecurity=True)

These functions return the corresponding hash objects for calculatingBLAKE2b or BLAKE2s. They optionally take these general parameters:

  • data: initial chunk of data to hash, which must bebytes-like object. It can be passed only as positional argument.

  • digest_size: size of output digest in bytes.

  • key: key for keyed hashing (up to 64 bytes for BLAKE2b, up to 32 bytes forBLAKE2s).

  • salt: salt for randomized hashing (up to 16 bytes for BLAKE2b, up to 8bytes for BLAKE2s).

  • person: personalization string (up to 16 bytes for BLAKE2b, up to 8 bytesfor BLAKE2s).

The following table shows limits for general parameters (in bytes):

















BLAKE2 specification defines constant lengths for salt and personalizationparameters, however, for convenience, this implementation accepts bytestrings of any size up to the specified length. If the length of theparameter is less than specified, it is padded with zeros, thus, forexample, b'salt' and b'salt\x00' is the same value. (This is notthe case for key.)

These sizes are available as module constants described below.

Constructor functions also accept the following tree hashing parameters:

  • fanout: fanout (0 to 255, 0 if unlimited, 1 in sequential mode).

  • depth: maximal depth of tree (1 to 255, 255 if unlimited, 1 insequential mode).

  • leaf_size: maximal byte length of leaf (0 to 2**32-1, 0 if unlimited or insequential mode).

  • node_offset: node offset (0 to 2**64-1 for BLAKE2b, 0 to 2**48-1 forBLAKE2s, 0 for the first, leftmost, leaf, or in sequential mode).

  • node_depth: node depth (0 to 255, 0 for leaves, or in sequential mode).

  • inner_size: inner digest size (0 to 64 for BLAKE2b, 0 to 32 forBLAKE2s, 0 in sequential mode).

  • last_node: boolean indicating whether the processed node is the lastone (False for sequential mode).

hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests (1)

See section 2.10 in BLAKE2 specification for comprehensive review of treehashing.



Salt length (maximum length accepted by constructors).


Personalization string length (maximum length accepted by constructors).


Maximum key size.


Maximum digest size that the hash function can output.


Simple hashing

To calculate hash of some data, you should first construct a hash object bycalling the appropriate constructor function (blake2b() orblake2s()), then update it with the data by calling update() on theobject, and, finally, get the digest out of the object by callingdigest() (or hexdigest() for hex-encoded string).

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> h = blake2b()>>> h.update(b'Hello world')>>> h.hexdigest()'6ff843ba685842aa82031d3f53c48b66326df7639a63d128974c5c14f31a0f33343a8c65551134ed1ae0f2b0dd2bb495dc81039e3eeb0aa1bb0388bbeac29183'

As a shortcut, you can pass the first chunk of data to update directly to theconstructor as the positional argument:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> blake2b(b'Hello world').hexdigest()'6ff843ba685842aa82031d3f53c48b66326df7639a63d128974c5c14f31a0f33343a8c65551134ed1ae0f2b0dd2bb495dc81039e3eeb0aa1bb0388bbeac29183'

You can call hash.update() as many times as you need to iterativelyupdate the hash:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> items = [b'Hello', b' ', b'world']>>> h = blake2b()>>> for item in items:...  h.update(item)...>>> h.hexdigest()'6ff843ba685842aa82031d3f53c48b66326df7639a63d128974c5c14f31a0f33343a8c65551134ed1ae0f2b0dd2bb495dc81039e3eeb0aa1bb0388bbeac29183'

Using different digest sizes

BLAKE2 has configurable size of digests up to 64 bytes for BLAKE2b and up to 32bytes for BLAKE2s. For example, to replace SHA-1 with BLAKE2b without changingthe size of output, we can tell BLAKE2b to produce 20-byte digests:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> h = blake2b(digest_size=20)>>> h.update(b'Replacing SHA1 with the more secure function')>>> h.hexdigest()'d24f26cf8de66472d58d4e1b1774b4c9158b1f4c'>>> h.digest_size20>>> len(h.digest())20

Hash objects with different digest sizes have completely different outputs(shorter hashes are not prefixes of longer hashes); BLAKE2b and BLAKE2sproduce different outputs even if the output length is the same:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b, blake2s>>> blake2b(digest_size=10).hexdigest()'6fa1d8fcfd719046d762'>>> blake2b(digest_size=11).hexdigest()'eb6ec15daf9546254f0809'>>> blake2s(digest_size=10).hexdigest()'1bf21a98c78a1c376ae9'>>> blake2s(digest_size=11).hexdigest()'567004bf96e4a25773ebf4'

Keyed hashing

Keyed hashing can be used for authentication as a faster and simplerreplacement for Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).BLAKE2 can be securely used in prefix-MAC mode thanks to theindifferentiability property inherited from BLAKE.

This example shows how to get a (hex-encoded) 128-bit authentication code formessage b'message data' with key b'pseudorandom key':

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> h = blake2b(key=b'pseudorandom key', digest_size=16)>>> h.update(b'message data')>>> h.hexdigest()'3d363ff7401e02026f4a4687d4863ced'

As a practical example, a web application can symmetrically sign cookies sentto users and later verify them to make sure they weren’t tampered with:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> from hmac import compare_digest>>>>>> SECRET_KEY = b'pseudorandomly generated server secret key'>>> AUTH_SIZE = 16>>>>>> def sign(cookie):...  h = blake2b(digest_size=AUTH_SIZE, key=SECRET_KEY)...  h.update(cookie)...  return h.hexdigest().encode('utf-8')>>>>>> def verify(cookie, sig):...  good_sig = sign(cookie)...  return compare_digest(good_sig, sig)>>>>>> cookie = b'user-alice'>>> sig = sign(cookie)>>> print("{0},{1}".format(cookie.decode('utf-8'), sig))user-alice,b'43b3c982cf697e0c5ab22172d1ca7421'>>> verify(cookie, sig)True>>> verify(b'user-bob', sig)False>>> verify(cookie, b'0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f00')False

Even though there’s a native keyed hashing mode, BLAKE2 can, of course, be usedin HMAC construction with hmac module:

>>> import hmac, hashlib>>> m = hmac.new(b'secret key', digestmod=hashlib.blake2s)>>> m.update(b'message')>>> m.hexdigest()'e3c8102868d28b5ff85fc35dda07329970d1a01e273c37481326fe0c861c8142'

Randomized hashing

By setting salt parameter users can introduce randomization to the hashfunction. Randomized hashing is useful for protecting against collision attackson the hash function used in digital signatures.

Randomized hashing is designed for situations where one party, the messagepreparer, generates all or part of a message to be signed by a secondparty, the message signer. If the message preparer is able to findcryptographic hash function collisions (i.e., two messages producing thesame hash value), then they might prepare meaningful versions of the messagethat would produce the same hash value and digital signature, but withdifferent results (e.g., transferring $1,000,000 to an account, rather than$10). Cryptographic hash functions have been designed with collisionresistance as a major goal, but the current concentration on attackingcryptographic hash functions may result in a given cryptographic hashfunction providing less collision resistance than expected. Randomizedhashing offers the signer additional protection by reducing the likelihoodthat a preparer can generate two or more messages that ultimately yield thesame hash value during the digital signature generation process — even ifit is practical to find collisions for the hash function. However, the useof randomized hashing may reduce the amount of security provided by adigital signature when all portions of the message are preparedby the signer.

(NIST SP-800-106 “Randomized Hashing for Digital Signatures”)

In BLAKE2 the salt is processed as a one-time input to the hash function duringinitialization, rather than as an input to each compression function.


Salted hashing (or just hashing) with BLAKE2 or any other general-purposecryptographic hash function, such as SHA-256, is not suitable for hashingpasswords. See BLAKE2 FAQ for moreinformation.

>>> import os>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> msg = b'some message'>>> # Calculate the first hash with a random salt.>>> salt1 = os.urandom(blake2b.SALT_SIZE)>>> h1 = blake2b(salt=salt1)>>> h1.update(msg)>>> # Calculate the second hash with a different random salt.>>> salt2 = os.urandom(blake2b.SALT_SIZE)>>> h2 = blake2b(salt=salt2)>>> h2.update(msg)>>> # The digests are different.>>> h1.digest() != h2.digest()True


Sometimes it is useful to force hash function to produce different digests forthe same input for different purposes. Quoting the authors of the Skein hashfunction:

We recommend that all application designers seriously consider doing this;we have seen many protocols where a hash that is computed in one part ofthe protocol can be used in an entirely different part because two hashcomputations were done on similar or related data, and the attacker canforce the application to make the hash inputs the same. Personalizing eachhash function used in the protocol summarily stops this type of attack.

(The Skein Hash Function Family,p. 21)

BLAKE2 can be personalized by passing bytes to the person argument:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>> FILES_HASH_PERSON = b'MyApp Files Hash'>>> BLOCK_HASH_PERSON = b'MyApp Block Hash'>>> h = blake2b(digest_size=32, person=FILES_HASH_PERSON)>>> h.update(b'the same content')>>> h.hexdigest()'20d9cd024d4fb086aae819a1432dd2466de12947831b75c5a30cf2676095d3b4'>>> h = blake2b(digest_size=32, person=BLOCK_HASH_PERSON)>>> h.update(b'the same content')>>> h.hexdigest()'cf68fb5761b9c44e7878bfb2c4c9aea52264a80b75005e65619778de59f383a3'

Personalization together with the keyed mode can also be used to derive differentkeys from a single one.

>>> from hashlib import blake2s>>> from base64 import b64decode, b64encode>>> orig_key = b64decode(b'Rm5EPJai72qcK3RGBpW3vPNfZy5OZothY+kHY6h21KM=')>>> enc_key = blake2s(key=orig_key, person=b'kEncrypt').digest()>>> mac_key = blake2s(key=orig_key, person=b'kMAC').digest()>>> print(b64encode(enc_key).decode('utf-8'))rbPb15S/Z9t+agffno5wuhB77VbRi6F9Iv2qIxU7WHw=>>> print(b64encode(mac_key).decode('utf-8'))G9GtHFE1YluXY1zWPlYk1e/nWfu0WSEb0KRcjhDeP/o=

Tree mode

Here’s an example of hashing a minimal tree with two leaf nodes:

 10 / \00 01

This example uses 64-byte internal digests, and returns the 32-byte finaldigest:

>>> from hashlib import blake2b>>>>>> FANOUT = 2>>> DEPTH = 2>>> LEAF_SIZE = 4096>>> INNER_SIZE = 64>>>>>> buf = bytearray(6000)>>>>>> # Left leaf... h00 = blake2b(buf[0:LEAF_SIZE], fanout=FANOUT, depth=DEPTH,...  leaf_size=LEAF_SIZE, inner_size=INNER_SIZE,...  node_offset=0, node_depth=0, last_node=False)>>> # Right leaf... h01 = blake2b(buf[LEAF_SIZE:], fanout=FANOUT, depth=DEPTH,...  leaf_size=LEAF_SIZE, inner_size=INNER_SIZE,...  node_offset=1, node_depth=0, last_node=True)>>> # Root node... h10 = blake2b(digest_size=32, fanout=FANOUT, depth=DEPTH,...  leaf_size=LEAF_SIZE, inner_size=INNER_SIZE,...  node_offset=0, node_depth=1, last_node=True)>>> h10.update(h00.digest())>>> h10.update(h01.digest())>>> h10.hexdigest()'3ad2a9b37c6070e374c7a8c508fe20ca86b6ed54e286e93a0318e95e881db5aa'


BLAKE2 was designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Samuel Neves, ZookoWilcox-O’Hearn, and Christian Winnerlein based on SHA-3 finalist BLAKEcreated by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Luca Henzen, Willi Meier, andRaphael C.-W. Phan.

It uses core algorithm from ChaCha cipher designed by Daniel J. Bernstein.

The stdlib implementation is based on pyblake2 module. It was written byDmitry Chestnykh based on C implementation written by Samuel Neves. Thedocumentation was copied from pyblake2 and written by Dmitry Chestnykh.

The C code was partly rewritten for Python by Christian Heimes.

The following public domain dedication applies for both C hash functionimplementation, extension code, and this documentation:

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyrightand related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domainworldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication alongwith this software. If not, seehttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.

The following people have helped with development or contributed their changesto the project and the public domain according to the Creative Commons PublicDomain Dedication 1.0 Universal:

  • Alexandr Sokolovskiy

See also

Module hmac

A module to generate message authentication codes using hashes.

Module base64

Another way to encode binary hashes for non-binary environments.


The FIPS 180-4 publication on Secure Hash Algorithms.


The FIPS 202 publication on the SHA-3 Standard.


Official BLAKE2 website.


Wikipedia article with information on which algorithms have known issuesand what that means regarding their use.


PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.1


NIST Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation.

hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests (2024)


What is the secure hash algorithm to generate message digest? ›

The Secure Hash Standard specifies five secure hash algorithms, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. All five of the algorithms are iterative, one-way hash functions that can process a message to produce a condensed representation called a message digest.

What is the digest size of Hashlib SHA256? ›

Checking the the hashlib module in Python standard library

For SHA1 : the block size is 64 and the digest size is 20. For SHA256 : the block size is 64 and the digest size is 32. For SHA224 : the block size is 64 and the digest size is 28. For SHA512 : the block size is 128 and the digest size is 64.

What hashes does Hashlib support? ›

The hashlib library provides support for several widely-used hash algorithms, such as:
  • SHA-256.
  • SHA-1.
  • MD5.
  • SHA-224.
  • SHA-384.
  • SHA-512.
  • SHA3 (SHA3–224, SHA3–256, SHA3–384, SHA3–512)
Jul 9, 2023

What is the digest of a hash function? ›

The output of a hash function (e.g., hash(data) = digest). Also known as a message digest, digest or harsh value. The number of cryptographic has functions a processor can calculate in a given time, usually denominated as hashes per second.

What is the difference between message digest and hash? ›

What is Digest? Digest is the output or the hash value that is generated from the hash table. In cryptography, diget is also known as message digest because it is generated from the message using the hash function.

What is the most secure hash algorithm? ›

What's the Most Secure Hashing Algorithm? SHA-256. SHA-256 (secure hash algorithm) is an algorithm that takes an input of any length and uses it to create a 256-bit fixed-length hash value.

How long is a SHA-256 digest? ›

The secure hash algorithm with a digest size of 256 bits, or the SHA 256 algorithm, is one of the most widely used hash algorithms.

What does hashlib SHA-256 return? ›

The sha256() function in the hashlib module of Python is used to create a SHA256 hash object. It is a constructor method for the SHA256 hash algorithm. The sha256() function takes a byte-like input and returns a hashed value.

Which hash algorithm is capable of a 512-bit message digest? ›

Key Features of the SHA-512 Hash Function

Robustness and Resistance to various cryptographic attacks — SHA-512 produces a fixed-size 512-bit hash value, providing a vast number of possible output combinations, which enhances its resistance to collision attacks.

What does hashlib digest do? ›

The hashlib module provides a helper function for efficient hashing of a file or file-like object. Return a digest object that has been updated with contents of file object. fileobj must be a file-like object opened for reading in binary mode.

Why use hashlib? ›

Instead of using the built-in Python hash() , use hashlib for more secure hashing. This Python module offers a variety of hash algorithms to hash data securely. These algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, and the more secure SHA-2 family, including SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, and others.

What is the difference between HMAC and Hashlib? ›

1 Answer. This is because hmac uses the provided key to generate a salt and make the hash more strong, while hashlib only hashes the provided message. So when using hmac , it doesn't only hashes the given message using the specified hashing algorithm, it also uses the key to complexify the hash.

What is the size of message digest? ›

Message Digest and Secure Cash are the standard algorithms to provide data security for multimedia authentication. The MD5 algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit “fingerprint” or “message digest” of the input message [1].

What do you mean by message digest? ›

A message digest is a numeric representation of a message computed by a cryptographic hash algorithm or a function. Regardless of the size of the message, the message digest produces a numeric representation of a fixed size when hashed. It is used to ensure and verify that a message is genuine.

What is the size of hash digest? ›

The output of the hash function is called digest. For example, the well-known SHA-256 function produces an output (digest) of length 256 binary bits. Since hash output is a finite number, there always exist two different messages that map to the same hash output.

What is the algorithm to create message digests? ›

MD5 (Message Digest Method 5) is a cryptographic hash algorithm used to generate a 128-bit digest from a string of any length. It represents the digests as 32 digit hexadecimal numbers. Ronald Rivest designed this algorithm in 1991 to provide the means for digital signature verification.

Which of the following algorithms are used to generate a message digest? ›

Hashing algorithms are used to create a message digest to ensure that data integrity is maintained. A sender creates a message digest by performing the hash function on the data files that are transmitted.

What is SHA-256 message digest? ›

A cryptographic hash (sometimes called 'digest') is a kind of 'signature' for a text or a data file. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique 256-bit (32-byte) signature for a text.

How is message digest generated? ›

Message digest algorithms rely on cryptographic hash functions to generate a unique value that is computed from data and a unique symmetric key. A cryptographic hash function inputs data of arbitrary length and produces a unique value of a fixed length.

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