He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (2024)

They were on a comfort cruise through the Amazon with International Expeditions when the unthinkable occurred, when Dave slipped and broke his back.

My wife, Deb, and I have traveled the world for years, taking on epic adventures from cycling the continent of Africa from Cairo to Cape Town to driving an old beat-up car from England to Mongolia. We’ve been to the far north of Canada trekking on frozen lakes and rivers in the dead of winter, and we’ve climbed to Everest Base Camp and the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. If something was ever to happen, it surely should have been on one of these zany adventures.Dave Bouskill.

The world’s favorite adventure travel couple, Deb and Dave have an impressive resume of extreme adventures, so getting hurt on a cruisemade for birdwatching, village visits, and daily boat rides out to explore the “calm tributaries of the Amazon River” wasn’t something any-one saw coming. But it happened.

He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (1)

Rafting Ottowa River; the world’s favorite adventure travel couple. Photo: The Planet D.

While waiting for everyone from their riverboat to assemble on land for a jungle hike, Dave decided at the last minute to run back to the boat to grab some camera equipment.

With his two camera bodies strapped around his neck, he reached the skiff boat that they had arrived on and jumped onto the boat with ease. Though as he stepped onto the steel steps leading into the hull of the skiff, his feet slipped out from under him and the next thing he knew, he was flat on his back, screaming in agony. The full force of his body weight and his back hit the metal stairs.

I had never felt such profound pain in my life, and all I thought was, “Oh God, I’ve just broken my back.” In an instant I saw my life change before my eyes. Would I ever be able to walk again?

They put pads in the front and back of me and tried to stabilize my spine. Deb and a guide leaned up against me to keep me stable on the bench as they put a board with ice-cold cloths on my back for 45 minutes while deciding what to do.

The other passengers had gone on the jungle hike, and our expedition leader was out on the river trying to get a signal on the satellite phone to call for air support. We were deep in the Amazon jungle, and it was going to be an ordeal to get me out.

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I spent the next four hours in a fog. Deb ran in and out of the room, giving me updates on the search for a plane. A storm was in the area, and they couldn’t find a plane to fly us out. They considered calling in the Peruvian army. She was on the satellite phone with our insurance company, and they assured her that we were fully covered, so we should do what needed to be done to get me out of there.

It was four hours before a floatplane arrived. I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink, and now my entire body was seizing up. I had been lying on my side for nearly five hours.Dave Bouskill.

After his plane was forced to land in a small village due to the storm, Davewas loaded onto a makeshift ambulance to be transported to Iquitos, the only city in the Amazon.It was another hour in the ambulance, and at this point, more than 10 hours had passed since his fall.

It took a boat, a float plane, a tuk tuk and an ambulance just to get to the hospital itself…with no pain killers!!

The Float Plane from the Amazon. Photo: The Planet D.

Dave on a stretcher in the air ambulance. Photo: The Planet D.

After arriving at the hospital Dave learned he hadfractured two vertebrae in his back, and spent the next week in a drug-induced fog. Luckily they were fully covered by his travel insurance, and seven days later, an air ambulance was sent from Canada to transport them both home, where Dave spent another eight days in the hospital.

It could have been worse, and although it was frightening and painful, I now never take one moment for granted. I didn’t need to have surgery which was a really big relief. I’ll be going through physiotherapy but they say it will be three months before I go back to having full mobility again.

I’m definitely thankful for travel insurance, I can tell you that much. That’s something that we will first and foremost be recommending for sure.Dave Bouskill.

Why You Need Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage

Although this experience was distressing, having travel insurance meant that Dave and Deb didn’t have the stress of a looming financial crisis in the back of their mind throughout this situation.

The thing is, things happen when you least expect it, and you don’t need to be taking a crazy adventurous trip to find yourself in an emergency situation. “Retiree’s were on this cruise, just to give you an idea”, said Deb about the incident.

Domestic health plans don’t cover international travel, so it’s essential to take out a policy which specifically covers you for your time abroad. Emergency coverage generally means that the insurance company pays the cost for transportation and care to the nearest medical facility. In some cases that means transportation to another country and it may be quite a distance to travel.

If we didn’t have travel insurance then that would have a lot of money. We had two flights; we were airlifted out of the Amazon first, and then Dave spent a week in the hospital in Peru. He had cat scans and X-Rays and MRI’s and all of that sort of stuff which ended up being a pretty penny, even though it’s much cheaper than in Canada and the US! And then we had to be air ambulanced home once he was fit to fly.Debra Corbeil.

I didn’t really know how much it would have costto fly us home, but we did find out that the flight from Peru to get us back home was $50,000. So I mean just having airlift as part of your insurance, a lot of people don’t read their insurance policies. They don’t know what’s in the fine print. People really need to read their policies and make sure they have full coverage. Being in Iquitos no-body spoke English so we got a translator as well.

After Deb got off that phone call and our insurance said “Don’t worry about anything, you’re covered for everything”, I think there was that sigh of relief that removes the stress which would be sitting over your head the whole time.There are some people out there who end up paying for it for the rest of their lives because they didn’t have travel insurance.Dave Bouskill.

Full Recovery

Thankfully Dave is well on his way to making a full recovery, and there’s no doubt that we’ll be hearing many adventurous tales to come from the world’s favorite adventure travel couple.

On his way to a full recovery.

Deb & Dave before his fall.

Medical Evacuation Insurance With GeoBlue

The travel insurance that Deb and Dave use is through their credit card with American Express Canada.We recommend GeoBlue for Travel Medical and International Health Insurance globally.

International Health Coverage with GeoBlueprovides fantastic insurance for emergency medical evacuations, and this service is available 24/7 no matter where in the world you may be. I advocate for GeoBlue Insurance because their policies offer the most complete set of benefits and services in the industry and essentially provide a worldwide, all-access pass to an exclusive level of care.

They havean elite network of doctors from most every specialty ready to see you in over 180 countries, andGeoBlue doctors and hospitals bill them directly so you don’t have to even worry about filing a claim, and you don’thave to lay out any cash.

It’s so importantwhen you travel to travel with a full service travel health plan that provides a higher level of protection and peace of mind than standard evacuation memberships offer. If you are not sure about your current plan, or one you are considering, make sure you get a copy of your certificate of coverage and read it.

Make sure you have a complete picture of what you are buying. Read the fine print. Then cover yourself with an International Travel Medical plan or a comprehensive Expatriate plan from the world’s premier International Insurer…GeoBlue.

What you should look for when buying travel health insurance.

What you should look for when buying travel health insurance.

For more information about coverage with GeoBlue, or to obtain a free quote, contactTimothy Jennings at IndividualHealth.com.

A health insurance broker we trust, Timothy has worked in the international and US domestic market for more than 30 years andoffers travelers a range of different options on plans and coverage including short-term travel medical (generally less than 6 months), annual renewable coverage for international travelers, expats, and coverage for business groups worldwide.

Email him at<sales@individualhealth.com> or:

Click For Free Quote

If there’s one thing you should take away from this story, it’s that travel insurance is essential, and it doesn’t matter if you’re traveling for a week, a year, or even just a day, you never know what could happen.

Not only the fact thatmany countries won’t let you in without proof of proper health insurance, having travel insurance guarantees the peace of mind that you will never find yourself in financial crisis due to an accident abroad.


He broke his back in the Amazon.

He broke his back in the Amazon.

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He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (10)

Megan is an Australian Journalistwho has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim ofinspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure.Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

Images courtesy of The Planet D.

  1. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (11)

    Fiona @ London-UnattachedApril 25, 2015

    I never travel without insurance, but that’s a fear of how medical systems work anywhere except the UK. We are quite cossetted here with the NHS I think


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (12)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Absolutely – I’m from Australia which has a fab health care system, though as soon as you leave the country you’re at the mercy of the system of the country you’re in. And if you’re traveling somewhere like the States having insurance may just save you from complete bankruptcy!

  2. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (13)

    TineApril 25, 2015

    Like Fiona, I could never dream of travelling without a travel insurance. Sure, I could probably afford visiting the hospital with a minor thing and the chances of breaking a back is probably small. But most people do also forget that it cover delayed luggage or even if one are called home :) Great post Megan! :)


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (14)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Absolutely – and especially if you’re traveling a lot, the chance of something happening are more and more likely the more time you spend abroad. Glad you enjoyed the post Tine!

  3. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (15)

    HannahApril 25, 2015

    This is so scary! I know a lot of younger people (think gap year after school) who bought the cheapest insurance possible, or even none, to save a few bucks. Although I don’t get the highest coverage, I make sure I get a lot. This just goes to show you never know. So glad that Dave is recovering!

    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (16)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Cheap insurance is probably worse than no insurance at all! Because you end up paying for it but it never ends up covering you for anything so you’re essentially just throwing away money. Insurance is definitely one of those things were it pays to pay for quality.

  4. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (17)

    AileenApril 25, 2015

    That’s a scary ordeal, but I’m glad that he’s fine! This really shows the importance of a travel insurance. Great coverage, Megan!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (18)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Absolutely – it could have been so much worse so he’s very lucky and we’re all so glad he made a full recovery :)

  5. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (19)

    deafinitelywanderlustApril 25, 2015

    Wow! That was a scary ordeal! I am glad that Dave is recovering without the need for surgery! This is the second time I hear about GeoBlue, I will definitely look into that since they seemed to have a good reputations. It is very important to have travel insurance no matter what


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (20)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Absolutely – I have nothing but wonderful things to say about GeoBlue, and I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things also. Definitely give Tim at Individual Health an email and let him know we sent you. Insurance is one of the most important aspects of traveling abroad.

  6. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (21)

    Megan KenendyApril 25, 2015

    Great article! I won’t leave the country without proper travel insurance. I deal with non-residents getting injured almost everyday and I never understood the people who wouldn’t purchase it. It’s not enough just to buy it though. you have to make sure it’s a great company as there are a lot of horrible ones.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (22)

      Meg JerrardApril 26, 2015

      Thanks Megan – so glad you liked it. And absolutely re investing in a great company – purchasing cheap insurance from a sub standard company is worse than traveling with no insurance at all. You end up spending the money but don’t end up being covered for anything. Better to do it right which is why we get behind GeoBlue :)

  7. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (23)

    Jolanta aka Casual TravelerApril 25, 2015

    I’ll have to look up what coverage my insurance offers! I know we’re kind of covered in Canada, because our daughter got sick once when we were there, but we still had to pay out of pocket and then got reimbursed. I can’t imagine having to pay for the flight out of pocket! It’s good to know Dave is doing better now!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (24)

      Meg JerrardApril 27, 2015

      Absolutely read through the fine print to make sure you have a total understanding of what your insurance covers. That’s what’s unique and what I love about GeoBlue, is that they direct bill so you don’t have to pay out of pocket at all :)

  8. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (25)

    Escaping AbroadApril 25, 2015

    I’ve gone without on occasions and thankfully never needed it! Getting injured or very sick in a foreign country doesn’t pleasant… good thing he was covered!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (26)

      Meg JerrardApril 27, 2015

      Well I’m glad to hear that you haven’t run into any issues when not covered. Seriously recommend it for every trip though – you truly never know :)

  9. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (27)

    Raphael Alexander ZorenApril 26, 2015

    Sorry to hear what happened to Dave and Deb, I agree that travel insurance is important during travels!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (28)

      Meg JerrardApril 27, 2015

      Absolutely – one of the most importance aspects of travel!

  10. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (29)

    Tanj from A TravelogueApril 26, 2015

    We don’t travel without insurance. Thanks for a good reminder! Accidents can really happen to anyone.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (30)

      Meg JerrardApril 27, 2015

      I’m so glad to hear Tanj – you really never know when something is going to happen to you. Believing we’re invincible is one of the biggest errors we can make.

  11. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (31)

    Natalie DeduckApril 26, 2015

    I had goose bumps while reading the story…
    When you are on the road you never know what might happen and a travel insurance is essential… We have a yearly international coverage and everytime we needed to use it, only for little incidents, it gave us a peace of mind…
    Great post Megan!

    Safe journey,


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (32)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      So glad to hear you’re properly insured Natalie – you absolutely never know what might happen abroad. Just this morning in Napa Valley actually Mike has taken ill so we’re very glad to have a hospital close and know we’re covered.

      Glad to hear you’ve only ever had to use your insurance for little incidents – hopefully it stays that way! Happy travels & safe journey :)

  12. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (33)

    AndreaApril 26, 2015

    I was tempted my first trip to travel without it, but am glad I purchased it in the end and didnt have to learn my lesson the hard way!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (34)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      I’m so glad you did decide to purchase insurance before your trip Andrea – there’s nothing worse than learning the hard way, especially with the sheer cost of healthcare around the world at the moment!

  13. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (35)

    Dave from Daves Travel PagesApril 26, 2015

    I mostly travel without insurance, but this has certainly made me think twice!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (36)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      I’m glad we could make yous top and think – it only has to happen once to learn the hard way! Let us know if you have any questions about the insurance side of things :)

  14. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (37)

    VanessaApril 26, 2015

    Dave’s story really resonated with me because I always thought I was safe since I didn’t do anything wild or extreme or crazy when I traveled – but even a simple slip or stumble can have catastrophic results.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (38)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      I’m glad the story resonated with you – and I think that’s the general consensus, that if you’re not overly adventurous and don’t generally partake in adrenalin activities that you’re safe, though all it takes is a tumble in the street, or in Dave’s case tripping over the boat.

      Insurance is so essential for everyone whether you’re adventurous or not.

  15. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (39)

    OlgaApril 26, 2015

    I have a EU insurance that only provides medical help within the EU. But reading this post, it looks like a great idea to get a normal insurance that would help me in the situations like this…


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (40)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely – if you’re heading outside of the EU definitely look into international insurance which covers you all over the world. Let us know if you have any questions about the insurance side of things – Tim at IndividualHealth is also there to answer any questions and he’s incredibly knowledgeable :)

  16. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (41)

    PriyaApril 26, 2015

    Ah travel insurance. I had it for the first 6 months of my Australia trip and then didn’t feel like renewing it. Luckily nothing happened.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (42)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      So glad to hear that nothing happened Priya – always seems to be the way though lol nothing will happen when you do what it and then the moment you choose not to renew murphey’s law kicks in and something happens!

  17. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (43)

    AlliApril 26, 2015

    Wow, what a nightmare. I never travel without insurance but this is a great reminder for those who don’t. Horrors like this really do happen when you least expect it.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (44)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely – so glad to hear you’re fully covered Alli.

  18. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (45)

    Betsy Wuebker | PassingThruApril 26, 2015

    I read this horrifying story on their blog when they posted it earlier. The main thing is something like this could happen in a split second to anyone. Be responsibly prepared! How fortunate that he made a great recovery.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (46)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely – I was so horrified when I heard originally as well, and of course we’re all so very very glad that Dave came through with a full recovery. I can’t even imagine how horrible it would have been not being insured in that instance!!

  19. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (47)

    LaurenApril 26, 2015

    That is such a scary thing to happen…one of those times where you realize how important it is to travel with insurance!! I wish him all the best on his recovery!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (48)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely – I’m so glad they were insured when this happened, and I’m glad that it can hopefully provide a cautionary tale to other travelers who think they’re invincible and don’t need the cover.

  20. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (49)

    ValerieApril 26, 2015

    I remember reading this on their blog when it happened, what a scary thing! I am a critical care nurse so I see so often how it just takes one moment to completely change someones life. I always have travel insurance when travelling abroad, it is so not worth the risk to go without it.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (50)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely re never being worth the risk – I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of situations you’ve witnessed Valerie as a critical care nurse. Huge respect for what you do!

  21. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (51)

    ChristyApril 26, 2015

    I’m so glad Dave recovered. It’s definitely a good lesson for me to remember to get travel insurance!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (52)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      Absolutely – let me know if you have any questions on the insurance side of things :)

  22. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (53)

    Nelson MochileroApril 27, 2015

    So sorry to hear that story. I share the horror. Something similar happened to me in Thailand. :(
    Travel insurance is a must…!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (54)

      Meg JerrardApril 29, 2015

      So sorry to hear you had issues in Thailand Nelson – I hope you came out unscathed and fully recovered also.

  23. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (55)

    MaryApril 27, 2015

    Oh man, I remember reading there story when it happened. I am so glad he is recovering. We never ended up doing any insurance, in fact we haven’t had any in 8 years. This story reminds me how lucky we’ve been. And it reminds me to get on the phone soon…


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (56)

      Meg JerrardMay 1, 2015

      Definitely recommend jumping on the phone to Tim at Individual Health and hooking up some travel insurance – so glad that you’ve been fine so far though :) It only takes one fall though! Travel safe :)

  24. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (57)

    KateApril 28, 2015

    It just shows how quickly things can go wrong. I’ve done so much trekking, snorkelling, kayaking and other random adventurous activities while I’ve been away that I’ve always made sure I get good insurance. I’ve heard and seen some horror stories on my trips. Just before we set off on the Inca Trail, one of our group got a pulmonary embolism and had to be evacuated to Lima to recover. She had no signs of ill health before but altitude can be really tough. You never know when you’ll need medical care. So important to get this sorted for each trip. Great advice Meg


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (58)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      Absolutely does – OMG I’m so sorry to hear about your travel companion; that does not sounds like fun in the slightest. You’re totally correct though, altitude really can be tough if you’re not used to those kind of heights, so you really need to make sure you’re covered in case you find yourself in a dangerous and potentially life threatening situation.

      I hope she’s ok now and fully recovered. Scary stuff!

  25. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (59)

    Jody RobbinsApril 28, 2015

    As I’m reading your post, I kept hoping “I hope she tells me how I can get this insurance!” Thanks for the info. It’s something you never think about until it’s too late.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (60)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      Let us know if you need any other tips on the insurance side of things – we’re always happy to help, especially when it comes to making sure you’ll be covered for your time abroad. It’s not something you want to learn the hard way!

      Be sure to drop Tim at Individual Health a line and let him know we sent you – he’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.

  26. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (61)

    jaklienApril 29, 2015

    This goes to show that it is better to be safe than sorry and always take out travel insurance.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (62)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      Absolutely – if that moral of the story can even just save one person from learning it the hard way then my job here is done! Let us know if you have any questions re the insurance side of things :) Tim at Individual Health is awesome and really knows his stuff :)

  27. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (63)

    Joe AnkenbauerApril 29, 2015

    iI always get travel insurance when traveling. Great article and thank you for spreading the word!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (64)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      Glad to hear that Joe! Feel free to share to help us raise awareness and make sure no-one is without insurance out there :)

  28. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (65)

    A Cook Not Mad (Nat)April 30, 2015

    We never travel without medical insurance for the simple reason that accidents happen and medical bills can become out of control in no time.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (66)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      So glad to hear that Nat – I shudder to think of the cost of Deb and Dave’s bill had they not been insured. A cautionary tale to everyone.

  29. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (67)

    MikeMay 2, 2015

    wow….that story was beyond harrowing. 10 hours before he was on a plane….that is scary, imagine if it was a wound that involved internal bleeding or something.

    thank god for travel insurance is right. we never travel without it!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (68)

      Meg JerrardMay 2, 2015

      I can’t even imagine – I’m just so very very glad that he’s ok and that it all worked out. Just goes to show that you don’t have to be on a crazy adventure for something small to turn into something very serious. Health insurance is a life saver in moments like these!

  30. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (69)

    VeronikaOctober 13, 2015

    Thank goodness for your insurance! You never plan to get hurt like that on vacation. What a nightmare to face in a foreign country when you could hardly even get satellite phone service.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (70)

      Meg JerrardOctober 13, 2015

      Oh absolutely – just goes to show that you don’t need to be out an an adventurous activity which is deemed dangerous to find yourself relying on health insurance. I can’t even imagine the situation they would have faced if they weren’t covered.

  31. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (71)

    SimonDecember 22, 2015

    Hey Dave, it has been a while and good to that you are well on the road to recovery. Everytime I read your story I think how so much can change after an incident such as yours! We are wishing you lots of Christmas wishes and a great 2016!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (72)

      Meg JerrardDecember 22, 2015

      Merry Christmas Simon. Travel safe in 2016! X

  32. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (73)

    Angela WaterfordJanuary 20, 2016

    What a horrific experience. I can’t imagine receiving such a serious injury, especially in a remote location like the Amazon. I didn’t realize that domestic health plans don’t cover international travel. My parents are going on a land tour of Europe this summer, so I’ll have to talk with them about their insurance needs while they are away. Thanks for the important information, and for sharing this story!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (74)

      Meg JerrardJanuary 22, 2016

      Glad we could bring your attention to insurance before their trip – it’s just not worth traveling without it, especially when it’s now so affordable and could save you so much. Not great thinking about worst case scenarios but I do think that it’s a necessary precaution we must take.

      Let me know if you have any questions, always happy to help :)

  33. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (75)

    Paul LangleyMarch 12, 2016

    Wow, that sounds like such a terrifying experience! But I’m glad to hear that everything is going to be okay. It’s a good thing that air ambulance was available and made it in time. I agree that it’s important to be ready and prepared for things like that. My dad always used to say to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Thanks so much for writing!


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (76)

      Meg JerrardMarch 13, 2016

      Hi Paul, thanks for stopping by. Yes, so very glad that everything ended up being ok. Dave recovered quite well. It’s scary to think how much worse it could have been. I think your dad’s analogy is a great one to live and travel by. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to be prepared and then go from there.

      Happy (& safe) travels!

  34. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (77)

    Couch Potato ExplorerJuly 16, 2016

    I can attest to this; whilst I’ve never broken a limb (much less my back!) while travelling, I did wind up sick and on a short-stay in hospital that cost me close to £300 (merely for a saline drip for 2 hours, followed by an incorrect diagnosis I might add).

    I failed to check whether my phone’s holiday insurance covered particular medical instances (it didn’t), and wound up having to sheepishly borrow money to get through the rest of my holiday.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (78)

      Meg JerrardJuly 19, 2016

      Sorry to hear that you wound up in hospital abroad – it sucks getting stuck with that kind of a bill and finding out that insurance won’t cover it.

      Wishing you all the best for safe travels in the future – insurance which covers medical is definitely worthwhile even for just a short stay :)

  35. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (79)

    AustralianApril 14, 2017

    always be cautious at all times. He’s right, things happens when you least expect it to happen.


    • He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (80)

      Meg JerrardApril 15, 2017

      Absolutely – glad you’re on the same page! Safe travels

  36. He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (81)

    home and community careJune 24, 2017

    Well medivac is important for those who is adventurous. You don’t know where and when you’ll gonna need it.


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He Broke His Back in the Amazon: Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance - Mapping Megan (2024)


Does medical insurance cover evacuation? ›

Most travel medical policies will cover medical evacuation to the “nearest acceptable facility”, but that's likely where you'll stay until you are well enough to be repatriated home by commercial airline. Getting home for further treatment and recovery, to a hospital of your choice, is typically not covered.

What does evacuation mean in medical terms? ›

A medical evacuation, as defined by the dictionary, is the emergency transport of one or more people, usually by air, to the nearest health care facility, such as a hospital or a clinic. It is frequently required in life-threatening or other extreme situations in which the individual's life is in grave danger.

What is medical repatriation insurance? ›

Repatriation of remains benefit which is intended to cover the costs of returning your body to your home country if you were to pass away; Travel assistance services which include coverage for lost document assistance, translation assistance, emergency prescription replacement and more.

What is Medevac in a hospital? ›

Medical evacuation, often shortened to medevac or medivac, is the timely and efficient movement and en route care provided by medical personnel to wounded being evacuated from a battlefield, to injured patients being evacuated from the scene of an accident to receiving medical facilities, or to patients at a rural ...

What is the medical evacuation procedure? ›

A medical evacuation is the transfer of a patient to a more advanced healthcare facility, which is frequently located in another country. It can also be arranged for patients who wish to relocate in order to be closer to relatives.

How much medical travel insurance do I need? ›

How much travel medical insurance do you need? Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, recommends buying at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage for international travel. For travelers going on a cruise or to a remote destination, the site recommends at least $100,000 in coverage.

What are the four 4 stages of the evacuation procedure? ›

There are four stages of an evacuation:
  • Tactical Evacuation. The emergency does not allow for any warnings to prepare to evacuate. ...
  • Evacuation Alert. People should be prepared to evacuate the area. ...
  • Evacuation Order. People have been ordered to evacuate the area. ...
  • Evacuation Rescind.

What are the levels of medical evacuation? ›

Depending upon which level of care you are in, Care Under Fire, Tactical Field Care, or Tactical Evacuation Care, will dictate how the casualty is transported. The most common forms of evacuation are: ambulatory, manual carries, litter evacuation, ground evacuation, air evacuation, or sea evacuation.

Who is eligible for repatriation? ›

A U.S. citizen or a dependent of a U.S. citizen; Referred by the U.S. Department of State (such as your local embassy) to the Program; and. Without resources, such as money or credit, available to meet your basic needs.

What is a repatriation payment? ›

In the financial world, repatriation occurs when a taxpaying entity transfers money earned overseas back to the country where it is based. This can refer to a corporation that earns money from a foreign subsidiary or an individual who has investments, earned income, or money accumulated during travels abroad.

What are the two types of repatriation? ›

As repatriation can be voluntary or forced, the term is also used as a euphemism for deportation. Involuntary or forced repatriation is the return of refugees, prisoners of war, or civil detainees to their country of origin under circ*mstances that leave no other viable alternatives.

What is medical evacuation in insurance? ›

Medical evacuation insurance can pay for the cost of emergency transportation to the nearest adequate treatment center if you become seriously ill or injured while traveling and require immediate care. It can also pay for you to be transported back to the U.S. if medically necessary.

Why would a patient need to be Airlifted? ›

People who suffer mobility injuries and need to travel can use an air ambulance (commercial or private) to receive the care they need anywhere in the world. This service is also helpful for rehab, if a patient prefers a specific hospital that is not nearby. 17. Family needs.

How do I request medevac? ›

To book a MEDEVAC shipment, call 1-800-334-5299 (option 1) or +1-817-786-4291 (option 1) if international.

Are Medevac helicopters covered by insurance? ›

Many insurers will pay what they deem reasonable use of an air ambulance; however, sometimes the air ambulance company and the insurer disagree on the cost. Depending on circ*mstances, the remainder of the bill—which could run in the thousands of dollars—could be your responsibility.

What is included in an emergency evacuation plan? ›

Routes and exits

These maps should include locations of exits, assembly points, and equipment (such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits, spill kits) that may be needed in an emergency. Exit routes should be: Clearly marked and well lit. Wide enough to accommodate the number of evacuating personnel.

Does homeowners insurance cover hotel during evacuation? ›

Your policy will pay for temporary housing in a hotel or apartment. Homeowners insurance policies can absolutely cover a hotel stay, but don't start planning a vacation just yet! Hotel stays are typically only covered by your homeowners insurance in the event of a covered loss.

Does Aetna cover medical evacuation? ›

With the Aetna Travel Assistance Program, you have direct access to round-the-clock support when traveling more than 100 miles from home — for up to 120 days. You can get help with medical or cash emergencies, evacuations, prescription refills and more.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.