Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (2024)

MarineCorps Hairstyles

Background Information (this page is constantly evolving, so please bepatient as we continue to develop it)

While the Marine Corps allows some individuality when itcomes to hairstyles, all Marines are required to maintain their hair in neatand professional MILITARYhairstyles. There is a differencebetween a neat and professional civilian hairstyle and a neat and professionalmilitary hairstyle. The guidance belowis provided as a tool to help commanders and Marines decide what is within thespirit and context of the Regulations and what isn't.

There are two guidelines you must keep in mind when decidinghow to style your hair. First,hairstyles may not interfere with the wearall uniform headgear, to include helmets.If your hairstyle does not allow you to properly wear your headgear (inyour proper size), you will need to change your hairstyle and remain within thehairstyle guidelines detailed in the Regulations. Second, there are “bulk of the hair”limitations. As you hair lies flat onyour head it may not extend beyond 2 inches from your scalp. So, if you wear a hairstyle that adds a lotof depth to your hair, you need to take into account the bulk limits. These limits apply to all hair textures andstyles. Buns cannot be wider than thehead or extend out more than 3 inches from the scalp.

Helpful hint: a CAC card is 3 inches long, you can use thatto determine if the bun is too big.

The pictures below are not all-inclusive, but just what hasbeen collected to date. It is impossibleto depict every hairstyle ever created, but if you are interested in one of thebelow hairstyles or an element of a below hairstyle, you need to read theregulations and if there is any doubt, contact the Uniform Board before youcommit to the style (provide a picture please), as there is a chance that thehairstyle will be out of regulation. Ifyou have a picture you would like posted on this site, please send a digitalpicture here (all facial features of the individual will be removed beforeposting). This page is intended as atool to aid in the decision making process (to style or not to style) and toaid in the enforcement of existing regulations.

Bottom line – If your hairstyledoes not fall within the guidance detailed in the Uniform Regulations you willhave to restyle it, and that might require you to take drastic action (i.e.cutting the hair short to get back into the required standards).

Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (1)

FEMALEHAIRSTYLES(male hairstyle information is below the female information)

CMC decisions from Uniform Board 215:Locks, twists and braids are now authorized hairstyles for all femaleMarines. Some of these hairstyles willbe limited by hair texture (curlier hair textures works better with somestyles, as straight hair will not hold the style).

TWIST HAIRSTYLE: Two sections of hair twisted together, which forms a rope or cord-like appearance.

LOCK HAIRSTYLE: One section of hair that twists from or near the root to the ends of the hair, which creates a uniform ringlet or cord-like appearance.

MUPTIPLE BRAIDS: Three or more sections of hair interlaced.

NATURAL HAIR: Is authorized, no matter the texture of the hair and must conform to all existing style regulations (to include bulk of the hair, not to exceed 2 inches, and hair may not interfere with the proper wear of headgear or protrude at distinct angles).

Multiple Braids (also known as microbraidsand cornrows) – authorized as long as the grooming regulations arefollowed. A multiple braid is defined asmore than 2 braids. If you are going to wear multiple braids itmust encompass the whole head (except hangs maybe left unbraided). You may not inter-mix multiple braids withlocks and twists (only one style is authorized at a time). If you are wearing one or two braids, thebelow “rules of thumb” do not apply.

Rule of thumb for braids:

1. Braids may be wornin long and medium length hair only.

2. Braids must notinterfere with the wear of all headgear.

3. Braids mustcontinue to the end of the natural hair in one direction (no zig-zagging,curving or ending before the end of the natural hair to dangle as a wisp or loosehair-braids should go in a straight line, back to front) and should encompassthe whole head (except when bangs are worn).Loose hair at the end of the braid must then be secured up in a mannerapproved for long hairstyles.

4. There should be nomore than 3/8 of an inch visible scalp between each braid and the individualbraid diameter may be no bigger than 3/8 of an inch (you can mix the size ofthe braids within your style).

Helpful hint: a standard pencil diameter is slightlysmaller than 3/8 of an inch, but is a good target size to shoot for. A standard paper clip’s width is 3/8 of aninch.

5. Commanders havethe ultimate responsibility for determining when a hairstyle is eccentric orfaddish.

6. Read the regulations before you commit to thishairstyle to ensure you are within guidelines. Remember, it is a time intensive andexpensive hairstyle, do your homework before you get it styled. Do it wrong and you will have to take it outand start over. Styles that exceed ordeviate from the established guidelines are not authorized.

Examples ofMultiple Braids:

A.Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (2)B.Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (3) C. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (4)D. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (5)E. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (6)

Notes: Pictures A and B depict authorized braidhairstyles. Picture B shows long,partial multiple braids that have been pulled up into a bun (notice the bun hasunbraided hair in it). Picture C shows multiplebraids that would not be authorized because it results in a bun that extendsmore than three inches from the scalp. Remember, braids and extensions add bulk tothe hair and you must consider that before adopting the hairstyle. Pictures D and E would be unauthorizedhairstyles because the patterns in the braids/root area and the direction of thebraids.

Locks and Twists Per Uniform Board 215, CMC approved the wear of bothlocks and twists. A properly styledlock and twist hairstyle provides a military appearance similar to the multiplebraid a hairstyle and all three hairstyles have the same basic dimensionregulations.

Rule of thumb for locks and twists:

1. Twists may be wornin medium and long length hair. Locksmay be worn in short, medium and long length hair.

2. Locks and twistsmust not interfere with the wear of all headgear and cannot extend beyond the“bulk of hair” limits.

3. Locks and twistsmust continue to the end of the hair in one direction (no zig-zagging, curvingor ending before the end of the lock or twist to dangle as a wisp or loosehair) and should encompass the whole head (except when bangs are worn. Locks partings must be square or rectangularin shape in order to maintain a neat and professional appearance.

4. Only braids andtwists may be secured to the scalp (hair is continually added to the braid ortwist (kind of like a French braid) as it continues to follow the contour ofthe head, in one direction). Whensecured to the head, individual braids and twist will be s mall in diameter (nomore than 3/8 inch) and will be tightly interlaced or twisted to present andneat and professional military appearance.The amount of scalp visible in “secured” twists and braids depends onthe thickness of the individual’s hair.Individual lock/twist diameter may be no bigger than 3/8 of an inch (youcan mix the size of the locks/twists within your style).

5. Braids, twists andlocks can be loose (free-hanging, where no hair, other than hair extensions thatare attached at the end of the natural hair, is added to the braid, twist orlock once it is started). When wornloose, individual braids, twists and locks will be spaced no more than 3/8 inchapart, will be small in diameter (no more than 3/8 inch), and will be tightlyinterlaced/twisted to present a neat and professional military appearance.

6. New growth(defined as hair that naturally grows from the scalp and has not yet beenbraided, twisted or locked) will not exceed ½ inch at any time. Braids, twists and locks that do not meetthese standards and do not present a neat and professional military appearancewill not be worn in uniform.

7. Commanders haveultimate responsibility for determining when a hairstyle is eccentric orfaddish.

8. You may not mixbraid, lock or twists in the same style.You may however braid, twist or lock your hair, then further secure itinto a French braid or bun (as depicted in picture C below).

9. Read the regulations before you commit tothEse hairstyleS to ensure you are within guidelines. Remember, these styles are time intensive andexpensive, do your homework before you get it styled. While some locks can be undone with a lot oftime and effort, some cannot, so if you are not within regulations and can’trepair the style to get within regulations, you will have to cut the locksout.

A.Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (7)B. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (8)C. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (9)D. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (10)E. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (11)F. Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (12)

Note: Picture A is a twist hairstyle (notice how similar in appearance it is to multiplebraids). Picture A depicts long,loose/free flowing (not secured to the head beyond the initial twist location)twists. If you have long twists, youmust further secure it up per long hair regulations (in a bun, in a French braid…). With hair this long and twists in the maximumdiameter (3/8 in), there is a lot of added bulk. If this hair were further pulled up into abun or French braid there is concern that both the bulk of the hair and bunsize standards would be exceeded, so you need to take that into account beforeadopting the hairstyle. Pictures B andC depict a Marine with a secured twist hairstyle further pulled up into abun. The twists are within the 3/8diameter restrictions and because the twist is secured to the head (actuallyattached to the head by adding hair to the twist as it continues down the headto the nape of the neck, where it is then becomes loose twists), there is novisible scalp restriction (this restriction only applies to loose/free flowinglocks/twists/braids). Pictures D through F depict authorized lock hairstyles in uniform. As you can see, a properly styled lock isvery similar in appearance (same 3/8 inch diameter restrictions) to multipletwists and braids. Because the Marine inpictures D and D has long locks she has tofurther secure it up without exceeding the bun or bulk of hairrestrictions (the bun is close to exceeding the width of her head). Picture Fis medium length locks (the lighter color at the bottom is an issue).

Helpful Hint: The width of your CAC card is 2 ¼ inch. You can use the width of the card as a basicmeasurement tool if you don’t have a ruler handy (keeping in mind that it is ¼inch too wide).

Gallery of Authorized FemaleHairstyles (under construction)

Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (13)

Male Marines, like female Marines, are charged withmaintaining a neat and professional appearance.While male hairstyle options are more limited than females, there isstill plenty of room to express your individuality. There are some basic rules you must follow(no longer than 3 inches, bulk of hair cannot exceed 2 inches…), you can usehair products and can grow your hair out to the maximum length (as long as itis graduated from zero) or shave it clean, your choice. There is no Marine Corps rule that dictateshow often you have to get your hair cut.You cut your hair as often as you need to in order to stay within theregulations. Like female Marines, if youdecide to get eccentric with your hairstyle you might have to cut your hair toget back within regulations. Below aresome basic rules you must follow with your hairstyle of choice.

1. Hair may be nolonger than 3 inches long and the bulk of the hair (as you hair lies flat onyour head it may not extend beyond 2 inches from your scalp) restrictionapplies equally to male Marines.

2. Even graduation atthe hairline from zero, at the nape of the neck is the rule of thumb. If your hair at the nape of the neck startsat any length other than zero and does not evenly graduate up to zero, then youour out of regulation and need to visit a barber. This style is what the Uniform Board likes tocall a “Navy low regulation” or business hairstyle or “little boy”haircut. To be an authorized MarineCorps low regulation haircut, remember you need to have even graduation fromzero at the hairline at the nape of the neck.

3. No sideburns.

4. Bangs areauthorized.

5. Parts areauthorized but need to be off center, must go straight back and can be placedno further out then the outside corner of the eye, and cannot extend over theback of the head. If it is on the sideof the head it is not authorized. A partcan be carved into the hair if desired.

Headquarters Marine Corps > Agencies > Marine Corps Uniform Board (2024)


What are the 4 Marine Corps uniform types? ›

The service uniforms include Alphas, Bravos and Charlies. The dress blues uniforms include Alphas, Bravos, Charlies and Deltas.

Why can't Marines carry umbrellas? ›

Umbrellas were not allowed in part due to their hindrance in saluting. The rule for women stipulated that umbrellas – which had to be all-black – must be carried in the left hand “so that the hand salute can be properly rendered,” the regulations state.

Can you wear black socks in USMC? ›

A recent Marine Corps uniform board has approved black socks and ombré nail polish in the combat utility uniform, slightly longer hair for all Marines and special characters on nametapes.

Can female Marines have a fade? ›

Female Fades

Female Marines with short hair are authorized to do a "zero" fade at the hairline at the nape of the neck to a maximum length of one inch (the fade must start at zero and graduate up, finishing the fade within 2 inches of the hairline at the nape of the neck).

What is the Marine Corps most elite unit? ›

First, the Marine Corps has two primary special operations forces: The Marine Raiders and the Force RECON units. As part of the Special Operations Command, the Marine Raiders run small lethal teams to eliminate targets.

Is there a 4 star general in the Marines? ›

On Aug. 6, 2022, Gen. Michael E. Langley became the first Black four-star in Marine history.

What are Marines always faithful to? ›


This promise is proclaimed in our motto, Semper Fidelis, and it means that we are always faithful to those on our left and right, from the fellow Marines we fight alongside, to those in our communities for which we fight.

Do Marines keep their pistols? ›

Marines and sailors living in the base housing areas are permitted to keep their weapons at home as long as they are unloaded, on safe and in a locked box designed for the weapon.

Do Marines accept tattoos? ›

Marine Corps tattoo policy 2022

Marines can have tattoos on any area of the body, except for the head, neck, and hands in most cases. Banned tattoos include those that are "drug-related, gang-related, extremist, obscene or indecent, sexist, or racist."

Can Marines wear sweats in public? ›

Inappropriate attire includes tank tops; sweatshirts; midriff tops, shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders; and t-shirts unless worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or jumper.

Can Marines walk with their hands in their pockets? ›


Effective immediately, in a garrison environment you may not put your hands in your pockets other than to retrieve something from said pockets, at any time. However, good judgment will govern the application of this policy in the field environment.

Can Marines wear PT gear in public? ›


What is a female Marine called? ›

As of 2006, women made up 4.3 percent of Marine officers and 5.1 percent of the Corps' active duty enlisted force. Today, they are no longer referred to as "female Marines." They are, simply, Marines.

What is a Marine haircut called? ›

Although "high and tight" is the primary term used in military and law enforcement, the same haircut is sometimes referred to by civilians as a "walker".

How many pull ups for female Marines? ›

Male/female pull-up standards (max/min)
Female Marine pull-up standards/age
5 more rows

What is the toughest Marine unit? ›

The Marine Raider Regiment (MRR), formerly known as the Marine Special Operations Regiment (MSOR), is a special operations force of the United States Marine Corps, which is a part of Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC).

What do Marines call Army soldiers? ›

Three such words are “gyrenes,” “jarheads,” and “grunts.” Their times of origin and usage differ somewhat, but each has the same role in the Marine Corps culture. They have become a source of pride for all Marines.

What is the most famous Marine unit? ›

2/5 is the most highly decorated battalion in the Marine Corps, and their motto, "Retreat, Hell!", comes from the French trenches of World War I, when a Marine officer named Lloyd W.

Who is the only 6 star general? ›

Grant joins George Washington and John J. Pershing as the only generals to achieve the rank. This honor has been informally referred to as being a "six-star general." The highest official star rank in the U.S. Army is a five-star general, called the General of the Army.

How many USmc generals? ›

The total number of active-duty general or flag officers is capped at 218 for the Army, 149 for the Navy, 170 for the Air Force, 62 for the Marine Corps, and 21 for the Space Force.

Do 4 star generals salute each other? ›

Among the very exclusive club of U.S. military generals, brigadier generals have to salute major generals and above, and major generals must salute lieutenant generals and up, but lieutenant generals only salute four-star generals -- who only have to salute presidents. Needless to say, those stars are hard to come by.

What do Marines call other Marines? ›

POGs and Grunts – Though every Marine is a trained rifleman, infantry Marines (03XX MOS) lovingly call their non-infantry brothers and sisters POGs (pronounced “pogue,”) which is an acronym that stands for Personnel Other than Grunts. POGs call infantrymen Grunts, of course. 16.

What is a famous Marine saying? ›

"Once a Marine, always a Marine!" (MSgt Paul Woyshner, a 40-year Marine, is credited with originating this expression during a taproom argument with a discharged Marine.) "Come on, you sons of bitches-do you want to live forever?" (Attributed to Gunnery Sergeant Daniel Daly, USMC, Belleau Wood, June 1918.)

What is the reply to Semper Fi? ›

Trivia (3) At the end of this episode, CGIS Special Agent Borin says to Gibbs, "Semper Fi." Gibbs then replies, "Semper Paratus." Most people will recognize Semper Fi (Semper Fidelis) as the motto of the United States Marine Corps. Semper Paratus is the less well known motto of the United States Coast Guard.

What gun is most used in the Marines? ›

Weapons used

The basic infantry weapon of the United States Marine Corps is the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. Suppressive fire is provided by the M240B machine gun, at the squad and company levels respectively.

Does every Marine get a rifle? ›

Certainly not. Not every Marine is a rifleman.

What is the Marine gun motto? ›

I must master it as I must master my life. to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me.

Can Marines wear beards? ›

The Marine Corps allows medically required beards and diverse hairstyles for women, and has relaxed its rules around tattoos. In 2021, NPR reported that the Marines planned to address its lack of diversity and retention problems.

Can you join the Marines with a felony? ›

Though having one felony conviction does not mean that you can become an officer in the Marines, it is up to you, the applicant, to show the recruiters that you are a contributing member of society and will be an asset to the Marines.

Can you join the Marines with a GED? ›

The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is a multiple-choice test taken by all who aspire to become Marines. To pass the test, aspiring Marines must achieve a score of 31 or higher, and those with nontraditional degrees or a GED must score at least a 50.

What does the red stripe on Marines pants mean? ›


Traditionally, Officers, Staff Noncommissioned Officers, and Noncommissioned Officers of the Marine Corps have worn this scarlet red stripe on their dress blue trousers to commemorate the courage and tenacious fighting of the men who fought in the Battle of Chapultepec in September of 1847.

Can US Marines smoke? ›

The smoking ban took effect on Dec. 31, 2010. In April 2012, then-Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that tobacco products would no longer be sold at a discount to Navy and Marine Corps personnel.

Do Marines salute in civilian attire? ›

The courtesy of the salute is encumbent on all military personnel, whether in garrison or in public places, in uniform or civilian clothes.

How can you tell if someone is a Marine? ›

Please use the Defense Manpower Data Center's (DMDC) Military Verification service to verify if someone is in the military. The website will tell you if the person is currently serving in the military. The site is available 24-hours a day.

What are knife hands Marines? ›

All military service members dread the ominous "knife-hand" when being addressed by a superior as it usually means they are being corrected or some sort of discipline is soon to follow.

Can Marines chew gum in uniform? ›

Shirt or sweater sleeves must not be scrunched or pushed up from the wrist area. (1) While walking in uniform, officers must not eat, drink, or chew gum.

What can Marines wear on leave? ›

Marines may wear civilian clothing when in an off-duty status, when directed by competent authority, and as otherwise authorized herein. Within the confines of a military base or a DoD installation, civilian clothing will be worn subject to local regulations.

Are Marines allowed to wear utilities off base? ›

Marines are not authorized to wear their utility uniforms off-base while on leave or liberty, except while in a vehicle traveling to or from base, or in an emergency.

What does Rainbow gear mean? ›

"Rainbow PT gear"

Rainbow means that the unit is wearing whatever sporty gear they want to wear to do "physical training," that the unit will not be in any matching PT uniform.

How many uniforms are in the Marine Corps? ›

The Marine Corps has a total of six uniforms, but not all Marines are authorized to wear each one. The uniforms are Utility, Service, Blue Dress, Blue White Dress, Evening Dress and Training.

What are the current Marine Corps uniforms? ›

The Marine service uniform is a forest green coat with a belted waist and matching trousers worn with khaki shirt and khaki tie. The current Army green service uniform is a dark olive coat with a belted waist and contrasting drab trousers worn with a tan shirt and olive tie.

What is a Marine Corps 0 4? ›

Commissioned officer ranks are further subdivided into generals, field-grade, and company-grade officers. The commandant of the Marine Corps and the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps are four-star ranks.
Second Lieutenant2ndLt O-1
First Lieutenant1stLt O-2
CaptainCapt O-3
MajorMaj O-4
6 more rows

What are the 8 uniformed branches? ›

(3) The term "uniformed services" means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Service.

How many tattoos can a Marine have? ›

There are no restrictions as to the size, shape, colors, or number of tattoos. There ARE restrictions on tattoos that are visible outside of a PT uniform. No tattoos beyond the wrist or above the neck. Ring tattoos are allowed, provided they're no more than 3/8″ wide and are only available on one finger.

Do Marines pay for their uniforms? ›

Publicly Released: Feb 25, 2021. For new enlisted personnel, the military services provide uniforms (worth from $1,600-$2,400) and then annual replacement allowances. Enlisted personnel may have out-of-pocket costs, too. For example, the Air Force and Marines pay for an all-weather coat.

How many tattoos can a Marine officer have? ›

Last week, the Marine Corps revised its policy, allowing the “sleeve” (whole arm) tattoo and also permitting officers more than four tattoos visible in uniform. Both officers and enlisted can now tat themselves up as much as they want, as long as it's not on the face or neck.

What uniforms do retired Marines? ›

(c) A retired officer of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Space Force may bear the title and wear the uniform of his retired grade.

What is the most decorated Marine Division? ›

The 1st Marine Division was activated aboard the battleship USS Texas on 1 February 1941. It is the oldest, largest, and most decorated division in the United States Marine Corps, with nine Presidential Unit Citations (PUCs).

What does 96 mean in the Marines? ›

In the Marine Corps a three-day weekend is called a “72” and a four-day weekend is called a “96”

What is a 72 Marines? ›

MOS OCC Field 72: Air Control/Air Support/Antiair Warfare/Air Traffic Control.

What rank is a Marine after 20 years? ›

It will generally take an officer in the Marine Corps16 to 22 years to rise to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. As a result, many career officers who are eligible to retire after 20 years of active service retire at this rank.

What do Marines call army soldiers? ›

Three such words are “gyrenes,” “jarheads,” and “grunts.” Their times of origin and usage differ somewhat, but each has the same role in the Marine Corps culture. They have become a source of pride for all Marines.

What are 4 branches of military? ›

The US military has five branches: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

Which branch of military goes to war first? ›

The Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.