Here's How to Turn Off WiFi For Better Health, Privacy and Safety Step By Step EMF Protection (2024)

In this article I'll Covereverything you need to know about How To Turn Off Your WiFi:

  • Why you should turn off your WiFi
    • Less EMF radiation exposure
    • Better sleep
    • Less device distraction
    • Less anxiety
  • How to safely and easily turn off your WiFi
  • How to turn off WiFi from your modem
  • How to get rid of WiFi for good by wiring up your home
  • How turning off WiFi can effect your health
  • Why lowering EMF exposure is especially important for kids
  • How turning off WiFi can increase privacy and safety
  • Disadvantages of disabling your WiFi

    When the WiFi is plugged in and on it's sending invisible wireless energy throughout your home. If you still think EMF's aren't a "real" problem, pause for a second and listen to my conversation with Professor Olle Johansson. He is one of the foremost researchers in the world on this subject. Really worth a listen!

    Hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies from around the world have proven beyond a doubt that EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) or RF radiation, which are the information carrying radio waves that transmit information of all sorts to all our devices, can cause a biological impact on our bodies (keep reading to learn more about the biological effects of EMF)

    Personally, I look at EMF’s as another environmental toxin that I need to avoid, like pesticides, second hand smoke and even too much sun. Wireless energy's RF radiation is in the same carcinogen category Class 2B as other toxins like diesel fumes according to the World Health Organization. So my best advice is a phrase that’s been my mantra for over a decade - Distance is your friend —the proximity to the antenna is where you're exposed to the most EMF. Do what you can to avoid EMF sources and turn the WiFi off when you're not using it.

    I love the EMF Meter Below that lets me see the the invisible wireless radiation

    We're built for human connection. Having the WiFi on gives us one more opportunity to connect online. Connecting online is great but everyone needs a break from technology. Having the WiFi off is a great reminder to disconnect from tech and connect with family instead.

    Turn The WiFi Off to Control The Kids Screen-time and Yours

    A report from Pew Research is not surprising with 71% of parents of a child under the age of 12 saying they are at least somewhat concerned their child might spend too much time in front of screens. But also parents weighed in with over half of them fully acknowledging they spend too much time on their smartphone.

    But even more important, parents are quite aware their devices can distract them from meaningful time connecting with their kids. 68% say they are at least sometimes distracted by their phone when spending time with their children.

    Turn the WiFi Off to Help Fight Anxiety

    Recent cellphone-attachment research reported that almost half of those surveyed claim that they wake up to look at their device 2–3 times in the middle of the night. That’s what I call maximum distraction. Another 35% admitted that looking at their phone before bed affects their quality of sleep. It’s probably not a big surprise to learn that science is proving them right.

    Dr. Larry Rosen studies how technology effects our brains and causes anxiety. In one research study he found that anxiety predicted sleep problems and he found that the more anxious people were, the more likely they are to use their devices during the day as well as the more likely they were to wake up and check them at night. Dr. Rosen says the anxiety about needing to stay in contact negatively impacts sleep as does waking up to connect.

    If you make it a practice to unplug and turn that WiFi off at night, chances are you may find you get out of the habit of turning to your device during sleep--or even checking it right before bed.

    And with the WiFi off, making device-use less appealing, you have the benefit of not being exposed blue light. That digital blue light from the screen can also cause anxiety because it stimulates the release of cortisol. That luminous blue light that comes from our screens also really taper healthy Melatonin levels and so can the invisible EMF from the WiFi!

    Melatonin is an important hormone made in our Pineal gland that impacts the quality of our sleep. In fact, ANY artificial blue light—from TV’s, tablets, e-readers, etc.— stops the Melatonin from being released in our bodies and can ruin the quality of your sleep.

    I contacted a researcher who studied Cellphone Radiation- which is also powered by Wireless EMF, who told me that she was surprised to see Melatonin levels drop in mice who were exposed to the non-ionizing man made radiation.

    The National Sleep Foundation recommends a digital device curfew 2 hours before bed. So plan on starting that device free time and turning off WiFi at least 2 hours before you plan to go to sleep

    Here's why: It's important to limit exposure to WiFi wireless radiation or wireless EMF.

    Keep Your Distance We just attended a global EHS conference in London. A really pivotal moment was when EMF research professor Dimitris J. Panagopoulos presented a chart showing how the radiation drops off by orders of magnitude about 15 to 20 feet from the router. You can see a demonstration of the radiation exposure in the video below. You'll see you really want to keep that nice 20 feet or so of space between you and that WiFi for safety.

    Turn Off WiFi Before Bed! Use this simple switch, so you don't have to get close the router where the signal is the strongest. The simple step of hitting the off switch can lead to a better night’s sleep. When on, a WiFi signal may interfere with our brains during sleep, so by turning it off we reduce EMF exposure and hopefully rest more deeply.

    See Why You Don't Want To Get Close To The WiFi Router To Unplug it!

    In order to really understand how the invisible waves of energy coming from you WiFi, it helps to "see" them. Here's a great EMF measurement video that shows how RF radiation changes with distance:

    Here's How to Turn Off WiFi For Better Health, Privacy and Safety Step By Step EMF Protection (3)

    If your modem from your internet provider has a built in Wifi, you CAN turn it off! It may take some doing, but it IS possible!

    Usually there's a switch right on the modem. If so, go ahead and turn it off. If your modem has a plug you can use our WiFi switch to plug the modem into the wall and turn off both when you disable the electricity.

    If there is no switch, ask your provider’s customer service center to help you. Alternatively, try searching for the do-it-yourself answer in the modem manual online.

    Go to your search browser (we love Duck Duck Go and Startpage btw) - Enter you provider name (Cox, At&T, Spectrum, etc.) and the make and model of your internet modem. Usually the built-in wifi can be turned off in the settings menu of your internet modem which can be reached through a web browser by typing in the correct IP address.

    If your internet provider also operates a public WiFi network through its internet modems, please make sure to also turn this public WiFi network off.

    We've found that with some providers, they ask you to login to a separate web page with your own personal login.

    Confirm That There's No More Nasty WiFi Signal

    You can see if your modem is not emitting any wifi anymore in two ways:

    • Hold your smartphone next to it and scan for wifi networks. You should no longer see your WiFi name or the name of the provider.
    • Use an EMF radiation meter to see if the readings near the modem are present.

    In this next video you'll see how much the EMFradiation decreases just by turning the WiFi Off!

    • Turn WiFi Off On All Devices
    • Turn WiFi Off On Your Smartphone
    • Turn WiFi Off On Your Laptop
    • Turn WiFi Off On Your Desktop Computer
    • Turn WiFi Off On Your SmartTV
    • There's WiFi Signal From Your Smart Meter (You can cover it with a Smart Meter Cover or opt out with your electric provider)
    • Turn WiFi Off Of Your Baby Monitor and Security Camera

    Set your phone to Airplane Mode, turn off WiFi, and while your at it, turn off BlueTooth too!

    Simply hard-wire your internet connection- This is a great option! The truth is that giving up WiFi is an option that stops WiFi router EMF and gives you a great connection. Though this may be hard with work, we can easily protect ourselves at home by using ethernet cables that hard-wire our internet connection.

    WIRE UP- to scroll through insta and text all night long. Yes, cell phones and tablets can be wired directly to the internet so your beautiful body isn't exposed to any nasty, non-ionizing radiation.

    Put your phone in a cozy place- It's not technically a WiFi router solution, but if you don't feel like being exposed to harmful wireless energy while with your phone, slip it in your personal fabulous deluxe faraday cage. It's completely effective and will protect you from dangerous radio frequencies.

    Get everything you need to wire up your connection with our Hard Wire Kit For A NO EMF Sleep Sanctuary

    Alot of people ask us if their Alexa, Google Home, Nest, and Ring security systems will work when WiFi is off. The answer is unfortunately no. There are alternatives. Our security system is completely wired and we have set up access on a website to view our security footage online - anytime.

    Now this isn't a DIY type of arrangement, but it's the way most professional security systems are still installed.

    Wired security systems are safer because they are much more reliable. You can connect with an audio/visual or home security system professional in your area to discuss this alternative.

    If you just need to install one security camera at your front door and can run an ethernet cable to it, here's a DIY option!

    Research points to some WiFi exposure symptoms

    Just like with any other toxin (smoking, chemicals, pesticides, etc.) not every bodyreacts the same to EMF exposure. However, here are some of the associations that have been confirmed by research:

        • Cancer and tumors
        • Infertility and sperm health
        • Insomnia and melatonin production
        • Decrease in heart health
        • ADHD & Autism
        • Decreased hormone levels
        • The list goes on....

    In fact, JUST ONE study looking at the EMF from Smart Meters found that people were experiencing the following symptoms from increased EMF exposure:

        • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
        • Headaches and head pain
        • Lethargy and extreme tiredness
        • Memory, a fog, cognitive issues
        • Burning, tingling, numbness
        • Dizziness
        • Cardiac symptoms and heart palpitations
        • Arthritis
        • Joint pain
        • The onset of Electromagnetic Sensitivity or ES/EHS
        • Pressure/heat
        • Anxiety/irritability
        • Problems with eyes or eyesight
        • Chest pain
        • Rashes, eczema, skin issues
        • Muscle spasms
        • Digestive or bowel problems
        • Muscle spasms, cramps and twitches
        • Neuropathy
        • Nose bleeds
        • Ear problems, worsening hearing
        • Depression, loss of motivation
        • Endocrine problems and thyroid problems
        • Increased rate of infections or colds
        • Allergies/food sensitivity
        • Intensity of Electromagnetic Sensitivity
        • Sinus problems
        • Lump in throat or throat problems
        • Weight loss or loss of appetite
        • Swollen face
        • Bladder infections, strains
        • Flu-like symptoms
        • Dehydration
        • Weight gain
        • Inability to talk
        • Loss of motor skills
        • Loss of feeling from the waist down

    These are symptoms of people exposed to smart meter EMF radiation which is the same EMF radiation that comes from your WiFi.

    I came across this report by Ronald Powell, Ph.D and reached out to him. He was kind enough to share his up to date research,Symptoms After Exposure to Smart Meter Radiation.” You can find out more about Dr. Ronald Powell's research and learn more about EMF exposure symptoms here in our EMF Guide.

    Of course, many people don't have noticeable symptoms when exposed to EMF or RF radiation from wireless devices. The full health disclosure that everyone should be aware of is that there is growing evidence about the biological effects of being exposed to RF radiation.

    Block radiation while talking on the phone or listening to music with ourairtube headset

    It makes sense that organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics have expressed concern regarding radiation standards relating to wireless devices. Many in the medical field believe that pregnant women and their unborn children, very young children, teenagers, men of a reproductive age, seniors, and anyone with a chronic health condition are those who are an especially high risk of harm from exposure.

    Electromagnetic fields (EMF) can affect the electrical communication in your body, such as your brainwaves, or the ability of your neurons to fire and communicate. It can also impede intercellular communication anywhere in your body.

    Could Screen RF and EMF Exposure Mean Lower Memory Function?

    We found preliminary evidence suggesting that RF/EMF may affect brain functions such as figurative memory in regions that are most exposed during mobile phone use. Swiss researchers noted that the findings do not provide conclusive evidence of causal effects and should be interpreted with caution until confirmed in other populations, BUT, we know for certain that there's most definitely a biological effect from the radiation coming from all of our wireless devices.

    That's why we vote for the Precautionary Principle - especially when it comes to our kids.Being EMF sensitive for 25 years, I believe it's important to becautious about yourexposure tothe invisible, wireless energy spewing from our devices until we know for certain how it's going to effect ourbodies. I have a Tech Wellness Wireless Health Guide with all the details, but the point is, the energy has been proven without a doubt to have a biological effect. Think of it like smog or a chemical pollutant/toxin - if you could avoid being exposed to it, wouldn't you?

    6600 kids were studied on their night time screen use and the quality of their sleep. Overall, this study showed that night-time screen use is significantly associated with adverse sleep outcomes and poorer quality of lifeamong adolescents.

    Here's something interesting: It turns out the worst effects come from using those screens in the dark. Nighttime use of mobile phones in a room with the light on is associated with some adverse sleep outcomes, but not to the same degree as using them in complete darkness.

    Should Phones or Screens Be In Kids Rooms At All?

    There are so many studies that connect the blue light from screens to sleep issues and to issues with their precious eyes, that parents may decide that their kids will be healthier with a no-screens-in-your room policy.

    We recommend that parents, teachers, health professionals andyour kidsbe made aware of the strong associations between nighttime use, sleep and difficulty getting up. Outcomes as these may impact cognitive function, not to mention just how bad being tired and late can make kids feel.

    Bryan Neumeister from USA Forensics, our cybersecurity expert, points out that powering off any of our devices protects our privacy because we can't be tracked or hacked when a device, including our WiFi, is turned off.


    Security and Privacy

    Powering off your WiFi not only improves network security but often it can change your IP address. An IP address is one of the ways we're tracked online.

    If your router is also your modem, then unplugging or turning off your WiFi router allows it to restart fresh. That in turn can ping the service provider for a new Internet Protocol number. Your service provider may supply the same IP you had or a new one, depending on how they operate.

    However, in cases where your service is grouped, say an apartment complex, the main modem would have to be reset.

    Remote Access

    This is really the only disadvantage to shutting off your WiFi. If you've set up wireless access controls through your internet provider or cable company, not only will they not work when your WiFi is off, but you may need to reset and reprogram things like parental controls.

    If your network is set up with remote access ability, shutting down the equipment that allows for that access means you cannot remotely login to the computer when you're away from home. The same is true to remotely print to a home printer or view wireless cameras.

    The best answer for these disadvantages to turning off WiFi at night is to hard wire all the devices in your home. We love this option! The internet is safer and more secure and the speed is unmatched!

    We hope you take this all to heart as you consider switching off your WiFI at night (or anytime!) or completely eliminating WiFI and wiring up instead. Your body, mind, andspirit will thank you!

    Be Well!

    Here's How to Turn Off WiFi For Better Health, Privacy and Safety Step By Step EMF Protection (2024)


    Does turning off Wi-Fi stop EMF? ›

    Yes, it's true that EMFs produced by your Wi-Fi are reduced when you do things such as turn off your router and modem.

    How to block Wi-Fi EMF? ›

    Here are 5 ways to reduce EMF exposure today:
    1. Turn off WiFi routers when not in use and before going to bed. Turning off your WiFi can significantly reduce EMF exposure! ...
    2. Switch to Airplane Mode. ...
    3. EMF Blocking Protection. ...
    4. Proper Grounding. ...
    5. Test Your Home.

    How can I prevent radiation from Wi-Fi? ›

    Decrease Overall Time of Wireless Use and Exposure

    The longer you connect wirelessly, the more radiation you absorb into your body. So keep your wireless phone calls and Wi-Fi use short—whenever possible.

    Does Wi-Fi give off electromagnetic radiation? ›

    Wi-Fi is a technology that allows devices such as computers, smart phones, video game consoles and smart home devices to communicate data wirelessly. It is often used to link home computers and tablets to the internet. Wi-Fi equipment emits radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF).

    How to block electromagnetic radiation? ›

    Metals like copper, aluminium, and steel are commonly used for electromagnetic shielding due to their high electrical conductivity. These metals reflect and absorb electromagnetic waves, preventing their penetration or emission. They are often used in the construction of shielding enclosures, cabinets, and chassis.

    What are the symptoms of EMF WiFi? ›

    The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).

    What material can block EMF? ›

    Typical materials used for electromagnetic shielding include thin layer of metal, sheet metal, metal screen, and metal foam. Common sheet metals for shielding include copper, brass, nickel, silver, steel, and tin.

    What device can block WiFi signal? ›

    Some cordless phones use the 2.4 GHz band and can cause Wi-Fi interference. If your cordless phone is causing Wi-Fi interference, consider switching to a cordless phone that uses the 5 GHz, 1.9 GHz, or 900 MHz bands. Baby monitors often use the 2.4 GHz band and can cause interference on your home Wi-Fi network.

    How to EMF proof a room? ›

    Certain materials, such as carbon or nickel, help block EMF signals, so you can use materials made from these to keep EMF out. You can drape EMF canopies around beds, EMF shields around appliances, and curtains on windows. For particularly large outside radiation sources, look into paints that block EMF signals.

    Should you turn Wi-Fi off at night? ›

    Turn Off WiFi at Night So You're Exposed to Less EMF Wireless Radiation When You Sleep. When the WiFi is plugged in and on it's sending invisible wireless energy throughout your home.

    What materials block Wi-Fi radiation? ›

    These 7 Materials Can Block Wi-Fi Signal (& What You Can Do About...
    • Metal. The material that'll dampen your Wi-Fi signal the most is metal. ...
    • Walls (Concrete & Brick) ...
    • Windows, Glass & Mirrors. ...
    • Devices Operating on the 2.4 GHz Frequency Band. ...
    • Water. ...
    • Furniture & Bookshelves. ...
    • Your Neighbors' Routers. ...
    • How Far Should Wi-Fi Reach?

    Is it bad to sleep next to a WiFi router? ›

    Analyses of the microstructure of sleep revealed a reduction in global EEG power in the alpha frequency band (8.00-11.75 Hz) during NREM sleep under acute Wi-Fi exposure compared to sham.

    How much EMF can you get from Wi-Fi? ›

    RF-EMF exposure levels from Wi-Fi

    Therefore, exposure levels from Wi-Fi outdoors are typically below 1 V/m.

    Is Wi-Fi radiation cancerous? ›

    According to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC): “[C]urrently no scientific evidence establishes a causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses.

    How to get rid of EMF exposure? ›

    Move farther away from a source.

    Exposure rapidly decreases as distance from the source increases. Using the speaker on your phone or using corded headphones when speaking on your cell phone and not keeping devices near you while sleeping will reduce EMF exposure.

    Does turning your phone off stop radiation? ›

    Phones only emit radio-frequency radiation when they're searching for or receiving a signal, so a phone that's off or in “airplane mode” is safe. 5. Replace cordless phones with corded models. Cordless phones can emit as much radiation as cell phones, and the charging station constantly emits radiation.

    Should you turn off Wi-Fi when sleeping? ›

    According to experts, it is recommended to turn off Wi-Fi and mobile internet at night. It's even better not to use the smartphone before bedtime and keep the device away at night to reduce the amount of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the device.

    How far does EMF travel from Wi-Fi router? ›

    While EMF emissions from different routers vary, for most home WiFi routers, a distance of 40 feet (ideally, or 10 feet at a minimum) will help your body and shouldn't impact your WiFi connection too much.

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    Name: Carlyn Walter

    Birthday: 1996-01-03

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    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.