Here’s why you’re waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep — Calm Blog (2024)


Written By Calm Editorial Team

Here’s why you’re waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

If you're getting plenty of sleep but still waking up tired, there's probably a good reason. Learn the possible causes and how much sleep you really need.

Waking up tired is normal, but we’ve all had those days where you never seem to fully wake up. You got your eight hours of rest, but you’re still not feeling fully refreshed.While it’s natural to wake up a little tired and need to ease into your day, being consistently groggy all morning may be a sign of a bigger issue.

This extended morning fatigue can cause problems for the rest of the day, which can be frustrating. It’s important to understand why you’re still tired after getting “enough” sleep and what you can do to feel better.

Why is sleep important?

Sleep is crucial for supporting our health and wellbeing. Deep sleep affects almost every tissue and system in the body, from the brain, heart, and lungs to metabolism, immune function, and mood.

Understanding the importance of sleep can be the first step toward making better choices for a healthier lifestyle. Here are three major reasons why getting enough rest should be a top priority for everyone.

Sleep aids in restoration and recovery

When we sleep, the body repairs tissues, creates bone and muscle, and synthesizes hormones. It's like a maintenance crew working overnight to ensure everything is ready for the next day. Without this repair and recovery time, we could feel physically weak, and our ability to fight off illnesses might decrease.

Sleep directly impacts physical health

Our physical health and sleep are closely tied. Good quality sleep can help manage the balance of hormones that make you feel hungry or full, impacting your eating habits. More importantly, sleep directly affects how our body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. Good sleep can better fight off infections, while lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and other health issues.

Proper sleep improves mental health and clarity

During sleep, our brains process the day's events, forming memories and making connections. This mental downtime helps us wake up with a clear mind, ready to tackle the new day. A lack of sleep can impact our mood, memory, and ability to handle stress. Over time, lack of sleep could contribute to anxiety or depression.

How much sleep do you really need?

Sleep duration is not one-size-fits-all, and the ideal amount can shift significantly through different stages of life, especially as we age. Acknowledging that sleep needs are not universal and taking steps to find your individual sleep number can be empowering and help you overcome the struggle of waking up tired.

Age matters: Age is a significant factor in determining how much sleep we need.

  • Infants and children: Young ones typically need around 10 to 14 hours of sleep a day to support their rapid growth and development.

  • Teenagers: As teens navigate growth spurts and hormonal changes, their sleep requirements range between eight to 10 hours a day.

  • Adults and seniors: Adulthood often requires seven to nine hours of sleep. The sleep duration may decrease as we transition into our senior years, but quality of that sleep should remain paramount.

Individual variation: Even within the same age group, the amount of sleep people need can vary. Some people might feel great with seven hours of sleep a night, while others might need a full nine hours to feel truly refreshed. It's a personal journey to figure out your needs, and the variation can be influenced by lifestyle, health conditions, and even genetics.

Quality over quantity: It's not just about the number of hours but the quality of your sleep that matters. You might be in bed for nine hours, but if you're waking frequently or tossing and turning, the value of your sleep is reduced.

Finding your sleep number: Experimenting with different sleep durations and observing how you feel can help you find your personal sleep number. Keeping a sleep diary or using sleep-tracking tools may help.

6 reasons why you might be waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep

Addressing the “why” behind waking up tired can significantly improve the quality of your sleep and reduce the chances of waking up feeling groggy. It's about making small, manageable changes to your daily routine and sleep hygiene practices with the goal of waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day with energy.

1. You may have a sleep disorder

Even if you don’t suffer from insomnia, sleep disorders can affect the quality of your sleep. Issues like sleep apnea interrupt your sleep cycle, preventing you from getting restorative sleep and leading to morning fatigue, also known as sleep inertia.

What can you do? Consult a healthcare professional if you suspect you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea.

💙 Unwind Into Sleep with Chibs Okereke to release tension and ease into a good night’s rest.

2. You could be dealing with stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can hinder your ability to fall or stay asleep, due to how busy it keeps our minds. This is especially true at night when our bodies are at rest, which gives us time to notice how active our brain has been.

What can you do? Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga before bedtime to help manage stress and anxiety that could hinder your sleep quality.

💙 Try Tamara Levitt’s 5-minute Deep Sleep Relax meditation to help reduce stress.

3. Your sleep schedule might be inconsistent

An inconsistent sleep schedule can confuse your body's internal clock, making it hard to wake up refreshed. Forming a sleep routine, if able, is one of the best ways to ensure you get enough rest at night and that it’s good quality.

What can you do? Develop a sleep schedule based on your unique needs. Maintain the schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency can help regulate your body’s internal clock.

💙 Create a wind down routine to ease into bedtime, like listening to this Sleep Story, Slowing Down With Tabitha Brown.

4. You’ve had excess screen time before bed

The blue light from screens can suppress sleep hormones, making it difficult to fall asleep. Our phones are also a major distraction. Bringing your phone into your bedroom and scrolling before bed makes it less likely you’ll wake up feeling rested.

What can you do? Avoid screens for at least one hour before bed. Instead, try reading a book or doing some gentle stretches.

💙 Stretch your muscles before bed with Calm’s soothing Nighttime Wind Down playlist. Or try Evening Wind Down from the Daily Move with Mel Mah.

5. Your sleep environment isn’t optimized

A noisy or uncomfortable sleep environment can prevent you from reaching the deep, restorative stages of sleep, causing morning tiredness. This can also be true if you co-sleep with a partner, children, or pets.

What can you do? Create a conducive sleep environment. Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to enhance your sleep comfort. You can also use ambient sounds like green noise to mask potential disruptions.

💙 Set the tone before bed with Piano for Sleep, a playlist of soft piano tracks to help you drift off with ease.

6. Your diet and lifestyle are playing a part

Caffeine or heavy meals close to bedtime can disrupt sleep, making you feel less rested in the morning. Both sugar and alcohol consumption too close to bedtime can also disrupt the quality of sleep you get that evening.

What can you do? Reduce stimulants and choose nourishing foods and beverages. Avoid caffeine, rich food, sugar, and alcohol close to bedtime, and engage in regular physical activity to promote better sleep.

Waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep FAQs

Why do I wake up tired and with no energy?

Waking up tired can stem from various factors. It might be due to sleep disorders, stress, an irregular sleep schedule, too much screen time before bed, a disruptive sleep environment, or certain diet and lifestyle choices. It's essential to look into these areas and see if adjustments can lead to better, more refreshing sleep. Consult with a healthcare professional to get personalized advice for improving your sleep.

Why am I tired all the time, even when I get enough sleep?

Feeling tired constantly, despite getting enough sleep, can indicate underlying issues. It might be related to the quality of your sleep, which can be affected by factors like sleep disorders, stress, or your sleep environment. Other health conditions, like anemia or thyroid issues, could be at play. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to get to the root of persistent tiredness.

How do I stop waking up tired?

To stop waking up tired, it's crucial to address the possible causes. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, create a conducive sleep environment, manage stress, and avoid screen time before bed. Also, evaluate your diet and lifestyle for any elements hindering your sleep quality. Lastly, if you suspect a sleep disorder, seek professional advice.

Should I go back to sleep if I wake up tired?

If you wake up tired occasionally, it might just be a one-off poor night’s sleep, so a little extra snooze could help. But if this is a recurring issue, it's essential to investigate the underlying causes rather than just trying to sleep more. Adjusting your bedtime routine and sleep environment or consulting a healthcare professional could provide long-term solutions.

Why don’t I feel rested after sleeping?

Not feeling rested after sleeping could be due to disruptions in your sleep stages, especially if you need to reach or spend more time in the deep sleep phase, which is crucial for feeling refreshed. It could also be related to sleep disorders, stress, or other sleep quality factors. Assessing and making changes to your sleep routine and environment and consulting with a healthcare professional, if necessary, can be steps towards achieving restful sleep.

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// Define the HTML snippets var snippetHTML1 = `

What do you find difficult about sleep?

Falling asleepStaying asleepRestless sleepWaking upSomething else

`; // Replace with actual HTML content var snippetHTML2 = `

How does stress show up for you?

AnxietyOverwhelmIrritationAvoidanceAll or none of the above

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How often do you meditate?


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5 tools you need to sleep better tonight

  • Improve your sleep with these science-backed tips
  • From neuroscientist and sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker
  • Bite-sized audio lessons for long-term results

Sleep Better

Easy Tips for Better Sleep

Dr. Mathew Walker Neuroscientist and Sleep Expert
  • Don't Try, and Don't Worry! 4 min
  • Your Sleep Type 5 min
  • Sleep and Your Mood 4 min
  • Your Sleep Environment 4 min
  • Sleeping with Your Phone 4 min

Sleep Better

`, urls: ['/blog/vivid-dreams','/blog/how-to-prevent-nightmares','/blog/why-dont-i-remember-my-dreams','/blog/stress-dreams','/blog/waking-up-tired','/blog/how-to-get-more-deep-sleep','/blog/how-to-get-over-jet-lag','/blog/sleep-anxiety','/blog/screen-time-before-bed'] }, { title: 'grounding', html: `

Get grounded in three minutes

  • Calm your body and mind using your breath
  • From former monk and bestselling author, Jay Shetty
  • Short audio practice to help you find balance

Calm Your Mind

Jay Shetty Author, Coach, Former Monk

Calm Your Mind

`, urls: ['/blog/5-4-3-2-1-a-simple-exercise-to-calm-the-mind','/blog/how-to-stop-intrusive-thoughts','/blog/box-breathing','/blog/driving-anxiety','/blog/grounding-techniques','/blog/how-to-stop-overthinking'] }, { title: 'fall_asleep', html: `

Ready to fall asleep with ease tonight?

  • Quiet your mind and body using this guided exercise
  • From mindfulness specialist Chibs Okereke
  • Soothing audio session to unwind into sleep

Get To Sleep

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor

Get To Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/racing-thoughts-at-night','/blog/why-do-i-keep-waking-up-at-3am','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-sleep'] }, { title: 'work_stress', html: `

How to beat work stress & burnout like a boss

  • Relieve stress and anxiety quickly during the workday
  • From stress and burnout specialist, Chibs Okereke
  • Short exercises to help you find your calm

Take a Break

Quick Breaks

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor
  • Managing Overwhelm 5 min
  • 60 Second Reboot 1 min
  • Step Away From the Computer 4 min
  • Let's Unplug 4 min

Take a Break

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-recover-from-burnout','/blog/beat-burnout','/blog/sunday-scaries'] }, { title: 'sleep_sounds', html: `

The music you need for better sleep

  • Get more restful sleep with delta wave music
  • Produced with Binaural Beats, scientifically shown to enhance sleep
  • 8 hours of music for deep sleep

Get Deep Sleep

Delta Waves for Deep Sleep

Curated by experts at Calm
  • Halting Thoughts (Delta 145 Hz - 147 Hz) 60 min
  • Slow Release (Delta Binaural) 60 min
  • Careful Mind (Delta 83 Hz - 84 Hz) 60 min
  • Calm Body (Delta Binaural) 59 min

Get Deep Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/what-is-green-noise','/blog/sounds-to-help-you-sleep','/blog/best-music-to-fall-asleep-to'] }, { title: 'anxiety', html: `

The 11 anti-anxiety tools you need in your life

  • Relieve anxiety with these game-changing tools
  • From clinical psychologist & online educator, Dr. Julie Smith
  • Bite-sized audio sessions for long-term relief

Overcome Anxiety

Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Dr. Julie Smith Clinical Psychologist and Educator
  • Calm Your Heart with Deeper Breaths 3 min
  • Challenge Your Negative Thoughts 4 min
  • Guided Breathing to Release Tension 10 min
  • Distance Yourself From Anxious Thoughts 5 min
  • Create Emotional Safety 4 min

Overcome Anxiety

`, urls: ['/blog/panic-attack-vs-anxiety-attack','/blog/how-to-calm-anxiety-attack','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-anxiety','/blog/feeling-anxious-for-no-reason','/blog/flight-anxiety-tips','/blog/affirmations-for-anxiety'] }, { title: 'relationships', html: `

How to cultivate happier and healthier relationships

  • Strengthen your connections (even during conflict)
  • From the Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • 12 audio sessions to create lasting change

Improve Your Relationships

Relationships with Others Series

Tamara Levitt Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • Nurturing Relationships 10 min
  • Holding Space 10 min
  • Listening 10 min
  • Boundaries 10 min
  • Empathy 10 min

Improve Your Relationships

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-overcome-social-anxiety','/blog/questions-to-ask-to-get-to-know-someone','/blog/taking-a-break-in-a-relationship','/blog/anxiety-in-relationships','/blog/long-distance-relationship','/blog/emotional-connection','/blog/first-date-nerves'] } ] appAudioData.forEach(instance => { if (instance.urls.includes(currentPath) && ctaToReplace) { const ctaToReplaceWrapper = ctaToReplace.closest('.sqs-row') if (ctaToReplaceWrapper) { ctaToReplaceWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', instance.html) ctaToReplaceWrapper.remove() } return } })}); // Audio Sample Functionality Codewindow.onload = function() { // Replace 'audioFileURL' with the direct link to your audio file const audioFileURL = ''; // Getting the play/pause button by its ID and icons by their IDs const playPauseButton = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-pause-button'); const playIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-icon'); const pauseIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-pause-icon'); // Check if elements exist if (playPauseButton && playIcon && pauseIcon) { // Initially hide the pause icon = 'none'; // Creating the audio object const audio = new Audio(audioFileURL); // Event listener for play/pause button playPauseButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (audio.paused) {; = 'none'; = 'block'; } else { audio.pause(); = 'block'; = 'none'; } }); // Dispatch the custom event after the player is ready let e = new Event("amplitudeaudioloaded"); document.dispatchEvent(e); }};


Calm Editorial Team

Here’s why you’re waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep — Calm Blog (2024)


Here’s why you’re waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep — Calm Blog? ›

It might be related to the quality of your sleep, which can be affected by factors like sleep disorders, stress, or your sleep environment. Other health conditions, like anemia or thyroid issues, could be at play. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to get to the root of persistent tiredness.

Can getting 8 hours of sleep make you more tired? ›

Research bears out the connection between too much sleep and too little energy. It appears that any significant deviation from normal sleep patterns can upset the body's rhythms and increase daytime fatigue.

Why am I always tired even though I get enough sleep? ›

Many possible factors cause chronic fatigue, such as underlying medical conditions, nutrient deficiencies, sleep disturbances, caffeine intake, and chronic stress. If you're experiencing unexplained fatigue, you must talk with your doctor to find the cause.

Is sleep inertia bad? ›

Regardless of its biological basis, sleep inertia can impact the safety and well-being of people who work long, frequently changing hours or shift work. Medical professionals who work rotating shifts or are on call regularly have a significant decrease in cognitive alertness. View Source and performance.

Why do I feel so exhausted after 8 hours of sleep? ›

It might be related to the quality of your sleep, which can be affected by factors like sleep disorders, stress, or your sleep environment. Other health conditions, like anemia or thyroid issues, could be at play. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to get to the root of persistent tiredness.

Why is it so hard to wake up even after 8 hours of sleep? ›

Several health conditions can leave you waking up tired with no energy in the morning. These include anaemia, Hypothyroidism, Sleep Apnoea, Diabetes and Depression. If you are feeling excessively tired in the morning and you have been keeping a good, healthy sleep routine, it is important to speak to your doctor.

Should I go back to sleep if I wake up tired? ›

The best answer depends on a few factors, experts tell Fortune, but generally leans toward heading back to bed. That's because sleep has restorative properties and impacts multiple body systems.

Is sleep inertia a symptom of ADHD? ›

Apart from wake-up struggles from staying up too late, many adults with ADHD report problems with prolonged asleep-to-awake transitions despite adequate sleep. This morning-time, low-arousal state is deemed “sleep inertia.”1 This syndrome is much more than an ingrained, “I-hate-mornings” slowness.

Why do I wake up tired and no energy? ›

Usually, lifestyle factors are the cause. For example, fatigue may stem from lack of sleep, dietary choices, and too much or too little exercise. Other common causes of fatigue include medication side effects, depression, allergies, viral infections, pregnancy, or medical conditions.

At what age do you start feeling tired and old? ›

Well, this depends on a person's age, health, fitness level and lifestyle. Generally, the more years that pass, the more you'll value your beauty sleep, and its true senior fatigue is a real thing. However, most people start experiencing a decline in their energy levels by the time they reach their mid-thirties.

Why am I so tired at 47 years old? ›

Even though menopause is a relatively common cause of persistent fatigue in women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond, other issues can cause chronic feelings of tiredness, too. Chronic stress, sleep apnea, poor sleep hygiene, and other factors can interfere with sleep and leave you feeling tired.

Why do I feel better with less sleep? ›

“You may feel more energy on less sleep because your body's producing more of the stress hormone cortisol. This helps you get through the day, but it's not a good productivity hack. High cortisol can cause sleep problems, weight gain, and an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Why wont my sleep inertia go away? ›

It's common for sleep inertia to get worse when you are sleep deprived or when your sleep schedule is irregular. But for some people, sleep inertia is debilitating. If you are experiencing severe sleep inertia, it's possible that you are actually experiencing a sleep disorder.

Why do I never wake up feeling rested? ›

The most common cause of sleepiness is not sleeping long enough. Getting enough restful sleep is crucial for maintaining good health. Research over the past decade has shown that healthy sleep is just as important as exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

Does napping help sleep inertia? ›

Sleep inertia, the period of grogginess and impaired performance experienced after waking, is a potential side effect of napping. Many industry publications recommend naps of 30 min or less to avoid this side effect.

Why does oversleeping make you more tired? ›

When you sleep too much, you're throwing off that biological clock, and it starts telling the cells a different story than what they're actually experiencing, inducing a sense of fatigue. You might be crawling out of bed at 11am, but your cells started using their energy cycle at seven.

What happens if you get 8 hours of sleep everyday? ›

When you get 8 hours of sleep, you are able to reduce your stress and that will also improve your mood. More sleep can help you reduce stress in your work or home life by allowing your body and mind time to reset and decompress after a long, hard day at work or running errands.

Why do I feel less tired with 6 hours of sleep? ›

So why do people think they are able to function optimally on 6 hours of regular sleep? This is because of a natural human phenomenon known as 'renorming'. Renorming means that we are only able to compare how we feel today to how we felt yesterday or the day before.

Is 12 hours of sleep too much? ›

Yes, it is. And sleeping too much — 10 hours or more — can harm your health. Further, it may be a sign of underlying health problems, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.