Here's why you should turn off your phone's Bluetooth when you're not using it (2024)

Bluetooth technology offers convenience - from hands-free phone calls to wireless file-sharing to playing music on a vehicle's speakers. But leaving your Bluetooth on all the time can be dangerous, and hackers are exploiting the technology to access private information, spread malicious software and more.BlueBorne, an "attack vector" that can infect iOS, Android, Windows and Linux devices, is spread through the air, according to Palo Alto-based cybersecurity firm Armis.The virus allows hackers to "take control of devices, access corporate data and networks, penetrate secure 'air-gapped' networks and spread malware." BlueBorne can penetrate anything - computers, smartphones, tablets and the ever-growing world of continuously-connected gadgets like televisions, light bulbs and refrigerators. Even more alarming - the attacker's device doesn't have to be paired to the victim's to launch an assault. The campaign works in stages - once a hacker finds an active Bluetooth device nearby, he identifies its unique MAC address. He then determines its operating system and adjusts the attack, exploiting any weaknesses. From there, he gains control of the device and can use it for a multitude of purposes. "The BlueBorne attack vector has several qualities which can have a devastating effect when combined," Armis explains. "By spreading through the air, BlueBorne targets the weakest spot in the networks’ defense – and the only one that no security measure protects. Spreading from device to device through the air also makes BlueBorne highly infectious. Since the Bluetooth process has high privileges on all operating systems, exploiting it provides virtually full control over the device."Here's how to protect yourself from BlueBorne:AndroidAll Android phones and tablets are vulnerable, with the exception of devices using Bluetooth Low Energy.How to fix: Update your Android with Google's latest security patch, which was open to Android partners last month and is part of September's Security Update and Bulletin. Ensure that you have the most recent Security Patch Level, which was released earlier this month. WindowsAll Windows computers since Windows Vista could be affected.How to fix: Update Windows devices with Microsoft's latest security patches, which were issued in July.LinuxAll Linux devices using BlueZ could be impacted, including Samsung's Gear S3 smartwatch, its Family Hub refrigerator, and its line of smart televisions. How to fix: The latest Linux patches can be found here.iOSBlueBorne can affect all iPhones, iPads and iPods running iOS 9.3.5 or lower, and all Apple TVs running iOS 7.2.2 or lower. How to fix: Make sure your device is running iOS 10, which was released in July. If your device hasn't been updated, the easiest way to avoid BlueBorne is to disable its Bluetooth and use it as little as possible.

Bluetooth technology offers convenience - from hands-free phone calls to wireless file-sharing to playing music on a vehicle's speakers. But leaving your Bluetooth on all the time can be dangerous, and hackers are exploiting the technology to access private information, spread malicious software and more.

BlueBorne, an "attack vector" that can infect iOS, Android, Windows and Linux devices, is spread through the air, according to Palo Alto-based cybersecurity firm Armis.

The virus allows hackers to "take control of devices, access corporate data and networks, penetrate secure 'air-gapped' networks and spread malware."

BlueBorne can penetrate anything - computers, smartphones, tablets and the ever-growing world of continuously-connected gadgets like televisions, light bulbs and refrigerators. Even more alarming - the attacker's device doesn't have to be paired to the victim's to launch an assault.

The campaign works in stages - once a hacker finds an active Bluetooth device nearby, he identifies its unique MAC address. He then determines its operating system and adjusts the attack, exploiting any weaknesses. From there, he gains control of the device and can use it for a multitude of purposes.

"The BlueBorne attack vector has several qualities which can have a devastating effect when combined," Armis explains. "By spreading through the air, BlueBorne targets the weakest spot in the networks’ defense – and the only one that no security measure protects. Spreading from device to device through the air also makes BlueBorne highly infectious. Since the Bluetooth process has high privileges on all operating systems, exploiting it provides virtually full control over the device."

Here's how to protect yourself from BlueBorne:


All Android phones and tablets are vulnerable, with the exception of devices using Bluetooth Low Energy.

How to fix: Update your Android with Google's latest security patch, which was open to Android partners last month and is part of September's Security Update and Bulletin. Ensure that you have the most recent Security Patch Level, which was released earlier this month.


All Windows computers since Windows Vista could be affected.

How to fix: Update Windows devices with Microsoft's latest security patches, which were issued in July.


All Linux devices using BlueZ could be impacted, including Samsung's Gear S3 smartwatch, its Family Hub refrigerator, and its line of smart televisions.

How to fix: The latest Linux patches can be found here.


BlueBorne can affect all iPhones, iPads and iPods running iOS 9.3.5 or lower, and all Apple TVs running iOS 7.2.2 or lower.

How to fix: Make sure your device is running iOS 10, which was released in July.

If your device hasn't been updated, the easiest way to avoid BlueBorne is to disable its Bluetooth and use it as little as possible.

Here's why you should turn off your phone's Bluetooth when you're not using it (2024)


Here's why you should turn off your phone's Bluetooth when you're not using it? ›

They send spam messages and malicious links to trick you into providing personal information or downloading malware. Hackers connect to your phone and install malware or backdoor access. Then, they listen in on your conversations, read your messages and access your contacts. They are, in essence, bugging your phone.

Should you turn Bluetooth off when not in use? ›

Windows, Android, Linux and iOS have been vulnerable to BlueBorne in the past. Millions could still be at risk. So, yeah, turn off Bluetooth if you're not using it or if you're near anyone you don't trust.

Is it OK to leave your phone Bluetooth on? ›

The answer is YES.

Leaving Bluetooth always on WON'T drain your smartphone's battery, in fact, you will find it super convenient leaving it on all the time, totally carefree. Everyone has his/her own idea on how to conserve smartphone battery, from turning off notifications to disabling GPS signals.

What does turning your Bluetooth off do? ›

In addition to helping extend battery life, shutting off Bluetooth can prevent possible hacking schemes. One common Android Bluetooth hack is known as BlueBorne; it can allow users to gain unauthorized access to your device. Turning off Bluetooth when it isn't in use improves overall security.

Why is leaving Bluetooth on a security risk? ›

Unauthorized access: Bluetooth devices can potentially be accessed by unauthorized devices or individuals, who may be able to intercept or manipulate the data being transmitted.

Does turning off Bluetooth help battery life? ›

While switching off Bluetooth and WiFi is often said to improve battery life, it doesn't actually make that much difference—certainly not as much as going full airplane mode.

Can someone connect to my Bluetooth without me knowing? ›

Yes, Bluetooth can be hacked. While using this technology has offered a lot of creature comforts, it has also exposed people to cyberattacks. Almost all devices are Bluetooth enabled—from smartphones to cars.

Should my Wi-Fi be on or off? ›

'Turning off your Wi-Fi can reduce energy consumption, minimize security risks, and reduce interference with other networks. ' But it may be more convenient to leave it on if you frequently use it, or have devices that connect to it automatically.

What is the purpose of Bluetooth on my phone? ›

You can use Bluetooth to connect some devices to your phone without a cord. After you pair a Bluetooth device for the first time, your devices can pair automatically. If your phone is connected to something through Bluetooth, at the top of the screen, you'll see a Bluetooth icon .

How close does phone need to be for Bluetooth? ›

The range of the Bluetooth® connection is approximately 30 feet (10 meters). However, maximum communication range will vary depending on obstacles (person, metal, wall, etc.) or electromagnetic environment.

Should I keep my Bluetooth on or off on my iPhone? ›

For the best experience on your iOS or iPadOS device, try to keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on.

Why is Bluetooth always on on iPhone? ›

Some users have noticed Bluetooth turns itself back on automatically. This is because most users use the Control Panel to disable Bluetooth. If you want to prevent Bluetooth from turning back on automatically, you need to disable it in the Settings menu instead.

Can someone hack into my phone via Bluetooth? ›

Scammers have found ways to use Bluetooth hacking to remotely unlock and operate vehicles, without access to your key, fob, or phone. Hack your phone even if it's turned off. Criminals can exploit Bluetooth in your mobile phone and install malware, even when it's switched off.

Is Bluetooth more secure than Wi-Fi? ›

Bluetooth is less secure than other wireless technologies such as WiFi. Wi-Fi allows more devices and users to communicate at the same time. Bluetooth restricts the number of devices that can connect at any given moment. WiFi needs high bandwidth.

Does turning off Bluetooth stop radiation? ›

If you set Airplane mode to ON and Wi-Fi to OFF and Bluetooth to OFF you will stop the wireless radiation. However, you will not stop the ELF-EMF/magnetic fields so always power phones off before placing them against your body.

What is the code to make your phone battery last longer? ›

By pressing *3370# or #3370#, you'll activate your phone's “reserve battery power”. Battery life will increase by 50%.

How much battery does turning off Bluetooth save? ›

Using Bluetooth constantly for a Bluetooth-intensive activity like streaming increases power consumption by just 6.6%. This ultimately means that turning off Bluetooth only gives you around 10 to 15 minutes of extra battery life each day. If you never use Bluetooth, go ahead and turn it off.

Does deleting apps save battery? ›

“This is because these apps are using up resources even when they're not being actively used,” he said. “Deleting these apps can free up these resources and improve the performance and battery life of your device. Another thing to keep in mind is that some apps are simply more resource-intensive than others.

Can someone hear your conversations through Bluetooth? ›

Now, hackers can actually listen in on your conversations by gaining access to your Bluetooth devices such as your cellphone or your car audio system.

Can someone listen to your conversations with Bluetooth? ›

Then there's bluebugging, a technique that connects to a Bluetooth-enabled device to install backdoor access or malware to the device. The hacker can then make calls or listen in on calls, read and send messages and access contacts. One of the most dangerous types of Bluetooth attacks is called Bluesnarfing.

How do I make my Bluetooth private? ›

  1. Find "Bluetooth" Tap Settings. Tap Bluetooth.
  2. Turn Bluetooth on or off. Tap the indicator next to "Bluetooth" to turn the function on or off. Tap the indicator next to "Open detection" to turn Bluetooth visibility on or off. ...
  3. Return to the home screen. Tap the Home key to return to the home screen. Step 1 of 5.

Is it worth turning Wi-Fi off at night? ›

HOUSEHOLDS trying to save money on energy bills have been warned against turning off their WiFi overnight. Switching off your broadband every evening is a false economy and can even make your connection easier to hack, experts say.

How do you know if your phone is using Wi-Fi or data? ›

On Android phones: Go to Settings. Tap Connections. Then, tap Data Usage.

Should you leave cellular data on or off? ›

Leave mobile data on and your battery will drain quicker than if it was off. There are a few reasons why this happens. First, your phone will be constantly searching for signal. If you're in an area with particularly poor signal, things only get worse, as your phone consumes more power while searching.

Should I turn off Bluetooth in Android? ›

The main reason to consider doing this is you don't want your personal device to just connect to any mobile devices with Bluetooth enabled. With so many concerns surrounding cybersecurity and hackers, you never know what could happen to your phone or tablet as a result of this.

What is difference between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? ›

Bluetooth allows for short-range data transfer between devices. As an example, it is commonly employed in headsets for mobile phones, enabling hands-free phone use. Wi-Fi, on the other hand, allows devices to connect to the Internet.

What devices use Bluetooth nowadays? ›

Examples of Bluetooth devices

Many wireless speakers and car stereos use Bluetooth to play music from other devices like mobile phones and tablets. Remote controls for televisions and entertainment systems are replacing infrared sensors and wires with Bluetooth technology.

Can Bluetooth penetrate walls? ›

Bluetooth is not a line-of-sight wireless technology, which is to say the receiving end does not require an unobstructed path to the transmitter to achieve a strong Bluetooth signal. Like radio waves, Bluetooth signals can pass through solid objects. However, those objects will reduce the effective range of the signal.

What blocks Bluetooth signal? ›

Many Wi-Fi routers transmit on multiple channels simultaneously, and if there are excessive Wi-Fi signals in close proximity taking up most of the spectrum, your Bluetooth devices may not have any open spectrum to frequency hop to. This is a common cause of Bluetooth interference.

How far can you be from your phone? ›

Keep it out of your hands anytime you can and a good 12" away from your face and eyes is a good rule of thumb for "safer" exposure levels.

What happens if Bluetooth is always on? ›

While Bluetooth is beneficial for many applications, be careful how you use it. My advice: Turn off Bluetooth when you're not using it. Keeping it active all the time makes your device more discoverable. As a bonus, keeping Bluetooth off will increase your device's battery life.

Does Bluetooth drain iPhone battery? ›

Does Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) drain phone battery? Yes, a BLE connection does contribute to smartphone battery consumption, but the amount is so minimal that it isn't worth worrying about.

Why does my Bluetooth keep turning on? ›

Android phone location settings allow you to use Bluetooth scanning for better location accuracy. Bluetooth scanning uses Bluetooth on your phone, so it automatically turns on Bluetooth on your phone when it needs to work. This could be the cause of Bluetooth turning on automatically on your Android phone.

Is Bluetooth a security threat? ›


One of the most significant vulnerabilities in Bluetooth technology is its ability to be intercepted by unauthorized users. Hackers can use a " Bluejacking " technique to send unsolicited messages to Bluetooth-enabled devices. This can lead to unwanted data transfer or even malware installation on the device.

Does Bluetooth affect your Internet? ›

Bluetooth does not use cellular data — here's how its signals work. To put it simply: no, using Bluetooth won't affect your cellular data in any way. Bluetooth works using short-range radio waves, not an internet connection.

Is Bluetooth impacted by Wi-Fi? ›

Bluetooth technology uses frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS). This capability was designed to reduce interference between wireless technologies sharing the 2.4 GHz spectrum. Properly configured WiFi network shouldn't interfere with the Bluetooth signal.

Does turning off Bluetooth disable Find My iPhone? ›

Turning off Bluetooth or power makes your device untrackable, but if it's on, has Bluetooth, and is near another Apple device, it can be tracked even if it can't connect to WiFi or LTE.

Why does iPhone turn Bluetooth on after update? ›

Bluetooth is a significant security vulnerability and Apple should turn it off after updates, not on. A previous thread's response from Apple was to use Settings instead of Control Center to turn it off, as Control Center is a temporary off.

Can someone access my phone from their phone? ›

Can Someone Access My Phone Remotely? Yes, unfortunately, people can access and even control your phone remotely. There are plenty of spyware apps and bugs that let people hack into your phone without you even knowing about it. It's usually through certain links or credentials that hackers do this.

Can someone hack your phone by talking to you? ›

Can you get hacked by answering a phone call? It's impossible to get hacked by simply answering a phone call made through your network service provider.

Can someone hack into your phone and see what you do? ›

Hackers are always eager to infect your device with malware and trojans. By installing keyloggers on your phone, a cybercriminal can monitor your activity and secretly view your login data for websites and apps.

Why disable Wi-Fi when not using? ›

If you're not using your Wi-Fi or don't need to use it, disable it if you're concerned about security.

What is the best way to avoid problems with Bluetooth? ›

How to safely use Bluetooth: 7 Bluetooth security tips
  1. Keep your operating system up to date. ...
  2. Make sure your device is not discoverable. ...
  3. Avoid sharing sensitive information over Bluetooth. ...
  4. Be careful who you connect with. ...
  5. Turn Bluetooth off when not in use. ...
  6. Don't set up pairing in public. ...
  7. Delete unused Bluetooth connections.
Oct 3, 2022

How far away should your phone be when you sleep? ›

Keep your cell phone at least 3 feet away from your bed to limit radio frequency exposure. Turn your cell phone off before you go to bed (if you don't rely on your phone's alarm clock)

Is it OK to keep phone Bluetooth on all the time? ›

The answer is YES.

Leaving Bluetooth always on WON'T drain your smartphone's battery, in fact, you will find it super convenient leaving it on all the time, totally carefree. Everyone has his/her own idea on how to conserve smartphone battery, from turning off notifications to disabling GPS signals.

Is it bad to sleep next to your phone? ›

Is it bad to sleep with your phone beside you? Yes, usually speaking, it's not a good idea to sleep with your phone nearby. Sleep quality may suffer if you keep your phone close to your head while trying to slumber because it emits electromagnetic radiation.

Should I keep my Bluetooth on or off on my Iphone? ›

For the best experience on your iOS or iPadOS device, try to keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on.

Does Bluetooth automatically turn off? ›

In some cases, the issue is still a problem with power or battery access. Not all devices, however, will let you control when your Bluetooth turns itself off automatically. Another common reason for Bluetooth suddenly turning itself off is the device transmitter or receiver is suddenly out of range.

What happens if I turn Bluetooth off on iPhone? ›

If you do tap on the Bluetooth button in the Control Center to turn it off, it will disconnect your iPhone from paired devices and stop new Bluetooth connections. This happens even though Bluetooth is still enabled in Settings. We'll describe both methods of enabling and disabling Bluetooth below.

Is Bluetooth a security risk? ›

Some common security risks associated with Bluetooth include eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks, and unauthorized access. To mitigate these risks, it's important to use the latest version of Bluetooth and keep devices updated with security patches.

Why is Bluetooth always on? ›

Android phone location settings allow you to use Bluetooth scanning for better location accuracy. Bluetooth scanning uses Bluetooth on your phone, so it automatically turns on Bluetooth on your phone when it needs to work. This could be the cause of Bluetooth turning on automatically on your Android phone.

Why is my iPhone Bluetooth always on? ›

Turn off Bluetooth from Settings

Here's how. Step 1: Go to Settings and select Bluetooth. Step 2: Turn the toggle bar next to 'Bluetooth' off. Step 3: Select 'Turn off' from the popup box.

Why does iPhone always turn on Bluetooth? ›

Some users have noticed Bluetooth turns itself back on automatically. This is because most users use the Control Panel to disable Bluetooth. If you want to prevent Bluetooth from turning back on automatically, you need to disable it in the Settings menu instead.

Do I need Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? ›

Bluetooth works by using radio waves to connect two devices, such as your phone and computer. You don't actually need a phone signal or internet connection to use Bluetooth. This means that it can work anywhere in the world, as long as the devices you're trying to link are both Bluetooth-compatible.

Why use Bluetooth instead of Wi-Fi? ›

Bluetooth is easier to use and consumes less power than Wi-Fi because it only requires an adapter on each connecting device. WiFi is more secure than Bluetooth. Bluetooth is less secure than other wireless technologies such as WiFi. Wi-Fi allows more devices and users to communicate at the same time.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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