Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (2024)

Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (1)

Tony Comella

  • November 16, 2020

The purpose of this blog is to discuss hip flexor stretches & exercises, including the anatomy and function of the hip flexors and how you can objectively assess limitations of these muscles.

Looking to improve the strength, range of motion, and control of your hips to enhance your function and performance? Check out ourHip Resilience program!


If the hip flexors have decreased flexibility, they can potentially limit your available hip extension. Possessing adequate hip extension range of motion can be an important consideration for performance during various athletic activities, such as with sprinting. Additionally, it can allow you to express more movement variability or explore more movement options that you may not be able to do otherwise.

There is not a set amount of hip extension everyone should strive for, but rather how much you need is dependent on your desired activities and goals. For some, just a few degrees might be appropriate while others may benefit from more.

However, the goal should not be to improve hip extension for the sake of improving hip extension. Rather you should ask yourself, “based on my desired activities and goals, would I benefit from improving this motion?”

Finally, it should be noted that hip tightness is a subjective experience, and by itself, is not indicative of a problem. In a moment, I will review some tests used to objectively measure hip extension range of motion, but it is possible to perceive a sensation of tightness without an actual limitation in hip movement. However, if reducing or altering this sensation is important to you, then some of these same exercises used to improve hip extension may also be helpful.

Anatomy and Function

The hip flexors are a group of muscles located on the front of your hips and include the iliopsoas, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae (or TFL), sartorius, adductor longus, and pectineus muscles. These muscles are primarily responsible for flexing the hip.

Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (3)


Hip flexion is in reference to drawing the femur toward the pelvis, such as with lifting the leg, as well as moving the pelvis toward the femur, such as with tilting the pelvis anteriorly.

Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (4)

Objective Measurement

The most well known methods for assessing hip extension range of motion are the Thomas test and modified Thomas test.

The Thomas test is performed by lying on your back on a flat surface and pulling one knee into the chest to maximally flex the hip. This test is scored on a binary scale: either positive/negative or pass/fail. This test is deemed positive when there is a noticeable gap between the leg and table, indicating a lack of hip extension.

Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (5)

The modified Thomas test is similar, however it is performed on the edge of a table or surface. This test is commonly scored as pass/fail as well. If the thigh is unable to extend to a neutral position or drop below the horizontal, it is considered a positive test. But because the leg can hang off the edge, it allows for the additional measurement of an actual peak hip extension angle, as well as a knee flexion angle.

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Typically, the measurement used to determine hip extension angle is the angle of the thigh relative to the horizontal, or in other words, the hip angle relative to the table. However, this method does not take into consideration pelvic positioning, which can significantly influence results.

Vigotsky et al in 2016 found the modified Thomas test has poor reference validity and reliability when pelvic tilt is not controlled, but when controlled, it becomes a valid test for evaluating peak hip extension angle. This means that in order for measurements to be more accurate, hip extension angle should be measured in reference to the pelvis, not the table. The need for pelvic stabilization is also important for minimizing error with knee flexion measurements, as shown by Kim and Ha in 2015.

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In theory, assuming pelvic tilt is controlled for, the position of the leg may indicate which muscle or muscles are limited. For example, since the rectus femoris crosses the hip and knee joint, a limitation may present with more knee extension. If the knee is bent, but the hip lacks extension, it may indicate limitations of the iliopsoas muscle. However, it should be noted other structures and factors can limit hip extension, not just the muscles, so these tests are not perfect.

Hip Flexor Stretches & Exercises

Static stretches, or holding one position for a given duration of time, are usually the most popular in terms of hip flexor stretches. While these can be advantageous in some cases, our preference includes dynamic stretches and eccentric strengthening for improving hip range of motion.

Here is an example of a dynamic stretch progression:

If you want to bias the rectus femoris, you can try this variation:

For each of these, you can perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Another option is eccentric focused stretching. These move the hip through a larger range of motion at higher intensities, and in addition to improving hip extension mobility, you can also build strength and control.

Here is an example of a eccentric stretch progression:

If you want to bias the rectus femoris, you can perform this same movement with the rear foot elevated:

To further increase the difficulty of these movements, you can hold a weight.

For each of these, you can perform 6-10 repetitions on each side with an emphasis on a slower lowering (3-4 seconds).

Don’t forget to check out our Hip Resilience Program!

Want to learn more? Check out some of our other similar blogs:

Snapping Hip Syndrome

Femoracetabular Impingement

Stop Trying To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Thanks for reading. Check out the video and please leave any questions or comments below.

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Hip Flexor Stretches - E3 Rehab (2024)


How long does it take to rehab a hip flexor? ›

It typically requires one to three weeks of rest and treatment to recover from mild conditions fully. On the other hand, more severe cases can take around four to six weeks or longer. In addition, injuries that did not receive immediate treatment may take months to recover fully and may also cause chronic pain.

What is a proper stretch for the hip flexor muscles? ›

Hip flexor stretch (kneeling)

If you feel discomfort in the front of your knee, place a towel under your knee. Keeping your back straight, slowly push your hips forward. You should feel a stretch in the upper thigh of your back leg and hip. Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds.

What is a Stage 3 hip flexor strain? ›

There is tearing of fibers within the body of the tendon, where the bone and tendon meet, or where the muscle and tendon meet. The tendon is longer, and there is usually loss of strength. Grade 3 – strain is a full tear of the tendon. This is rare.

Is walking bad for hip flexor strain? ›

Self-Care for Hip Flexor Pain

Avoiding activities that put stress on the hip, including any sports that involve running, kicking, or turning. A person may want to consider limiting going up or down stairs or walking long distances; however, activities should not be completely avoided.

How long does it take to loosen tight hip flexors? ›

Sit on the floor and place one leg in front of you and the other behind, with both your knees bent at 90-degree angles. Lean forward slightly and hold the position for at least 30 seconds—you will most definitely feel your hips stretching and loosening.

How many times a day should I stretch my hip flexors? ›

“Stand up, walk around, or perform a quick stretch, if necessary.” Here are four stretches you can sprinkle into your day to help increase flexibility and mobility in the hip flexors. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds on each side, and repeat for three sets total, at least twice a day.

How do you unlock a tight hip flexor? ›

Kneeling hip flexor stretch

Drive your hip forward. Maintaining a straight back, lean your torso forward. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 5 times with each leg, trying to increase your stretch each time.

Is it good to stretch sore hip flexors? ›

Light exercise is encouraged to relieve hip flexor pain. There are several exercises recommended to stretch, strengthen, and reduce hip pain. These exercises do not require any equipment and can easily be done at home.

Can you walk with grade 3 hip flexor strain? ›

The severity of a hip flexor strain can grade as follows: Grade 1 tear: A few muscle fibers are damaged. Grade 2 tear: Damage to significant muscle fibers with moderate loss of muscle function. Grade 3 tear: The muscles are torn or ruptured completely and you usually can't walk without a limp.

How long does it take for a Grade 3 hip flexor to heal? ›

Rehabilitation can take 8-12 weeks, depending on the severity of the injury. Players with grade III injuries can expect full recovery and return to play in 6-9 months. Those with tears that did not receive immediate treatment may also take months to recover completely.

What makes hip flexor pain worse? ›

Hip flexor pain is typically made worse during certain activities or during specific movements, such as: Prolonged sitting, such as sitting during the day at an office job or a long car trip. Going up or down stairs. Bending the knee to the chest (for example, to tie a shoe)

How to stretch your hip flexors in bed? ›

Prone Hip Flexor Stretch

Lie on your stomach on a mat or bed, keeping your hips as flat on the surface as you can. Keep your hip and thigh down as you bend one knee and gently pull the heel toward your buttocks. You can use your hand, an exercise band, or a towel to help, but don't pull so far that it hurts.

Why won't my hip flexor heal? ›

Failing to rest and recover a hip flexor strain usually only results in a worse injury and greater pain at a later time. If your hip flexor strain is causing you to limp or your symptoms do not improve after at-home treatments for seven days, call your doctor.

Does hip flexor pain ever go away? ›

While most hip flexor pain problems heal, some can cause chronic (long-term) pain or weakness. Depending on the underlying cause, this can lead to permanent disability. Some strategies that may improve your quality of life when living with pain include: Keeping up with physical therapy and home exercises.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.