home economics (2024)


home economics (1)

Within a school curriculum, the study of home economics is sometimes described as life education. Because much of an individual’s life has traditionally centered upon the home and the family, home economics has been largely concerned with learning how to deal with the problems and challenges of homemaking. A basic knowledge of home economics helps a person make up a workable household budget, plan and prepare nutritious meals, choose a fabric for draperies, and care for a small child.

In recent years the scope of home economics has broadened considerably. It now includes areas of national and international interest. Today’s home economist may, for example, be engaged in developing foods for space flights, providing answers to the nutritional problems of underdeveloped nations, or setting up national classifications for textiles.

The study of home economics encompasses a wide variety of subjects, including foods and nutrition; clothing and textiles; housing, home equipment, and home management; family economics; child development; and family relations. Home economists are often required to have academic preparation in such related areas as chemistry, physics, sociology, psychology, and design.

Home Economics Education

Home economics courses serve different purposes at different levels of education. In elementary and junior high school, home economics students acquire homemaking information and skills that are helpful in daily life. In high school, students are introduced to all the areas of home economics and to the occupations related to home economics. In community colleges, home economics students concentrate on either technical training or on the first two years of preparation for a professional career. At the college or university level, home economics majors prepare themselves for a choice of careers in home economics.

In the secondary schools, home economics courses often include units on foods and nutrition, clothing and textiles, child development, housing and interior design, family and consumer economics, and management. Individualized problem-solving instruction and project-centered techniques are often used. For example, a student might help a community organization redecorate its recreation room in conjunction with a unit on interior design.

The Vocational Education Act of 1963 played a vital role in making home economics education more widely available. It provided federal funds for programs in secondary schools, area vocational schools, and community colleges to prepare students for vocations in fields related to home economics. Persons who received this vocational training could become, for example, food service workers, child care assistants, or fashion designers.

Students who plan to become professional home economists usually major in a specific field, such as dietetics or textile chemistry, within a college or school of home economics. Majoring in home economics education provides the necessary background for students who wish to teach home economics. Internships and graduate degrees may be required for home economists entering certain fields.

Professions in Home Economics

One important decision a student must make after enrolling in a college or school of home economics is the choice of a major. This choice will determine what home economics profession the student will be qualified to enter after graduation. Home economics majors in such colleges or schools usually include foods and nutrition, art and design, housing and equipment, clothing, textiles, merchandising, family economics, home management, child development, family relations, and education. Each of these fields offers a variety of professional opportunities.

Dietetics and Nutrition

A home economist with a major in foods and nutrition can choose from among a number of careers. The most common professions of home economists are in the fields of dietetics, nutrition, food service, and test-kitchen research. These professions require educational backgrounds that include a study of the principles of food and cookery, quantity food preparation, management training, and related sciences such as chemistry and bacteriology.

Dietitians plan menus for hospitals, schools, restaurants, airlines, and other organizations that provide food service for large numbers of people. The hospital dietitian may work in therapeutic dietetics, making up special diets in cooperation with the medical staff of the hospital. The hospital dietitian may also conduct classes for patients who must become familiar with their special dietary needs and restrictions. In addition to the Bachelor of Science degree in home economics, the dietitian is required to complete a year’s internship at a restaurant or hospital that has been approved by the American Dietetic Association.

Nutritionists are dietitians who teach people what they should eat in order to maintain good health (see food and nutrition). Nutritionists may work with public health agencies or for food or pharmaceutical companies. The nutritionist with a food or pharmaceutical company keeps up with developments in nutrition and explains to the sales staff how the company’s products can fill nutritional needs.

Food service managers supervise large-volume feeding operations. They might be employed by motels, hotels, or restaurant chains. They might also be in charge of school lunch programs or of food service for a branch or division of the armed forces. The food service manager usually directs a staff of assistants and oversees food and equipment purchases and the taking of inventories.

Home economists engaged in test-kitchen research may be responsible for developing new food products or improving existing ones. Home economists in test kitchens may also create and test recipes and provide information on food preparation. Test kitchens are operated by magazines and newspapers, advertising and public relations agencies, companies that process foods, and agencies of the federal government.

Clothing and Textiles

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Many professions in home economics are related to clothing and textiles. The clothing and textiles major with a fine arts background may find a career as a dress or fabric designer. Clothing designers are usually employed by garment or pattern manufacturers; textile designers usually work for fabric mills. (See also clothing industry; garment industry.)

The clothing and textiles major with a background in economics or business organization might join the sales staff of a company that manufactures textiles, patterns, or sewing notions such as thread, zippers, trim, or yarn. Other possibilities are positions in department or clothing stores, which would include those of buyer, merchandise manager, and fashion coordinator.

The home economists who enter professions involving clothing, textiles, or fashion must have a background in textile chemistry, fashion history, pattern design, and other related subjects. A sense of fashion and an aptitude for sales are also considered valuable assets.


The housing field, like the clothing and textile industries, has many opportunities for the home economist with a flair for design or business. Interior designers help clients furnish their homes and solve problems in the use of living space and furnishings. They also tell their clients what furnishings and accessories are available and which of these are good values. An interior designer may be self-employed or may work for a firm that specializes in interior design or architecture. Interior designers are also employed by retail stores, furniture and drapery manufacturers, and trade associations. (See also interior design.)

Some home economists become executive housekeepers. They manage such institutions as hospitals, hotels, and dormitories. They are responsible for keeping such establishments clean, orderly, attractive, and safe. To do this, executive housekeepers direct a staff of assistants, prepare budgets and reports, and order and receive supplies.

Home equipment specialists are often employed by public utilities or by the manufacturers of household appliances such as washing machines and clothes dryers. They work to acquaint the public with the products their company sells and to produce goodwill for the company. In order to answer inquiries from people who use or are interested in buying household appliances, they need to know what equipment is available and how it is operated.

The home equipment specialist is trained in household physics, food preparation, nutrition, quantity cooking, demonstration methods, kitchen design, and public speaking. A basic knowledge of advertising, salesmanship, business organization, and labor problems is also needed.


Research is being conducted in all areas of home economics. A home economist engaged in research may study, for example, variations in the texture, tenderness, and juiciness of a freeze-dried chicken or the effectiveness of fluorescent whiteners in a laundry detergent. Research home economists may work for colleges and universities, private companies, independent research and testing organizations, or government agencies. The United States Department of Agriculture employs research home economists with specialties in such fields as family economics, nutrition, and textiles. Home economics research requires an ability to work with precision, thoroughness, and imagination. Most home economics researchers hold a doctoral degree.

Welfare Work and Child Development

Home economists of varying backgrounds may engage in social work or welfare work with agencies that offer aid to people who cannot adequately care for themselves. Such home economists may help social workers plan corrective measures when money management, diet, or housekeeping standards need to be improved. They may also serve caseworkers by setting up standards and guidelines to help appraise various types of family problems.

The child welfare worker deals with children who have problems—particularly children who need to be placed in homes away from their parents and children who have broken the law. The child welfare worker helps solve problems involving such children by reviewing family records, conducting interviews, visiting homes, and providing information.

Child development is another field associated with home economics. Child development jobs usually involve working with groups of children who attend day-care centers, nursery schools, community centers, Head Start programs, or kindergartens. The duties of the preschool teacher may include reading stories, supervising play and creative expression periods, and serving lunch. Because preschools stress emotional and social adjustment rather than formal learning, the teacher needs to see that the children interact well. A background in child development or family relations is essential (see child development).


The home economics teacher needs a broad home economics background covering all the content areas of home economics, including family relations and child development, interior design, household economics and management, clothing and textiles, and foods and nutrition. Prospective teachers are also required to take science, humanities, and social science courses as well as education courses and student teaching. In some states, the entry level home economics teacher has a team of educators who assist him or her to become a certified teacher.

The home economists of the Federal Extension Service are also engaged in home economics education. The programs are designed to bring new information and research findings to people throughout the United States. Most counties of the nation are served by an extension home economist. These extension home economists receive a constant stream of information from the nation’s land-grant colleges and from many departments of the federal government.

This information is channeled in many ways to the people in the community. The extension home economist organizes programs for professionals, writes columns for newspapers and magazines, conducts radio and television programs, and works with local extension clubs. These home economists are involved in programs in nutrition education, care of children and the elderly, family financial management, building family strengths, alcohol traffic safety, and leadership development in public policy. Although extension programs were originally developed for rural families, they are now also provided for large urban communities.

Another type of extension home economist is the youth adviser who works with leaders of 4-H clubs and other youth organizations. The youth adviser makes the latest findings in the field of child development available to all people who work with children (see youth organization).

The consumer marketing agents also do extension work. These agents serve producers, retailers, and consumers alike. They check supermarket food prices regularly. After analyzing their data, they tell people—usually through the communications media—which foods are most plentiful and the best buys.

Extension workers may have a variety of backgrounds in home economics. Some have a general home economics background similar to that of home economics teachers; others have majors in specific fields of home economics.


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The home economist with a specialized background and a major in journalism may often find a position in communications. Positions on newspapers and magazines, in public relations and advertising agencies, trade associations, and television and radio stations are available to home economists.

Newspapers often have specific sections devoted to areas such as food or home improvement, and these are staffed by editors and writers who have a broad knowledge of foods, clothing, fashion, or home furnishings. Magazines are usually more specialized than newspapers, and many deal more directly with homemaking topics. Home economists in editorial work must be able to organize their subject matter logically and to write in a clear and interesting manner. (See also magazine and journal; newspaper.)

Public relations and advertising agencies also offer a variety of positions to home economists. The job of persons with a background in home economics who do public relations work for public relations agencies, trade associations, or manufacturers is primarily to bring favorable information about products to the public. Home economists in public relations also supply articles, photographs, films, and other product information to the news media. It is necessary that this information be presented as interestingly as possible so that it will be used. The job of home economists who work in advertising is similar to that of home economists in public relations, with one exception: the home economist in advertising works for a client who has already purchased space or time in the media to present information about his or her product (see advertising).

The food stylist is a home economist in the communications field who prepares food for photographs and films that may be used in advertisem*nts or articles. The food must look appetizing and be able to hold up under hot photographic lights.

A trade association is supported by the manufacturers or producers within an industry. The purpose of a trade association is to promote the industry and its products. Most food and textile associations, such as the National Dairy Council and the National Cotton Council, employ home economists to do promotional, educational, or public relations work.

History of Home Economics Education

The study of home economics began in the United States after the American Revolution. In colonial America, as in the Old World, a young woman received instruction in homemaking and child care primarily at home. But in the 19th century a number of forces helped create a favorable climate for the introduction of home economics as a field of study in schools. Among the most significant were a spirit of humanitarianism, faith in education, and a belief in the equal rights of women.

The early American’s confidence in a person’s ability to shape his or her environment through education led to the founding of colleges that taught occupational skills. When women began to share in higher education, the household arts became a part of the curriculum as both a cultural and a professional field of study.

The first institutions to provide a foundation for the growth of home economics education were the land-grant colleges and universities established by the Morrill Act of 1862. These land-grant institutions sought “to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes.” They offered technical courses that were related to the lives of their students. Some of these courses were especially designed to serve the needs of women students.

By 1890, domestic science courses were being offered widely in American public high schools, as well as in colleges and universities. These courses included instruction in cooking, sewing, millinery, laundering, home decoration, home sanitation, home hygiene, and home nursing. The teaching of domestic science in the secondary schools led to a demand for the training of home economics teachers in the colleges. However, the major emphasis on home management remained until the early part of the 20th century.

In 1899 Ellen H. Richards, an instructor of sanitary chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, helped organize a conference of persons interested in the application of science to household problems. The conference, held at Lake Placid, N.Y., was attended by specialists in chemistry, biology, economics, psychology, and sociology. Out of that and subsequent meetings at Lake Placid grew the American Home Economics Association, founded in 1909.

The members of the American Home Economics Association were dedicated to the improvement of living conditions in the home and the community, and they worked to win acceptance for home economics education. Their efforts were aided greatly by the passage of the Vocational Education Act of 1917, which provided federal funds to pay the salaries of home economics teachers as well as teachers of agricultural, trade, and industrial subjects. By 1920, 6,000 high schools in the United States were offering courses in home economics. As the social sciences developed, some of their findings were incorporated into the home economics curriculum. The original emphasis on food, clothing, and shelter was broadened to include such topics as human relationships. By 1935, home economics educators were being urged to glean from “all fields of knowledge, all lines of activity” whatever might serve to improve families and family life.

As the scope of home economics training broadened, the variety of professions in home economics increased. On the university level, home economics training became more and more specialized. On the secondary school level, the focus of home economics education changed from “how to do it” to “why it is done.” Overall, the study of home economics has been influenced by the changing quality of modern life. Today, home economics students are no longer taught merely how to cook and sew but also how to buy the food they prepare and fabrics for the clothing they make. In fact, a large number of home economics courses place greater emphasis on consumer education than on homemaking skills. Moreover, home economics appears to be moving away from areas of concern only to the individual or the family and toward problems of national and international concern, such as overpopulation, urban poverty, and the development of emerging nations.

Additional Reading

Abendroth, R.B. Changes and Choices, Personal Development and Relationships (Goodheart, 1986).Campbell, S.R. The Confident Consumer (Goodheart, 1982).Draper, Henry. The Caring Parent (Bennett, 1983).Hahn, James and Lynn. Exploring a Career in Home Economics (Rosen, 1981).Kowtaluk, Helen and Kopan, A.O. Food for Today, rev. ed. (Bennett, 1986).Liddell, L.A. Clothes and Your Appearance (Goodheart, 1985).Parker, F.J. Home Economics: An Introduction to a Dynamic Profession, 3rd ed. (Macmillan, 1987).Ryder, Verdene. Contemporary Living (Goodheart, 1987).Thompson, P.J. and Faiola-Priest, Theodora. Lifeplans (South-Western, 1987).

home economics (2024)
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