Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (2024)

Homemade Potted Beef is a traditional British food that’s so simple you won’t believe how delicious it is.

All you need to make it are diced beef, butter, salt, pepper, and a little beef stock. The seasoned, diced beef is slowly cooked with butter and stock until meltingly soft. Then you just whizz in a blender to a smooth, spreadable paste.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (1)

Sensational spread on crusty bread or toast with a few pickles on the side, Homemade Potted Beef makes a great lunch, picnic food, or informal first course.

NOTE: this is an update of a well-loved post from 2018. I’ve added new photos and an improved recipe. There’s also a FAQs section inspired by readers who’ve been in touch with tips and queries.

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Maybe I was just a weird kid, but one of my favourite sandwich fillings (alongside herby, peppery Haslet) was potted beef. In those days it came from the butcher at the bottom of our road where, clutching a note from Mum, I’d often have to nip in on my way home from school.

Even now, I love potted beef spread thickly on crusty bread or toast. And you can still occasionally get it from decent butchers. But it’s dead easy, and so satisfying, to make your own.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (3)

Proof of just how simple it is: the batch I made for my original post was put in the oven first thing in the morning. While that was simmering away, I got on with decorating the master bedroom. Which meant I had delicious homemade potted beef on toast for lunch. Yum!

Whether you crave the old-fashioned flavour of potted beef from your childhood, or want to try it for the first time, I think you’ll love this easy recipe!

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (4)


One of the great things about Homemade Potted Beef is that you know exactly what you’re getting. In my case it’s just diced stewing beef seasoned with salt and pepper plus butter. Add a little beef stock for simmering plus a little more when whizzing it up and that’s it.

Contrast that with the ingredients in a well-known brand of jarred beef spread. In there you’ll find things like rusk, potato starch, chicory fibre (?!) and sugar. And there’s no mention of where the beef came from. From their website, I can tell you their polices on the gender pay gap and modern slavery (good on them), but not whether the beef they use is even British.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (5)

I know exactly where the meat for my Homemade Potted Beef comes from. I buy grass fed beef from local butchers like Dunwood Farm Butchery and Denstone Hall. Ready diced, boneless meat sold as ‘stewing beef’ is what I usually get. This can contain a number of flavourful cuts that need long, slow cooking. If you want to get a particular cut, then I highly recommend shin of beef.

You can fancy up the potted beef with various spices if you like – see my newly added FAQ below for ideas. But I prefer a pure, unadulterated beefy taste so stick to just salt and plenty of pepper.


The only other things you need to make great potted beef are time and a blender or food processor.

You put the diced beef into an ovenproof dish and season it. Go easy on the salt, especially if you use salted butter as I do. You can always add more later if needed. To help keep the meat moist, I stir in a little beef stock too. Next, you lay slices of the butter over the beef.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (6)

Your dish will need a lid and, if it’s not very tight-fitting, a layer of foil underneath it. This will help to keep in all those lovely juices.

All you do then is put the dish in a low oven and leave it. How long the beef will take to get really soft depends on the toughness or otherwise of the meat, how big the pieces are and the peculiarities of your oven. But plan for three to five hours. See FAQs below for using a slow cooker or pressure cooker.

After the first thirty to forty minutes, I give everything a good stir. This will separate the chunks of beef which tend to stick together once they start cooking. It also gives you a chance to turn the oven down if you need to. All we want is a very gentle simmer.


You’ll know when the beef is cooked as it will very easily come apart with a fork. It will also taste absolutely delicious – so try not to pop too many morsels in your mouth!

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (8)

All that’s left to do then, after cooling for a few minutes, is tip everything into a blender or food processor and whizz.

To get a soft, spreading consistency to your Homemade Potted Beef, you’ll also need to add some more stock. Remember that once completely cold it will firm up considerably due to the butter and beef fat from the meat. This means you should keep it quite loose at this stage. When the texture seems right, make sure you taste to see if it needs any more salt or pepper.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (9)

The Homemade Potted Beef should now go into the fridge to cool. You can pack it into individual ramekins, jars, or one big container if you like.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (10)


Depending how much stock you added, you will probably need to take the potted beef out of the fridge a little while before eating so it becomes spreadable again. I often ping a ramekin in the microwave for 12 – 20 seconds so it becomes a little warm too. Gorgeous!

My favourite way to eat it is spread on good bread. This makes for a stonking lunchtime treat.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (11)

Or how about on thickly sliced toast? I must say, I’m sometimes rather naughty and spread the bread with butter before slathering on loads of Homemade Potted Beef.

But I think it’s impressive enough to serve as a starter to guests. Make sure your bread is top quality, like my no-knead Sourdough or Crusty Bread, and provide a range of pickles such as co*cktail onions, cornichons or gherkins.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (12)

Potted meats were traditionally made to preserve foods. A layer of fat was poured over the top and they were left in a cool place. While, without that layer, my Homemade Potted Meat can’t really be considered a preserve and needs to be eaten within four days, I don’t think you need worry.

Tasting this good, the problem will be how not to eat it in one sitting. And all to yourself.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (13)


Since first posting the recipe back in 2018, I’ve been amazed to find just how popular this rather old-fashioned treat is. I’d thought it was just me who had fond memories of it from childhood. But, judging from the responses I get, it seems I’m not the only one.

I’ve made batches of potted meat countless times since then and have been able to improve the recipe even more. Also, inspired by those who’ve been in touch with tips and queries, here’s some FAQs I hope will be useful for those trying my Homemade Potted Beef for the first time.


You will need boneless chunks of beef. I most often use ready diced beef sold as ‘stewing beef’. This can contain any of the tougher cuts that require longer cooking but which have good flavour plus the fat needed for a successful potted beef. You could also use braising steak which is similar. If you want to buy a specific cut, then I’ve had excellent results with shin of beef.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (14)


I haven’t made potted meat with minced/ground beef and don’t recommend it. My feeling is that with long slow cooking it could become tough and dry rather than soft and tender. However, if you’ve tried it with minced beef I’d love to hear from you how it went.


You certainly can! So long as you use a suitable sized cooking vessel so that the meat isn’t crowded, cooking double the amount shouldn’t take any longer.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (15)


I don’t use slow cookers myself, but one person who does commented that it worked for them on low. Another said they put it in for 7 hours. It’s also recommended that the beef is stirred now and then to prevent a dry top layer forming.


Although I haven’t personally tried it (yet!) I’ve received feedback from someone who had great success on a low pressure for 15 minutes with enough stock added to cover the meat.


I prefer just salt and pepper, but if you want to add spices then feel free. Following my recommendation to stick to spices that have traditionally been used in Britain for hundreds of years, one commentator successfully used a little nutmeg, cloves, and allspice.


These days, I always add a little beef stock to the cooking pot to keep the meat moist. I also add more stock when blending the cooked meat. Remember that it will firm up considerably once cold so aim for a loose mixture at the blending stage. If your potted meat is still too firm to spread, you can stir in a little cold beef stock to get the right consistency.

Potted beef pinged in the microwave for 12-20 seconds so that it’s soft and warm is also delicious!


Traditionally, potted foods are covered in a layer of fat to help preserve them. With potted beef it would have been melted beef fat. However, with modern tastes, you may prefer clarified butter. Melt some butter then leave for a few minutes so the white milk solids sink to the bottom. Pour the golden clarified butter over the chilled potted meat, discarding the white solids. Chill again until set.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (16)


Homemade Potted Meat should keep for 4 days covered in the fridge.


Yes, those who’ve tried have reported back that it freezes well.

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (17)

If you’ve made my Homemade Potted Beef, I’d love to hear what you thought. Join in the conversation below. And don’t forget to rate the recipe!

Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (18)

4.97 from 32 votes


Homemade Potted Beef

A traditional British food that's so simple you won't believe how delicious it is spread on crusty bread or toast. Seasoned, diced beef is left to slowly cook in butter until meltingly soft, then whizzed to a smooth paste.

CourseAppetizer, Snack, Lunch


Keywordpotted beef, potted meat

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 4 hours

Total Time 4 hours 10 minutes

Servings 6 people

Author Moorlands Eater


  • 500gstewing beef, dicedsee Recipe Notes
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 50-150mlbeef stock
  • 125gbutter, sliced


  1. Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan/Gas 3

  2. Put the beef in an ovenproof dish which has a lid. Season sparingly with salt but be generous with the pepper.

    Stir in 50ml of the stock.

  3. Lay the butter slices over the beef to cover. Put the lid on the dish - if the lid isn't tight-fitting, put a piece of foil over the dish before putting on the lid.

  4. Put the dish in the oven and cook until the beef is very soft (3-5 hours).

    After 30-40 minutes remove the lid, stir to separate any pieces of meat that have stuck together, then replace the lid and return to the oven until done.

  5. When the beef is very tender, remove the dish from the oven, take off the lid and leave to cool for 5 minutes.

  6. Tip the contents of the dish into a blender or food processor and whizz until smooth, adding as much extra stock as needed to loosen it. IMPORTANT: the potted meat will firm up a lot when cold so should be a rather loose mixture at this stage.

    Check the seasoning and add more salt and pepper if needed.

  7. Transfer the potted beef to individual ramekins, jars or one larger container, cover and leave to chill in the fridge.

  8. Serve spread on crusty bread or toast, with pickles such as cornichons, onions etc. on the side.

    Should keep for 4 days in the fridge or can be frozen.

    Tip: if the cooled potted beef is firmer than you'd like, beat in a little cold beef stock. It's also delicious pinged in the microwave for 12- 20 seconds which will soften and warm it.

Recipe Notes

Most butchers will sell ready diced ‘stewing beef’. This can contain any of the tougher cuts that require longer cooking but which have good flavour plus the fat needed for a successful Homemade Potted Beef. You could also use braising steak which is similar. If you want to buy a specific cut, then diced, bonelss shin of beef is excellent.

Recipe first published in Nov 2018. Updated June 2022 plus new photos and a FAQ section added.


Homemade Potted Beef | Moorlands Eater Recipes (2024)


How do you make potted meat taste good? ›


In my case it's just diced stewing beef seasoned with salt and pepper plus butter. Add a little beef stock for simmering plus a little more when whizzing it up and that's it. Contrast that with the ingredients in a well-known brand of jarred beef spread.

What are the ingredients of potted meat? ›

The Hormel brand contains: Beef tripe, mechanically separated chicken, beef hearts, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, meat broth, vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, flavoring, sugar, and sodium nitrite.

How long does potted beef last? ›

Spoon the potted beef into a large jar or an earthenware dish and chill. It will keep for 4-5 days in the fridge.

What are the ingredients in Libby's potted meat? ›


Why is potted meat so salty? ›

Modern potted meat is made of all the parts of an animal that are rarely sold separately in stores: feet, organs, etc. It's also chock full of sodium and preservatives to extend its shelf life.

Is potted meat discontinued? ›

I'm sorry to disappoint your friend, but according to the representative I spoke with at ConAgra Foods, the potted meat food product was discontinued last July, with no current plan to bring it back.

Are potted meat and deviled ham the same? ›

Deviled ham and potted meat are similar in that they are both processed meat spreads, but they are not exactly the same. Deviled ham is typically seasoned with mustard and spices, while potted meat is a more generic term for various types of seasoned, canned meat spreads.

What happened to Libby's potted meat? ›

Rumours of the product's demise began to unfurl on social media. Panic followed as word spread of a local distributor who confirmed that Potted Meat had, indeed, been discontinued. "I don't think anybody believes this to be the fanciest food.

Is potted meat the same as Vienna sausage? ›

It's the country cousin to rillettes and homemade potted meat (or seafood) where cooked and spiced meat shreds or purees are packed into crocks or terrines and sealed with fat. Vienna sausages are a simplified version of a traditional German sausage made from finely ground, moist meat packed into slender casings.

What is deviled meat? ›

Deviled ham is ground ham mixed with spicy seasonings, such as chili peppers, cayenne peppers, or mustard. The William Underwood Company, founded in Boston in 1822, found success providing canned foods to the U.S. Army during the Civil War and to settlers who needed long-lasting food products for their trip west.

What is the difference between potted meat and pate? ›

Potted meat is similar to pâté in that both are spreads made from finely ground meat, but pâté is often more refined and may contain additional ingredients like liver, herbs, and spices. Potted meat is generally simpler in composition and texture.

What is the recall on potted meat? ›

The recall impacts products produced between Dec. 12, 2022 and Jan. 13. The brands named include Armour Star potted meat and Vienna sausage as well as canned Vienna sausage products from Goya, Kroger and Prarie Belt, according to the recall notice.

Is potted meat tasty? ›

Potted meat had a rich flavor that blended with the bread.

The potted meat went well with the bread, which balanced out some of that salt.

Is potted meat on the recall list? ›

More than 60 types of Vienna sausages, chicken sausages, and potted meat products sold under the brand names Amour Star, Goya, Grace, Great Value (Walmart), Hargis, Hereford, Kroger, Prairie Belt, and Valrico were recalled nationwide by the manufacturer, Conagra.

How do you flavor plant-based meat? ›

Some vegetarian ingredients, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, yeast extracts, natural spices, and certain vegetable oils, have been applied in meat analogues to simulate meat-like flavors.

How do they make plant-based meat taste like real meat? ›

Some manufacturers will use what you might call an “umami bomb” to give plant-based applications the hearty, meaty taste consumers want from traditional meat. However, they're just adding a high level of non-declarable MSG source to the product to give it more intense flavour, versus an authentic taste experience.

How do you make fake meat taste better? ›

I want to try a more herb-y mixture soon, incorporating rosemary, thyme and garlic. If you don't want to mess with fresh herbs or rifle through your spice cabinet, at least take a moment to sprinkle a few healthy pinches of salt on the outside of your not-beef patties. Vegetarians deserve flavor too.


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.