Homestead (2024)

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Homestead (3)

The Homestead is a housing system introduced in the PWI Elysium expansion. Players are able to obtain their own space which they can customize to their liking. They can shape the landscape, place buildings, trees, flowers and more. The Homestead also offers materials for skill upgrades, materials for Dragonbreath Weapons and other rewards such as Star Chart items and War Avatar Cards.


  • 1 Unlocking the Homestead
  • 2 Overview
    • 2.1 Homestead Interface
      • 2.1.1 Settings
      • 2.1.2 Construction
      • 2.1.3 Codex
      • 2.1.4 Manage
      • 2.1.5 Upload
    • 2.2 Prosperity
    • 2.3 Cleanness
    • 2.4 Energy
  • 3 Homestead Facilities
    • 3.1 Harvesting
    • 3.2 Crafting
      • 3.2.1 Workshop Mastery
      • 3.2.2 Contracts
    • 3.3 Resources
    • 3.4 Cornucopia
    • 3.5 Elysian Arena
  • 4 Homestead Quests
    • 4.1 Collection Quests
    • 4.2 Delivery Quests
      • 4.2.1 Gardening Manual
      • 4.2.2 Handbook Quests
  • 5 Homestead Construction
    • 5.1 Construction Interface
    • 5.2 Homestead Skins (Biome)
    • 5.3 Flora and Terrain
  • 6 Homestead Tools
  • 7 Videos

Unlocking the Homestead[ | ]

In order to acquire a Homestead, players must be level 70 or higher. To unlock your Homestead, talk to Vyn Yen, the Warrior in West Archosaur (522, 657). Each player can only obtain one Homestead.

In order to level up the homestead, players will be required to reawaken and reach certain Boundary levels.

Overview[ | ]

Homestead (4)

After you obtain your Homestead, you can access it from the menu at the bottom right of your screen. Once you click the icon to enter your Homestead, you will be teleported inside. The Homestead is an instanced space, but unlike Dungeons it does not have a timer and other players are able to enter without a squad. You cannot enter your Homestead if you are outside a safe zone or you are in PK mode (which displays a set of swords next to your name).

Homestead Interface[ | ]

Homestead (5)

Once inside, your character's Health and Mana bars will be replaced by the Homestead interface. If you wish to see your character's interface you can click on the small arrow at the top left of the Homestead interface.

In the Homestead's interface, you can see your Homestead's level, experience, Prosperity, Cleanness, and energy. Below you have three buttons with the names M, Q and E. Clicking on E will allow you to exit the Homestead. Q will bring up the Homestead quest log. M will bring up the management window.

Homestead (6)

In the management window, you can see the values of your Homestead. When the Homestead has enough experience to level up, the Up button will light up and clicking it will bring your Homestead to the next level. The Homestead will not level up automatically. If you do not manually click the Up button, the Homestead will continue to accumulate experience without leveling up. If your Homestead does not level when clicking this button, try hovering over it and check that the level and boundary requirements have been met.

Below your Homestead values, you can see your resources and the Exchange button which allows you to trade materials at a 1:2 ratio. This is useful for when you're running low on certain materials but have an excess of others and want to craft an item.

Underneath the resources, you have five options.

Settings[ | ]

Settings allow you to control who can enter your Homestead and whether you want to allow your spouse to manage your Homestead. In the settings you can also re-name your Homestead by using a Bloom Whisper Stone from the Boutique. A free Bloom Whisper Stone is given to players after completing the initial Homestead quests.

Construction[ | ]

Construction allows you to customize your Homestead. It has its own interface.

Codex[ | ]

The Codex opens up a list of craft-able Homestead items. Here you can find information for each craft-able item such as what level Workshop and what mastery is required to obtain their recipes, the amount of materials they need and what is their Prosperity range. The Codex is also used for setting Valuable Assets for Prosperity or for finding Contractors for specific items by clicking on Search Contractor at the bottom right of the Codex interface.

Manage[ | ]

Manage allows you to kick unwanted players who are currently in your Homestead.

Upload[ | ]

Upload allows you to display your Homestead in the Homestead Ranks. This creates a copy of your current Homestead and players from other servers can visit it. You can display your Homestead for a minimum of 7 days or a maximum of 30 days.

Prosperity[ | ]

Homestead (7)

Higher Prosperity gives your Homestead more energy, allowing you to craft more items daily, or craft items that require a high amount of energy. It also unlocks higher tier Collection quests which are necessary for farming grade 17 weapons.

You can gain Prosperity by crafting items from different categories. Each item offers a random amount of Prosperity out of its Prosperity range. You can assign different items as Valuable Assets to raise or lower your Prosperity. Click M at the top left and open the Codex. Here you can select an item for each category and set it as a Valuable Asset. You can only get Prosperity for one item per category. You cannot change Valuable Assets during the time that you have a Contract up.

Cleanness[ | ]

Cleanness allows your Homestead facilities to work, and if it reaches 0 your facilities will stop producing Cerise Gems and materials and you will not be able to access certain features of the Homestead. Cleanness can be restored by using Cerise Gems, coins or a combination of the two. You can do this by clicking M in the Homestead interface and then "Add" next to Cleanness in the management window. Your Homestead will lose a certain amount of Cleanness every day after the server resets. If your Homestead has high Prosperity, then more Cerise Gems or coins will be required to restore it.

Energy[ | ]

Homestead energy is required for crafting items. When the energy runs out, you can no longer craft items in your own Homestead. The energy resets every day at 00:00 server time.

Homestead Facilities[ | ]

The Homestead Facilities are buildings with different functions that help your Homestead grow. With these, you can level up the Homestead, craft items and complete quests to farm grade 17 weapon materials.

Harvesting[ | ]

Homestead (8)

Fragrance Garden (homestead lvl1) and Charger's Paradise (homestead lvl 11) are important facilities that produce Cerise Gems. You can plant seeds in the garden, and place animals in the paradise. After a certain amount of time passes, which is dependent on which type of seeds and animals were used, you can harvest. After harvesting you will gain Homestead experience, Cerise Gems and Minion pouches.

Cerise gems are essential for the Homestead. They are used for cleaning, for refreshing Collection quests and for recharging the material facilities. The current number of Cerise Gems is displayed at the top left of the screen.

Higher-level animals and seeds give more experience, more Cerise Gems, and higher quality Minion pouches.

You can level up your Fragrance Garden and Charger's Paradise to get even more experience and Cerise Gems per harvest. This will become important at higher Homestead levels when larger amounts of Cerise Gems will be required.

You can buy the standard seeds and animals from the NPC Vyn Ren at West Archosaur near the Apothecary. Higher-level seeds and animals can be obtained from Uncharted Paradise and Dawnlight Halls.

Crafting[ | ]

Homestead (9)

The Heavenly Creation Workshop and the Wonder Market are the facilities from which you can craft items. The Heavenly Creation Workshop is for crafting items related to your Workshop's mastery. The Wonder Market is for crafting trees, flowers and trophy statues.

In order to craft an item, you need to obtain the item's recipe, materials, and Homestead energy, all of which will be consumed once the item has been crafted.

Workshop Mastery[ | ]

After you level up your Workshop to level 2, you have to choose a mastery. This will decide which recipes you can obtain from your daily Delivery quests. Regardless of what you choose, you will never be able to craft everything you need. This makes it important to work together with other players that have a different mastery than you.

You can reset your Workshop's mastery by using an Artisan Heart Stone from the Boutique, but you will lose all of the recipes of your previous mastery.

Workshop Masteries:

  • Construction can craft from categories: Wall, Door, Scene, and Facility.
  • Decoration can craft from categories: Art, Decor, Relief, Paint, and Hanging.
  • Furniture can craft from categories: Bed, Shelf, and Table.
  • Handcraft can craft from categories: Carve, View, Lamp, and Interior.

Contracts[ | ]

You can place a contract in your Workshop and other players can come into your Homestead and craft it. This way players can craft items even if they don't have the recipes. When players craft items from your Homestead, you gain Homestead experience and your Homestead energy will be consumed, but it consumes the other player's materials.

You can place a contract by clicking on your Workshop, choose Contract, choose the recipe you wish to contract, click Add, choose price and amount and then click Confirm.

Resources[ | ]

The Galleries are facilities to produce materials (resources) which are required for crafting items. The Galleries will only produce materials for as long as they have been fueled with Cerise Gems. They can be filled for up to 36 hours. You can refill them any time you want as long you have Cerise Gems. The amount of materials the buildings generate depends on their level. Higher-level Galleries require more Cerise Gems to refill them.

You can see your materials displayed at the top of the screen in this order (from left to right):

  • Cerise Gem
  • Jadestone from the Jewel Gallery
  • Deity Wood from the Void Workshop
  • Transition Crystal from the Curio Gallery
  • Brocade from the Fashion Gallery

Cornucopia[ | ]

You can obtain a Cornucopia for your Homestead by taking the quest from the NPC Gold Bowl of Wonder at West Archosaur. This gives you a recipe to craft it. Enter your Homestead and right-click the recipe in your inventory. You can now craft the Cornucopia at your Wonder Market.

From the same NPC, you can buy different types of Red Envelopes. By placing Red Envelopes with your coin or Gold in the Cornucopia, other players can enter your Homestead and pick up an envelope with a random amount of coin or Gold. As an example, if you placed 20,000,000 coins and 50 Red Envelopes, the first player that picks up an envelope will get a random amount between 1 coin and 19,999,999 coins. Each player can only pick once. The last player that picks up an envelope will always get the remaining coins.

Elysian Arena[ | ]

Main article: Minions

The Elysian Arena allows you access to the Minions which can improve your Homestead facilities. You can also have your Minions fight against other Minions to gain rewards.

Homestead Quests[ | ]

Homestead (10)

Homestead Quests are daily quests and have their own separate quest log. Press the Q at the top left corner of your Homestead interface to bring up the Homestead quest log. Quests in the Homestead quest interface do not auto-complete; players must manually complete each quest under the "Complete" tab in the same window.

Sometimes other quests may show up in the Homestead quest interface, such as those from the Dragon Brush Event or the "Way of the Cook" quest in the What Lurks Below quest series.

Collection Quests[ | ]

Collection quests require you to craft specific Homestead items. Depending on which tier of Collection quest you complete, you will be rewarded with some of the following:

  • Subsiding Dirt (required item for using your ultimate skill)
  • Elysian Seal (required item for crafting skill books at Vyn Ren, the Trainer in West Archosaur)
  • Sigil of Nightbloom (required for grade 17 weapons)
  • Sigil of Elysium (required for grade 17 weapons)
  • Dragonbreath Sigil (required for grade 17 weapons)
  • Elysian Treasure Sack (contains Star Chart items or War Avatar Cards)

Refer to the Homestead Tool under the Collection Quest Quality to see the different tiers of Collection quests and the required Prosperity. Collection quests can be refreshed up to five times a day using Cerise Gems.

Collection: MulberryHomestead (11) Sigil of Nightbloom x2
Homestead (12) Subsiding Dirt x8
Homestead (13) Elysian Seal
Collection: CyanHomestead (14) Sigil of Nightbloom x2
Homestead (15) Subsiding Dirt x10
Homestead (16) Elysian Seal
Homestead (17) ★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: OrchidHomestead (18) Sigil of Nightbloom x4
Homestead (19) Subsiding Dirt x10
Homestead (20) Elysian Seal
Homestead (21) ★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: TwinHomestead (22) Sigil of Nightbloom x4
Homestead (23) Subsiding Dirt x12
Homestead (24) Elysian Seal
Homestead (25) ★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: OpalHomestead (26) Sigil of Nightbloom x6
Homestead (27) Subsiding Dirt x12
Homestead (28) Elysian Seal
Homestead (29) ★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: IndigoHomestead (30) Sigil of Nightbloom x7
Homestead (31) Subsiding Dirt x14
Homestead (32) Elysian Seal
Homestead (33) ★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: SaffronHomestead (34) Sigil of Nightbloom x7
Homestead (35) Sigil of Elysium x2
Homestead (36) Subsiding Dirt x14
Homestead (37) Elysian Seal

Collection: Saffron 1-42:
Homestead (38) ★★Elysian Treasure Sack

Collection: Saffron 38-45:
Homestead (39) ★★★Elysian Treasure Sack

Collection: MagentaHomestead (40) Sigil of Nightbloom x7
Homestead (41) Sigil of Elysium x4
Homestead (42) Subsiding Dirt x16
Homestead (43) Elysian Seal
Homestead (44) ★★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: CarmineHomestead (45) Sigil of Nightbloom x7
Homestead (46) Sigil of Elysium x6
Homestead (47) Subsiding Dirt x18
Homestead (48) Elysian Seal
Homestead (49) ★★Elysian Treasure Sack
Collection: CrimsonHomestead (50) Sigil of Nightbloom x7
Homestead (51) Sigil of Elysium x6
Homestead (52) Dragonbreath Sigil x2
Homestead (53) Subsiding Dirt x20
Homestead (54) Elysian Seal
Homestead (55) ★★★Elysian Treasure Sack

Homestead (56) ★Elysian Treasure Sack: Collection: Cyan: 1 - 19, Collection: Orchid: 1 - 20, Collection: Twin (*2): 1 - 18, Collection: Opal (*2): 1 - 27, Collection: Indigo (*2): 1 - 36

Homestead (57) ★★Elysian Treasure Sack: Collection: Saffron 1 - 42, Collection: Magenta 1 - 31, Collection: Carmine 1 - 33

Homestead (58) ★★★Elysian Treasure Sack: Collection: Saffron 38 - 45, Collection: Crimson 1 - 37

Delivery Quests[ | ]

Delivery quests reward you with recipes to craft Homestead items. Delivery quests have a variety of objectives to complete that is usually achievable by players of any level.

Gardening Manual[ | ]

Under the Delivery tab of your Homestead quest log, you will see a quest called "Gardening Manual Page". After accepting this quest, you will get a list of Wonder Market related quests. If your Wonder Market is level 1, you will only see one option. Higher-level Wonder Markets will have more options, each one corresponding to a certain level. Accepting one of the quests and completing it, will reward you with a random recipe for a tree or a flower of the corresponding level. Gardening quests usually require you to find and talk to a specific NPC or to find a specific location with the aid of a treasure map.

QuestHomestead Level RequiredPossible Recipes
Gardening Manual IUnlockedPeach Tree, Palm, Oak Tree, Purehearted Herb, Purple Bell Flower, Beach Moonflower
Gardening Manual II4Pear Tree, Willow, Birch, Plum, Garden Plant, Reed
Gardening Manual III7Twilight Maple, Lily Maple, Wild Mustard, Valley Lily, Tickseed
Gardening Manual IV10Mushroom Tree, Jade Bamboo, Sakura Tree, Chrysanthemum, Hyacinth, Lisianthus
Gardening Manual V13Jacaranda, Parasol Tree, Apple Tree, Lavender, Crystal Violet
Gardening Manual VI16Whitespire Birch, Greeting Pine, Red Oak, Lily, Red Sage, Azalea
Gardening Manual VII19Orchid Tree, Cedar, Rose, Iris, Calla
Gardening Manual VIII22Whimsical Flower, Azure Tree, Heaven Seeker, Sunflower, Tulip
Gardening Manual IX25Autumn Lover, Banyan, Jade Branch, Peony, Calyx
Gardening Manual X30Ceiba, Triad Tree, Aged Maple, Pineapple Plant, Red Spider Lily

Handbook Quests[ | ]

If your Workshop is above level 2, you will have a Handbook quest, named after your Workshop's mastery (Construction Handbook, Decoration Handbook, Furniture Handbook or Handcraft Handbook). Most handbook quests can be completed immediately within the Homestead Quest interface. The only exceptions are the Novice quests which require you to deliver a backpack to a certain NPC, and the Professional quests which require you to dig a certain crystal somewhere in the Midlands.

QuestHomestead Level RequiredObjective
Novice4Deliver a package to a nearby NPC.
Apprentice7Can complete quest immediately.
Journeyman10Can complete quest immediately.
Expert13Can complete quest immediately.
Professional16Collect an elemental crystal out of the following:
  • Gilded Metal Crystal: Forest of Haze (690 493)
  • Gigantic Wood Crystal: Broken Plain (363 894)
  • Flooding Water Crystal: Icespine Pass (470 285)
  • Steady Earth Crystal: Land of Buried Bones (130 415)
  • Blazing Fire Crystal: Land of Burning Heart (131 782)
Master19Can complete quest immediately.
Grand Master22Can complete quest immediately.
Paragon25Can complete quest immediately.
Virtuoso28Can complete quest immediately.

Homestead Construction[ | ]

Construction Interface[ | ]

In the Construction Interface you can customize your homestead.

Open the Construction Interface by pressing the M at the top left, then press the Construction button. The Construction Interface covers the left side of your screen from top to bottom.

There are 3 sections at the top: Object, Functional, and Landscape.

  • Objects are all items you have crafted. They are for decorative purposes.
  • Functional are items that serve a purpose in your homestead. This is your workshop, resource buildings, etc. These items cannot be removed from the homestead after placed. You can only move and rotate them. If you want to hide these items, you will need to use techniques such as hiding them under other decorations or underground.
  • Landscape is for altering your terrain. To get water in your homestead you need to pull down in the terrain.

You can place a maximum of 1000 items and functional items in your homestead. By pressing the Revert button at the bottom, all items placed in your homestead will be stored away. Functional items and terrain will not be stored away upon reverting. If you want to remove a specific type of item, find the item in the menu, then press the trash can icon. They will not be deleted; they will be stored away and can be used again.

You can save or exit (cancels everything you did since last save) your progress at the bottom of the Interface.

Homestead Skins (Biome)[ | ]

There are currently 4 homestead skins available.

  • Woodland Chateau
  • Desert Pearl
  • The Lunar Glade (called Sky Castle in the Boutique)
  • Paradise Island

To open the Homestead Skin Interface, Press M when inside your own homestead, then press the Scroll icon at the bottom right. To equip a Homestead Skin, you can choose one of the 4 skins and click the Scroll with an Eye at the top right. If you don't have the skin unlocked you can only preview it.

Woodland Chateau is the original skin and is unlocked upon getting your homestead. Desert Pearl is a free homestead skin that can be unlocked by doing the Dream Journey quest chain. To unlock this skin, talk to Tulin Bunny at (326 971) in Avalanche Village.

The Lunar Glade and Paradise Island can both be purchased from the Boutique.

Flora and Terrain[ | ]

You can see all available Flora and Terrain by opening the Codex and clicking on the Leaf icon at the right of the window. Choose "Terrain" or "Flora" at the top. To add terrain and floras to your homestead, you first have to unlock them. Some terrains and floras can be acquired from the Dream Journey quest chain, while others can be purchased from the Boutique. Additionally, some floras can be purchased from the Merchants found around towns in the Midlands, or they can drop from Uncharted Paradise Deicide Mode.

After you have some terrains or flora unlocked, they can be added to your homestead via the Construction Interface. In the Construction Interface click on "Landscape" section. Here you chose Terrain or Flora. You can use a maximum of 5 different terrains in your homestead at once. Choose one of the 5 terrain spots you have, then chose a terrain skin, and press the "Add Terrain to Column" to make the terrain useable.

Simply Draw with the Terrain or Flora to add it to your homestead.

  • Ops: Terrain can only be viewed by players that have their game settings "Terrain" set to High
  • Ops: Floras can only be viewed by players that have their game settings "Plants" set to Medium/High

Homestead Tools[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

Homestead (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.