Host Liability Insurance Program Summary (2024)

Legal terms

Last updated: February 5, 2024

About Host liability insurance

Host Protection Insurance is now Host liability insurance. Host liability insurance is a key component of AirCover for Hosts, which is top-to-bottom protection for Airbnb Hosts.

The Host liability insurance program (“HLI program”) insures Hosts, in certain countries, for their legal liability for bodily injury or property damage to guests or others resulting from an event that happens during a guest’s Airbnb Stay at the Host’s Accommodation, subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the Host liability insurance policy. There is no cost to Hosts for them to be insured under the HLI program.

The HLI program does not insure Hosts for damage or loss to their own property or Accommodation. For damage to a Host’s property, learn about Airbnb’s Host damage protection program.Host damage protection isn’t an insurance policy.

Subject to the policy’s terms, insurance coverage under the HLI program provides Hosts with primary liability insurance while hosting guests. The Host has the option to make a claim first under the HLI program instead of their own insurance policy as long as the Host’s own insurance policy allows them to do so. Hosts or their insurance advisers should check the terms and conditions of their own insurance policy. For information about the claims process, please see the claims section of this document.


This HLI program summary does not contain the full terms, conditions, and exclusions. In the United States, in certain instances, the HLI program is underwritten by a non-admitted insurer and may not be subject to your state’s insurance laws and regulations and is not protected by the insolvency guaranty fund. The insurance provided through the HLI program does not apply to Hosts who offer accommodations through Airbnb Travel, LLC or Hosts of Experiences.

Insurance providers and countries included

The HLI program currently extends to Hosts globally, except for jurisdictions subject to applicable sanctions laws. The HLI program does not apply to Hosts who offer accommodations through Airbnb Travel, LLC.

In the majority of jurisdictions, the HLI program provides insurance through a policy issued by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., one of the world’s largest insurance providers. In some jurisdictions, where a locally issued policy is required by local laws or regulations, coverage may be provided by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. partner company.

The HLI program provides insurance through policies issued by different insurance companies in the United States, Japan and China and is placed by Airbnb UK Services Limited in the United Kingdom, an appointed representative of Aon UK Limited as more fully set out as follows:

  • In the United Kingdom, the HLI program has been arranged and concluded at no additional cost for the benefit of United Kingdom Hosts by Airbnb UK Services Limited, an appointed representative of Aon UK Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Aon’s FCA register number is 310451. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register or contacting the FCA on +44 (0) 800 111 6768. The Host Liability policy within AirCover for Hosts is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the remaining products and services are not regulated products arranged by Airbnb UK Services Limited. FP AFF 460 LC.
  • In the United States, coverage is provided under policies issued by Generali US Branch or Assicurazioni Generali Spa.
  • In Japan, coverage is provided under a policy issued by Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. Learn more about coverage in Japan.
  • In China, coverage was provided under a policy issued by the People’s Insurance Company of China as part of the China Host Protection Plan. Learn more about coverage in China.
  • Note that if your home is located in a country or territory where the Host Liability Insurance program is unable to provide direct insurance cover, you may still be able to benefit from the Host Liability Insurance program under indirect cover provided by an authorised insurer to Airbnb Ireland UC.

Note that different coverage limits and terms may apply depending on the jurisdiction.

Insurance policy period

The current term of the HLI program iseffective to at least June 30, 2024.

Coverage eligibility

Hosts of Accommodations are covered under the HLI program. As described above, The HLI program covers Hosts for incidents that result in the Host’s legal liability resulting from a bodily injury or a property damage claim arising during a guest’s Airbnb Stay at the Host’s Airbnb Accommodation. The incident must also occur during the Airbnb Stay and the Stay arranged using Airbnb’s Platform.

  1. Accommodation: Accommodation is a residential or other property location that is owned or controlled by a Host, listed on the Airbnb Platform, and booked by a third party using the Airbnb Platform who has consented to the Airbnb Terms of Service.
  2. Airbnb Platform: Airbnb Platform refers to and online platforms, and mobile applications associated with each.
  3. Host: Host is a person or entity who has completed the Airbnb account registration process, including consenting to the Airbnb Terms of Service and lists their Accommodation on the Airbnb Platform. Host also includes a person providing Host-related services on behalf of the Host, including full or part time domestic staff, family members, and roommates. Anyone otherwise living at the Accommodation is included as an additional insured to the extent of claims brought against the Host. The Host’s landlord, homeowners association or condo-owners association, or any other similar entity of which the Host is a member, is also an insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of that part of the Host’s Accommodation, including related common areas, during an Airbnb Stay.
  4. Airbnb Stay: An Airbnb Stay begins on the guest’s check-in date and ends on the checkout date from the Host’s Accommodation as shown in the Airbnb Platform. There must be an actual Airbnb Stay in order for the coverage to apply; canceled Airbnb Stays and no-show situations are not entitled to coverage.

      Covered locations

      Covered locations are Accommodations as described above.

      Accommodations can include mobile homes, buses, air streams, watercrafts, tree houses, and other such unique locations that are parked and used as an Accommodation. Additionally, Accommodations include treehouses, yurts, and other such unique locations.

      Liability limits

      $1,000,000 USD is the total limit available per Airbnb Stay.


      The HLI program provides insurance that covers Hosts for their legal liability to a guest or third party for bodily injury or property damage due to an incident that occurs during a guest’s Airbnb Stay at the Host’s Accommodation. If the HLI program applies to the claim, the insurance includes coverage for claim investigation costs and expenses, as well as costs of defending a formal complaint such as a lawsuit.


      The HLI program excludes from coverage:

      • Aircraft, Auto, and Mobile Equipment: injury or damage connected in any way to aircraft, autos, and mobile equipment, except where these are listed on Airbnb and being used as Accommodations, or where the auto is used by the Host in connection with their Host-related services during a relevant Airbnb Stay, of which coverage is contingent.

      To be an Accommodation, the Aircraft, Auto, or Mobile equipment must be parked.

      • Assault and Battery: any loss or expense caused by, arising out of, or resulting directly or indirectly, in any way from assault and/or battery of any person committed by or alleged to have been committed by any insured under the policy.
      • Chinese Drywall: injury or damage arising from or connected in any way to drywall, plasterboard, sheetrock, gypsum board, or any materials used in the manufacture of drywall used in the construction of interior walls, that were manufactured in, originated from, or exported from China or incorporated any component parts or materials made in, originated from, or exported from China.
      • Communicable Disease: any bodily injury, property damage, or other loss arising out of the actual or alleged transmission of a communicable disease.
      • Contractual Liability: liability for bodily injury or property damage where the insured is obligated to pay damages they have assumed in a contract or agreement. This exclusion doesn’t include legal liability the insured would have without a contract or agreement.
      • Cross Suits: any claims brought by one insured against another insured.
      • Distribution of Material in Violation of Statutes: bodily injury or property damage arising directly or indirectly out of any action or omission that violates or is alleged to violate any statute, ordinance, or regulation that prohibits or limits the sending, transmitting, communicating, or distributing of material or information.
      • Electronic Data: damages arising out of the loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inability to access, or inability to manipulate electronic data.
      • Employment Related Practices: bodily injury arising out of refusal to employ a person; termination of a person’s employment; or employment-related practices, policies, acts or omissions, such as coercion, demotion, evaluation, reassignment, discipline, defamation, harassment, humiliation, discrimination or malicious prosecution directed at that person. This exclusion applies whether the injury-causing event occurs before employment, during employment, or after employment of that person, and whether the insured may be liable as an employer or in any other capacity.
      • Expected or Intended Injury: bodily injury or property damage the insured intended to happen, or should have expected to happen. For example, if a Host were to deliberately destroy property of a guest, this coverage wouldn’t apply, even if the Host were legally responsible for that damage.
      • Exterior Insulation and Insulation Systems: bodily injury or property damage related in any way to “exterior insulation and finish systems” or any part of them, including the application or use of conditioners, primers, accessories, flashings, coatings, caulking, or sealants in connection with such a system.
      • Fungi or Bacteria: bodily injury or property damage arising from or connected to inhalation of, ingestion of, contact with, exposure to, existence of, or presence of, any fungi or bacteria on or within a building or structure, including its contents. This exclusion does not apply to any fungi or bacteria that are, are on, or are contained in a good or product intended for consumption.
      • Liquor Liability: injury or damage for which any insured may be held liable because they:
        • Caused or contributed to the intoxication of any person
        • Provided alcoholic beverages to a person under the legal drinking age or under the influence of alcohol
        • Violated any statute, ordinance, or regulation relating to the sale, gift, distribution, or use of alcoholic beverages.

      This exclusion only applies if you are in the business of manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving, or furnishing alcoholic beverages.

      • Loss of, or Damage to, Certain Property: property damage to:
        • Property you own, rent, or occupy
        • Property loaned to you
      • Damage to Property, Impaired Property, and Your Product: certain types of losses that would normally only be covered if you make products or work as a contractor at a location. These excluded losses involve property damage to:
        • The exact part of any real property that you, or any contractors or subcontractors are working on, if the property damage arises from that work
        • The exact part of any property that must be restored, repaired, or replaced, because your work was incorrectly performed on it
        • Impaired property or property that has not been physically injured but is still less useful, arising from a defect, deficiency, inadequacy, or dangerous condition in your product or your work
        • Impaired property or property that has not been physically injured but is still less useful, arising from a delay or failure by you or anyone acting on your behalf to perform a contract or agreement in accordance with its terms
        • Your product, including losses arising out of your product or any part of it or your work, including losses arising out of it or any part of it
      • Nuclear Risks: any loss or damage resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material.
      • Personal and Advertising Injury: losses, including consequential bodily injury that arise out of claims, such as:
        • False arrest, detention, or imprisonment
        • Malicious prosecution
        • Wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry into, or invasion of the right of private occupancy of a room, dwelling or premises that a person occupies, committed by or on behalf of its owner, landlord, or lessor
        • Oral or written publication, in any manner, of material that slanders or libels a person or organization, or disparages a person’s or organization’s goods, products, or services
        • Oral or written publication, in any manner, of material that violates a person’s right of privacy
        • Use of another’s advertising idea in your advertisem*nt
        • Infringing upon another’s copyright, trade dress, or slogan in your “advertisem*nt”
      • Pollution: bodily injury or property damage arising from pollutants of any kind. There is an exception for losses originating from equipment that is used to heat, cool or dehumidify the building, or equipment used to heat water, for personal use, by the building's occupants or their guests. There is also an exception for injury or damage arising out of a fire that escapes its normal location (hostile fire).
      • Products and Completed Operations: bodily injury or property damage occurring away from premises you own or rent and arising out of any goods or products, other than real property, manufactured, sold, handled, distributed, or disposed of by you or other trading under your name.
      • Products Recall: damages claimed for any loss, cost or expense incurred by you or others for the loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, repair, replacement, adjustment, removal, or disposal of your product, your product, work, or impaired property. Impaired property means tangible property that cannot be used or is less useful because it incorporates your product or work and such product or work is thought to be defective, deficient, inadequate or dangerous.
      • Punitive or Exemplary Damages: punitive or exemplary damages, fines, or penalties, except where such damages are insurable by law.
      • Recording of Material or Information: damages related to bodily injury or property damage arising out of actual or alleged recording, printing, dissemination, disposal, collecting, sending, transmitting, communicating, or distribution of any material or information by a camera that is:
        1. Not previously disclosed by a Host in the Airbnb listing, including the specific location whether recording occurs during the reservation, or
        2. placed in or observing the interior of private spaces such as a bathroom, bedroom, or sleeping area, or
        3. concealed.
      • Sexual Assault: any loss or expense caused by, arising out of, or resulting directly or indirectly, in any way from sexual abuse or molestation of any person committed by or alleged to have been committed by any insured.
      • Silica, Silica Dust, Lead, and Asbestos: bodily injury or property damage arising from or connected in any way to asbestos, lead, silica, or silica dust.
      • Watercraft: injury or damage connected in any way to watercraft, with a few exceptions:
        1. Watercraft listed on Airbnb and while being used as Accommodation and is docked or on a mooring
        2. Watercraft under 26 feet in length
        3. Watercraft which is an Accommodation while being used within inland or coastal waters, but any separate insurance coverage maintained by the Host or anyone else that’s applicable to the loss will apply first
      • War: bodily injury or property damage arising, directly, or indirectly, out of:
        • War, including undeclared or civil war
        • Warlike action by a military force, including action in hindering or defending against an actual or expected attack, by any government, sovereign, or other authority using military personnel or other agents
        • Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering or defending against any of these.
      • Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: any obligation of the insured under a workers’ compensation, disability benefits, or unemployment compensation law or any similar law. Bodily injury to any employees of the insured (or any of their family members) arising out of their employment by an insured or performing duties related to the conduct of an insured’s business. This exclusion applies whether the insured may be liable as an employer or in any other capacity.


      Please inform Airbnb immediately by submitting theliability insurance intake formif you become aware of any bodily injury or property damage that may be a subject to coverage under the HLI program. After the intake form is completed, a third-party claims adjuster appointed by the insurer will get in touch with you to discuss the claim and gather information. The adjuster will then settle the claim in accordance with the terms of the HLI program, and applicable laws and regulations in the applicable jurisdiction.


      Please visit if you have questions regarding the coverage made available under this program.


      In the United Kingdom, if you or another insured under the policy wishes to raise a complaint, you can do so by contacting the address below, and a member of the team will ensure that your complaint is referred to an appropriate person:

      • Aon UK Limited, Central Complaints Team
      • Briarcliff House, Kingsmead, Farnborough, GU14 7TE
      • By phone: Telephone 01252 768662
      • By e-mail:

      Copies of our complaint handling procedures are available on request.

      If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Visit this site for further details or contact them at: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, telephone 0800 023 4567.

      If you are based in the European Union, you can register your complaint on the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform here.

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      Host Liability Insurance Program Summary (2024)


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      ‍Airbnb states: “While AirCover protects you while you're hosting an Airbnb stay or Experience, it is not a substitute for personal insurance. Since everyone's situation is different, you should talk to your insurer to see how, or if, your policy overlaps with AirCover.”

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      Sounds fun—just make sure you provide and maintain the required proof of a license, certification, or insurance. Here's the deal: If you can't prove that you have the relevant and valid documentation needed to host your experience, then we must pause your experience until you're back in compliance.

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      The Host liability insurance program (“HLI program”) insures Hosts, in certain countries, for their legal liability for bodily injury or property damage to guests or others resulting from an event that happens during a guest's Airbnb Stay at the Host's Accommodation, subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of ...

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      Is AirCover free? Yes, Airbnb insurance coverage (called AirCover) is free from Airbnb. It includes up to $3 million in host damage protection, $1 million in host liability protection and $1 million in liability insurance for those who offer Experiences through Airbnb.

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      Host damage protection, part of AirCover for Hosts, reimburses Hosts up to $3 million in the rare event your place or belongings are damaged by a guest during an Airbnb stay.

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      Host liability insurance, a part of AirCover for Hosts, provides Hosts with $1 million in coverage in the rare event you are found legally responsible for a guest getting hurt or their belongings being damaged or stolen while they're staying at your place.

      Do you need insurance to host an Airbnb experience? ›

      No opt-in required

      AirCover for Hosts and its benefits are always included and always free. By simply agreeing to host or continuing to host an Experience, you are automatically covered whenever you host an Airbnb Experience.

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      Trip cancellation: Get reimbursed for up to 100% of your Airbnb reservation cost if you need to cancel for a covered reason, such as illness or a flight cancellation due to weather. Note that events that have already happened or are foreseeable when you purchase the policy, such as a named hurricane, aren't covered.

      Is Airbnb liable for injuries? ›

      Fortunately, you can make a claim for compensation through Airbnb Host Protection Insurance. Airbnb Host Protection Insurance is an insurance policy that Airbnb extends to hosts. The insurance pays out up to $1 million to the injured person when a guest gets hurt during a stay.

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      Can You Sue an Airbnb Host or the Company Itself? The home rental company Airbnb does not cover lawsuits from hosts or guests. Hosts and guests should be aware they are responsible for any potential legal issues that occur as a result of their actions while using Airbnb's platform.

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      You're reimbursed for certain damage caused by guests to your home and belongings if the guest does not pay for the damage. It also reimburses for extra cleaning services in certain cases, like removing stains left by guests (or their invitees) or pet accidents and smoke odor removal.

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      When repeated or severe violations of these ground rules are reported, Hosts or their listings may be suspended or removed from the platform.

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      You'll need host liability insurance, which covers the costs if someone in the rental gets hurt or if there is a theft or fire. Most homeowners policies do not cover short-term rentals. As a result, you'll need to obtain coverage through Airbnb, a separate policy, or a rider added to your existing policy.

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      AirCover for guests is provided for free with every booking, while travel insurance for guests in the EU and UK, travel insurance for guests in the US, or reservation insurance (for guests in FR) can be purchased separately during checkout.

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      To the extent that a Responsible Guest fails to satisfy their primary obligation under the Terms to pay you, as a Host, for Damage Claims that they are responsible for, Airbnb agrees to guarantee that obligation by paying you the cost of repairing or replacing your Eligible Property damaged or destroyed as a result of ...

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      Author: Dan Stracke

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      Views: 6762

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      Author information

      Name: Dan Stracke

      Birthday: 1992-08-25

      Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

      Phone: +398735162064

      Job: Investor Government Associate

      Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

      Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.