How A Christmas Story Went from Low-Budget Fluke to an American Tradition (2024)

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In A Christmas Story, Dillon has a sweetly comedic presence thatthreatens to dissolve into creative anarchy. She’s a vigilant mom but isstill a child at heart, apparent when she encourages her youngest, Randy(Ian Petrella), a fussy eater, to pretend he’s a pig at a trough. Randyreally gets into it, snorting and plunging his face into his meat loafand mashed potatoes, while he and his mom dissolve into fits oflaughter.

“In a way,” Shepherd said, “the movie is about these people, notChristmas or Santa Claus.”

Storybook Christmas

The movie was based on a handful of monologues by the comedic radiopersonality and writer Jean Shepherd. (That’s Shepherd’s folksy,streetwise voice you hear in the voice-over narration as Ralphie’s adultself, telling the tale.) Shepherd’s radio career spanned four decades,ending up at WOR, in New York City. His semi-autobiographical storieswere performed without scripts and were characterized by colorfultitles, such as “Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb That Struck Back” and“A Fistful of Fig Newtons.”

The screenplay adaptation was written by Shepherd himself, along withBob Clark and Shepherd’s third wife, Leigh Brown. It all started whenClark was in Miami driving to pick up his date, and he heard Shepherd onthe radio telling the story of Flick, a boy who is triple-dog-dared intoputting his tongue on a metal pole in the dead of winter, instantlyfreezing it to the pole. Clark had never heard a story told quite likethat. He was so enthralled he was 45 minutes late for his date, justcircling the block to hear the rest of the story. He resolved rightthen, “I will do a movie of this man’s work.” It took 12 years.

“There’s a sense of nostalgia built into A Christmas Story,” the actorand director Jon Favreau says. He credits A Christmas Story with beingone of the main inspirations for his movie Elf (in which Billingsley hada small role—as an elf). Favreau recalled how he “knew JeanShepherd’s voice from the radio. My dad used to listen to his monologueson AM radio. I remember hearing it in the car. I think that thecombination of the narration, the movie’s classic look, and, of course,Billingsley’s wonderful open face and his performance really drew youinto the movie and made you feel connected emotionally.”

Fans of Shepherd’s radio monologues include a roster of some ofAmerica’s most original performers and writers: Jules Feiffer, TomWolfe, Jerry Seinfeld, Penn Jillette (of Penn and Teller), Donald fa*gen(of Steely Dan). Seinfeld especially. “He really formed my entirecomedic sensibility. I learned how to do comedy from Jean Shepherd,” heonce said. Hugh Hefner was also a big fan; he published 23 of Shepherd’sshort stories in Playboy, and he would play A Christmas Story late atnight at the mansion. He loved it, and the Playboy Bunnies loved it!

The Parkers after Ralphie drops the f-bomb.

© MGM/UA EntertainmentCompany/Photofest.

Shepherd’s stories were first improvised on his radio program in the50s, 60s, and early 70s. The children’s-book author and Playboycartoonist Shel Silverstein and Shepherd’s second wife, actress LoisNettleton, encouraged him to write the stories down. In 1966, they werecollected and published in In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash, whichbecame a best-seller. Wildly popular, Shepherd performed at Town Hall inNew York City in a sold-out performance, and had three solo shows atCarnegie Hall.

Shepherd hated the idea that people thought his work was nostalgic. Hedescribed it as “anti-sentimental, as a matter of fact. If you reallyread it, you realize it’s a put-down of what most people think it standsfor—it’s anti-nostalgic writing.” Shepherd’s biographer EugeneBergmann points out that the line in the film that best describesShepherd’s attitude toward life is when they’re getting ready forChristmas dinner and the Old Man is sitting in the living room readingthe funny papers. “The viewer can see the Bumpuses’ hounds starting totrot past him, but he doesn’t see them, because the paper is blockinghis view. And, of course, we know what’s going to happen—the houndsare going to get hold of that Christmas turkey.” So Shepherd says, inhis voice-over narration, “Ah, life is like that. Sometimes at theheight of our revelries, when our joy is at its zenith, when all is mostright with the world, the most unthinkable disasters descend upon us.”

Even the depiction of Santa Claus himself is anti-nostalgic. He justwants to hang up his suit and go home. And how does he get rid ofRalphie, after Ralphie finally gets to the front of the Santa line butis too overwhelmed to remember what he wants? Santa’s elf pushes himdown the exit slide. But Ralphie turns, desperately climbs back up,suddenly remembering to ask for the Red Ryder BB gun. That’s whenSanta’s black boot pushes Ralphie in the face, right back down theslide.


It took Bob Clark’s success as the director of the high-grossinggross-out movie Porky’s in 1982—which ushered in an era of raunchyteen-sex comedies—before MGM green-lighted A Christmas Story. That’snot surprising, Billingsley has pointed out: “I think it took so longto get made because the movie, by modern-day standards, is aboutnothing. It’s a family a couple of weeks before Christmas, and the kidwants a BB gun. That’s not exactly a pitch in which you’d say, ‘Let meget the president of the studio on the phone!’ ” MGM finally gaveClark $4.4 million to make A Christmas Story. According to a 2013 bookon the making of the film by Caseen Gaines, he was so eager to make themovie that he gave up his director’s fee and contributed $150,000 ofhis own money.

Once he had his cast assembled, there were production challenges. Firstwas the problem of location. They scouted 20 cities, finally settling onToronto for the interiors and Cleveland for the exteriors. It wasappropriately winter, and cold, in Ohio, but there was no snow thatyear. Snow had to be hauled in from ski resorts hundreds of miles away.René Dupont, a producer along with Clark, even had additional trucks ofsnow standing by (that’s what made him so good at his job—anticipatingthe unanticipated). When the weather got warmer, they concocted fallingsnow out of potato flakes, used shredded vinyl as snow set dressing, andfurther employed firefighter’s foam. In vignettes where Ralphie, hisfriends, and his little snowsuited brother, Randy, are fleeing from ScutFarkus (the bully “with the yellow eyes”), they are in fact sloshingthrough foam as if from a washing machine that’s lost its mind.

Another brainstorm of Clark’s was to cut the floors out of the set sothe camera would be at Peter’s height, at four feet two inches, so thatthe perspective is not that of the adults looking down on the childactors but Ralphie’s point of view, looking up, trying to make sense outof the frustrating and unfathomable adult world.

The set was mostly harmonious, but there was one particular source offriction: Clark and Shepherd didn’t get along. Shepherd was just tooprotective of his material, looking over Clark’s shoulder and makingsuggestions. When the director’s back was turned, he would come up toone of the actors with his own ideas of how the character should beplayed. The director would call “Cut,” and as soon as he left the set,Shepherd would lean in and say to Billingsley, “Ralphie’s really likethis.” Bob would come roaring back and say, “Jean, get away from theactors!”

Clark had storyboarded every shot in the movie on index cards, down tothe smallest detail. He had to quickly countermand Shepherd’sinterference—the shoot couldn’t afford two directors. Finally, Clarkhad to bar Shepherd from the set. Bergmann recalled, “Shepherd was aperfectionist with his own material, but Bob Clark had a budget and aschedule that he had to meet, and he already figured out how this allshould be done, and he couldn’t have Shepherd constantly interrupting.”

Shepherd does make a cameo appearance in the movie, Hitchco*ck-like, as astern older man scolding Ralphie for breaking into the long line to seeSanta at Higbees department store.

Dupont first met Clark as the English producer on a Sherlock Holmesmystery, Murder by Decree, with Christopher Plummer and James Mason,which Clark was directing. One of Dupont’s two sons, PhilDupont—currently an assistant director filming the FX seriesBones—described his father and Bob Clark as having had an especiallycollegial working relationship. Dupont was involved in every aspect ofthe production. His younger son, Christian Dupont, who spent time on theset of A Christmas Story, remembers his father working on the logisticalproblem of how to film the scene of Flick’s tongue stuck to the metalflagpole.

How A Christmas Story Went from Low-Budget Fluke to an American Tradition (2024)


Was A Christmas Story low budget? ›

Even though Bob Clark was a successful director by the time A Christmas Story was released, the film still had an incredibly small budget. The film was given around a $3,300,000 budget, which wasn't even made back in its opening weekend.

How did A Christmas Story get popular? ›

In 1997, TNT initiated a 24-hour marathon of "A Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve, creating a new holiday tradition for countless families. This marathon has significantly contributed to the film's popularity and its status as a beloved part of holiday celebrations.

What is the message of the movie A Christmas Story? ›

But that's what makes A Christmas Story so different. It's entirely about young Ralphie's desire to get his dream present, a Red Rifle BB gun. That's exactly why the movie has endured. It's about the innocence and wonder of experiencing Christmas as a child.

What is the moral of A Christmas Story? ›

"A Christmas Story" ultimately teaches us the importance of empathy in communication. Ralphie's journey revolves around his desire for understanding and compassion from the adults in his life.

Why does everyone love A Christmas Story? ›

The whole thing smacks of nostalgia, from the warm holiday music poured over the film to screenwriter/monologuist Jean Shepherd's honeyed narration over Peter Billingsley's innocent, expressive face as our put-upon boy hero, the BB gun-hungry Ralphie Parker.

Did they use a real bar of soap in A Christmas Story? ›

In the film, it looks like Ralphie is holding a bar of red Lifebuoy soap between his lips, but it's actually just a wax mold. However, this wasn't only to save the actor from suffering a soapy mouth: Reportedly, it wasn't in the budget to buy this soap, so the wax mold took its place.

What the Christmas story can teach us? ›

It's spotlighting God's unconditional love for us the way it should be done all year long. It's focusing on the good news of God's love and not the bad news of our failures. That's the Gospel of peace that the angels were singing about, and that should be our message too. Then there's the story of the wise men.

What does the Christmas story tell us? ›

Not only does the nativity explain one of the most important events in history, it shows that God sees no-one as insignificant. God entrusted Mary in ways she couldn't possibly imagine, ways that seemed impossible. More than this, God called everyone in the nativity story; He recognised the significance of them all.

Why is the Christmas story so important? ›

Because Christmas is about the birth of God's Son – Jesus. It is about how he came to give us love, hope and joy. That message doesn't change from year to year. When there is so much bad news and devastation in the world, this is good news worth celebrating!

How old was Ralphie's dad in A Christmas Story? ›

A Christmas Story—1983

Ralphie Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, were played by Darren McGavin and Melinda Dillon. McGavin plays "The Old Man" in the movie and was 61 years old at the time while his wife was almost two decades younger as Dillon was 43 at the time.

What was the secret message in A Christmas Story? ›

"Ralphie felt understandably ripped off when, after weeks of waiting for his Little Orphan Annie decoder ring, the first message he decoded was simply an advertisem*nt for Ovaltine."

How old is Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story? ›

Ian Petrella as Randy Parker

The actor behind Ralphie's little brother, Ian Petrella, was only 8 years old when he played little Randy Parker. After A Christmas Story, Petrella appeared on Diff'rent Strokes, Who's the Boss? and Beverly Hills, 90210.

What is the most important part of the Christmas story? ›

5: A small baby Jesus nativity figure - for Christians Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, an event that they remember every year on Christmas Day. This baby may be small, but for Christians, the story of his birth is the biggest and most important part of Christmas.

What is the profanity in the Christmas story? ›

The father and a few boys say "hell", "son of a bitch", "damn", and "smart ass". The father does a lot worse cursing, and the fact that he does so is a significant plot point. It should be noted that most of his cursing is heard as nonsense. A boy shouts numerous Yosemite Sam-like obscenities while beating up a bully.

What is the essence of the Christmas story? ›

The essence of the Christmas story is that the dilemma was so great for mankind that we could not solve our own problem. There was nothing we could do to reach the God of heaven. So, the God of heaven came down to us. Jesus came from heaven to earth; He stooped down low.

Was A Christmas Story a box office flop? ›

It is hard to believe that A Christmas Story was ever considered a flop since it is one of the most popular Christmas movies, but it did not perform well at the box office. Syndication made this movie more well-known, especially when TBS started running a 24-hour marathon of the film on Christmas Day.

What is the lowest grossing Christmas movie of all time? ›

1. Noelle — And the worst Christmas movie flop of all time this 2007 film that admittedly had one of the smallest releases on the list, but it was still enough theaters that the total $257,868 box office was a major disappointment. So there you have it, dear readers.

Was The Grinch low budget? ›

Box office. The Grinch grossed $271.4 million in the United States and Canada, and $255.4 million in other countries, for a total worldwide gross of $527.8 million, against a production budget of $75 million.

Which Christmas movie made the most money? ›

Highest-grossing Christmas films
1The Grinch$538,920,602
2Home Alone$476,684,675
3Alvin And The Chipmunks$365,352,546
4Home Alone 2: Lost in New York$358,994,850
46 more rows

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