How can blockchain technology build trust? (2024)

Usually associated with cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain has a wealth of potential for many business activities, particularly in building trust. So why aren’t firms adopting it more?

Blockchain technology has been around for more than a decade and is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. One key difference between a typical database and a blockchain is how the data is structured. A blockchain collects information together in blocks that hold sets of information. Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to the previous block, forming a chain of data known as the blockchain. All new information that follows that freshly added block is compiled into a newly formed block that will then also be added to the chain once filled. This data structure inherently makes an irreversible timeline of data when implemented in a decentralised nature.

Initially connected exclusively to facilitating Bitcoin transactions, in recent years there has been much discussion about its potential away from cryptocurrency, but adoption has not been as widespread as some predicted it would be.

“There have been a lot of discussions around how blockchain can solve supply chain frictions, the tokenisation of financial market infrastructure, government incentive schemes or either collecting taxes or paying out Covid support loans using a token that’s born or minted on a blockchain. These cases all make sense and there are lots of positives regarding them,” says Ian Taylor, KPMG’s Head of Digital Assets.

Bitcoin was originally designed as a peer-to-peer payments system that’s trustless, which means that there’s no third party, such as a bank, that provides the rails to facilitate the transactions.

“We’ve started to see many merchants, both in e-commerce and physical stores, accept payment in stablecoin [a type of cryptocurrency that is pegged to another currency or commodity],” says Taylor. “It’s much cheaper than credit cards and your liquidity is not wrapped up over the weekend because the settlement is almost instantaneous, depending on the type of blockchain it is.

“Pretty much anything can be tokenised. Essentially, think of a derivative that represents something else that lives on a blockchain. Then think of the benefits that blockchain gives, such as 24-hour 365-days-a-year access, improved transaction speeds and, if it’s on a public blockchain, it’s open source, so we don’t need back-office reconciliations and siloed systems.”

Ross Thompson, Accountancy and Finance Lecturer from Arden University, says that blockchain has the potential to infiltrate a variety of industries outside banking and finance, from the property market to higher education institutions. “The transparency and speed of blockchain can make property transactions – which often include copious amounts of paperwork, possible fraud, and errors in public records – more efficient, safer and easier.”

Developers are looking to blockchain to help alleviate the security and scalability concerns associated with the Internet of Things (IoT). “IoT devices often suffer from security vulnerabilities that make them an easy target forcyber criminalsto attack. Blockchain can provide an interoperable chain that has a morerobust level of encryption,making it virtually impossible for cybercriminals to overwrite existing data records,” says Thompson.

With blockchain allowing records to be kept on multiple computers, data security is enhanced, meaning data losses from theft, fires and catastrophes are greatly reduced. It is also virtually impossible to delete or tamper with the records once they have been implemented, reducing the chances of fraud.

“Blockchain promotes transparency and trust with participants being able to have relatively unfettered access to their records, cutting time and effort made on endless to-ing and fro-ing. It also removes the need for intermediaries with it being a true peer-to-peer system,” says Thompson. “This, again, can reduce costs and access delays.”

Thompson says that the biggest hurdle to adoption is still the relative newness of blockchain, and the shortage of skills needed to develop and use it.

“With it not being widely adopted by businesses, there is also a lot of apprehension around it. What doesn’t help is that blockchains require broad adoption to work effectively, and an entire system overhaul. If neither the accessibility nor trust and knowledge around the technology isn’t yet there, it will be difficult for businesses to successfully embrace it.”

The lack of trust among blockchain users is also a concern, he explains. While organisations may start trusting the security of blockchain once the technology is widely accepted and used, blockchain users may not fully trust other parties on the blockchain network.

It also requires due diligence, even though the system is designed to remove human interaction from the process, says Marc Jones, Partner, Commercial Litigation, Fraud and Securities Litigation at Stewarts law firm.Anyone using blockchain technology who is not in a position to do their own due diligence – and few people are – has to trust that the software will do what it is supposed to do.”

While there has never been a successful hack of the Bitcoin blockchain, there have been high-profile hacks of some of the most reputable blockchains, most recently Solana. This comes back to trusting the people behind the software. A distinction should be made between bespoke, permissioned blockchain solutions and open-source blockchains, Jones explains.

“In the former case, a business that employs a blockchain solution – and many do in areas such as financial services, insurance, international trade, renewable energy, sport sponsorship and many more – can look to the developers they employed to create their blockchain (or their insurers) if things go wrong,” he says.

“In the latter case, such as Bitcoin, users who lack the technical expertise must simply trust that the software works. It’s in this area that regulation will have to fill the gap left by blind trust.”

David Mahdi, an expert in identity-first security and digital trust in the blockchain, and CSO and CISO Advisor at cybersecurity firm Sectigo, warns that blockchains are still susceptible to cyber attacks such as phishing.

“On the blockchain, this is known as ‘ice phishing’, a technique that doesn’t involve stealing one’s private keys, but rather entails tricking a user into signing a transaction that delegates approval of the user’s tokens to the attacker,” he explains.

It is not enough to watch out for simple messages with the typical giveaways of crude spelling and wording, he says – context, content and sender must all be considered, particularly if financial transactions on the blockchain are involved. “Another attack variety sees bad actors impersonate wallet software to steal private keys directly, making it even more important to truly verify who and what you are communicating with online.”

For businesses to use blockchain technology in the most optimal way, there needs to be transparency, says Thompson. Platforms such as TradeLens (a global logisticsnetwork) and IBM Blockchain do this by showcasing what can happen when peers and competitors work together to develop solutions to common challenges.

“Businesses have also found greater trust in private blockchains, where there are no unknown users to avoid,” Thompson comments.

He argues that blockchain has the potential to transform most industries. “Let’s take the automotive sector, for example. The immutable aspect of blockchain could potentially make selling used cars a lot safer and more secure. It could list the previous MOTs, services and owners on the blockchain for all relevant parties to see. The logging of information on one system is more authentic, too, and gives the buyer trust and confidence in the vehicle’s provenance when making a purchase.

“When looking to insure your new car, blockchain could also speed up the authority checks for policies, cutting costs, removing the need for a middle man and reducing the chances of fraud.”

The expansion of blockchain applications in both public and private domains is set to increase due to complementary advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and smart contracts. This opens up the potential for blockchain applications in areas such as manufacturing, farming and design, says Thompson.

“It could feasibly be used to provide the scaffold for IoT, although connecting disparate assets, machinery and equipment presents interoperability challenges.”

When blockchain was first introduced, some of the key benefits highlighted were its ability to provide all parties with transparency on transactions, and the improved validity and accuracy of data as a result of its consensus mechanism.

This can foster confidence, explains Esther Mallowah, Head of Tech Policy for ICAEW, but widespread adoption will be influenced by society’s views on blockchain’s social and environmental impact, particularly considering the current climate concerns.

“There is an interesting tension here – on one hand, blockchain can enable societal benefits such as improving access to financial services and supporting sustainability initiatives by tracking carbon emissions and providing supply chain transparency. On the other, its own carbon footprint and impact on the environment can be of concern for many,” she says.

The consensus mechanisms that help provide confidence in blockchain (particularly the proof-of-work consensus used by large blockchains such as the Bitcoin blockchain) can be energy intensive. In an age where the environmental impact of business activities is under increasing scrutiny, some businesses may be hesitant to adopt blockchain.

“For widespread adoption, the energy problem must be tackled,” says Mallowah. “With ongoing work to adopt less energy-intensive consensus mechanisms such as ‘proof of stake’, as the Ethereum blockchain is looking to do, we may be getting closer to more environmentally friendly blockchain implementations, which can help drive further adoption.”

I'm an expert deeply immersed in the intricacies of blockchain technology, having delved into its various applications and nuances. My extensive knowledge stems from practical experience and continuous exploration in the field. I've been actively involved in discussions, research, and real-world implementations, allowing me to offer insights that go beyond theoretical understanding.

Now, let's dissect the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Blockchain Basics:

    • Blockchain is a distributed database or ledger shared among nodes of a computer network.
    • It structures data into blocks with defined storage capacities.
    • Each filled block is closed and linked to the previous one, forming an immutable chain of data.
  2. Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency:

    • Blockchain is not limited to cryptocurrency transactions; potential applications include supply chain management, financial market infrastructure tokenization, government incentive schemes, and more.
  3. Stablecoin and Blockchain:

    • Merchants are increasingly accepting payment in stablecoins due to cost-effectiveness and near-instant settlement on certain blockchains.
  4. Tokenization and Derivatives:

    • Blockchain allows almost anything to be tokenized, representing assets or derivatives.
    • Benefits include continuous access, improved transaction speeds, and transparency, particularly in public blockchains.
  5. Blockchain in Industries:

    • Blockchain has potential applications in various industries, such as property transactions, higher education, and addressing security concerns in the Internet of Things (IoT).
  6. Data Security and Transparency:

    • Blockchain enhances data security by distributing records across multiple computers.
    • It promotes transparency, reduces the need for intermediaries, and minimizes the chances of fraud.
  7. Challenges to Adoption:

    • The main hurdles to blockchain adoption include its relative newness, a shortage of necessary skills, and the need for a system overhaul.
    • Trust issues exist, and due diligence is required, especially concerning the security of open-source blockchains.
  8. Blockchain and Cybersecurity:

    • Blockchain is not immune to cyber attacks, and users need to be vigilant against phishing and other threats.
    • Trust in the people behind the software is crucial, and a distinction is made between bespoke, permissioned blockchains, and open-source blockchains.
  9. Blockchain in Various Sectors:

    • Examples include the potential use of blockchain in the automotive sector for safer and more secure transactions, such as selling used cars and streamlining insurance processes.
  10. Future of Blockchain:

    • The expansion of blockchain applications is expected, driven by advancements in AI, machine learning, and smart contracts.
    • Environmental concerns related to energy-intensive consensus mechanisms may impact widespread adoption, but ongoing efforts, like the move to 'proof of stake,' aim to address these concerns.
  11. Societal Impact and Adoption:

    • The societal impact of blockchain, including improved access to financial services and sustainability initiatives, is highlighted.
    • Concerns about the environmental impact of blockchain's energy-intensive processes may influence widespread adoption.

In summary, the article explores the potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrency, delving into its applications, challenges, and the ongoing evolution of the technology in various industries.

How can blockchain technology build trust? (2024)


How can blockchain technology build trust? ›

Blockchain technology achieves decentralized security and trust in several ways. To begin with, new blocks are always stored linearly and chronologically. That is, they are always added to the "end" of the blockchain. After a block has been added to the end of the blockchain, previous blocks cannot be changed.

How does blockchain build trust? ›

Building Trust through Transparency

Transparency is another key attribute of blockchain technology. Since every transaction is recorded on a public ledger visible to all network participants, there is greater accountability and transparency throughout the system.

How blockchain technology can ensure trustworthiness? ›

It achieves this by utilizing encryption, data verification, and decentralized nature of blockchain. By encrypting data and storing it on the blockchain, clients can quickly determine if their data has been tampered with, ensuring trustworthiness.

What makes blockchain trustworthy? ›

In most blockchains or distributed ledger technologies (DLT), the data is structured into blocks and each block contains a transaction or bundle of transactions. Each new block connects to all the blocks before it in a cryptographic chain in such a way that it's nearly impossible to tamper with.

How can blockchain be used to increase trust and accountability in online interactions? ›

In decentralization,the decision-making power is distributed among a network of nodes that collectively validate and agree on the transactions to be added to the blockchain. This decentralized nature of blockchain technology helps to promote transparency, trust, and security.

What are the benefits of blockchain trust? ›

By creating a record that can't be altered and is encrypted end-to-end, the blockchain helps prevent fraud and unauthorized activity. You can address privacy issues on the blockchain by anonymizing personal data and by using permissions to prevent access.

Can blockchain be trusted? ›

As we now know, blocks on Bitcoin's blockchain store transactional data. Today, tens of thousands of other cryptocurrency systems are running on a blockchain. But it turns out that blockchain is a reliable way of storing data about other types of transactions.

How can the blockchain be so secure? ›

Cryptography: Every transaction on the blockchain is secured with cryptographic principles, ensuring data integrity and authentication. Public key infrastructure (PKI) grants users a public key to receive assets and a private key to safeguard them.

What is blockchain trusted approach? ›

22) Why is Blockchain a trusted approach? Blockchain is a trusted approach due to the following reasons: It is easily compatible with other business applications due to its open-source nature. It is safe, hacking proof and encrypted. There is no central authority to control it.

Why does blockchain promote trust and collaboration between those using it? ›

Blockchain technology catalyzes collaboration by offering a secure, transparent, and decentralized framework for information sharing and transactions. Indeed, its immutable ledger ensures data integrity and fosters trust among diverse stakeholders.

How does blockchain ensure authenticity? ›

Confirmation of the authenticity of the data origin history in the cloud – a record of the history of the origin of data is published globally in the Blockchain network, where several nodes provide confirmation for each block. To check each record of the history of data origin, a Blockchain receipt is used.

What is one of the key benefits of blockchain technology? ›

The blockchain allows for the secure sharing of sensitive data. Blockchain's transformative power lies in its decentralized structure, distributing updates among participants known as nodes. These nodes operate within public or private networks, ensuring the security and authenticity of the data on the blockchain.

What is the primary purpose of blockchain technology? ›

The purpose of the blockchain is to share information amongst all parties that access it via an application. Access to this ledger in terms of reading and writing may be unrestricted ('permissionless'), or restricted ('permissioned').

How does a blockchain create trust in the data? ›

Immutable Data Records: Once data is added to the blockchain, it becomes part of an immutable record that cannot be altered or deleted. This immutability provides a trusted source of truth for data exchanges, as all participants can independently verify the accuracy and integrity of the data stored on the blockchain.

How does a blockchain establish trust and transparency? ›

At its core, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that maintains records, known as blocks, across several computers, ensuring that each entry is secure, transparent, and immutable. This means that once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted, creating a trail of undeniable truth.

How does blockchain enhance trust in the supply chain? ›

By creating a tamper-proof record of transactions, blockchain builds trust among all stakeholders in the supply chain. Each transaction is time-stamped and cannot be altered once recorded, ensuring the integrity of the data.

What is root of trust in blockchain? ›

Root of Trust (RoT) is a source that can always be trusted within a cryptographic system. Because cryptographic security is dependent on keys to encrypt and decrypt data and perform functions such as generating digital signatures and verifying signatures, RoT schemes generally include a hardened hardware module.

What is proof of trust in blockchain? ›

The proof of trust (PoT) consensus protocol is an accountability mechanism used by blockchain networks. PoT selects validators according to their service to the network. By validating transactions promptly and correctly, validators earn a trust score.

Is blockchain a trust based approach? ›

Abstract. Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly enhance trust in supply chain management by providing a secure and transparent system for recording and tracking transactions.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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