How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 21, 2024

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Use recognized standards


Align with material issues


Provide evidence and context


Engage with stakeholders


Seek external assurance


Here’s what else to consider

Sustainability reporting is a way for businesses to communicate their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and impacts to their stakeholders. However, some stakeholders may be skeptical about the credibility and transparency of these reports, especially if they suspect greenwashing. Greenwashing is the practice of making misleading or exaggerated claims about the sustainability of a product, service or organization. It can damage the trust and reputation of a business, as well as expose it to legal and regulatory risks. How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in your sustainability reporting? Here are some tips to help you.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Adopt recognized standards:

    By using established frameworks like GRI, SASB, or TCFD for sustainability reporting, you show stakeholders you're serious about avoiding greenwashing. This enhances your report's credibility.

  • Provide comprehensive evidence:

    Ensure your sustainability report includes both quantitative data and qualitative insights. This dual approach gives stakeholders a clear picture of your genuine sustainability efforts.

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  • Nilesh Dayalapwar Manager II Capgemini -Circular economy,…

1 Use recognized standards

One of the best ways to avoid greenwashing is to use recognized standards and frameworks for your sustainability reporting, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). These standards provide clear guidelines and indicators for measuring and disclosing your ESG performance and impacts, as well as ensuring consistency and comparability across different sectors and regions. By using recognized standards, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and accountability, as well as enhance the credibility and reliability of your reports.

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  • Amlan Shome ESG Integration | Value Chain Sustainability || Decarbonisation Pathway | Climate Risk | Transition Capital || Clean-Tech | Startup Strategy | Enterprise Sales
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    Following are the relatively easier ways to do:Set a robust governance mechanism with a dedicated ESG committee. Get director statements as a foreword for reporting.Conduct 3rd party audits and receive accreditations from concerned institutions (Great place to Work, Cruelty Free, FSC certified, etc.)Highlight shortcomings of the company, if any. It goes a long way to build confidence by first accepting areas for improvisation.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (11) 5

  • Emanuel Gutman-Gates Sustainability Specialist | ESG Analyst
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    Using recognized standards such as GRI or TCFD helps prevent the perception of greenwashing by providing clear guidelines for reporting environmental efforts. These standards outline specific criteria and metrics that companies can use to measure and disclose their sustainability performance. By adhering to these standards, organizations can ensure consistency, transparency, and credibility in their reporting practices. Stakeholders can trust that the reported information aligns with established criteria, reducing the risk of misleading or exaggerated claims that could be perceived as greenwashing.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (20) How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (21) 3

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    1. Transparency helps build trust with stakeholders by showing that the organization is not attempting to hide its flaws or overstate its achievements.2. Engage independent third parties to audit and verify your sustainability claims.3. Utilize recognized sustainability standards and frameworks (such as GRI, SASB, or ISO 14001) to guide your reporting.4. Conduct and disclose a materiality assessment to identify the sustainability issues that are most relevant to your business and stakeholders.5. Use clear, straightforward communication in your reports.6. Educate stakeholders about the complexities and challenges of sustainable practices.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (30) 3

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    Unfortunately the precise reporting methodologies (formulae) are not clearly stated in most voluntary reporting frameworks. Of they are simply ignored in voluntary disclosures. The result are disclosed numbers which cannot be audited and do not allow comparability between companies. Mandated data requirements often exist for many metrics (water, waste, air pollution, Health & Safety, GHG emissions) that should/can be referenced. Some companies already mention alignment with regulation in footnotes to their sustainability report. CSRD & SFDR also provide specific formulae that need to be followed.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (39) 3

  • Anne Dominique Vos Senior Sustainability Project Manager - Food, Finance, Retail and Transport, at Position Green. MSc Sustainable Food Science.
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    Companies that are initiating reporting/alignment with sustainability standards/legislation will most probably develop feelings of panic. The amount of data needed and granularity required in these areas of sustainability reporting is heavy - so the feeling is totally natural. Entrepreneurs might tend to take on challenges with a practical stance. You can help them by guiding their way to refrain from greenwashing (in the case of reporting this might mean 'missing material standards on purpose'). The guiding could include that not all areas need to be reported on during year 1 or 2, and that the reporting (and sustainability control) workload can be taken on step by step - with the support of the legislation (or standard).


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (48) 3

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2 Align with material issues

Another way to avoid greenwashing is to align your sustainability reporting with the material issues that are most relevant and significant for your business and your stakeholders. Material issues are those that have a direct or indirect impact on your ability to create value in the short, medium and long term, as well as on the expectations and interests of your stakeholders. By identifying and prioritizing your material issues, you can focus your reporting on the topics that matter most, as well as avoid irrelevant or superficial information that may be perceived as greenwashing.

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  • Tin Wei, Hong Dad | Sustainability Advisory | Founder | ISO 14064 | CFA ESG Investment | MEcons
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    Materiality assessment should be the first step of any corporate (or individual) sustainability journey.You can only influence what you measure. And you only measure what is material to you. Determining a list of material topics helps a company to focus and not “spread too thin” in its sustainability effort and messaging - thus preventing unintentional greenwashing.A vast majority of greenwashing today is caused by overzealous companies doubling down on efforts to hop onto the green bandwagon - all without getting a hard look at what topics are material to them, and then the type of impact they should be driving.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (57) How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (58) 3

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    A materiality assessment is vital in identifying the essential topics a company needs to address and report on. Conducting a thorough and unbiased materiality assessment process lays a robust foundation for effective reporting, which aids in steering clear of greenwashing. This ensures that the company's sustainability efforts are both genuine and transparent.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (67) 2

  • RJ Hawkins
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    It is imperative to prioritize authenticity and transparency throughout the reporting framework. An effective approach involves actively engaging stakeholders in identifying and prioritizing material issues pertinent to the business. This collaborative process not only provides valuable insights into stakeholder expectations but also fosters trust and credibility in sustainability endeavors. Additionally, consider integrating third-party verification or certification mechanisms to validate the accuracy and integrity of sustainability reports. Transparent communication and genuine efforts to address material concerns serve to enhance stakeholder confidence and fortify the credibility of sustainability reporting endeavors.


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  • Maria Zagorulko Senior Development and Operations Engineer at Naked Energy Ltd | MIET | MEng
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    By employing data-driven analytics and reporting tools, companies can objectively measure and communicate their environmental and social performance, demonstrating the authenticity of their sustainability efforts. One thing to try is creating a materiality matrix that visually represents the importance of various sustainability topics to both the company and its stakeholders. This matrix typically plots the significance of each issue based on its impact on the business and its importance to stakeholders.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (85) 1

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    On the other way around, greenwashing can also water down your materiality assessment if not conducted with extra care.In ESRS there’s been a shift from anecdotal and qualitative approach to materiality assessment so conducting a survey asking “in your opinion, does our company have an impact on climate or social issues?” won’t work. The most objective assessment contextualise stakeholder engagement by focusing on the hard data and documents analysis first before asking questions.


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3 Provide evidence and context

A third way to avoid greenwashing is to provide evidence and context for your sustainability reporting. Evidence can include data, facts, figures, examples, case studies, testimonials, awards, certifications, or third-party verification that support your claims and achievements. Context can include explanations, rationales, goals, targets, strategies, actions, challenges, opportunities, or risks that provide the background and meaning for your performance and impacts. By providing evidence and context, you can show your progress and improvement, as well as acknowledge your gaps and limitations, in a transparent and honest way.

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  • Nilesh Dayalapwar Manager II Capgemini -Circular economy, LCA, ESG, Net Zero II Ex Eastman chemicals II Ex Product Head UL-DQS II Ex Sr Auditor TUV NORD II SIIB 13-15(SIU)
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    In a sustainability report, evidence and context are essential for demonstrating the company's commitment to sustainability. This includes quantitative data, qualitative insights, comparative analysis, targets and goals, third-party verification, and stakeholder engagement. These elements provide a comprehensive view of the company's sustainability performance and efforts to address material issues


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (103) 5

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    Providing verifiable data is one of the most important ways of mitigating the risk of greenwashing. Every "fact" that you report should be backed up by evidence (which could be qualitative as well as quantitative). It's important to state key assumptions underlying that data and any risks to its reliability.Be wary of twisting data to tell the story you want it to. This can be avoided by asking someone to carry out an objective review of your report - they will often find it easier to identify where you are not providing data or where the evidence you are providing doesn't appear to be robust and watertight.

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    1) Direct data: as much as you're able, collect verifiable emissions data directly from sources across 1, 2, and 3 scopes. Yes, this includes upstream and downstream supply chain, which is no easy feat. Invest in both technology and supplier education and engagement to gather emissions data directly from your suppliers (prioritize top spend to start, but quickly pivot to expand to materially relevant suppliers as well to carve out hidden emissions risk). This yields a real benchmark.2) Stop buying carbon offsets. Identify the GHG "hot spots" in your organization and supply chains per the above, and develop targeted decarbonization plans to make the long term operational and management investments required to directly impact emissions.


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4 Engage with stakeholders

A fourth way to avoid greenwashing is to engage with your stakeholders throughout your sustainability reporting process. Stakeholders are the individuals or groups that affect or are affected by your business, such as customers, employees, investors, suppliers, regulators, communities, or NGOs. By engaging with your stakeholders, you can understand their needs and expectations, solicit their feedback and input, address their concerns and questions, and build trust and relationships. You can also use different channels and formats to communicate your sustainability reporting to your stakeholders, such as online platforms, social media, webinars, podcasts, or events.

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    While all the 6 points mentioned are essential building blocks. In my experience it’s essential to undertake stakeholder mapping and materiality analysis beforehand. Your audience needs to “appreciate your journey”. Organisations cannot achieve everything - all at once. Therefore the sustainability road map with both final as well as interim target(s) sets the evidence criteria for an authentic and credible sustainable positioning that counters any greenwashing claims.Greenwashing claims arise mostly because the marketing & Comm invent sustainability positions that the rest of organisation cannot back with evidence. Internal communication and culture is an additional critical building block in avoiding greenwashing accusations


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (129) 3

5 Seek external assurance

A fifth way to avoid greenwashing is to seek external assurance for your sustainability reporting. External assurance is the process of having an independent and qualified third party review and verify your reporting against certain criteria and standards. It can help you improve the quality and accuracy of your reporting, as well as identify and correct any errors or gaps. It can also provide an objective and credible opinion on your reporting, as well as increase the confidence and satisfaction of your stakeholders.

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    Assurance by an independent and credible external agency improves stakeholder confidence and reliability of information reported by an organisation. There are various standards such as the ISAE 3000, AA1000AS and SSAE 3000 that guide on the principles to be adopted during the assurance. The reasonable assurance as per the ISAE 3000 standard allows a verification of not only the data disclosed but also a thorough assessment of the systems and controls in place such that the assurance provider is able to confidently express positive opinion. Thus, improving stakeholder confidence and minimising the risk of greenwashing!


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (138) 12

  • Arun Ameta Regional Manager at CRISIL Limited
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    We can have the best third party audits to validate the authenticity of the claims. Also such audits establish the credibility and credentials in the domain.

  • Ng Mun Yee Corporate Compliance and Sustainability Manager at Kelington Group Berhad
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    External assurance can play a crucial role in mitigating greenwashing, but it may not entirely prevent it on its own. This process helps to enhance the credibility and reliability of the information provided by the organization regarding its ESG performance. However, company may still attempt to manipulate or misrepresent data, or select lenient or less rigorous assurance providers. Therefore, while external assurance is an important tool in combating greenwashing, it should be complemented by other measures such as robust regulatory oversight, consumer awareness, and stakeholder engagement to effectively address the issue.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    In a world thriving on global connectivity and innovations like AI and automated cars on the brink, it’s in the best interest of a company to align themselves with best technological solutions available in the market. First adopters of technologies in this space are set to make bounds and leaps in progress and become leaders in the space while bare minimum doesn’t get you anywhere but to the land of green washing.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (163) How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (164) How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (165) 4

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    Transparency is the most important thing in sustainability reporting. If something didn't work out as planned or you didn't do something you had committed to, be open and honest about this. Explain what did happen, what you've learnt, and what actions you're going to take next.Also consider who writes your sustainability reports. There is a much higher risk of greenwashing if someone in your communications or marketing team who doesn't have an understanding of sustainability writes it. It can be helpful to involve the person who writes your annual report and accounts - the skills they have are directly transferable to sustainability reporting. At the very least ask them to review your report and provide robust feedback.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (174) How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (175) 2

  • Manisha Yadav Vice President Client Success @ GNFZ | Sustainability, ESG, Strategy
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    Transparent communications throughout the ESG journey is the key! ESG is not a point in time activity to just produce a report based on some standard(s). It is a journey that stakeholders should feel part of. Take care of the three E's: Engage, Empower and Educate stakeholders to keep them alongside through the ESG journey.


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  • Ahmed Sha'ban Head of Sustainability For Helwan Fertiliser Company "HFC" | ISSP Member | MBA | Prof.Dr.of Business admin
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    Greenwashing occurs when an organization exaggerates or misrepresents its environmental or social commitments, the following strategies will effectively address stakeholders concern:- Clear and transparent communication.- Accurate measurement and reporting.- Third party verification.- Set realistic goals.- Consistent reporting practices.- Engage stakeholders in the process.- Educate stakeholders.- Align with industry standards.- Regular updates and progress reports.- Ethical marketing practices.By adopting these strategies, organizations can proactively address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting and build a reputation for authentic and credible sustainability practices.


    How can you address stakeholder concerns about greenwashing in sustainability reporting? (193) 1

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    Transparency: Clearly and accurately provide all relevant information about environmental impacts and sustainability practices.Third-Party Verification: Utilize independent auditors to validate sustainability claims, ensuring they are backed by evidence.Realistic Goals: Establish attainable sustainability targets and openly communicate progress towards meeting these goals.Ethical Standards: Adhere to recognized ethical standards to maintain credibility and public trust.


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.