How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (2024)

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

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Know your audience


Define your launch strategy


Create a pre-launch sequence


Create a launch sequence


Write engaging email copy


Here’s what else to consider

Launching a new product or service is a thrilling moment for any business. But how do you make sure your audience is as excited as you are? One of the most effective ways to build anticipation and interest for your launch is through email copy. Email is a powerful tool to communicate with your potential customers, showcase your value proposition, and persuade them to take action. In this article, you'll learn how to write email copy that creates a buzz for your launch and drives conversions.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Create urgency:

    Adding a real-time countdown timer in your emails can significantly boost the excitement for your launch. It's a visual nudge that time is ticking, compelling your audience to act before they miss out.

  • Tease with value:

    Start your pre-launch with a couple of teaser emails and then deliver a value-packed email that sets the stage for the big reveal. This approach keeps readers engaged and looking forward to what's next.

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  • Carlo Mercado Direct Response Email Copywriter for…

1 Know your audience

Before you start writing your email copy, you need to know who you're writing for. What are their pain points, goals, desires, and challenges? How can your offer solve their problems or improve their situation? What are their objections or concerns? How do they prefer to receive information and communicate? Knowing your audience will help you craft your email copy in a way that resonates with them, addresses their needs, and motivates them to take action.

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    If the below is done with the right copy --> You can sit back and relax: You'll BOOM the market 🔥First and most important - never be salesy / get too excited It's all about putting in the right strategy:Start a few months ago--> Get the right people added to your email list --> Use a channel like LinkedIn to get them added to your list --> So, these are your right audience --> Then, have a strategy in place something as simple as giving your audience update on the launch date, the progress of your product etc.Hope this was helpful! ♻️


    How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (11) How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (12) How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (13) 10

  • Pierfrancesco Maria Pugliese Senior Deliverability Doctor. Guerriero della Lead Generation. Stermino i contatti fasulli con ActiveContactPro.
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    A few years ago I changed my product/service design system.First I created the product/service and then offered it to my audience using email marketing strategies.Then I reversed it: I ask my audience directly what problem/urgent need they need to solve, always using the email communication channel.Based on their answers I create a new product/service.With this new strategy of mine it is easier to "enthusiastically" communicate the launch of a new product/service, because I already have ready expectations and high interest from part of my audience.


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  • Josiah Nel Fernandez Email Copywriter - Turn your subscribers to buyers through a persuasive email copy
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    A well-planned market research is a powerful ally. You'll be able to articulate your market's pains, fear, goals, and other factors into the copy. Using the 'language' your market uses is also a big factor.


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    It's really the strategy on how you're gonna execute it into copywriting: date and time of sending, email ideas, copy techniques that focus on truly knowing the audience you're talking to which includes market research.It's great to have priming in your emails, hype it through sequences and highlight the anticipation. Make them crave for the announcement date. Put some cliffhangers just like any TV show or film.And, sincerely connecting and showing genuine interest to build relationship with your subscribes is one of the best things to do. Nothing beats sincerity when it comes to keeping the excitement high.


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    Before writing email copy, understand your audience. Identify their pain points, goals, and objections. Personalize your offer to solve their problems effectively. Determine their preferred communication style. This ensures your emails resonate and drive action.**How-To:* Research Pain Points: Use surveys and feedback to grasp challenges.* Identify Goals: Understand what they aim for and how you can help.* Address Objections: Anticipate concerns and provide solutions.* Personalize Offer: Tailor your offer to individual preferences.* Communication Preferences: Use channels preferred by your audience.


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2 Define your launch strategy

Next, you need to define your launch strategy and goals. How long will your launch last? What are the key milestones and events? How will you measure your success? What are the main benefits and features of your offer? How will you differentiate yourself from your competitors? How will you price your offer and create urgency? Defining your launch strategy will help you plan your email sequence and structure your email copy in a logical and persuasive way.

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  • Kevin George Marketing Head at Email Uplers
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    Defining a launch strategy and having a clear pre-launch in mind is THE foundation. A well-planned strategy in place not only creates a sense of exclusivity (which audiences love) around your offering, but it also helps you have clarity on what features and benefits you could highlight in your email copy. It’s a win-win. By using a phased launch approach, you can gradually release information and build momentum leading up to the launch date, thus driving maximum traffic, engagement, and sales!Don’t forget to have fun with your copy / content. Take into account the latest social media trends, technology updates, and memes(yes!), so that you can catch maximum eyeballs.


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    Plan your email marketing launch strategy by defining your target audience, crafting compelling content, setting goals, and scheduling emails strategically.


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  • Zeeshan A. Founder | Sr. Software Engineer | Email Marketing Specialist | AWS Solutions Architect | IBM and Microsoft Certified
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    To define your launch strategy and goals, you will begin by establishing a comprehensive timeline outlining the duration of the launch. Key milestones and events will be strategically integrated to create a structured and impactful rollout. Success will be measured through a meticulous analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user engagement, conversion rates, and feedback metrics.The main benefits and features of your offer will be communicated, emphasizing unique value propositions and addressing customer pain points. A thorough understanding of our target audience will guide the crafting of messaging that resonates with our customers, ensuring a successful launch that aligns with our overarching business objectives.


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    How-To Design Your Launch Strategy:1. Set Launch Duration: Determine how long your launch will last, whether it's a week or a month.2. Identify Key Events: Plan special events like webinars or flash sales to engage your audience.3. Measure Success: Define metrics like conversion rates or revenue targets to gauge effectiveness.4. Highlight Benefits: Emphasize what makes your offer unique and valuable to customers.5. Price Strategically: Set pricing that reflects your value proposition and creates urgency.6. Differentiate Yourself: Showcase what sets you apart from competitors to attract attention.7. Create Urgency: Use limited-time offers or exclusive bonuses to encourage quick action.


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  • Deluar Hosain Helping eCommerce biz via email marketing • Figma Designer • Former Sales @UIHUT
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    Next, define your launch strategy and goals by considering the following points:Determine how long your launch will last.Identify the important milestones and events during the launch period.Decide how you will measure the success of your launch.Highlight the main benefits and features of your offer.Determine how you will stand out from your competitors.Plan your pricing strategy.Create a sense of urgency to encourage quick action.Defining your launch strategy will help you plan your email sequence and structure your email copy logically and persuasively.


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3 Create a pre-launch sequence

A pre-launch sequence is a series of emails sent to your audience prior to opening the doors to your offer. The aim of these emails is to generate excitement, curiosity, and trust for your launch. You can use different types of emails for this purpose, such as teaser emails that hint at something coming soon without revealing too much; storytelling emails that share your story, mission, values, or customer success stories; educational emails that provide valuable information, tips, insights, or resources connected to your offer; and invitation emails that invite your audience to join a webinar, challenge, workshop, or other live or pre-recorded event that displays your offer. These emails will help create intrigue, build an emotional connection and rapport with your audience, establish your authority and credibility, create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, and give them a taste of what you have to offer.

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    For new offers, my go-tp pre-launch sequence are teasers. I keep it at 2 emails. Then the 3rd one will be the big reveal (ie. the start of the launch).For relaunches, my go-to pre-launch is a value-driven email sequence. If you're in the teaching space, you can use a webinar sequence too.With this approach, your audience will be hooked with the value you provide leading to the open cart.


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    For the pre-launch, I always love to play with my audience. I usually don't show the product until the last moment. I like to give out some clues for people figuring it out, or at least trying to, because it makes them want to check the next email. This is the pre-launch sequence I used for a client, for a collaboration with Pacman. 1. Welcome to 1980(First clue)2. Ghost, Noises, and Lights are coming. (More teasing and clues)3. Our exclusive Pacman Capsule launch date. (First preview of the collection + Save the Date)4. Pacman x "Brand": Now available. Full objective of sales. Very simple sequence but get people interested and looking forward to it.


    How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (120) How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (121) 5

  • Sarah Kolawole Email Marketer | Direct Response Copywriter | Breaking The Rules and Driving Conversions | Significant Revenue Boosts (Think $X Millions) And Conversion Rate Lifts (5-10%+)
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    Creating a pre-launch sequence involves planning a series of steps or communications to build anticipation and excitement leading up to your launch. Start by determining the timeline and key milestones for your pre-launch period. Then, craft engaging content such as teaser emails, social media posts, or countdown timers to gradually reveal information about your upcoming launch. Use each communication to pique curiosity, highlight the value of your offering, and encourage people to sign up or stay tuned for the official launch. Remember to incorporate calls to action and incentives to encourage engagement and participation throughout the pre-launch phase.


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    Before unveiling your offer, engage your audience with a series of emails. Start with teaser emails to spark curiosity. Share your story or customer successes to build rapport. Offer educational content related to your offer. Lastly, invite them to a webinar or event showcasing your offer. This sequence fosters excitement, trust, and exclusivity.


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  • Deluar Hosain Helping eCommerce biz via email marketing • Figma Designer • Former Sales @UIHUT
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    A pre-launch sequence involves sending a series of emails to your audience before officially presenting your offer. The goal is to generate excitement, curiosity, and trust for your launch. Consider incorporating the following types of emails into your pre-launch sequence:Teaser EmailsStorytelling EmailsEducational EmailsInvitation EmailsShowcase your offer and create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.These pre-launch emails will help create intrigue, build an emotional connection with your audience, establish your authority, and give a preview of what you have to offer, setting the stage for a successful launch.


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4 Create a launch sequence

A launch sequence is a series of emails you send to your audience when you open the doors to your offer, aiming to persuade them to buy your offer before the deadline. You can use different types of emails for this, such as announcement emails that explain what your offer is and why it's valuable, benefit emails that highlight the features and how they can help your audience, objection emails that address any doubts they might have, and scarcity emails that create a sense of urgency. Together, these emails create excitement, desire, trust, and fear of missing out - all of which will make your audience act fast and buy your offer.

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    Putting together some urgency for your campaign helps with engagement, but the urgency needs to be real. Limit a specialized offer to a time window, and include a countdown timer in your email to help build the urgency to act.


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  • Tyler Cook Email Marketing For High-Ticket B2B | Turning Emails Into Profits | Increasing Engagement W/ Your Email List | Recovering Dead Email Lists | Rehabilitating Damaged Email Domains | Increasing Inbox Placement
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    Most get uneasy about sending too many emails during launches. The challenge is most brands just send sales email after sales email after sales email. And yeah, that's a poor strategy - because it limits the emails you can send. An easy way to double up on emails every single day during the launch is to send emails that align with subscriber psychology. Meaning - by the end of the day subs brains are tired. Send longer, concern-overcoming, objection-smashing, educational sales emails in the AM. Then send a short motivational, inspirational, personal story-based sales email in the evening. You can double up on emails, sell more, and limit unsubs, all because your copy is aligned with their mental state.


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  • Welly Mulia 📩 🔥Coach, are your emails in Spam or Gmail Promo Tab? I've boosted clients' open rates by 21-76% by getting emails outta there. Founder of BirdSend email provider - 2.1+ billion emails sent. DM me "boost".
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    The key is to make sure most of the emails in the launch sequence — even though they are launch/promo emails — are NOT salesy.Otherwise, if you keep emailing only “buy now” or “discount almost ending” or “here’s why our product is the best” type of emails, you’ll get many unsubscribes.Try to make most of the emails both useful & entertaining. This way, subscribers:1/ Don’t get bored…2/ Get something useful from the emails…EVEN if they don’t buy.Then, at the end of the email, you softly slide in your pitch.This is how you get subscribers excited for every email you send (now & in the long run).So, when you're drafting promo emails, keep your subscribers in mind and mix in some fun.


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  • Deluar Hosain Helping eCommerce biz via email marketing • Figma Designer • Former Sales @UIHUT
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    A launch sequence is a series of emails designed to persuade your audience to purchase your offer before the deadline. To achieve this, you can use a variety of email types:Announcement Emails:Explain what your offer is and why it's valuable.Clearly present the benefits and features.Benefit Emails:Highlight specific features and how they can help your audience.Emphasize the value and advantages of your offer.Objection Emails:Address any doubts or concerns your audience might have.Provide reassurances and counterarguments.Scarcity Emails:Create a sense of urgency by emphasizing limited availability or time.Encourage immediate action to avoid missing out.


    How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (189) How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (190) How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (191) 3

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    Craft a Launch SequenceBuild anticipation with a series of emails leading up to your launch. Start with an announcement email to introduce your offer. Follow up with benefit emails highlighting its value. Address objections in subsequent emails, and create urgency with scarcity emails. This sequence stirs excitement, trust, and FOMO, prompting swift action.**How-To:*Announcement Email: Introduce your offer and its value proposition.* Benefit Emails: Highlight specific features and how they benefit your audience.* Objection Emails: Address common doubts or concerns your audience may have.* Scarcity Emails: Create urgency by emphasizing limited-time offers or availability.


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5 Write engaging email copy

Crafting engaging email copy is a vital step in capturing your audience's attention, interest, desire, and action. To write effective email copy for your launch, start with catchy subject lines that spark curiosity, emotion, or benefit. Personalization and segmentation can help tailor your email copy to your audience's preferences and behaviors. Additionally, use a conversational and friendly tone that sounds like you're talking to a friend. Keep your language clear and concise while avoiding jargon and fluff. Storytelling and examples can illustrate your points and make them relatable. Utilize bullet points and subheadings to break up the text and make it easy to scan. Calls to action should tell your audience exactly what to do next and why. Finally, add a bonus tip, reminder, or teaser with PS lines. Email copy is an effective way to build excitement for your launch and persuade your audience to buy your offer; by following these steps you can create buzz for your launch and drive conversions.

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    The most engaging copy is personalized to the reader.Share a story where the reader is most likely in the same position a customer was before having made the purchase.Tweak a few sentences to be specific to the segments of your audience. Speaking to a Mom vs a Dad as an example.Make the email copy specific in small sections goes a long way to making it engaging.


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  • Zeeshan A. Founder | Sr. Software Engineer | Email Marketing Specialist | AWS Solutions Architect | IBM and Microsoft Certified
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    Crafting compelling email copy is an essential process to captivate your audience's attention and drive them through the stages of attention, interest, desire, and action. For writing effective email copy during your launch, begin with creating engaging subject lines that evoke curiosity, and emotion, or highlight specific benefits. These subject lines serve as the gateway to your content, enticing recipients to open and engage with your emails, ultimately contributing to the success of your launch campaign.Moreover, let's keep the conversation friendly and casual as if we're chatting among friends. Keep the language straightforward and to the point, without using unnecessary jargon or embellishments.


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  • Deluar Hosain Helping eCommerce biz via email marketing • Figma Designer • Former Sales @UIHUT
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    Crafting engaging email copy is crucial for capturing your audience's attention, interest, desire, and action. To write effective email copy for your launch, follow these steps:Catchy Subject LinesPersonalization and SegmentationConversational and Friendly ToneClear and Concise LanguageStorytelling and ExamplesBullet Points and SubheadingsStrong Calls to Action (CTA)Clearly tell your audience what to do next and why it’s important.


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    Tease Your AudienceTo build excitement for your launch, share intriguing details or sneak peeks. Offering exclusive insights creates anticipation. In my experience, sharing glimpses of upcoming products sparked eager engagement.How-To:* Reveal Snippets: Share captivating details to pique curiosity.* Provide Exclusivity: Offer early access or special perks to subscribers.* Use Countdowns: Create urgency with countdown timers in emails.* Build Suspense: Gradually share teaser content to maintain interest.


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  • Dolapo S. I make your DTC shoppers buy 2x <21 days // $80M in trackable repeat purchase revenue sold.
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    Adopting a conversational tone helps me connect with my audience on a personal level, fostering trust and rapport. I keep my copy clear and concise, steering clear of unnecessary jargon or fluff. Introducing storytelling adds depth and relatability to my message, making it more memorable. Using formatting like bullet points and subheadings breaks up the text, making it easier to digest. And of course, I always include clear calls to action that guide my audience toward the next steps. By sprinkling in bonus tips or teasers, I keep the excitement alive until the very end. With these strategies in place, I'm able to create buzz for my launch and drive conversions effectively.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Lidia Castillejo Experta en Email y SMS Marketing | Auditoría | Planificación y estrategia | Consultoría | Entregabilidad | Gestión de campañas
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    Algunas ideas para tus emails de lanzamiento de producto:- Evita lenguaje corporativo en favor de un tono más informal, especialmente para productos de uso cotidiano.-Utiliza imágenes de alta calidad para mostrar el producto de manera llamativa, eso sí, sin perjudicar el peso del email ni la accesibilidad.-Si tu producto tiene múltiples diseños, incluye varios y resalta sus características.- Proporciona diversas formas de usar el producto para inspirar a nuevos clientes y promover compras repetidas.-Para productos técnicos, enlaza a páginas detalladas o vídeos.- Comparte la historia del producto o la marca para conectar con tus clientes.- Adapta el diseño del correo a los colores y características del nuevo producto.



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    The best way to improve your next launch strategy is to learn from your last. Not everyone will buy your "thing" so 2-3 days after the launch, follow up with an email asking why they didn't purchase. Simple enough to ask for a quick reply.Be clear about the expectation of what you'll be doing with that information and make it easy for them to respond.Then after a week of getting replies, take them and put them all into a doc or spreadsheet and find common themes among them.Based on those themes, adjust your marketing, improve your sales page, refine your offer, and do what makes most sense with the responses you received.


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How can you build excitement for your launch with email copy? (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.