How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (2024)

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What are arrays?


What are hash tables?


How to compare properties?


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How to compare performance?


How to choose the right data structure?


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Arrays and hash tables are two common data structures that you may encounter in software development. They both store collections of values, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. In this article, you will learn how to compare arrays and hash tables based on their properties, operations, and performance.

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  • Eranavel Erana Executive Vice President Information Technolog at Kotak Securities

    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (3) 5

  • Vivek BR, MBA Principal Tech Manager I MBA | 4X International Tech Award Winner | President @ AAITP l 11.5k+ LinkedIn l Published…

    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (5) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (6) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (7) 11

  • Richard Riehle, PhD Software Engineeing Consultant at RDR Software

    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (9) 3

How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (10) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (11) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (12)

1 What are arrays?

An array is a data structure that stores a fixed number of values of the same type in a contiguous block of memory. Each value in an array has an index, which is a numeric position that starts from zero. You can access, insert, or delete any value in an array by using its index. Arrays are simple and efficient for storing and retrieving data in a sequential order.

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  • Vivek BR, MBA Principal Tech Manager I MBA | 4X International Tech Award Winner | President @ AAITP l 11.5k+ LinkedIn l Published Author | LinkedIn Top 1% Voice in IT
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    Arrays are like the lockers in a school hallway - numbered storage bins lined up in a row. You can access each "locker" by its index number, store data in any locker you want, and add or remove lockers. The lockers are all the same size and shape, just like array values are the same data type. So arrays store data in an organized, numbered sequence for easy retrieval - like keeping your jackets and lunches handy in school lockers!


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (21) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (22) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (23) 11

  • Eranavel Erana Executive Vice President Information Technolog at Kotak Securities
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    An array is a collection of similar data elements stored at contiguous memory locations. It is the simplest data structure where each data element can be accessed directly by only using its index number.Following are types of indexing used in ArrayZero Based Indexing- The first element of the array refers to index 0.One Based Indexing- The first element of the array refers to index 1.Following are some the advantages of using ArrayArrays represent multiple data elements of the same type using a single name.Accessing or searching an element in an array is easy by using the index number.An array can be traversed easily just by incrementing the index by 1.Arrays allocate memory in contiguous memory locations for all its data elements.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (32) 2

  • Peter Lalka Unemployed
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    The important thing to remember is that an array has an address for its starting point and sometimes this is used to reference it or it’s first element. You can also do some pointer math. Some languages allow you to reallocate space for the array and some don’t.Using multiple arrays is another way to access data and store information about that data and you can access the data by using the same index.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (41) 1


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2 What are hash tables?

A hash table is a data structure that stores key-value pairs in an array-like structure. Each key-value pair in a hash table has a unique hash code, which is a numeric representation of the key. A hash function maps each key to an index in the array, where the corresponding value is stored. You can access, insert, or delete any value in a hash table by using its key. Hash tables are flexible and fast for storing and retrieving data in a random order.

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  • Mohamed Maher IoT Product Development | Build Embedded Devices | Firmware | PCB | RTOS | LoRa | Azure IoT| BLE
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    Imagine you have a special box with lots of little slots in it. Each slot has a label, like a name tag. When you want to remember something, you put it in the box and attach a name tag to it. Then, if you want to find it later, you just look at the name tag to know which slot it's in. Hash tables work like this special box – they help us remember things and find them quickly by using name tags.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (50) How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (51) 2

  • Peter Lalka Unemployed
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    I much prefer these for storing data and working with data. I’ve been told you can often tell what kind of programming a person wants to perform by the kind of data structure they use and whether that is an array or a hashtable.There is no indexing with hash tables, so why bother using an array in modern programming other than to save some time?In many offices, and for many projects this is actually the question, “Why use an indexed collection of anything that doesn’t have any management features control indexing?” I think at the management level. This is a still ongoing debate and most don’t have a need to solve for this question.Proofs for anything are hard for most people.


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3 How to compare properties?

One way to compare arrays and hash tables is to look at their properties, such as size, order, and uniqueness. Arrays have a fixed size, which means you need to specify the number of elements in advance and cannot change it later. Hash tables have a dynamic size, which means you can add or remove elements as needed and the hash table will resize itself automatically. Arrays maintain the order of insertion, which means you can iterate over the elements in the same order as they were added. Hash tables do not guarantee the order of insertion, which means the elements may appear in a different order than they were added. Arrays allow duplicate values, which means you can have multiple elements with the same value. Hash tables do not allow duplicate keys, which means you can have only one element with the same key.

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  • Eranavel Erana Executive Vice President Information Technolog at Kotak Securities
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    Arrays have a fixed size, but in C & C++ we use malloc to create new pointer and copy from the old value this will ensure the size change smoothly. Hash table use for a specific case, so to get specific order and have dynamic size there are alternative like Vector.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (68) 5

  • Ken Settle Building Awesome Things, Empowering People to Build Community and Bringing the World Closer Together in the Metaverse
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    A hash table is like a dictionary, where you can look up a definition (object or value) by the word that represents it. It could be any value, and doesn't need to be words, however.Some languages do support for duplicate values per key in hash tables (unordered_multimap in C++), so this is not entirely correct.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (77) 1

  • Mohamed Maher IoT Product Development | Build Embedded Devices | Firmware | PCB | RTOS | LoRa | Azure IoT| BLE
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    In summary, arrays are great for situations where you have a fixed sequence of elements and need fast index-based access, while hash tables are better when you have key-value pairs and need efficient lookups, insertions, and deletions based on keys.


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4 How to compare operations?

Another way to compare arrays and hash tables is to look at their operations, such as access, search, insertion, and deletion. Arrays have constant time access, which means you can get any element in an array by using its index in O(1) time. Hash tables also have constant time access, which means you can get any element in a hash table by using its key in O(1) time. However, hash tables may have collisions, which means two or more keys may map to the same index. To resolve collisions, hash tables use techniques such as chaining or linear probing, which may increase the time complexity of access. Arrays have linear time search, which means you need to scan through the entire array to find an element in O(n) time, where n is the number of elements. Hash tables have constant time search, which means you can find an element in a hash table by using its key in O(1) time. Arrays have linear time insertion and deletion, which means you need to shift the elements to make space or fill the gap when you add or remove an element in O(n) time. Hash tables have constant time insertion and deletion, which means you can add or remove an element in a hash table by using its key in O(1) time.

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  • Yogesh C.

    In addition to chaining and linear probing, there are other collision resolution techniques that can be used with hash tables such as quadratic probing and double hashing. These techniques can help improve the performance of hash tables when dealing with collisions.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (94) 2

  • Eranavel Erana Executive Vice President Information Technolog at Kotak Securities
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    Hash table performance was hit by collision, due to collision we need to traverse through linked list to find the value for the given. The new implementation has been improved now, for example after JDK 8 Java use binary tree instead of linked list. This make lookup faster


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5 How to compare performance?

A third way to compare arrays and hash tables is to look at their performance, such as memory usage, scalability, and trade-offs. Arrays have low memory usage, which means they only need enough space to store the elements and their indices. Hash tables have high memory usage, which means they need extra space to store the keys, the values, the hash codes, and the collision resolution structures. Arrays have low scalability, which means they cannot grow or shrink easily and may cause memory wastage or overflow. Hash tables have high scalability, which means they can adjust to the changing number of elements and optimize the space utilization. Arrays have a trade-off between speed and flexibility, which means they are fast for sequential access but inflexible for random access. Hash tables have a trade-off between speed and memory, which means they are fast for random access but memory-intensive for storage.

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  • Eranavel Erana Executive Vice President Information Technolog at Kotak Securities
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    Hash table storage size differ in different language. This is mainly based on when the language runtime decides to increase the size and what is the rate at which this grows in memory. Most of the run time grows at 2x level except C++ and C# (both of them grow more than 2x)


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (112) 1

  • Bishan Vithanage Lead Software Engineer | Cloud ERP | Business Planning, Reporting and Analysis
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    Accessing elements in an array is fast and constant time (O(1)) because you can directly access an element using its index.Accessing elements in a hash table is generally fast and constant time (O(1)) on average. However, it can degrade to O(n) in the worst case if there are hash collisions (two keys map to the same bucket).


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (121) 1


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6 How to choose the right data structure?

When it comes to choosing the right data structure for your problem, there is no definitive answer. It depends on the requirements and constraints of your application. However, some general guidelines can be followed. Arrays are useful when you need to store a fixed number of elements of the same type, access them by index, and iterate over them in order. Hash tables are ideal when you need to store variable number of elements of different types, access them by key, and perform frequent insertions and deletions. To find the optimal solution, consider the trade-offs between speed, memory, flexibility, and complexity of arrays and hash tables. Comparing their properties, operations, and performance will help you weigh the pros and cons of each data structure.

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  • 🧭 Sheldon Cohen Software Engineer | Engineering Manager | Technical Leadership | Solving Problems at Scale
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    I'll typically use a hash table (or dictionaries) when I want fast lookup based on a unique key, and don't care about the order of items.Arrays when order matters, or when I know the number of items in advance, and when I need to iterate over items in sequence. It's worth noting that searching for elements requires O(n) in worst-case.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (130) 2

  • Tim Newsom Engineer/Entrepreneur/CTO


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    I think this boils down to considerations of both performance and algorithm. Ignore memory differences for now, since that is largely implementation specific. When you have key value pairs and need to access them in random or unordered ways, a hash table is probably the right choice. When you have a set of values with no key, that are accessed as a set or iterated through, maybe an array is the right choice. Some alternatives like dictionaries or associative arrays could land in the middle of these two choices and might not be implemented in the same way that a hash table would be, so the performance expected might not be there, but access characteristics should be largely maintained. A lot of this will come down to implementation.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Richard Riehle, PhD Software Engineeing Consultant at RDR Software
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    There are many kinds of data structures tob consider. Breadth Search and Depth Search trees, Hash Maps, etc. There are also multiple ways to implement them to avoid key collisions. So there is no single structure that is best for every situation. This why we also develop metrics for every new algorithm so we can make correct choices


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (147) 3

  • Tim Newsom Engineer/Entrepreneur/CTO
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    On the whole, I think it is better to conceptualize the array as a base type of data structure, and build upon that with hash table concepts. If someone is learning about the difference between them, this approach builds a better mental model.Later, adding information about the differences between hash tables and dictionaries or associative arrays can help further clarify the underlying mechanics of these structures.Language specific implementations are important. For example, a dictionary in some language might leverage keys and values but not have the performance of a hash table due to the algorithms it leverages. An associative array might be similar to a dictionary, or it might not. These variations need concrete examples and metrics.


    How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (156) 1

  • Raj Lalwani Founder | Entrepreneur | Technical Product Management | Engineer | MBA
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    How about programming languages? Also about speed of development and urgency of requirements?Memory and speed of data retrieval?Size of data?


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Software Development How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (165)

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How can you compare arrays and hash tables? (2024)


How can you compare arrays and hash tables? ›

Arrays have linear time search, which means you need to scan through the entire array to find an element in O(n) time, where n is the number of elements. Hash tables have constant time search, which means you can find an element in a hash table by using its key in O(1) time.

When would you want to use an array instead of a hash table? ›

A list is typically ordered whereas a hashtable is not. So when you add elements into a list and expect the ordering to remain consistent then an array retains the ordering while a hashtable gives no guarantee as to the order you get back out. That's why we use an array to implement a list instead of a hash table.

What is the difference between array and HashMap? ›

Arrays are for simpler static structures where the length can be known at initialisation time. HashMaps are dictionaries for when your index isn't an integer, the index is derived instead by calling the hash method of the objects you're using for keys.

What is the difference between reading values from a hash and from an array? ›

Arrays: To retrieve data from our array, we can use the index (order) number, starting from 0. So, days[0] will return "Monday" , days[1] will return "Tuesday" . Hashes: With a hash you use the key value instead of the index number.

How do linked lists and hash tables compare? ›

Hash table lookup doesn't need (much if any) searching (only for clash) and in the majority of cases you can go right to the value from the input data. A linked list is a linear data structure made up of nodes (elements), each of which has a data field and a reference (link) to the next node in the list.

What is the difference between an array and a hash table? ›

Arrays are useful when you need to store a fixed number of elements of the same type, access them by index, and iterate over them in order. Hash tables are ideal when you need to store variable number of elements of different types, access them by key, and perform frequent insertions and deletions.

Is hash table always an array? ›

A hashtable is a data structure, much like an array, except you store each value (object) using a key. It's a basic key/value store. First, we create an empty hashtable. The person's name is the key and their age is the value that I want to save.

Why is hash faster than array? ›

Hash tables tend to be faster when it comes to searching for items. In arrays, you have to loop over all items before you find what you are looking for while in a hash table you go directly to the location of the item. Inserting an item is also faster in Hash tables since you just hash the key and insert it.

Why are Hash tables favored over arrays or linked lists? ›

Efficient insertion and deletion: Hashes are efficient at inserting and deleting elements because they only need to update one array index for each operation. In contrast, linked lists or arrays require shifting elements around when inserting or deleting elements.

When should you use a HashTable? ›

Use Hash tables when we need to store key-value pairs and perform frequent lookup, insert, or delete operations. Use Sets when we need to store unique elements, don't care about duplicates, and just need to perform operations like checking if an element is in the set or not.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a hash table over an array or a linked list? ›

Space efficiency: Unlike arrays or linked lists, which consume space proportionally to their size, hash tables only utilize space proportional to the number of elements they contain. Flexibility: Any type of data, including texts, integers, and objects, can be stored using hash tables.

Is hash table the best data structure? ›

In many situations, hash tables turn out to be more efficient than search trees or any other table lookup structure. For this reason they are widely used in many kinds of computer software, particularly for associative arrays, database indexing, caches, and sets.

Why use a hash table over a list? ›

Hash tables have an O(1) running time and alists an O(n) running time, so hash tables are ultimately more efficient than alists. However, if the alists are small, they can be more efficient than hash tables, which have a large initial overhead.

When should you use an array? ›

Arrays are useful for professionals dealing with large datasets and can be helpful when sorting and identifying variables. Understanding what arrays are and how programmers use them can allow you to implement them into your own work or gain a better understanding of the role of a software developer .

Why would you use an array instead of a list? ›

Arrays are faster than the list in python. Arrays can directly handle arithmetic operations while lists cannot. So we use arrays over lists. Arrays are preferred over lists for a longer sequence of data items.

What is the advantage of array over HashMap? ›

The ArrayList maintains the order of the objects they are inserted. HashMap does not provide a guarantee of the order in which they are inserted. ArrayList allows duplicate elements. HashMap allows duplicate values but does not allow duplicate keys.

When would you use a hash table? ›

Use Hash tables when we need to store key-value pairs and perform frequent lookup, insert, or delete operations. Use Sets when we need to store unique elements, don't care about duplicates, and just need to perform operations like checking if an element is in the set or not.

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