How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (2024)

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What is profitability?


How to assess risk?


How to measure liquidity?


How to calculate opportunity cost?


How to apply economic analysis?


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Here’s what else to consider

If you are looking for ways to grow your wealth, you might be wondering how to find the best investment opportunities. Investing is not a one-size-fits-all activity, and different types of investments may suit different goals, risk preferences, and time horizons. In this article, you will learn some basic principles and methods that can help you identify the most profitable investment opportunities in the context of economics.

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How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (11) How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (12) How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (13)

1 What is profitability?

Profitability is the measure of how much return you can get from an investment relative to its cost. It is usually expressed as a percentage or a ratio, such as return on investment (ROI), internal rate of return (IRR), or net present value (NPV). These indicators can help you compare different investment options and evaluate their performance over time. However, profitability is not the only factor to consider when choosing an investment. You also need to account for the risk, liquidity, and opportunity cost of each option.

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    You should compare the rate of return on investment in each industry in order to reach the desired result.Of course, this issue is different in inflation conditions, in the sense that inflation is also a factor in reducing the value of money


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (22) How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (23) 8

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    Profitability is of two types, viz economic profit and accounting profit.Let's understand with an example1) I run my own coaching classes and the classroom premises are also owned. I make a profit of 100$ a year, this is called my accounting profit. 2) But now let's consider the fact that I could've rented out my classes and earned a rent of 120$ per year which is now my opportunity cost (the foregone rent). So my Economic profit is Accounting profit- Opportunity cost. 100$-120$. I incur an economic loss of 20$


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (32) 5

  • Rishi Dewan Analyst, Economic Policy Group, EY| SBSC, DU'23| FRML1 ClearedFormerly: NITI AAYOG| Impact Investors Council| ABSLI| Digi Sidekick
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    I have interacted with many investors in the past, one statement stands out in mind. “Deep Research can give outsized returns in the long run.” Here are four things I consider before investing. Outlook: A stock in an upcoming industry is more likely to do well than a stock in a mature industry. For instance, EV vs Fossil Fuels. Business Model: The probability of your investment giving you great returns depends on the company being profitable. Unreasonable expenses such as unexplainably high marketing spends are a no go. Vision: In my opinion, triple bottom line businesses will be a consumer preference going forward. Approach: Companies that keep shareholders informed are likely to do well than companies that misrepresent information.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (41) 2

  • Ali Zaigham Agha Investor Relations @ Mashreq | MBA
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    You spend a 100 dollars, euros or dirhams and get back a 120. That is a 20 % return. If you get that in a month that is a 240% annualized return ( 20% * 12 months in a year) . Any spend/investment/outflow/use of cash that gives you back more than you have put in means you have generated a profit.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (50) 2

  • Muhammad Sabir Mumtaz Ghori Senior Vice President-1 | Credit Risk Review | Certified Financial Consultant | Credit/Financial Risk Specialist
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    Profitability is the real indicator that your investment is generating reward cash flow after netting off all risks. Yes some times short term loss does not mean that your investment is bad. A multiple indicators to determine profitability on investment like some time capital gain may also be considered as profitability 📈.


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2 How to assess risk?

Risk is the uncertainty or variability of the outcomes of an investment. It reflects the possibility of losing some or all of your initial investment, or earning less than expected. Risk can be influenced by various factors, such as market conditions, economic trends, business performance, political events, and legal regulations. To assess the risk of an investment, you can use tools such as standard deviation, beta, or value at risk (VaR). These tools can help you estimate the volatility, sensitivity, or potential loss of an investment relative to a benchmark or a target.

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  • Jack Laffan Distilling Exceptional Leadership into Actionable Tasks and Skills
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    Under the condition of long term investing (5 years+), the risk of volatility is significantly reduced.Then, long term risk factors become the most critical drivers of long term business profitability.Assessing the following key areas will allow you to determine an overall risk for the investment opportunity.Do you have the Competency to undertake the risk assessmentDoes the business have enduring competitive advantagesDoes management have "skin in the game" and aligned with long term shareholdersIs there an opportunity to purchase below your valuationWhat correlation or impact would this cause if it was added to your portfolio - under typical cyclical market conditions

  • Daniel Farias Especialista em Crédito PJ | + de R$ 250MM de crédito aprovado | Treinamento Comercial | Gestão de Processos
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    A avaliação do risco de um investimento inclui fatores como volatilidade, saúde financeira (análise fundamental), padrões de preço (análise técnica), diversificação e horizonte de investimento.Porém, outros fatores externos podem influenciar na avaliação, como por exemplo:- Risco político;- Risco Ambiental e Social;- Risco de Liquidez.Entre outros...


  • Tumisang Bogwasi 2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Business Growth Strategist | Digital Marketing Expert | Founder
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    To assess risk in an investment, consider using tools like standard deviation, beta, or value at risk (VaR). Risk, representing the uncertainty of investment outcomes, encompasses the potential for losing part or all of the initial investment or earning less than expected. ⁣⁣Various factors like market conditions, economic trends, business performance, political events, and legal regulations contribute to risk. Using tools that estimate volatility, sensitivity, or potential loss relative to benchmarks aids in comprehensively evaluating and managing the risks associated with an investment.⁣


3 How to measure liquidity?

Liquidity is the ease and speed of converting an investment into cash without losing its value. It affects the flexibility and accessibility of your funds, as well as the transaction costs and fees involved. Liquidity can vary depending on the type, market, and maturity of an investment. For example, stocks and bonds are generally more liquid than real estate or private equity, and short-term investments are more liquid than long-term ones. To measure the liquidity of an investment, you can use indicators such as bid-ask spread, turnover ratio, or liquidity ratio. These indicators can help you gauge the demand, supply, and efficiency of the market for an investment.

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  • Tumisang Bogwasi 2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Business Growth Strategist | Digital Marketing Expert | Founder
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    To measure liquidity in an investment, consider using indicators like bid-ask spread, turnover ratio, or liquidity ratio. Liquidity, representing the ease and speed of converting an investment into cash without value loss, impacts fund flexibility, accessibility, and transaction costs. Liquidity levels vary based on investment type, market dynamics, and maturity. ⁣⁣Generally, stocks and bonds exhibit higher liquidity than real estate or private equity, and short-term investments are more liquid than long-term ones. Using indicators aids in assessing market demand, supply, and efficiency for a comprehensive understanding of an investment's liquidity.⁣


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    Liquidity. This is perhaps one of the most important but least reviewed topics today. When we invest in the United States Stock Market, for example, we do not usually think about liquidity. But when we invest in emerging markets or in a startup, the first thing we must look at is liquidity. And that is, how quickly can I get my investment back? If tomorrow I need to sell, can I do it? Think of liquidity as selling property, which takes time and effort, compared to selling Apple stock, which can be sold immediately.


4 How to calculate opportunity cost?

Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative that you give up when you make an investment decision. It represents the potential benefit that you could have earned from a different option, given the same amount of money, time, and risk. Opportunity cost can help you evaluate the trade-offs and sacrifices involved in choosing an investment. To calculate the opportunity cost of an investment, you can use the formula: opportunity cost = return of the best alternative - return of the chosen option.

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  • Daniel Farias Especialista em Crédito PJ | + de R$ 250MM de crédito aprovado | Treinamento Comercial | Gestão de Processos


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    No Brasil, o custo de oportunidade de um investimento deve ser, basicamente, superior a um investimento em renda fixa, considerando sua liquidez e segurança no investimento (Tesouro Direto, por exemplo).Ao identificar esse retorno, deve-se comparar ao retorno x risco do novo investimento. Suponha duas opções de investimento:Exemplo:Ação A com retorno esperado de 8% ao ano.Título B com retorno esperado de 6% ao ano.Custo de oportunidade = Retorno de B - Retorno de ACusto de oportunidade = 6% - 8%Custo de oportunidade = -2%Neste caso, o custo de oportunidade de escolher a Ação A em vez do Título B é de -2%, indicando que a alternativa não escolhida teria gerado um retorno superior.



    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (109) 3

  • Abdulrahman AlShurafaa Economist at KFU l Applied Economics l FinTech l Business Development l Business Analysis l Project Management l Sustainable Development
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    Every investment choice involves sacrificing other potential returns. Compare the potential return of any given opportunity with alternative options like savings accounts or other investments to assess its true value.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (118) 1

  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally
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    Identifying the most profitable investment opportunities often involves calculating the opportunity cost. This is about comparing the potential return of one investment against the return of the next best alternative. From my experience, start by evaluating the expected return on the investment you're considering. Then, look at what you could potentially earn from the next best alternative investment. The opportunity cost is essentially the difference between these two returns. This comparison helps in understanding what you might forego by choosing one investment over another, guiding you towards the choice with the greater potential for profit.

  • Abdulrahman AlShurafaa Economist at KFU l Applied Economics l FinTech l Business Development l Business Analysis l Project Management l Sustainable Development


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    🛑As an economist, I can guide you through calculating opportunity cost, and here are the tips to consider: 📌Consider alternatives:Compare the potential return of an investment with other options available to you. Evaluate forgone opportunities and look through the return of the best alternative, like saving for retirement or other financial goals.📌Time value of money:Understand the impact of delaying other investments to pursue a particular opportunity. Time is valuable, ensure the potential returns justify the wait.

  • Tumisang Bogwasi 2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Business Growth Strategist | Digital Marketing Expert | Founder
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    To calculate opportunity cost, use the formula: opportunity cost = return of the best alternative - return of the chosen option. Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative foregone in an investment decision, representing the potential benefit achievable with the same resources. ⁣⁣This concept aids in evaluating trade-offs and sacrifices associated with investment choices, providing insights into the forgone opportunities and potential gains from alternative options in terms of returns, time, and risk.⁣


5 How to apply economic analysis?

Economic analysis is the process of applying economic theories, models, and data to understand and predict the behavior and outcomes of markets, businesses, and consumers. It can help you identify the trends, patterns, and drivers that affect the profitability, risk, liquidity, and opportunity cost of an investment. For example, you can use economic analysis to assess the supply and demand, competition, regulation, innovation, and social impact of an industry or a company that you are interested in investing in. You can also use economic analysis to forecast the future performance, growth, and valuation of an investment.

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  • Abdulrahman AlShurafaa Economist at KFU l Applied Economics l FinTech l Business Development l Business Analysis l Project Management l Sustainable Development
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    🛑In my opinion it is important to consider the internal and external environment for the business when you apply the economic analysis and here are some points: 📌Macroeconomic factors:Monitor broader economic trends, like interest rates, inflation, and GDP growth. These factors can significantly impact various investment markets.📌Sectoral analysis:Research specific industries with promising potential due to technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, or regulatory changes.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (151) 2

  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally
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    Identifying the most profitable investment opportunities using economic analysis involves a blend of qualitative and quantitative evaluation. From my experience, start with a macroeconomic analysis: assess the overall economic environment, including trends, inflation rates, and economic policies. Then, analyze the specific sector or company using tools like SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Quantitatively, delve into financial metrics such as ROI, P/E ratios, and cash flow projections. This comprehensive approach, combining broader economic trends with detailed financial analysis, provides a well-rounded view to identify investments with the highest potential for profitability.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (160) 1

6 How to consult an expert?

Consulting an expert is a way of seeking professional advice and guidance from someone who has the knowledge, experience, and skills in economics and investing. An expert can help you find the most profitable investment opportunities by providing you with relevant information, analysis, recommendations, and feedback. For example, you can consult an expert to help you define your investment objectives, design your portfolio, conduct due diligence, monitor your investments, and adjust your strategy. You can also consult an expert to learn new skills, insights, and perspectives that can enhance your investment decisions.

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  • Tumisang Bogwasi 2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Business Growth Strategist | Digital Marketing Expert | Founder
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    When diving into complex economic decisions, consulting an expert is your key to success! Reach out to professionals who specialize in economic analysis, and tap into their wealth of knowledge. ⁣⁣Discuss your investment goals, share insights, and gain valuable perspectives that can shape your strategy. Remember, expert advice is a powerful tool in navigating the dynamic landscape of economic opportunities.⁣


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    In my opinion, tax considerations are a must. Let's take an example.Indian govt issues Sovereign Gold Bonds(SGBs) which are tax free on redemption post 8 years. If you buy physical gold, then there will be tax implications on sale.Now the thing you need to identify here is whether you really want to hold it for 8 years. If yes, investing in SGBs make sense. But if you want to invest for less than 8 years given your outlook on Gold, then tax consideration shouldn't be the sole criteria.


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    7 Pro Tips:1. Know thyself: Assess your risk tolerance, investment goals, and timeline. Don't chase trends blindly.2. Diversify: Spread your wings across uncorrelated assets to mitigate risk. A single butterfly flapping can't topple a well-structured garden.3. Research relentlessly: Delve into financial statements, industry reports, and expert insights. Leave no stone unturned.4. Embrace innovation: Don't shy away from emerging sectors. Remember, Google was once a garage dream.5. Think long-term. 6. Control your emotions: Fear and greed are your worst enemies. Invest with a clear head and a steady hand.7. Learn from experience: Every investment, successful or not, is a lesson. Hone your skills with each step.


    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (187) How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (188) 9

  • Daniel Farias Especialista em Crédito PJ | + de R$ 250MM de crédito aprovado | Treinamento Comercial | Gestão de Processos
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    Ao longo da minha experiência, outros fatores devem e podem, também, serem considerados ao realizar um investimento, como:1. Horizonte de Investimento:Defina o período que pretende manter o investimento.2. Objetivos Financeiros:Determine seus objetivos financeiros de curto, médio e longo prazo3. Tolerância ao Risco:Avalie sua disposição para aceitar riscos.4. Ambiente Econômico:Avalie as condições econômicas globais e locais. Mudanças nas taxas de juros, inflação e políticas governamentais podem influenciar os investimentos



    How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (197) 1

  • Abdulrahman AlShurafaa Economist at KFU l Applied Economics l FinTech l Business Development l Business Analysis l Project Management l Sustainable Development


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    Here's what else to consider:1️⃣Diversification: Spreading your investments across different asset classes and sectors mitigates risk and increases stability.2️⃣Investment horizon: Long-term investments might tolerate higher risk compared to short-term needs requiring immediate liquidity.3️⃣Emotional detachment: Avoid emotional decisions based on market hype or fear. Stick to your researched strategy and avoid impulse investments.4️⃣Continuous learning: Stay updated on market trends, investment strategies, and economic news to adapt your approach as needed.


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  • Jack Laffan Distilling Exceptional Leadership into Actionable Tasks and Skills
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    Investing is simple: risk management is the central concept. Different strategies such as indexing, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, value investing, MPT etc utilise different risk "controls". These controls can be varied and adjusted just like driving a car to navigate various risks that come along.Different combinations of controls like diversification (un correlated assets or broad diversification), monitoring frequency, asset sizing etc can produce vastly different risk and return profiles.The end game is to reduce risk and keep returns relatively high.Skilled investment managers are able to utilise the best strategy, with the best controls, to lower risk and retain relatively high returns (risk adjusted).


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How can you identify the most profitable investment opportunities? (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.