How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (2024)

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Set SMART goals


Track your time and money


Prioritize your tasks and expenses


Create a budget and a schedule


Automate and streamline


Reward yourself and review your results


Here’s what else to consider

Time is money, as the saying goes. But how can you manage your time to improve your finances? In this article, you will learn some time management principles that can help you achieve your financial goals and avoid wasting your precious resources.

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  • Bernadette Pawlik Job Search / Career Strategist, Recruiting Insider

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  • Jacquie Branagan 3 x LinkedIn Top Voice. International Burnout Coach. I Empower Professional Women To Release Stress & Burnout;…

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How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (11) How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (12) How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (13)

1 Set SMART goals

The first step to manage your time and money is to set SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria help you define what you want to accomplish, how you will measure your progress, whether your goals are realistic, how they align with your values, and when you will achieve them. For example, a SMART goal could be: "I want to save $10,000 for a down payment on a house by December 2021."

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  • Bernadette Pawlik Job Search / Career Strategist, Recruiting Insider
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    I like the Stephen Covey approach:Start with the end in mind.If your goal is a new job in 6 months, work your way backwards from that goal.Assess the number of steps that will take.Block out a set amount of time to take those steps every day.Intention is great, goals are great, but identifying the steps and planning the time is what makes things happen.


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  • Jacquie Branagan 3 x LinkedIn Top Voice. International Burnout Coach. I Empower Professional Women To Release Stress & Burnout; Transforming Pressure into Progress and Exhaustion into Exhilaration
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    Define SMART goals with precision then revisit and adapt them for evolving circ*mstances.Regularly review and adjust goals to adapt to changing circ*mstances and priorities. Integrate a reward system for achieving milestones to foster motivation and productivity.


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  • Helen Christopher Chartered Accountant I help service sector businesses grow, understand their numbers, improve profits, create efficient processes, reduce overwhelm and achieve peace of mind |Business Mentoring|Accounting| Outsourced Finance Function|
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    If you set goals and targets and “manifest” what is is you want to achieve, write it down you have the start of a plan. If those goals are smart and measurable you can check in with them and you will see results… what gets measured gets done.

  • Luis Carlos Medina Mejia Consultor Financiero y Patrimonial,Administrador de Empresas, Posgrado en RISK MANAGEMENT, Diplomado en Finanzas Uniandes y Gerencia UniJaveriana. CMO en Financicol Seguros LTDA. Socio-Fundador Grupo Financicol.
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    Los objetivos SMART permiten alcanzar logros que nos acercan a la meta final y también fortalecen la confianza en nuestras acciones, son el primer paso para alcanzar el éxito en lo que nos proponemos..


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    Définir des objectifs SMART permet à une équipe de:-bien les comprendre et d'éviter les malentendus,-de mesure facilement le progrès et d'une façon objective,-d'engager et de motiver les individus,-d'utiliser les ressources d'une manière efficace et optimale-de s'auto-évaluer pour évoluer de façon continueJ'ajouterai un "E" à la fin (SMARTE) pour EQUITABLE, pour un impact juste et égal pour tous.


2 Track your time and money

The second step is to track your time and money. You can use apps, spreadsheets, calendars, or journals to record how you spend your hours and dollars. This will help you identify where you are wasting time and money, and where you can optimize your efficiency and effectiveness. For example, you might find out that you spend too much time on social media, or that you buy unnecessary items on impulse.

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  • Helen Christopher Chartered Accountant I help service sector businesses grow, understand their numbers, improve profits, create efficient processes, reduce overwhelm and achieve peace of mind |Business Mentoring|Accounting| Outsourced Finance Function|
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    Tracking is vital. If you don’t start with understanding where your time and money is going how do you know what to change or improve?


    How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (67) 3

  • Jacquie Branagan 3 x LinkedIn Top Voice. International Burnout Coach. I Empower Professional Women To Release Stress & Burnout; Transforming Pressure into Progress and Exhaustion into Exhilaration
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    Prioritise tasks and expenses using tools for example the Eisenhower matrix for effective management.Regularly reassess priorities based on changing circ*mstances to maintain optimal efficiency.


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  • Shannon Smith, J.D., M.S. 🧠🚀 The Limitless Luminary ⚡ Understand Your Buyer's Brain and Close More Sales with Brain Hacks 🧠 HarvardX Verified Neuroscience Researcher 🚀 Ex-Microsoft 💾 Founder 🎯 Keynote Speaker 🔈 Captain ⛵ Dog Mom 🐶
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    You manage what you measure. Find out where you are spending the majority of your time and evaluate if its giving you the most bang for your buck. If not, then outsource it.


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  • Michelle Bacso (Baxo), RPQ I specialize in helping high-achieving women improve their relationship with themselves and with others. I work virtually with individuals, companies, and couples.
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    Tracking is incredibly useful and often the part people resist as it gives a sense of feeling “controlled”. It’s all about how you create it! Once you are at the source of money coming in and exactly when/where/how money is going out, suddenly you are running the show, rather than old habits and impulses running you!

  • Roberta Pillon Paschoal Entusiasta do Mercado de Luxo
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    Crie um orçamento para entender suas despesas e receitas. Dedique tempo regularmente para revisar e atualizar seu orçamento, ajustando conforme necessário. Além disso, aloque tempo para pesquisar e comparar preços antes de fazer compras, buscando ofertas e economizando dinheiro. Priorize atividades que gerem renda ou promovam o crescimento profissional. Evite procrastinação e estabeleça metas financeiras realistas, dedicando tempo regular para alcançá-las. Esteja ciente de como você gasta seu tempo e ajuste seu foco para atividades que contribuam positivamente para suas finanças.



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3 Prioritize your tasks and expenses

The third step is to prioritize your tasks and expenses. You can use a matrix, such as the Eisenhower matrix, to categorize your tasks and expenses into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. You should focus on the tasks and expenses that are urgent and important, plan ahead for the ones that are important but not urgent, delegate or outsource the ones that are urgent but not important, and eliminate or minimize the ones that are neither urgent nor important.

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    I love what Ramit Sethi says-- ask the $30000 questions, not the $3 questions.Instead of feeling ashamed about what you spend on a latte, figure out how you can optimise your savings/borrowing interest rates. What big things can you slash. What things do not matter to you, that you can cut. .so you can spend on the things you love.


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    Il existe plusieurs méthodes pour hiérarchiser ses tâches telles que "La matrice d'Eisenhower" ou "La technique Pomodoro" que j'utilise et qui sont efficaces. L'installation de routines est indispensable.Pour la bonne gestion de l'argent, on peut utiliser "Le Principe de 50/30/20" qui permet d'allouer 50% des revenus pour les besoins essentiels, 30% pour les dépenses personnelles, et 20% pour les investissem*nts. Pour cela il faut définir un budget réaliste en identifiant les revenus et dépenses.-Il faut réduire les dépenses en identifiant celles qui ne sont pas essentielles, superflues, ou qui sont dues à des achats impulsifs,-et augmenter l'investissem*nt en le diversifiant pour minimiser les risques ou en consultant un professionnel.



4 Create a budget and a schedule

The fourth step is to create a budget and a schedule. A budget is a plan for how you will allocate your income and expenses, while a schedule is a plan for how you will allocate your time and energy. Both should reflect your SMART goals and your priorities. You should review your budget and schedule regularly, and adjust them as needed. For example, you might set a monthly budget for your housing, food, utilities, savings, debt repayment, and entertainment, and a weekly schedule for your work, personal, family, and leisure activities.

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    Creating a budget and a schedule will not do it Mr. AI. Implementation is the most important part. many people create a budget but never stick to it.I use a spreadsheet for this. I have been doing it for over 40 years and became a millionaire on a 9-5 job. If I can do it, you can do it too. Be intentional about your spending.


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  • Rodrigo Cavalcante Reis Regional Compliance Manager - Master of Business Administration - MBA | FIA Auditoria Interna | Compliance | Riscos | Controles Internos | Conformidade | Seguros
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    Sometimes people overthink and forget about the basic. In general everybody is aware about the higher and regular expenses, but we also need to be aware about impulsive and unexpected purchase. It is not a matter of not buying something that you like, but also to consider these expenses in our financial control. It makes easier and helpful to know and plan, creating a positive financial behaviour to handle.


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  • Shannon Smith, J.D., M.S. 🧠🚀 The Limitless Luminary ⚡ Understand Your Buyer's Brain and Close More Sales with Brain Hacks 🧠 HarvardX Verified Neuroscience Researcher 🚀 Ex-Microsoft 💾 Founder 🎯 Keynote Speaker 🔈 Captain ⛵ Dog Mom 🐶
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    I am one of those who get up at 5am to do deep work. That is what works the best for me, time blocking early in the morning before the rest of the world is up. You gotta find what works the best for you and keep up that routine.


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  • Luis Carlos Medina Mejia Consultor Financiero y Patrimonial,Administrador de Empresas, Posgrado en RISK MANAGEMENT, Diplomado en Finanzas Uniandes y Gerencia UniJaveriana. CMO en Financicol Seguros LTDA. Socio-Fundador Grupo Financicol.
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    El presupuesto mensual y anual de tus ingresos y gastos te permitirá: 1. Saber exactamente como está y estará tu dinero, si te falta, es porque gastas mas de lo que ganas y si te sobra es una oportunidad para ahorrar o invertir. 2. Te permitirá programar de mejor manera tus gastos. 3. Podrás identificar gastos "hormiga" que de ser necesario podrías eliminar. 4. Unido a tus objetivos SMART podrás implementar estrategias económicas para lograrlos. 5. Podrás fijar objetivos de ingresos y gastos en el tiempo.



5 Automate and streamline

The fifth step is to automate and streamline. You can use tools and systems to automate and streamline some of your tasks and expenses, so that you can save time and money. For example, you can set up automatic transfers to your savings account, or use online banking to pay your bills. You can also use templates, checklists, or routines to simplify your work or personal processes.

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    One of the best ways is to automate your investments. Think long-term, what grows sustainably, instead of looking for quick wins that might leave you anxious. If you have certain calls and bills to sort (e.g. that need a cheque/transfer, or annually calls to waive fees), pop them in your calendar.


6 Reward yourself and review your results

The sixth and final step is to reward yourself and review your results. You should celebrate your achievements and acknowledge your efforts, as well as learn from your mistakes and challenges. You can reward yourself with something that aligns with your goals and values, such as a vacation, a gift, or a donation. You should also review your results periodically, and compare them with your SMART goals. You can use feedback, data, or testimonials to evaluate your performance and impact.

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  • Shannon Smith, J.D., M.S. 🧠🚀 The Limitless Luminary ⚡ Understand Your Buyer's Brain and Close More Sales with Brain Hacks 🧠 HarvardX Verified Neuroscience Researcher 🚀 Ex-Microsoft 💾 Founder 🎯 Keynote Speaker 🔈 Captain ⛵ Dog Mom 🐶
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    Motivation is tricky - you need a dopamine squirt to get motivation to do anything. Once you get that dopamine squirt, then you do the thing, then you can get a light up in your nucleus accumbens (i.e., reward). Keep up that cycle!Also bonus, use variable reward when you hit your milestone.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    In the pursuit of success, setting aside dedicated time for continuous learning is a game-changer. Whether it's about time management or amplifying earnings, learning expands horizons and unlocks new methods for financial growth. Blocking time in your schedule for learning isn't just an investment in knowledge; it's an investment in maximizing potential earnings. It's about staying adaptable, discovering innovative strategies, and broadening skill sets for both saving and generating more.


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    To improve your finances through effective time management, prioritize tasks based on their impact on income or savings. Set clear financial goals, create a budget, track expenses, and allocate time for activities that contribute to your financial well-being, such as investing, skill-building, or side hustles. Regularly review and adjust your financial plan to stay on track.


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    Ultimately when it comes to money, it is the mental game that matters.Money is an emotional topic-- don't fool yourself otherwise.And it's not just about how much you are earning, it's how much you are keeping and growing. You can also save too much and live too little. And that for every period in your own growth, you will have different money habits and rules-- review them to update them according to the person that you have become.

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    The thing with growing your personal financial growth is to regularly review and reflect on progress. I’ve done this annually looking at goals in place, finances available, liabilities and spends coming up and then planning it all in with a mini forecast. It takes time to grow so be patient, trust in the process and review quarterly to stay focused.


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How can you manage your time to improve your finances? (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.