How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (2024)

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Use real-world examples


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Diversify your perspectives


Promote respectful dialogue


Assess learning outcomes


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Economics is a fascinating subject that explores how people make choices, interact, and allocate resources. But it can also be intimidating, abstract, and controversial for some students. How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion and engages learners of different backgrounds, interests, and perspectives? Here are some tips and strategies to help you create a dynamic and inclusive economics classroom.

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How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (1)

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  • Thomas Mosk LinkedIn Top Voice | Data-Driven Economist and Lecturer | Bridging Research and Headlines in Economics | Empowering…

    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (3) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (4) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (5) 18

  • How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (7) 13

  • How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (9) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (10) 13

How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (11) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (12) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (13)

1 Use real-world examples

One of the best ways to make economics relevant and relatable is to use real-world examples that illustrate economic concepts and principles. You can draw from current events, personal experiences, pop culture, or historical cases to show how economics affects everyday life and decision making. For example, you can use the COVID-19 pandemic to discuss topics such as supply and demand, market failures, fiscal and monetary policy, inequality, and trade-offs. Real-world examples can also help students connect economics to other disciplines, such as politics, sociology, psychology, and ethics.

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  • Thomas Mosk LinkedIn Top Voice | Data-Driven Economist and Lecturer | Bridging Research and Headlines in Economics | Empowering Data Literacy
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    My recommendation is to use real-world data. For example, to teach about ESG ratings, you could give students a data set of ESG ratings for different companies. This would allow them to see how companies are performing on environmental, social, and governance metrics. It is important to use real-world data to teach economics because it makes the concepts more relevant and engaging for students. It also helps students develop data analysis and visualization skills. By encouraging critical thinking, teachers can help students develop their own economic viewpoints and spark meaningful discussion.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (22) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (23) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (24) 18

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    Economics can be easily taught when a teacher has got practical/real life examples of the concepts to be discussed in the classroom. Technical jargons of this subject are better understood when a short story/case is presented to students.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (33) 13

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    I also stress the use of examples that are particularly relevant to students' daily experiences whenever possible.A few years ago, when discussing the "Sunk cost" concept with some undergraduate students, I employed their enthusiasm for football. I highlighted how one of their favorite football coaches persistently opened the game with a consistently underperforming player.Then, I delved into an extensive explanation, connecting it to the concepts of the sunk cost fallacy. I omitted the specifics here as I'm engaging with experts.But the point is, the above analogy heightened students' curiosity, encouraging them to rethink their decisions and steer clear of the Sunk cost trap, thereby enriching their understanding of the concept.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (42) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (43) 13

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    Here are a few strategies to achieve this:1. Start with relatable and thought-provoking examples: Begin the lesson with real-life situations that students can relate to. 2. Use interactive activities and simulations: Incorporate hands-on activities or simulations that simulate economic scenarios. 3. Explore multiple perspectives: Encourage students to consider various economic perspectives and challenge their own assumptions. 4. Discuss current events and controversies.5. Encourage open-ended questions.6. Foster group discussions and debates.7. Incorporate multimedia resources.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (52) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (53) 3

  • Mohamed Abdrabo Head, Alexandria Research Center for Climate Change Adaptation (ARCA), Alexandria University
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    The main aspect that needs to be emphasised when teaching economics is the logic of the treatment of different topics. Try to make sure that students do not attempt to memorize different laws, equations, and graphs.Also, we need to make that economic laws and theories are not telling people how to behave but more into observing what the people do and trying to explain them and predict what could happen in different situations and under different policies. There is also a need to consider examples; whether practical and/or hypothetical, including discussing economic changes that occur in their daily life so that they can relate to the different topics being discussed.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (62) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (63) 3

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2 Encourage active learning

Another way to teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion is to encourage active learning, which involves students participating in activities that require them to apply, analyze, evaluate, and create knowledge. Active learning can take many forms, such as simulations, games, experiments, case studies, debates, or projects. For example, you can use the prisoner's dilemma game to demonstrate the concept of Nash equilibrium and the trade-off between cooperation and competition. Active learning can help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as foster motivation, curiosity, and enjoyment.

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  • Dr. Noha Ghazy Economics Lecturer at The British University in Egypt | LinkedIn Top Economics Voice
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    This is particularly true when a concept is too difficult to grasp theoretically. In that case I start off with a numerical example which the students can take part in solving and then walk my way through to the theoretical implications.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (72) How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (73) 7

  • Luis Garvía Vega Director del Máster de Riesgos en ICADE | Profesor de mercados financieros | IEB | NYU | ICADE
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    Richard Thaler y los empujones o los experimentos naturales nos permiten mirar por la ventana del aula y descubrir equilibrios de Pareto, raiders que son falsos autónomos, la gestión eficiente de recursos que se consigue desde el móvil... todo ello mirando por la ventana



    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (82) 5

  • David A. Economy and Business. | Associate Profesor | Behavioral economics | Neuroscience | Technology | Multidisciplinar ideas
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    En mi experiencia personal como docente he tenido mejores resultados en cuanto a que las ideas sean entendidas y se fomente un ambiente de debate, cuando he usado ejemplos apoyados en temás de interés de los estudiantes.Otro ejercicio interesante es intercambiar posicionamientos en el pensamiento de los estudiantes, de manera que tengan que defender las ideas contrarias a las que ellos y ellas tienen realmente. Esto dota de pensamiento crítico y fomenta la empatía.



    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (91) 3

  • Johannes Binswanger Professor for Business Economics and Public Policy, University of St. Gallen — Writer — Educator

    ESG ratings also show how data can be tricky. Would we believe these ratings? So far, there are almost no standards, so companies have a lot of fredom to present themselves as "ESG" if that is good for their business. There is quite some economics in this data generating process. To understand this can also make for great econ teaching. But it's not the easiest way to start.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (100) 2

3 Diversify your perspectives

Economics is not a monolithic or neutral discipline. It is influenced by different schools of thought, assumptions, values, and ideologies. To teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion, you should diversify your perspectives and expose students to different viewpoints and paradigms. You can do this by introducing alternative or heterodox approaches, such as behavioral, feminist, ecological, or institutional economics, that challenge or complement the mainstream or orthodox models. You can also invite guest speakers, share diverse readings, or use multimedia resources that represent different voices and experiences in economics.

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  • Stacy Otten Finance Consultant @ Off the Fence | Msc, Control
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    There are a world of thoughts out there about economics to explore. There is your traditional neoclassical economics, that views economics from a rational, mathematical perspective. You have behavioral economics that acknowledges people aren’t always rational or act that way in the economy. You have economic geography that argues the characteristics of economies and how they function are fundamentally rooted in space-time. There is circular economics which says our measures of economic growth and development are misguided.It’s a diverse world of economic thought!


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (109) 4

  • Sarah Ali, Ph.D. Applied Economist | LinkedIn Top Voice | Views Expressed Are My Own
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    In theory, much of economics is suppose to result in some type of market equilibrium where supply meets demand. In reality, that never happens. For example, in a labor economics course, students will learn about the factors which impact the likelihood of hiring or the factors which impact wages. From a theoretical perspective variables such as race or ethnicity are sometimes excluded from the discussion in a introductory course, however labor economists have conducted research on this.Thought leadership and applied research confirms that people of color continue to face discrimination and that discrimination does impact their ability to gain tenure at a company, and opportunities for advancement. This is real life economics.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (118) 3

  • Luis Garvía Vega Director del Máster de Riesgos en ICADE | Profesor de mercados financieros | IEB | NYU | ICADE
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    La mejor herramienta que tenemos es la pregunta, y antes de la motivación está la provocación, ayudado siempre por el humor. Cualquier tema polémico debería de ser analizado en el aula, separando hechos de opiniones, con toda la información disponible y con rigor y seriedad. La persona siempre en el centro



    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (127) 2

4 Promote respectful dialogue

Teaching economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion also requires creating a safe and supportive environment where students can express their opinions, questions, and doubts without fear of judgment or ridicule. You should promote respectful dialogue and constructive feedback among students and yourself. You can do this by establishing clear ground rules and expectations for communication, such as listening attentively, acknowledging different perspectives, using evidence and logic, avoiding personal attacks, and being open-minded and humble. You should also model respectful dialogue and intervene when necessary to prevent or address conflicts or misunderstandings.

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  • Luis Garvía Vega Director del Máster de Riesgos en ICADE | Profesor de mercados financieros | IEB | NYU | ICADE
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    Si hay algo que deberíamos haber aprendido de la pandemia es que el elemento central de la economía es el cuidado. El resto es secundario. La desigualdad social es un problema cada vez más grande



    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (136) 4



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    Teach learners how to do thoroughgoing and real research and fully demonstrate how economic research answers economic questions in the present world order. This research must be supported by infallible proofs and evidence.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (145) 1

5 Assess learning outcomes

Finally, to teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion, you should assess the learning outcomes and measure the impact of your teaching strategies. You can use various methods and tools to evaluate how well students have learned the economic concepts and principles, as well as how they have developed their discussion skills. For example, you can use quizzes, tests, essays, presentations, portfolios, or self-assessments to gauge students' knowledge, understanding, application, and synthesis of economics. You can also use surveys, feedback forms, reflections, or peer evaluations to assess students' attitudes, perceptions, participation, and collaboration in discussions.

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  • Juan Carlos Serrano Versatile Data Scientist with 5+ years in financial projects and 6+ years specializing in economic analysis. Committed to uncovering actionable intelligence for informed decision-making and business success.
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    I will also recomend to try and replicate a paper. It's a lot of work, but it gives students some idea of what they will do if they pursue Economic research related jobs.


    How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (154) 2

6 Here’s what else to consider

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How can you teach economics in a way that sparks meaningful discussion? (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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