How dividends are taxed in Canada (2024)

Dividends can be a good way to pay yourself through your company, and indeed, many physicians choose to pay themselves in dividends from their medical professional corporation, rather than paying themselves a salary. But it’s vital to understand how dividends are taxed in Canada to make sure you’re optimizing both your personal and corporate tax rates.

How you might be earning dividends

Dividend income is typically earned by owning shares in publicly traded companies that issue dividends to their shareholders. Generally, only large, well-established companies issue dividends, as a way to share their profits with investors. Younger, expanding companies, on the other hand, usually reinvest profits in their growth.

Dividends are taxable income

If you hold your shares in a non-registered (taxable) account, then dividends will be subject to tax in the year they are received. (Registered accounts like RRSPs and TFSAs are different — more on this below.) Luckily, dividends received by a Canadian resident from a Canadian business get special treatment with something called the dividend tax credit.

On the other hand, dividends you receive from foreign corporations get taxed at your highest marginal rate. Many countries also impose a withholding tax on dividends paid to you, a foreign investor — most notably the 15% foreign withholding tax on U.S. dividends.

Dividends are tax-advantaged in your RRSP and TFSA

Dividends are taxed differently in registered, tax-advantaged accounts. If you hold your dividend shares in an RRSP, you won’t have to pay any tax on dividends received until the funds are eventually withdrawn from the account. And if you hold your shares in a TFSA, the dividends (like all TFSA income) are tax-free, even when withdrawn.

Eligible versus non-eligible dividends

There are two types of dividends that shareholders can receive:

  • Eligible dividends — taxed more favourably. Eligible dividends are paid out by large Canadian businesses that pay higher corporate taxes — public corporations that do not qualify for the small business tax deduction or private corporations with net income higher than the $500,000 small business deduction. Eligible dividends come with an enhanced dividend tax credit, which is why they are taxed more favourably than non-eligible dividends.
  • Non-eligible dividends — taxed less favourably. These are paid out by Canadian private corporations (small businesses) that pay corporate tax at a lesser rate. You get a lower dividend tax credit on non-eligible dividends to reflect the fact that the small business paid less corporate tax.

Why do physicians often pay themselves in dividends?

If you’ve incorporated your medical practice and have all your revenue and expenses flowing through your business, you still need to pay yourself in order to live.
Here’s why some physicians opt to pay themselves dividends:

1. It’s easy to manage

Physicians can simply transfer money from their business account to their personal account as needed to meet their spending needs and then declare that amount as dividends paid at the end of their corporate tax year. There’s no messing around with setting up payroll or worrying about Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions.

2. It keeps your personal tax rate low

If a physician in Ontario paid herself $100,000 in dividends, that amount would be “grossed-up” to $115,000 and she would pay taxes of $15,629 for the year — an average tax rate of 15.6%. By comparison, if she paid herself a salary of $100,000, she would pay $22,958 in taxes — an average rate of 23%.1

3. It can allow you to income-split with your spouse

Your spouse can become a shareholder of the corporation and if they actually work in the business, they can receive dividends from the corporation at the low dividend tax rate. This would reduce your overall household tax rate. If your spouse does not work in the business, you can only income-split after you, the physician, turn 65.

4. It can allow you to invest more inside the corporation

By keeping your personal tax rate low, paying yourself in dividends allows you to focus on investing the profits of the business inside the corporation and building significant corporate assets.

There is a downside, though: By building up your corporate investments, you may be receiving significant investment income — also known as passive income — and thus limiting your access to the low small-business tax rate. The small business deduction limit is reduced by $5 for every $1 of passive income that exceeds $50,000 and reaches zero once $150,000 of passive income is earned in a year.

Disadvantages of paying yourself dividends

While a physician paying themselves dividends for the duration of their career has its advantages in terms of simplicity, lower personal taxes, income-splitting potential, and allowing the build-up of significant corporate assets, the strategy does have its flaws and complications.
Here are some disadvantages of paying yourself dividends:

1. Dividends don’t generate RRSP contribution room

Unlike paying yourself a salary, paying dividends doesn’t generate RRSP contribution room. A physician who solely pays themselves dividends won’t be able to contribute to an RRSP.

2. You’ll miss out on CPP benefits

If you are paid in dividends, you do not pay into the CPP and you won’t receive CPP benefits in the future. Since self-employed physicians do not receive any workplace pension and are responsible for their own savings for retirement, this can be a considerable disadvantage to a dividend-paying strategy.
There is also an upside: you don’t have to make CPP contributions. Small business owners paying a salary would be required to contribute both the employee and employer portions to CPP.

3. Dividends are not deductible business expenses

While a salary is a deductible expense for the business, dividends are not. This can be a consideration if the business earnings exceed $500,000 per year (the small business deduction threshold). Having a salary to deduct might bring the corporate earnings down below that threshold.

That said, the Canadian tax system is “integrated” so that there is no theoretical advantage to paying yourself a salary versus dividends. While dividends are taxed at a lower rate personally, they’re not eligible for deductions for the corporation. Conversely, a salary is taxed at a higher rate than dividends personally but is a deductible expense for the business.

4. Possible lost opportunities

Be aware that by focusing on your corporation and not saving and investing on the personal side of your ledger (in your RRSP, TFSA and non-registered account), you could be missing out on other tax-saving strategies, income-splitting opportunities (from RRIF income at 65), and being able to fully fund the life you want to lead because your assets are all tied up in the corporation.

When it comes to dividends, seek professional advice to ensure you use dividends wisely. An MD Advisor* can help you plan now so you can be confident in your financial future.

1 Calculation are based on the “gross up” rate of 15% that is applied to non-eligible dividends starting from 2019, and using the Ontario average tax rate of 15.6% for non-eligible dividends and 23.0% for employment income for the 2022 tax year. View the calculator here.

* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec), or an MD Private Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager.

The above information should not be construed as offering specific financial, investment, foreign or domestic taxation, legal, accounting or similar professional advice nor is it intended to replace the advice of independent tax, accounting or legal professionals.

I bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge in financial matters, particularly in the realm of taxation, corporate finance, and investment strategies. My background includes an in-depth understanding of the Canadian tax system, specifically as it pertains to dividend income and the nuances associated with medical professional corporations. As someone deeply entrenched in financial concepts, I can navigate through the complexities of tax optimization, corporate structuring, and investment planning.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. Dividend Income and Taxation in Canada:

  • Earning Dividends:
    • Dividend income is typically earned through ownership of shares in publicly traded companies that issue dividends to shareholders.
    • Larger, established companies usually issue dividends, while younger, growing companies tend to reinvest profits.
  • Taxation of Dividends:
    • Dividends held in non-registered accounts are subject to tax in the year received.
    • Dividends from Canadian businesses receive special treatment with a dividend tax credit.
    • Dividends from foreign corporations are taxed at the highest marginal rate with potential withholding taxes.

2. Tax Advantages in Registered Accounts:

  • Dividends held in registered accounts (RRSP and TFSA) have different tax treatments.
  • In RRSP, dividends are taxed upon withdrawal, and in TFSA, dividends are tax-free even upon withdrawal.

3. Types of Dividends:

  • Eligible Dividends:
    • Paid by large Canadian businesses with higher corporate taxes.
    • Taxed more favorably with an enhanced dividend tax credit.
  • Non-Eligible Dividends:
    • Paid by Canadian private corporations (small businesses) with lower corporate taxes.
    • Taxed less favorably with a lower dividend tax credit.

4. Physicians Choosing Dividends:

  • Advantages:
    • Easy to manage, no payroll setup, or CPP contributions.
    • Keeps personal tax rate lower compared to a salary.
    • Allows income-splitting with a spouse.
    • Enables investment within the corporation, building significant assets.

5. Disadvantages of Paying Dividends:

  • Dividends don't generate RRSP contribution room.
  • No CPP benefits, affecting retirement savings.
  • Dividends are not deductible business expenses.
  • Possible missed opportunities for tax-saving strategies and income-splitting.

6. Professional Advice:

  • Seeking professional advice is crucial for wise dividend utilization.
  • MD Advisors can assist in planning for a confident financial future.

In conclusion, the article highlights the intricacies of dividend taxation in Canada, especially concerning medical professionals who often opt for dividends. The choice between salary and dividends involves careful consideration of tax implications, retirement planning, and overall financial goals. Professional advice is recommended to navigate the complexities and make informed decisions.

How dividends are taxed in Canada (2024)


How dividends are taxed in Canada? ›

Are dividends included in taxable income in Canada? When a shareholder receives a dividend, they must include it in their tax return. Dividends are federal and provincial taxes. The tax component of qualified dividends is taxed at 15.0198 percent, while the tax portion of non-eligible dividends is taxed at 9.031%.

How much tax do you pay on dividends in Canada? ›

Calculation are based on the “gross up” rate of 15% that is applied to non-eligible dividends starting from 2019, and using the Ontario average tax rate of 15.6% for non-eligible dividends and 23.0% for employment income for the 2022 tax year. View the calculator here.

How is US dividend income taxed in Canada? ›

Since U.S. dividends are not paid from Canadian corporations, U.S. dividends do not qualify for the preferential Canadian dividend tax treatment. Foreign dividends, including U.S. dividends, are subject to tax at your marginal tax rate like interest income.

How much tax will I pay on my dividend income? ›

How dividends are taxed depends on your income, filing status and whether the dividend is qualified or nonqualified. Qualified dividends are taxed at 0%, 15% or 20% depending on taxable income and filing status. Nonqualified dividends are taxed as income at rates up to 37%.

Do Canadian companies withhold taxes on dividends? ›

WHT at a rate of 25% is imposed on interest (other than most interest paid to arm's-length non-residents), dividends, rents, royalties, certain management and technical service fees, and similar payments made by a Canadian resident to a non-resident of Canada.

What is the tax rate on dividends in the US Canada Treaty? ›

What is the withholding rate and exempt amount for the US/Canada Tax Treaty? US dividends paid to foreign (non-US citizen) investors are generally subject to a 30% withholding tax. Under the US/Canada Tax Treaty, the withholding rate may be reduced to only 15%.

Are reinvested dividends taxable in Canada? ›

If you choose to reinvest any distributions by buying more units or shares, you may not actually receive the income shown on your information slips. However, you must still report on your income tax and benefit return the amounts shown on your slips.

Do I pay Canadian tax on US income? ›

A: Yes. You should report the most types of foreign income on your Canadian income tax return. Exceptions are some lottery winnings, most gifts and inheritances, child care payments, amounts received from life insurance policy, strike pay received from union, elementary and secondary school scholarship and bursaries.

Do US citizens pay tax on foreign dividends? ›

Are foreign dividends taxable in the United States? Definitely, yes. If you are a US person, which includes citizens, dual nationals, Green Card holders, resident aliens, and domestic legal entities, you are subject to US tax on your global income. This global income includes money earned through foreign dividends.

Do US citizens pay taxes on Canadian stocks? ›

Capital gains taxes are very similar to those incurred when buying United States-domiciled stocks. The Canadian government imposes a 15% withholding tax on dividends paid to out-of-country investors, which can be claimed as a tax credit with the IRS and is waived when Canadian stocks are held in US retirement accounts.

How to calculate tax on dividend income? ›

Under Section 194 of the Income-tax Act of 1961, the firm declaring the dividend must deduct TDS. If the dividend income exceeds Rs. 5000 for an individual, TDS is 10%. If the beneficiary does not submit a PAN, the TDS rate increases to 20%.

Are dividends taxed if reinvested? ›

Dividends from stocks or funds are taxable income, whether you receive them or reinvest them. Qualified dividends are taxed at lower capital gains rates; unqualified dividends as ordinary income. Putting dividend-paying stocks in tax-advantaged accounts can help you avoid or delay the taxes due.

Is entire dividend income taxable? ›

Yes, all the dividend income you receive in India is taxable, including the dividends you receive from mutual fund investments and direct equity investments.

How much dividend income is tax free in Canada? ›

Eligible Dividends and Alternative Minimum Tax

AMT starts when the dividends reach $55,002 (2022 $54,403). Federal AMT is applicable for dividends above this amount, until the amount of the dividends reaches $175,218 (2022 $161,215), when the regular federal tax equals or exceeds the minimum amount.

How to report US dividends in Canada? ›

If you received foreign interest or dividend income, report it in Canadian dollars. Use the Bank of Canada exchange rate in effect on the day that you received the income. If you received the income at different times during the year, use the average annual rate.

What is the non-resident tax rate on dividends in Canada? ›

Canadian dividend income you receive from directly investing in Canadian corporations through a non-registered investment account is generally subject to a 25% Canadian non-resident withholding tax.

How much tax is calculated on dividend? ›

Tax on dividends is calculated pretty much the same way as tax on any other income. The biggest difference is the tax rates - instead of the usual 20%, 40%, 45% (depending on your tax band), you'll be taxed at 8.75%, 33.75%, and 39.35%.

How much tax is deducted on dividends? ›

According to Section 194, an Indian company must deduct tax at the rate of 10% from dividends distributed to resident shareholders if the total amount of dividends distributed or paid to a shareholder during the financial year goes above and beyond Rs. 5,000.

Is it better to pay yourself a salary or dividends in Canada? ›

It really depends on your unique circ*mstances. If you're planning to apply for a home mortgage or loan, paying yourself a steady salary is the way to go. If you want to keep more cash in your corporation, paying yourself via dividends is the better option.

How much tax on interest income in Canada? ›

Interest income from sources such as bank accounts, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), bonds and notes (including principal protected notes or PPNs), whether received from Canadian or foreign sources, is taxed at your full, marginal income tax rate.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.