How Do I Protect My Pelvic Floor While Running? — Lady Bird PT (2024)

Despite popular belief, running isn’t inherently bad for your knees or your pelvic floor. With that said, the way you run can significantly alter the amount of stress placed on your pelvic floor muscles. In this piece, we’ll dive into whether running is good or bad for your pelvic floor, how your pelvic floor is impacted by running, exercises and drills you can incorporate into training to support your pelvic health and ways to modify running form to protect yourself while you run.

Is running good or bad for my pelvic floor?

Running itself is neither good or bad for your pelvic floor, but the status of your pelvic floor while you run can influence whether running is strengthening or stressing these muscles. Here’s a simple rule of thumb to help you determine whether running is helpful or stressful for your pelvic floor: If you don’t experience any pelvic floor related symptoms like leakage, heaviness in your pelvis or pelvic pain and your pelvic floor has good strength, endurance and muscular control, running may help make you stronger. If you do experience pelvic floor symptoms, particularly if those symptoms are aggravated by running, or if you have underlying weakness or control deficits, running may not be the best option for you, for now.

If someone is already experiencing pelvic floor symptoms like leakage, prolapse symptoms or pelvic pain, continuing to run can exacerbate symptoms and injuries. This may be a contributing factor to why female athletes are more likely to experience urinary incontinence than their sedentary counterparts.I generally don’t recommend running through these symptoms unless you'vebeen told otherwise by your healthcare provider.

No pain no gain is not the mantra for a healthy and happy pelvic floor. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, start by addressing the underlying cause of the symptom before resuming training.

How does running impact your pelvic floor?

Running, just like all high impact exercise, exerts increased forces through your pelvic floor. Fortunately, yourpelvic floor has evolved to absorb this stress.

One role of the pelvic floor is to support your internal organs from below. Your pelvic floor forms the bottom of your core. When you land while running, a force known as ground reaction force travels through your foot, up your leg into your pelvis. As you land, ground reaction forces of 2.4 to 3.9 times the body weight travel through your pelvic floor muscles. In reaction to this expected increase in force, your pelvic floor muscles have evolved to automatically activate prior to landing during running and high impact activities. Or at least that’s what they’re supposed to do.

In folks with underlying pelvic floor muscle weakness or coordination deficits, this automatic muscle contraction might not occur. This increase in ground reaction force paired with a lack of automatic activation explains why running and other high impact activities can trigger urinary leakage and prolapse symptoms that aren’t present at rest.

For someone with a healthy pelvic floor, this increase in ground reaction force is not problematic. As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I am a huge fan of running for exercise. The benefits of cardiovascular fitness, time spent outdoors, positive impact on bone density and functional strength are too amazing to give up due to fear of increased forces through the body.

For someone with pelvic floor impairments, it’s important to address those underlying areas of weakness so that you can continue to run without increased likelihood of injury. This is no different than someone returning to running after an ankle sprain. If you sprain your ankle and return to running without rehabbing your ankle, running will be bad for your ankle and may result in further injury. If you take the time to rehab your ankle and allow your tissue to heal, running may once again be an excellent exercise for your body. The pelvic floor is the same.

5 ways to modify running form to protect your pelvic floor

While running will always trigger an increase in ground reaction force through the pelvic floor, running form can significantly increase or reduce forces through your pelvic floor. Modifying running form in a way that reduces excessive force through the pelvic floor can reduce common symptoms like urinary leakage, pubic bone pain and vagin*l heaviness.

It's important to note that there is no one ideal way to run. Every person has a different physical make up with different strengths, weaknesses, injuries and dispositions. As a result, form modifications that feel good for one individual may not feel as good for another. In health and fitness, there’s never one way that’s the right way for all. Working with a pelvic floor PT can help you better understand your individual strengths and weaknesses while creating an individualized plan to get you feeling your best.

With that said, there are a number of common form modifications that have been shown to help reduce forces through the pelvic floor and can help reduce common pelvic floor symptoms.

Common running form errors which lead to increased ground reaction force include:

  • Keeping a abdominal wall stiff or engaged as you run

  • Lifting chest and rib cage up (think nipples pointing to the sky)

  • Swinging arms instead of rotating the trunk

  • Landing with your feet in front of the body

  • Landing heavy, particularly when fatigued

If any of these sound like you, don’t stress! Though form can be challenging to change, practice makes perfect.

Here are 5 ways to modify your form in order to reduce pelvic floor symptoms:

  • Relax your abdomen while you run: Are you constantly sucking in? Do you feel like you’re keeping your abs intentionally or unintentionally rigid as you run? Your abdominals function as shock absorbers and keeping a stiff core limits their ability to absorb shock on impact. Let your belly relax as you run and see how it feels through your hips and pelvis!

  • Point your nipples to the ground 20 feet ahead of you: A common habit of runners, particularly pregnant and postpartum runners, is to point their chest up to the sky. This stretches the abdominal wall and creates a slight back bend, making it harder for your core to function effectively. Stacking your ribs over your pelvis allows your pelvic floor, abdominals and diaphragm to work together to support you.

  • Rotate through your shoulders instead of your elbows to increase trunk rotation: Have you ever seen someone running, pumping their arms but keeping stiff as a board through their trunk? I can’t be the only person who watches runners on the trail. Thoracic rotation, not just arm swing, is an important part of running form. Rotating through your upper body as you stride allows your body to effectively use momentum and fascial lines to propel you through space. As you stride forward with one leg, bring your opposite shoulder forward. Alternate with each step.

  • tit* over toes: Land with your chest over your feet, not behind them. When you land with your feet in front of your body, your hamstrings are forced to pull you forward through your stride. When you land over your feet, your ankles, knees and hips can effectively absorb ground reaction force and your glutes and quads can work together to push you forward.

  • Landing soft: This one is often easiest for folks to incorporate. Land quietly. If you can hear yourself thumping on the ground, you’re creating more force than if you were quietly landing and more effectively absorbing that force. Make your landings as quiet as you can.

Pelvic floor exercises and drills for runners

Exercise and drills for a healthy pelvic floor is about so much more than kegels, particularly for runners.Working on hills, trunk rotation, single leg stability and landing drills can help reduce stress on your pelvic floor while you run. If you're experiencing leakage, pain or heaviness in the pelvis, I always recommend beginning with an evaluation with a pelvic floor PT. The drills and exercises below are not meant to take the place of personalized medical advice.

4 things to incorporate into training to support pelvic health as a runner:

  • Add hills into your workout: This is particularly beneficial if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms discussed in this piece. Running uphill and walking downhill as a warm up or as training can help increase intensity of training efforts without increasing stress on the pelvic floor. Running uphill reduces force through the pelvic floor and gives your body a chance to build strength and endurance without stressing your pelvic floor. Running hills also helps folks practice some of the form changes discussed above, like keeping your chest over your toes and increasing rotation. These adaptations occur more naturally when running on incline.

  • Incorporate trunk rotation exercises: Adding thoracic rotation into running form can feel really unnatural, particularly for folks with stiffness through the mid back (looking at you desk workers). Exercises to promote thoracic rotation can help improve ease of rotation while running. Mobility drills like threading the needle and open book are a good place to start.

  • Single leg stability drills: Single leg drills are an effective way to improve balance and strength in the hips, core and pelvic floor. Single leg drills are a better way to build functional strength than exercises like kegels. Try exercises like single leg squats from any height, single leg russian dead lifts, bulgarian split squats, lunges and step ups.

  • Plyometrics: Running is basically a single leg jump over and over, alternating from side to side. If you never practice plyometric training, you’re not training for your sport. Exercises like jump squats, single leg hops, ladder drills and box jumps are a few examples of plyometric drills.

As online resources grow in numbers, it's important to remember there's no replacement for one on one care. Pelvic floor symptoms have a number of underlying causes, and working with a qualified health professional can help you understand the why behind your symptoms so you can effectively treat them and ensure they don’t return in the future.

Online resources are a powerful tool to share information and education in order to help people betterunderstand their bodies and symptoms better. Pelvic health care is still largely inaccessible both geographically and financially, which I hope to see change in the near future. But if you’re having symptoms while running and you have the ability to access a pelvic floor PT, I’d recommend starting there.

Contact us here to schedule a consultation with one of our pelvic floor physical therapists.

As a pelvic floor physical therapist with a deep understanding of the biomechanics and physiological aspects of running, I can confidently affirm the accuracy and significance of the information presented in the article. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience working with individuals dealing with pelvic floor issues and incorporating evidence-based interventions to optimize pelvic health.

The article appropriately addresses the misconception that running is inherently detrimental to the pelvic floor. It emphasizes the nuanced relationship between running and pelvic floor health, stressing that the impact depends on an individual's existing pelvic floor condition and running mechanics. This aligns with my firsthand knowledge that the impact forces generated during running can indeed affect the pelvic floor, but the outcome varies based on factors such as strength, endurance, and control of the pelvic floor muscles.

The piece provides a practical rule of thumb for determining whether running is suitable for an individual: if there are no pelvic floor symptoms and the muscles exhibit good strength and control, running can contribute to overall strength. On the other hand, individuals experiencing symptoms or underlying weaknesses may need to reconsider their running routine until those issues are addressed.

The explanation of how running affects the pelvic floor aligns with my understanding of the biomechanics involved. The ground reaction forces during running, ranging from 2.4 to 3.9 times body weight, are aptly described. Importantly, the article highlights the automatic activation of pelvic floor muscles during running, a crucial aspect often compromised in individuals with weaknesses or coordination deficits.

The comparison between rehabilitating an ankle sprain and addressing pelvic floor impairments effectively communicates the importance of addressing underlying issues before resuming running. This analogy resonates with my experience in guiding individuals through targeted pelvic floor rehabilitation to enable them to continue running safely.

The article's guidance on modifying running form to protect the pelvic floor aligns with established principles. The emphasis on relaxation of the abdomen, proper chest alignment, trunk rotation, and soft landings echoes my recommendations to clients seeking to minimize pelvic floor stress during running. The acknowledgment that there is no one-size-fits-all running form and the suggestion to work with a pelvic floor physical therapist for individualized guidance is a testament to the personalized care integral to pelvic floor health.

Finally, the recommendations for pelvic floor exercises and drills for runners demonstrate a comprehensive approach beyond traditional kegel exercises. Incorporating hills, trunk rotation exercises, single-leg stability drills, and plyometrics reflects my holistic approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation, aiming to improve strength, balance, and endurance specific to running.

In conclusion, the information provided in the article aligns seamlessly with my expertise as a pelvic floor physical therapist, emphasizing the importance of individualized care, form modifications, and targeted exercises to promote pelvic health in runners.

How Do I Protect My Pelvic Floor While Running? — Lady Bird PT (2024)


How Do I Protect My Pelvic Floor While Running? — Lady Bird PT? ›

Running uphill and walking downhill as a warm up or as training can help increase intensity of training efforts without increasing stress on the pelvic floor. Running uphill reduces force through the pelvic floor and gives your body a chance to build strength and endurance without stressing your pelvic floor.

How to protect the pelvic floor when running? ›

Here are some measures you can take to reduce the stress on your pelvic floor.
  1. Avoid running on hard surfaces, instead you can run on grassy terrain.
  2. Reduce your running speed, distance and length of your stride.
  3. Wear a well cushioned footwear.
Aug 12, 2022

Can you jog with a pessary? ›

Once fitted correctly a vagin*l pessary may help to reduce your symptoms and make you feel more comfortable. You will be able to continue with your everyday activities including exercising, working and caring for your family.

What precautions should be taken during pelvic floor exercises? ›

During both exercises you should:

To prevent damage to your pelvic floor muscles, avoid: constipation and/or straining with a bowel motion • persistent heavy lifting • repetitive coughing and straining • putting on too much weight.

Why does my pelvic floor get weak when I run? ›

Pelvic physiotherapist Michelle Kenway says you can reduce the stresses on your pelvic floor when you run by: Mixing up your running surfaces to avoid continually running on hard surfaces (think gravel sand and grass instead of roads and cement paths) Reducing your stride length, running speed or running distance.

How do I stop my pelvis from hurting when I run? ›

Stretch your muscles — Stretching your hip flexors and pelvic floor muscles can help prevent tightness and pain. Stretching exercises like lunges can be done before and after running to ease any pain before you start to run. You can also complete targeted strengthening exercises to bolster your pelvic floor muscles.

Why does my pelvic floor leak when I run? ›

High-impact exercise and sit-ups put pressure on your pelvic floor muscles and can increase leaks. To strengthen your pelvic floor to relieve symptoms, replace high-impact exercise, such as jogging and aerobics, with strengthening exercise, such as pilates.

What is the most common complication of a pessary? ›

Superficial vagin*l mucosal erosion is the most frequently reported complication. Erosion can usually be managed by removing the pessary and expectant management until the erosion is healed.

What should you not do with a pessary? ›

Follow your doctor's advice on inserting the pessary. Do not douche or use a vagin*l wash unless your doctor tells you to do so. Do not smoke.

How do I prevent prolapse when running? ›

How to reduce pelvic floor and prolapse impact with running:
  1. Reduce running speed. Increased running speed requires more pelvic floor activation. ...
  2. Alternate running surfaces. ...
  3. Avoid downhill running. ...
  4. Limit running distance. ...
  5. Reduce stride length. ...
  6. Mix up workouts. ...
  7. Manage your body weight. ...
  8. Avoid running when fatigued or unwell.

What should you not do with pelvic floor? ›

Not relaxing your pelvic floor muscles.

It's good to squeeze them up and in, but it is also important to let them relax and soften. Too much tightening without relaxing can cause excessive tension and pain in the muscles, making intercourse uncomfortable and tampons painful to insert.

How to tell if pelvic floor is tight or weak? ›

How to Tell if Your Pelvic Floor is Tight or Weak
  1. Chronic constipation.
  2. Pain during sex (inner course, outercourse, or org*sm)
  3. Difficulty starting or stopping urine flow.
  4. Painful urination or urinary urgency and/or frequency.
  5. Low back, pelvic, or tailbone pain.
May 22, 2023

How do I protect my pelvic floor when running? ›

Working on hills, trunk rotation, single leg stability and landing drills can help reduce stress on your pelvic floor while you run. If you're experiencing leakage, pain or heaviness in the pelvis, I always recommend beginning with an evaluation with a pelvic floor PT.

How do I prevent pelvic drop when running? ›

Preventing contralateral pelvic drop

During cross-training sessions, runners should focus on developing both strength and stability in the glutes and quads. Static balancing exercises combined with dynamic movements like lunges and weighted squats may help to provide additional support over time.

What exercises are bad for weak pelvic floor? ›

Did you know that some abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups, crunches, or double leg lowering can do more harm than good? Advanced abdominal exercises can cause 'bearing down' and weaken your pelvic floor. However, there are safe core strength exercise options, such as: Modified plank (balancing on your knees)

How do I prevent pelvic tilt when running? ›

According to Walsh, maximizing core strength and stability is a central component to preventing pelvic tilt. Your core helps protect your lumbar spine by maintaining proper spine curvature and keeping our pelvis in a neutral position (a balanced soup bowl).

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.