How do you compare the performance and scalability of multithreading and multiprocessing? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 22, 2024

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Benefits of multithreading


Challenges of multithreading


Multiprocessing vs multithreading


Choosing between multithreading and multiprocessing


Best practices for multithreading

Multithreading is a technique that allows a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently, using multiple threads of execution. Threads are lightweight units of computation that share the same address space and resources of a process. Multithreading can improve the performance and scalability of a program, but it also introduces some challenges and trade-offs. In this article, we will explore some of the benefits and drawbacks of multithreading, and compare it with another technique called multiprocessing.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Task suitability:

    Consider whether your tasks are I/O-bound, which thrive with multithreading, or CPU-bound, which benefit from multiprocessing. Matching tasks to the right method optimizes performance and scalability.

  • Break down complexity:

    For complex tasks that can be divided into independent subtasks, multithreading can enhance performance and simplify your program's structure by running these pieces concurrently.

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  • Angelina Elfimova Full-stack Developer (Python/ Django…
  • Vijay P. Lead @ Samsung | Embedded System Expert…

1 Benefits of multithreading

Multithreading can offer several advantages over single-threaded or sequential programs, such as increased throughput, better responsiveness, resource efficiency, and parallelism. Multithreading can increase the amount of work done by a program in a given time by utilizing the idle cycles of the CPU or the I/O devices. It can also improve the user experience by allowing the program to handle multiple requests or events simultaneously, without blocking or waiting for one task to finish. Furthermore, multithreading can reduce the overhead of creating and managing processes by sharing the same memory and resources among threads. This can also save context switching time and communication cost between processes. Additionally, it can exploit the parallel processing capabilities of modern multicore or multiprocessor systems by distributing the workload among multiple cores or processors.

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  • Vijay P. Lead @ Samsung | Embedded System Expert | Exp 9+ | 12K+ Followers | VGEC | SOCET | GTU
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    By running tasks concurrently, a multithreaded system can meet strict timing requirements.Algorithms that can be broken down into independent subtasks may see significant performance improvements with multithreading.Multithreading can simplify program structure by dividing complex tasks into separate threads.


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  • Harishankar Vashishtha Data Scientist @BlenheimChalcot
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    Multithreading is like having many workers sharing the same room and resources, working together but sometimes bumping into each other. It's good for tasks that need to share data quickly. Multiprocessing is like having many workers in separate rooms with their own resources, so they don't bump into each other. It's better for heavy tasks that can work independently. Multithreading is faster for small tasks, while multiprocessing is better for big, separate tasks.


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  • Sachin Jha Salesforce Developer at Areya Technologies || Ex-UST || 2x Salesforce Certified || 1x Copado Certified || 1x Ranger
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    Concurrency: Multithreading enables concurrent execution, allowing multiple tasks to run concurrently within a single program.Modular Design: Multithreading encourages modular design by allowing different parts of a program to be executed independently in separate threads. This can improve code organization and maintainability.Asynchronous Operations: Multithreading facilitates asynchronous programming, allowing tasks to run independently and asynchronously, enabling efficient use of waiting times, such as I/O operations.


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  • Muhammad Haseeb Sheikh Full Stack Developer | JavaScript Enthusiast | Crafting Dynamic Web Solutions with React, Node.js, and Express | Bridging Frontend Elegance with Backend Functionality
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    Comparing Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing:🧵 Multithreading Benefits:Less memory overhead.Efficient for tasks requiring shared memory access.🧵 Multithreading Challenges:Complexity in managing threads.Potential issues with thread safety.🔄 Multiprocessing:Better for CPU-bound tasks.Avoids GIL limitations (in Python).🤔 Choosing Between Them:Depends on task nature and system architecture.Multithreading for I/O bound, multiprocessing for CPU-bound tasks.🛠️ Multithreading Best Practices:Proper synchronization.Avoiding deadlocks.#Multithreading #Multiprocessing #Performance

  • Amardeep Singh Senior Software Engineer @ AWS
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    Multithreading offers concurrent execution of tasks within a single process, optimizing resource utilization and throughput. It's efficient in I/O-bound operations, as threads can manage waiting time better by switching tasks during idle I/O periods. This is beneficial in server applications, like web servers, where multiple requests are handled simultaneously without idling the CPU. Additionally, it allows smoother user experiences in GUI applications, as UI responsiveness is maintained while background tasks run. Moreover, it conserves memory and context switching overhead compared to multiprocessing, making it ideal for applications with limited resources.


2 Challenges of multithreading

Multithreading can bring some challenges and complexities for the programmers and the system, such as synchronization, testing, debugging, and portability. Synchronization must be managed with care to avoid data inconsistency, race conditions, deadlocks, or livelocks. Special tools or techniques may be necessary for testing and debugging multithreaded programs as they can be more difficult and time-consuming than single-threaded programs. Additionally, porting a multithreaded program from one platform to another may require changes or adaptations in the code, the libraries, or the configuration due to differences in the operating system, hardware, or programming language support for multithreading.

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    Multithreading, while enhancing performance, poses notable challenges for developers and systems. Synchronization issues are a prime concern, demanding meticulous handling to prevent data inconsistency, race conditions, deadlocks, or livelocks. Testing and debugging multithreaded programs amplify the complexity. It's akin to solving a puzzle with pieces moving independently; tracking down errors becomes trickier than in single-threaded scenarios. Specialized tools and techniques are essential, resembling detectives using advanced gadgets to crack a case.


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  • Sachin Jha Salesforce Developer at Areya Technologies || Ex-UST || 2x Salesforce Certified || 1x Copado Certified || 1x Ranger
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    1. Priority Inversion: In systems where thread priorities are used, priority inversion can occur when a lower-priority thread holds a resource needed by a higher-priority thread, causing delays in execution.2. Thread Starvation: In cases where certain threads consistently receive fewer resources or are blocked from accessing critical resources, thread starvation can occur, leading to reduced performance.3. Cache Coherency: On multi-core systems, threads sharing data can lead to cache coherency issues, where changes made by one thread may not immediately reflect in the cache of another thread, leading to inconsistency.


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  • Vijay P. Lead @ Samsung | Embedded System Expert | Exp 9+ | 12K+ Followers | VGEC | SOCET | GTU
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    Multithreading behavior can vary across different platforms and operating systems, leading to portability concerns.Developers need to identify critical sections and protect them appropriately.Multithreading introduces non-deterministic behavior, making it challenging to reproduce and debug issues. Debugging tools and techniques specific to multithreaded environments are often needed.Some issues only manifest in certain timing conditions, making them elusive and difficult to diagnose.In some programming languages like Python, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits the execution of multiple threads in parallel. This can hinder the performance of CPU-bound tasks in multithreaded Python programs

  • Amardeep Singh Senior Software Engineer @ AWS
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    Multithreading introduces complexity and potential issues, like race conditions, where threads access shared data inconsistently, leading to unpredictable outcomes. This is particularly challenging in financial systems where transaction accuracy is critical. Deadlocks, where threads wait indefinitely for resources held by each other, can freeze applications, a risk in database management systems. Debugging is harder, as reproducing and tracing multi-threaded bugs, which may not occur linearly, is complex. Synchronization to manage shared resources adds overhead, potentially diminishing performance gains. Finally, thread safety in legacy codebases can be problematic, requiring careful refactoring to avoid introducing bugs.


3 Multiprocessing vs multithreading

Multiprocessing is a technique that enables a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently, using multiple processes. Processes are independent units of computation that have their own address space and resources, and communicate with each other through interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms. Multiprocessing can improve the performance and scalability of a program, although it has some similarities and differences with multithreading. Both techniques can increase throughput, responsiveness, and parallelism by utilizing available CPU or I/O resources. However, multiprocessing has higher overhead and lower efficiency than multithreading due to the creation and management of processes, context switching time, and communication cost. Additionally, multiprocessing offers better isolation and security than multithreading due to the separation of address space and resources among processes. It also has easier testing and debugging due to the deterministic and independent behavior of processes. Finally, multiprocessing has higher portability than multithreading due to the standardization and compatibility of IPC mechanisms across platforms.

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  • Angelina Elfimova Full-stack Developer (Python/ Django, Laravel/ PHP, JS)
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    Multithreading vs Multiprocessing in Python1. Multithreading: - Pros: Lightweight, efficient for I/O-bound tasks, can share memory and resources within a process, suitable for tasks with frequent communication. - Cons: Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks, no speedup for single-threaded tasks.2. Multiprocessing: - Pros: Utilizes multiple CPU cores, provides true parallel execution for CPU-bound tasks, bypasses GIL limitations, suitable for computationally intensive tasks. - Cons: Requires inter-process communication (IPC), separate memory space for each process, higher memory consumption, may have overhead due to process creation.


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  • Amardeep Singh Senior Software Engineer @ AWS
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    Multiprocessing and multithreading offer parallelism, but differ in approach and use cases. Multiprocessing, using multiple processes, is effective for CPU-intensive tasks, as it bypasses the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in languages like Python, allowing full utilization of multi-core CPUs. Ideal for tasks like data analysis and scientific computations, it ensures process isolation, reducing the risk of memory corruption. Conversely, multithreading, involving multiple threads within a process, excels in I/O-bound tasks. It's efficient in handling multiple concurrent operations, such as web requests in a server, but is limited by GIL in some languages, making it less effective for CPU-bound tasks.


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  • Vijay P. Lead @ Samsung | Embedded System Expert | Exp 9+ | 12K+ Followers | VGEC | SOCET | GTU
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    Nature of the Task:Use multiprocessing for CPU-bound tasks that can be parallelized.Use multithreading for I/O-bound tasks or tasks that benefit from improved responsiveness.Fault Tolerance:If fault isolation is critical, multiprocessing is preferable.For scenarios where shared data and communication are essential, and fault tolerance is less critical, multithreading may be more suitable.Programming Language and Environment:The programming language and runtime environment may influence the choice between multiprocessing and multithreading, especially considering factors like the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in certain languages.


4 Choosing between multithreading and multiprocessing

When deciding which technique is better or more suitable for a given program or problem, there is no definitive answer. The choice depends on various factors, such as the nature and requirements of the problem, the characteristics and limitations of the system, and the preferences and skills of the programmer. For example, some problems are more amenable to parallelization or concurrency than others, depending on the level of data dependency, communication, or computation involved. Additionally, some systems may have more or less resources such as CPU cores or memory that can affect the performance or scalability of the techniques. Furthermore, some programmers may have more or less experience with the techniques, languages, or platforms. A hybrid approach that combines processes and threads may also be beneficial in some cases.

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  • Ilamparithi Elango Senior Data Engineer | AWS Certified | Python Enthusiast
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    In Python-based data engineering on AWS, the choice between multiprocessing and multithreading is critical for performance. Multiprocessing excels in CPU-bound tasks like transforming large datasets on AWS EC2 or Lambda by bypassing Python's GIL for true parallelism. On the other hand, multithreading is ideal for I/O-bound operations, like data ingestion from AWS Kinesis or streaming with Kafka, where concurrent I/O handling maximizes efficiency. Leveraging both can optimize performance in scalable, cloud-based data pipelines.


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  • Amardeep Singh Senior Software Engineer @ AWS
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    Multithreading Vs Multiprocessing hinges on the nature of the task. For I/O-bound tasks,where the bottleneck is not CPU but waiting for external resources (like files or network responses), multithreading is often more efficient. It allows other threads to execute while one is waiting, maximizing resource utilization. Conversely, for CPU-bound tasks, where processing speed is the bottleneck, multiprocessing is preferable. It leverages multiple CPU cores, bypassing the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in languages like Python, thus providing true parallelism and better performance for computationally intensive tasks. The decision also depends on factors like the application's architecture, the programming language’s threading capabilities, etc.


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  • Dmitri Kozlov Team Leader | Senior Software Developer | Real-time low-level multithreaded systems | Complex distributes applications | C++, Python, Linux | MS in Theory of Probability and Statistics
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    The choice between multithreading and multiprocessing depends on the problem, system architecture, and language. It doesn't translate to I/O boud vs CPU-bound choice.The overhead of creating and managing processes is typically larger than that of threads. For very lightweight tasks, this overhead might outweigh the benefits of parallel execution.Security and robustness requirements may dictate the choice of multiprocessing architecture.It is true that, for example, Python's GIL prevents threads from running in parallel. I/O-bound tasks in Python can benefit from multithreading because the GIL is released during I/O. However, the system's architecture and maintenance may become cleaner if I/O tasks are offloaded to a separate process.


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5 Best practices for multithreading

No matter the choice between multithreading and multiprocessing, there are some general best practices that can help programmers design, develop, and debug multithreaded programs. It is advised to use higher-level abstractions or models instead of low-level primitives or APIs for multithreading. This can simplify or automate the creation, management, and synchronization of threads. Furthermore, thread-safe or concurrent data structures and algorithms should be used to avoid or minimize the need for synchronization or locking. Additionally, specialized tools and techniques such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, code reviews, unit testing, integration testing, or debugging tools should be utilized to identify or resolve issues such as data races, memory leaks, deadlocks, or livelocks.

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  • Sriram (Sri) Panyam Technologist, Builder, Mentor 🎻 - Hiring UX, Backend, Devops engineers | ex-Google, ex-LinkedIn
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    It is 2024. There have been *a lot* of advances in concurrent and distributed programming. The right abstractions and tooling is key. You could (and should) learn all about deadlocks, race conditions, threading, locks, conditional variables etc in depth. But using a less suited language (mental framework) will grind you to a halt. You are better off picking the right tools/paradigms for the right problems. Languages like Go make it that much more easier for concurrent services - eg Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) style via Goroutines (Bonus points for Erlang). You *could* do this with synchronized queues (something every language provides) - but a language providing foundational abstractions is something else!


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  • Amardeep Singh Senior Software Engineer @ AWS
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    For effective multithreading, first, design threads to be as independent as possible to minimize resource contention and synchronization complexity. Use thread-safe data structures and utilities, and avoid shared mutable state to prevent race conditions. Implement proper synchronization mechanisms, like locks or semaphores, but use them judiciously to avoid deadlocks and reduce overhead. Keep thread management overhead in mind; creating too many threads can lead to performance degradation. Test multithreaded code thoroughly, as bugs can be non-deterministic and elusive. Finally, consider using higher-level constructs like thread pools or concurrency frameworks for better management and scalability.


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  • Vijay P. Lead @ Samsung | Embedded System Expert | Exp 9+ | 12K+ Followers | VGEC | SOCET | GTU
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    Gain a solid understanding of concurrency and parallelism concepts, as well as the concurrency model used by the programming language and runtime environment.Use fine-grained locks to reduce contention. Avoid holding locks for extended periods and aim for short, atomic operations within critical sections.Use atomic operations for simple, indivisible operations on shared variables. Consider using thread pools to manage the number of concurrently running threads. This can help avoid excessive resource consumption and improve scalability.Minimize the use of busy waiting (polling) as it consumes CPU

  • nagesh 1000 software developer
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    First estimate hardware or number of cpu cores, speed of clk. Then estimate number of threads. Nowadays memory is abundant try to avoid shared memory. Rather use fifo if feasible.


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How do you compare the performance and scalability of multithreading and multiprocessing? (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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