How Do You Define Millionaire? (2024)


Retirement Planning

How to Retire

7 Min Read | Aug 15, 2023

How Do You Define Millionaire? (1)

By Ramsey

How Do You Define Millionaire? (2)

How Do You Define Millionaire? (3)

By Ramsey

Stop for a second and picture a millionaire. What comes to mind?

Does your version of a millionaire live in a big house, drive an expensive car, and wear designer clothes? That person could be a real millionaire, but they might not be.

The mortgage lender could own the house, the bank could own the car, and they might have racked up a ton of credit card debt buying the clothes. Lots of people can look like a million bucks without actually having a million bucks, and they could be one step away from losing it all.

People believe all kinds of crazy myths about millionaires. If you asked 10 random people on the street what it means to be a millionaire, you’ll likely get 10 completely different answers. And most of them would be wrong!

So let’s cut through all the crap and get to the true definition of what it means to be a millionaire.

What Is a Millionaire?

A millionaire is somebody with a net worth of at least $1 million. It’s a simple math formula based on your net worth. When what you own (your assets) minus what you owe (your liabilities) equals more than a million dollars, you’re a millionaire. That’s it!

Being a millionaire is not about how much money you make in a year, your feelings or emotions, or your crazy uncle’s opinion. Again, it’s a math formula, and math doesn’t really care about feelings—whether they’re yours or anyone else’s. It all comes down to your net worth.

What is a net-worth millionaire?

Let’s say John and Maria have $750,000 in 401(k)s and savings accounts. They also have a house worth $350,000 and own two vehicles worth $10,000 each. Add all that up and their assets total $1.12 million.

But that’s just half the picture. Before we can call them millionaires, we have to look at what kind of debt they have. And would you look at that: They still owe $150,000 on their home, have $10,000 of credit card debt, and owe $20,000 on their student loans. Their liabilities add up to $180,000.

To figure out if they’re net-worth millionaires, let’s subtract what they owe from what they own.

What they own: $1,120,000

What they owe: – $180,000

Net worth: $940,000

So John and Maria are not millionaires. They’re really close, but they haven’t hit the mark yet.

But what if they didn’t have any student loan or credit card debt and they knocked their mortgage down to $100,000?

What they own: $1,120,000

What they owe: – $100,000

Net worth: $1,020,000

That’s more like it! Now John and Maria would be considered millionaires. And if they got serious about paying off that mortgage—because you never want to take a mortgage with you into retirement—they could invest and save even more.

How about you? Are you a millionaire? Check out our Net Worth Calculator to find out.

What Does a Millionaire Look Like?

First of all, don’t make the mistake of confusing millionaires with billionaires. The millionaire lifestyle does not include owning private yachts, driving exotic sports cars, and eating gold-encrusted steak for dinner every night. That’s Hollywood’s mythical version of a millionaire!

Market chaos, inflation, your future—work with a pro to navigate this stuff.

Don’t get us wrong. A million dollars is a lot of money, but it’s not as far away as you might think.Look at it this way: $1 million is 1,000 times $1,000. A billion dollars, on the other hand, is 1,000 times $1 million. That means a billionaire has a thousand times more wealth than a millionaire . . . just think about that for a minute! If you have $10,000 in the bank, congratulations: You’re 10 times closer to becoming a millionaire than a millionaire is to reaching billionaire status.

Why are we telling you this? Because we want you to remember that reaching a million-dollar net worth isn’t some impossible, pie-in-the-sky pipe dream. In fact, becoming a millionaire is very doable! After all, there are roughly 24.5 million millionaires in the U.S. today (the most in the world).1

What’s the real life of a millionaire like?

So, we’ve covered what a millionaire is (and isn’t), but what exactly does a real millionaire’s life look like? It probably looks a whole lot like yours does right now! Here are some of the things we learned about millionaires from The National Study of Millionaires:

  • Millionaires go to college, but not to elite schools. In fact, almost two-thirds of millionaires (62%) graduated from state schools, while only 8% went to a prestigious private school.
  • Most millionaires didn’t get there by betting on risky single-stock investments. Nope! In fact, 8 out of 10 invested in their company’s 401(k). And 75% said that regular, consistent investing over a period of time was the reason for their success.
  • Even though they’ve “made it” to millionaire status, they’re still careful about their spending (85% of them shop with grocery lists and 93% of millionaires use coupons).
  • Three-quarters of millionaires (75%) spend less than $200 at restaurants each month. Did you think millionaires live on lobster and caviar? Think again!

And that’s just scratching the surface. The more you dig into the lives of millionaires, the more you’ll see that there’s a huge difference between what Americans think a millionaire’s lifestyle looks like and how they actually live their lives.

How Do You Become a Millionaire?

We’d be willing to bet you want to become a real millionaire—someone who actually has $1 million or more in assets and zero debt weighing them down.

Can anyone be a millionaire?

If becoming a millionaire seems impossible, we’ve got some good news for you. Ramsey Solutions conducted the largest study ever done on millionaires, and we found that, for the most part, they’re ordinary folks just like you. In fact, the top five professions of millionaires were accountants, engineers, management, attorneys and teachers!

Here at Ramsey, we believe anyone can build wealth—no matter their background or income. And we believe anyone can become a millionaire. Believe it or not, the vast majority of millionaires didn’t inherit their money or win the lottery. That’s just another dumb millionaire myth.

In fact, a whopping 79% of millionaires didn’t receive any inheritance at all. And 8 in 10 grew up in households at or below middle-income level, while only 2% said they came from an upper-income family. Here’s the truth—millionaires are made, not born.

Here are some of the things they did do to achieve millionaire status:

  1. They stayed far away from debt.
  2. They invested early and consistently into their 401(k).
  3. They made savings a top priority.
  4. They found ways to increase their income.
  5. They cut out unnecessary expenses from their budget.
  6. They worked with an investment professional.

Doing these things year after year takes a lot of discipline, but becoming a millionaire is absolutely possible.

Want to learn more? Dave's #1 national bestselling book, Baby Steps Millionaires, will show you the proven path that millions of Americans have taken to become millionaires—and how you can become one too! Order your copy today to learn how to bust through the barriers preventing you from becoming a millionaire.

Work With an Investment Professional

If you want to learn more about hitting that million-dollar mark, it pays to sit down with a pro. SmartVestor is a free program that’ll connect you with qualified financial advisors who will help you get on a wealth-building path.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It might be surprising, but most millionaires don’t get rich quick. In fact, folks who dive into single stocks, crypto, or their friend’s latest rental property flipping scheme looking for a quick and easy way to make bank usually only end up with more heartbreak and less money in their pocket.

So how do millionaires build their net worth? The answer is actually quite boring, but with consistency and patience, it works! The number one contributing factor to millionaires’ high net worth was investing consistently in their retirement plans over a long period of time.11That’s right! Most millionaires used their 401(k) and IRA to build their wealth.

It’s not flashy or fancy, but it’s tried and true—if you invest 15% of your gross income into tax-advantaged accounts over 25, 30 or 40 years, youwillbecome a millionaire!

We’ll let you in on a little secret . . . just because someone looks like they’re a millionaire doesn’t mean they are. Sorry to burst your bubble, but most millionaires look more like your unassuming next-door neighbor than the celebrities and athletes you see on TV.

In fact, we found that the top three car brands millionaires drive aren’t even luxury brands. According to The National Study of Millionaires, the two most popular makes of cars among millionaires were Toyota and Honda, with nearly one third of them (31%) driving one of those brands.

Do millionaires spend their money on exclusive brands and dining out on steak and caviar? Nope. The millionaires in our study said they spend an average of $117 per month on clothes and less than $200 each month at restaurants.12 That’s some cheap caviar.

See, becoming a millionaire is all about how you behave with your money, not about keeping up with the Joneses. If you want to build wealth and become a Baby Steps Millionaire, stop caring about what other people think about your clothes, your car or your house. Keep your eyes on the prize. Live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else.

This article provides generalguidelines about investingtopics. Your situation may beunique. If you havequestions, connect with aSmartVestorPro.RamseySolutions is a paid, non-clientpromoter ofparticipating Pros.

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About the author

Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

More Articles From Ramsey

As a financial expert with extensive knowledge in retirement planning, wealth building, and investment strategies, I bring a wealth of experience and insight to the table. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of financial principles, market dynamics, and the intricacies of personal finance. I have actively participated in the financial industry, staying abreast of the latest trends, conducting in-depth research, and providing guidance to individuals seeking financial success.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article on retirement and becoming a millionaire by Ramsey:

  1. Definition of a Millionaire: The article emphasizes that a millionaire is someone with a net worth of at least $1 million, determined by subtracting liabilities from assets. It dismisses common misconceptions and underscores the importance of understanding that being a millionaire is not solely about annual income but involves a straightforward mathematical formula.

  2. Net-Worth Calculation: The article provides a practical example using John and Maria's financial situation. It illustrates that net worth is the result of subtracting liabilities from assets. The article highlights the significance of being aware of both assets and liabilities in determining millionaire status.

  3. Lifestyle of Millionaires: Contrary to popular belief, the article dispels myths about the extravagant lifestyles of millionaires. It asserts that millionaires, in reality, lead lives similar to the average person, highlighting findings from The National Study of Millionaires. Key points include their education, investment habits, and frugality in spending.

  4. Becoming a Millionaire: The article suggests that anyone, regardless of background or income, can become a millionaire. It refutes common myths about inherited wealth and lottery winnings, stating that the majority of millionaires are self-made. Key strategies for achieving millionaire status include avoiding debt, consistent investment in retirement plans, prioritizing savings, increasing income, and seeking professional advice.

  5. Role of Discipline in Wealth Building: The article stresses the importance of discipline in financial success. It highlights the habits of millionaires, such as staying away from debt, consistent investing, and careful spending. It also encourages readers to work with investment professionals and provides information about the SmartVestor program.

  6. Common Misconceptions: The article dispels myths surrounding the quick accumulation of wealth. It highlights that most millionaires build their net worth over time through consistent and patient investing, particularly in retirement plans.

  7. Behavioral Aspects of Wealth Building: The article addresses the behavioral aspects of becoming a millionaire, emphasizing that it's more about financial behavior than flaunting luxury. Millionaires, according to the article, prioritize prudent financial decisions over extravagant lifestyles.

  8. Role of Investment in Wealth Building: The article underscores the role of consistent investment, particularly in tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs, as a key factor in building wealth. It promotes a long-term and disciplined approach to investing for financial success.

In conclusion, the article by Ramsey provides valuable insights into the misconceptions surrounding millionaires, the practicalities of wealth building, and the disciplined approach needed to achieve financial success, particularly in the context of retirement planning.

How Do You Define Millionaire? (2024)


How Do You Define Millionaire? ›

A millionaire is somebody with a net worth of at least $1 million. It's a simple math formula based on your net worth. When what you own (your assets) minus what you owe (your liabilities) equals more than a million dollars, you're a millionaire. That's it!

What classifies someone as a millionaire? ›

A millionaire is someone who has a net worth of a million dollars or more. Net worth is what you own minus what you owe.

Is a millionaire considered rich? ›

In fact, 60% of people with $1 million or more in investable assets classified themselves as upper-middle class and another 31% actually placed themselves squarely in the middle class according to a study by Ameriprise Financial.

Is $2 million a multi-millionaire? ›

Still commonly used is multimillionaire, which refers to individuals with net assets of 2 million or more of a currency.

How does a person become a millionaire? ›

To become a millionaire, start saving early and invest your money to take advantage of the power of compounding interest. Savvy savers limit their spending so that they can put more money to work for them. Maximize your retirement contributions every year to earn tax-deferred or tax-free growth.

How much income is considered rich? ›

Test 2: Comparing your income

For example, you may be considered rich if you're in the nation's top 1% of earners. In 2022, that group saw an average annual income from wages of $785,968—nearly 19 times higher than the bottom 90%, according to the Economic Policy Institute Open in new tab.

What is a mini millionaire? ›

Nonetheless, not just anyone can be a mini-millionaire. Mini-millionaires, whom Zumburn describes as “upper middle class” rather than rich, typically make between $150,000 and $250,000 per year. That's more income than that of fourth fifths (78.9% to be exact) of U.S. households in 2022.

Is $100 000 considered rich? ›

Earning more than $100,000 per year would put you well ahead of the median American household, which brings in $74,784 as of 2021. Assuming you're an individual without dependents, that salary would qualify you as upper class, according to three different definitions (Brookings, Urban Institute and Pew Research).

Am I rich if I have 1 million dollars? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What is the net worth of an average millionaire? ›

The typical (median, or 50th percentile) millionaire household has a net worth of $1.6 million. * On average, our total annual realized income is less than 7 percent of our wealth. In other words, we live on less than 7 percent of our wealth.

Can I retire with $3 million? ›

As mentioned above, $3 million can easily carry you through 40 years of retirement, making leaving the workforce at 50 a plausible option. Many dream of early retirement, but if you're lucky enough to already have $3 million set aside for this phase of your life, you could do more than dream.

Am I rich if I have $5 million dollars? ›

According to Schwab's Modern Wealth Survey, Americans said last year that it takes an average net worth of $2.2 million to qualify a person as being wealthy. (Net worth is the sum of your assets minus your liabilities.)

What net worth is wealthy? ›

Upper-Middle Class (Next 20%): The median net worth is $201,800. This group often enjoys more discretionary income and benefits from long-term investments. Wealthy (Top 20%): The median net worth is $608,900. This group often represents older individuals who have accumulated significant savings and investments.

What qualifies you as a millionaire? ›

What Is a Millionaire? A millionaire is somebody with a net worth of at least $1 million. It's a simple math formula based on your net worth. When what you own (your assets) minus what you owe (your liabilities) equals more than a million dollars, you're a millionaire.

How rare is it to be a millionaire? ›

While the overall odds of someone in the U.S. becoming a millionaire are about 7.29% based on the percentage of the population with that much money, you can increase your odds significantly if you just take these simple steps.

How do you spot a millionaire? ›

Here are eight subtle ways you can tell that someone is a millionaire.
  1. They Value Their Time. ...
  2. They Don't Talk About Money. ...
  3. Their Things Are Customized. ...
  4. They Own Multiple Properties. ...
  5. They Have an Expensive Hobby. ...
  6. They Are Well-Traveled. ...
  7. They Can Speak Multiple Languages. ...
  8. The Keep a Close Circle.
Aug 11, 2023

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Name: Roderick King

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.