How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 19, 2024

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Define clear test objectives and criteria


Review and document your test results


Perform quality checks and audits


Communicate and collaborate with stakeholders


Here’s what else to consider

As a test engineer, you need to ensure that your test results are valid, verified, and reliable. This means that your test results accurately reflect the quality and performance of the system under test, and that they are consistent, repeatable, and trustworthy. How do you achieve this? Here are some tips and best practices to follow.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Define test standards:

    Choosing specific standards before testing clarifies pass or fail criteria, ensuring you understand the test's purpose and can accurately validate results.

  • Collaborate with developers:

    Working closely with the team who developed the product helps map scope and changes, allowing for better quality tests and ensuring all parties are on the same page.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • Yoshie Garcés Rodríguez (Yoshiedev) QA Test Lead || Software QA Tester ||…
  • Manish Raj Technology Innovation Management (2025)…

1 Define clear test objectives and criteria

Before you run any tests, you need to define what you want to test, why you want to test it, and how you will measure the success or failure of the test. This will help you design and execute the test cases that are relevant, effective, and aligned with the requirements and specifications of the system under test. You also need to establish the test environment, data, and tools that are needed to perform the test. Having clear test objectives and criteria will help you validate that your test results meet the expectations and goals of the test.

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    Before starting tests, defining test items is necessary. There would be many tests for a product but identifying the purpose of the test helps defining particular test items. Secondly, defining the standards for testing is important. One can also choose specific standards orelse the standards can be specified by designer/customer. Choosing the standard helps the tester to define pass or fail criteria. Having these points and data clear helps the tester to understand the purpose of test and validate the results.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (11) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (12) 4

  • Zouhair B. Leader en Tests Fonctionnels et Automatisation | Consultant et Formateur Selenium | Consultant et Formateur Selenium | ISTQB® CTFL - Scrum | A4Q® Selenium Tester Certified
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    La validation et la vérification des résultats des tests constituent une phase critique dans notre processus de garantie de qualité. Nous adoptons une approche méthodique en élaborant des scénarios de test alignés sur les exigences fonctionnelles et les cas d'utilisation. L'utilisation d'outils de test automatisé contribue à minimiser les erreurs humaines, tandis que des tests manuels ciblés sont appliqués pour des aspects spécifiques. Les résultats sont minutieusem*nt analysés, comparant les sorties aux attentes définies dans les spécifications. En cas de divergences, un processus structuré de suivi et de documentation est mis en œuvre pour assurer une résolution prompte.



    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (21) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (22) 6

  • Suresh Yerolkar People First | Creating Abundance | Quality Matters | CSM® | 15x Community Top Voice | QA Engineering | Quality Auditing | Driving Quality Growth | QA COE | Delivery Excellence
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    - I establish test objectives that align with our strategic goals, ensuring every test has a clear purpose.- I set quantifiable criteria for success to objectively measure test outcomes.- I conduct rigorous test case reviews to maintain high standards of accuracy and relevance.- I leverage automated tools to enhance the reliability of our testing processes.- I foster a culture of continuous improvement, learning from each test cycle to refine our approach.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (31) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (32) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (33) 6

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    🔍 Before conducting tests, define the test's scope, purpose, and success criteria. This ensures test cases are relevant, effective, and meet system requirements and specifications. Establish the testing environment, necessary data, and tools. Clear objectives and criteria are crucial for validating whether test results align with the expectations and goals of the testing process.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (42) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (43) 5

  • Yoshie Garcés Rodríguez (Yoshiedev) QA Test Lead || Software QA Tester || QA Automation || Software Engineer || Tech Content Creator

    La definición de unos buenos objetivos y criterios ayudara al tester, al avance de las pruebas así como al alcance de las mismas lo que ayudara que mejorar el proceso de software y que funcione de forma mas ágil.



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2 Review and document your test results

After you run your tests, you need to review and document your test results in a clear and structured way. You need to analyze the test results to identify any errors, defects, anomalies, or deviations from the expected outcomes. You also need to compare the test results with the baseline or reference data, if available, to check for any discrepancies or variations. You should document your test results in a test report that summarizes the test objectives, methods, outcomes, and findings. You should also include any evidence, such as screenshots, logs, or metrics, that support your test results. Reviewing and documenting your test results will help you verify that your test results are accurate and complete.

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  • Suresh Yerolkar People First | Creating Abundance | Quality Matters | CSM® | 15x Community Top Voice | QA Engineering | Quality Auditing | Driving Quality Growth | QA COE | Delivery Excellence
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    - I establish a robust validation process, cross-referencing test outcomes with expected results to ensure precision.- My team and I meticulously document every test scenario and outcome, fostering transparency and accountability.- I advocate for continuous training to keep my team adept at identifying and documenting intricate software behaviors.- Personal experience has taught me that thorough documentation is as critical as the testing itself for quality assurance.- I prioritize clear communication of test findings to all stakeholders, ensuring informed decision-making.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (61) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (62) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (63) 5

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    🔍 Absolutely, defining the scope, purpose, and success criteria before running tests is critical. This approach ensures that test cases are not only relevant and effective but also align with the system's requirements and specifications. Setting up the right test environment, selecting appropriate data, and using suitable tools are equally important. Clear test objectives and criteria facilitate the validation of test results against expected outcomes and overall test goals.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (72) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (73) 3

  • Yoshie Garcés Rodríguez (Yoshiedev) QA Test Lead || Software QA Tester || QA Automation || Software Engineer || Tech Content Creator
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    Una vez que este todo analizado se debera revisar con detalle y en caso de encontrar errores se deberán levantar de una forma clara y detallada para que los equipos puedan realizar la corrección. Así como incluir evidencia tanto de lo levantado como de las pruebas realizadas.



    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (82) 1

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    During the testing, all the data should be monitored and stored. After testing, all the data should be checked for any errors or deviation in parameters recorded. Once checked, the results should be compared with previous testing data if any. At last, the data should be put in report. The final report should be having the data, test purpose along with pass fail criteria and result. Finally, test environment picture and observations such as graph plot should be documented for proof. Because, these data may be accessed for future testing for comparison purposes.


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3 Perform quality checks and audits

To ensure that your test results are reliable and consistent, you need to perform quality checks and audits on your test processes, methods, and data. You need to check that your test cases are well-designed, executed, and maintained, and that they cover all the relevant scenarios, features, and functions of the system under test. You also need to check that your test data is valid, realistic, and representative of the actual or expected data of the system under test. You also need to check that your test tools are reliable, calibrated, and updated, and that they produce accurate and consistent measurements and outputs. You should also perform audits on your test results to verify that they comply with the standards, regulations, and best practices of your industry or domain. Performing quality checks and audits will help you ensure that your test results are trustworthy and reproducible.

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  • Suresh Yerolkar People First | Creating Abundance | Quality Matters | CSM® | 15x Community Top Voice | QA Engineering | Quality Auditing | Driving Quality Growth | QA COE | Delivery Excellence
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    - I establish rigorous test case peer reviews to foster diverse input and catch defects early.- I advocate for automated regression testing to ensure consistent quality over time.- I champion the use of real user data in testing to reflect true usage scenarios.- I conduct regular tool validation to maintain test environment integrity.- I prioritize transparent reporting to build trust in test results within my team.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (100) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (101) 6

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    📊 To ensure test results are reliable and consistent, conduct quality checks and audits on test processes, methods, and data. Verify that test cases are comprehensive, covering all relevant scenarios and system functionalities. Ensure test data is valid, realistic, and mirrors actual or expected system data. Confirm that test tools are reliable, calibrated, and updated for precise measurements. Conduct audits to ensure test results adhere to industry standards and best practices. These steps are crucial for trustworthy and reproducible test outcomes.


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    These activities would generally – at least in the terminology of e.g. medical devices or mobile phone – belong to the activities performed to ensure or continue the validated state of the test method.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (120) 1

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4 Communicate and collaborate with stakeholders

To ensure that your test results are relevant and useful, you need to communicate and collaborate with the stakeholders of the system under test. These may include the developers, customers, users, managers, or regulators of the system under test. You need to communicate your test objectives, methods, results, and findings in a clear and concise way, using the appropriate language, format, and channels for your audience. You also need to collaborate with the stakeholders to get their feedback, input, or approval on your test results, and to resolve any issues, conflicts, or discrepancies that may arise. Communicating and collaborating with stakeholders will help you ensure that your test results are aligned with the expectations and needs of the system under test.

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  • Yoshie Garcés Rodríguez (Yoshiedev) QA Test Lead || Software QA Tester || QA Automation || Software Engineer || Tech Content Creator
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    Para asegurarse que las pruebas tengan una mejor calidad siempre es bueno realizar revisiones con el equipo o la persona que desarrollo asi podemos mapear el alcance y los cambios realizados, así como dejar historiales y evidencia de los casos reportados, trabajar en conjunto entre producto, desarrollo y los testers es fundamental.



    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (129) 1

  • Suresh Yerolkar People First | Creating Abundance | Quality Matters | CSM® | 15x Community Top Voice | QA Engineering | Quality Auditing | Driving Quality Growth | QA COE | Delivery Excellence
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    - I establish clear validation criteria aligned with project goals to ensure test results meet the necessary standards.- Regular stakeholder meetings are held to review test outcomes and gather diverse perspectives for comprehensive analysis.- I advocate for transparency in test processes, fostering trust and facilitating open dialogue with all project participants.- Implementing continuous feedback loops with stakeholders helps refine testing strategies and improve result reliability.- Personal experience has taught me that stakeholder collaboration is crucial for identifying and mitigating potential risks early.


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (138) How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (139) 5

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    Ensuring that your test results are consistently valid is often complex. The test engineer is not necessarily an expert on the design (or product) nor in the test equipment (used in a very broad sense), but needs to be an expert on the interaction between the design and the equipment, and to rely on others (e.g. mechanical engineers or systems engineers for the product, and equipment specialists for the equipment) to assist her in understanding these two systems between which her test method is the interface.


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5 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Chuck Rogal MBSE Architect
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    Folks have to stop pasting Validation and Verification together since they often have nothing to do with each other. Validation is all about did we build the right thing and Verification is all about did we build the thing right. These are two completely separate ideas. Validation should start in the beginning with Mission Engineering and Verification can't start until there is something built. So these areas are separated in time too. It is odd that after 50 or so years we are still pasting them together as though they are coupled when most of the time they should not be. Are they related? Maybe but not so much...


    How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (157) 2

  • Adarsh Aravind Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
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    Before conducting tests, it's essential to identify potential risks that could impact the testing process or the accuracy of results. This includes risks related to test environment stability and resource availability.By tracing test cases back to specific requirements, you can verify that all functional and non-functional aspects of the system are tested.As the software evolves through development cycles, conducting regression testing ensures that new changes do not introduce regressions into previously tested functionality.The stability and consistency of the test environment impact the reliability of test results. Hence, it's crucial to validate the test environment to ensure it accurately matches the production environment.


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How do you validate and verify test results and ensure their accuracy and reliability? (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.