How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (2024)

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Organize your portfolio


Write compelling samples


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Update your portfolio and samples


Here’s what else to consider

If you want to showcase your writing skills and attract clients or employers, you need a portfolio and samples that demonstrate your value and versatility. But how do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out from the crowd and convince your audience that you are the best fit for their needs? Here are some tips to help you create a portfolio and samples that showcase your writing talent and expertise.

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How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (1)

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  • Vibha Soni Digital Writing Coach - Empowering Writers Through Self-Discovery and Expert Guidance To Land Their Dream Jobs |…

    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (3) 6

  • Brynley McGough Recruiter | Travel Advisor

    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (5) 5

  • Gladstone Leslie Samuel Qualified Independent Director | ESG Practitioner | PMP®

    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (7) 3

How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (8) How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (9) How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (10)

1 Know your audience

Before you start writing your portfolio and samples, you need to know who you are writing for and what they are looking for. Research your target market, niche, industry, and specific clients or employers. Find out what their goals, challenges, preferences, and expectations are. What kind of writing do they need? What tone, style, format, and length do they prefer? What problems do they want to solve or benefits do they want to gain from your writing? Knowing your audience will help you tailor your portfolio and samples to their needs and interests.

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  • Vibha Soni Digital Writing Coach - Empowering Writers Through Self-Discovery and Expert Guidance To Land Their Dream Jobs | Content Creator| Mentor | Author | Public Speaker | LinkedIn Top Voice
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    Your portfolio is a place where you can put all your best work. To design a portfolio,-> Select your best works in every skill or expertise area. -> Keep it simple and elegant.-> Consider the organization of those samples appropriately so anyone can understand them at a glance. -> Use brand color, theme, style, etc.-> Include all possible media


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (19) 6

  • Brynley McGough Recruiter | Travel Advisor
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    This may sound like a pain - but if you're specialized in multiple types of writing, you should have multiple portfolios.If you write narrative stories and you also write technical guides, have two different portfolios that focus on the different genres.As a recruiter, if I receive narrative samples for an editorial position, I still don't know how capable you are at writing informative and interesting articles.At the very least, you need to be including a little bit of all the kinds of writing you do and organizing it so people can find what they want easily. However, separate portfolios is the way to go most of the time.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (28) 5

  • Keith Kappel Writer
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    When it comes to portfolio pieces, know what job(s) you're applying for. Have a few pieces that show you can manage the expected forms at a professional level. Also, have a few pieces that are you being the most you that you can be in your art. The previous set of pieces are likely to feel kind of bland, check-box kind of stuff. And you should cover your bases that way so they can know, oh, they can write a blog or a marketing email or a short story or a worldbuilding article or whatever it is you might have to do at the job you're applying to. But have a few pieces you can point to that say hey, this is me doing my thing in the most me way that I know how. Those are the pieces that will stand out.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (37) 1

  • Nwamaka Osakwe Physician/Medical Writer-helping health organizations create high-quality content with speed and accuracy. Needs assessment | CME | Web content| News | Plain language summary | Blog posts
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    If you're just starting out, this step is critical. First decide the kind of writing you want to do and the audience- professional versus general population. Even within the same audience, styles differ. If you're a health writer for instance, think Healthline vs Greatist. The kind of site you will be pitching should determine the kind of samples you'll create. Have relevant samples for the different kinds of writing you'd love to do to increase your chances of success. It may be hard work in the beginning but it's worth it. One relevant samples can make all the difference between getting a "yes" or radio silence.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (46) 1

  • Kiera Fields Editor at Business Insider
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    As a commissioning editor scanning through hundreds of pitches a day, displaying a clear understanding of our audience and the style of story we publish is integral to getting your pitch picked up. It shows me you read our site, and have thought critically about what we offer, and, also, I'll have more confidence in the writer's ability to produce a story that's in line with our style.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (55) 1

2 Choose your best work

Your portfolio and samples should showcase your best work that reflects your writing skills, experience, and value. Choose pieces that are relevant, recent, and impressive. Select work that matches the type, topic, and quality of writing that your audience is looking for. Avoid work that is outdated, incomplete, or poorly written. If you don't have enough work to choose from, you can create new samples that demonstrate your abilities and knowledge. Make sure your work is original, error-free, and polished.

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  • David E Williams Writer and Editor For Hire — Blogs | Articles | Newsletters | Copy Editing | Marketing Copy | Ghost Writing | Corporate Comms | Marcomms |
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    You are selecting work that represents your best writing. So with that in mind, go through all your material and compile your greatest hits. Use commonsense – adapt your portfolio if your prospect wants something particular. Take out that extra financial analysis article and insert a soft product piece, or whatever the occasion calls for.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (64) 1

  • Abigail Anaba Head Of Content Marketing at Slvr Wlf Digitale Ltd
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    To decide what is relevant, try to gain as much perspective as possible about your prospect. Check work they have approved on the past and add to your portfolio what compliments or improves upon rather than matches what they already have. If they are looking, chances are they want something better than they already have. This will make your portfolio memorable to them.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (73) 1

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    Your emphasis on quality, relevance, and presentation is a testament to your understanding of what makes a portfolio stand out.Selecting pieces that are relevant, recent, and impressive is a strategic move. It showcases your evolution as a writer and demonstrates your ability to create content that resonates with current trends and interests. Aligning your work with the type, topic, and quality your audience seeks is a smart way to capture their attention and cater to their needs.Your advice to avoid outdated, incomplete, or poorly written work is crucial. Including subpar pieces could overshadow the strengths of your portfolio and detract from your overall presentation.

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    In my experience, it’s also important not to offer to do it with your examples. Three good ones in any category are more than enough.

  • Sydney C. Transitioning Communications and Creative Services Professional | Project Manager in Training
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    I have always utilized writing samples that have excited leadership that I worked with previously. For example, the company letter written for the CEO, which excited him to send, that to me was a stellar example. Or work that my colleagues read and took the time to stop and talk to me about. These kind of things stand out in my mind and in my samples.


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3 Organize your portfolio

Your portfolio should be easy to navigate, access, and view. You can create a website, a blog, a PDF, or a platform-specific portfolio, depending on your preference and audience. Use a clear and consistent layout, design, and format for your portfolio. Include a brief introduction that summarizes your writing skills, experience, and value proposition. Categorize your work by type, topic, or industry, and use descriptive titles and captions. Provide links or attachments to your work, and make sure they are working and updated.

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  • Brynley McGough Recruiter | Travel Advisor
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    If you have different types of writing, you're going to want headers that separate the sections out. All your narrative writing should be in one category, all your SEO articles in another, and all your blog posts in yet another, etc.Also the fewer clicks someone needs to make the better! A list of titles that can be clicked and will take you to the piece of writing is far more effective than a overly styled website that is clunky and hard to navigate.If it's too difficult to find a relevant writing sample, most recruiters will give up and move on.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (106) 1

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    Your emphasis on user-friendliness and professionalism underscores your understanding of the importance of leaving a positive and lasting impression on potential clients or employers.Offering multiple options for presenting your portfolio, such as a website, blog, PDF, or platform-specific portfolio, is a considerate move that respects the diverse preferences of your audience. This flexibility ensures that your work is easily accessible regardless of their preferred format.Your recommendation to maintain a clear and consistent layout, design, and format is crucial. A well-organized portfolio reflects your professionalism and attention to detail, which are qualities that clients and employers value.

  • Breana Greene Creator, Award-Winning Independent Animator at BG Animate
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    If you have a website you should consistently be updating it at least once or twice quarterly throughout the year. If you have new work you want to showcase on it, keep it consistent for your audience to see and attract more views. You'll be surprised of how many websites you come across both by professional industry companies, and personal ones from individual people or small businesses that look outdated or vague. Your website is like your personal money tree if you have a business or if you're marketing yourself in general. You need to care for it and let it grow naturally in order to shine bright and stand out from the rest. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and change how it looks either to appeal more as well.

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    A good 3 to 7 word headline topping every example of your work is Opeds Can Make You an Influencer. Then show your work.

  • Dhananjay Kumar Tiwari . Join Us in Empowering 100+ Women, 100+ businesses. Infinite possibilities. By 2025: A Catalyst for Change | Empowering Mind, Sustaining Future! || 10+ Years || Google PMP || Corporate Social Responsibility ||
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    Create an easily navigable portfolio that showcases your writing prowess. Utilize a clear and consistent design, categorize your work effectively, and provide accessible links to your writing samples.


4 Write compelling samples

Your samples should showcase your writing skills, knowledge, and value in action. Write samples that are engaging, informative, and persuasive. Use a tone, style, and format that suits your audience and purpose. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic, the audience, and the goal of the writing. Provide relevant and useful information, insights, or solutions. Use clear and concise language, and avoid jargon, fluff, or filler. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and other elements to make your samples easy to read and scan.

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  • Mlu Mdletshe (SEO) Digital Content Specialist with a robust background in journalism and versatile copywriting skills | Ready to collaborate on innovative campaigns that elevate brand presence and storytelling.
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    One thing I have found useful is constantly updating my portfolio; whether monthly or weekly. Whatever piece I have done or achievement received during that month or week has to be reflected in my portfolio.But variety is always recommended when it comes to theses!

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    I believe that a portfolio is a chance to showcase what makes you unique. So, it is important to stay true to your style and strengths, and you'll stand out from the crowd!Show Diversity by including a variety of samples that demonstrate different skills and styles. This gives a well-rounded view of your abilities.Also, ensure that the portfolio is appealing. Design it to look clean, professional, and easy to navigate. Avoid clutter and distractions.Don't overload your portfolio with too many samples. Aim for around 5-10 strong pieces. Check for typos, errors, or inconsistencies in your descriptions. Attention to detail matters.Let your personality shine through your portfolio. Authenticity can make you memorable.


5 Highlight your results

Your portfolio and samples should not only show your writing skills, but also your results. Show how your writing has helped your clients or employers achieve their goals, solve their problems, or gain benefits. Use quantifiable metrics, testimonials, feedback, or case studies to back up your claims. Show how your writing has increased traffic, conversions, sales, engagement, or awareness. Use numbers, percentages, or charts to illustrate your impact. Emphasize the value and benefits that you can offer to your audience.

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  • Gladstone Leslie Samuel Qualified Independent Director | ESG Practitioner | PMP®
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    One of the challenges in including your best work is when it is proprietary in nature. You might have an agreement with a client not to disclose the work you’ve completed , or some of your assignments will involve confidential company information.It is possible to get around this challenge by describing the project in generic terms. For example, instead of saying, “For the two years, I’ve been improving the brand visibility of ABC by writing SEO-rich blog posts and running 10 social media accounts. Maybe it can be written as follows :“For the two years or so I have been enhancing brand visibility for a well known B2C portal.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (163) 3

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    in my experience, it is always useful to show the reach of a piece of writing, in terms of the audience, or its impact on a company, particularly when it comes to being in the media or increasing valuation on the stock market.Founders and CEOs are always looking for ways to get their story out, and if you’re consistently doing that, you will win their faith ongoing and business.Also, when you place a story media, such as a major newspaper, go back and tell them what that would cost in terms of advertising placement. This, of course is not the same as earned media, something which is very difficult to get, and I would argue better, but it does put a value on the real estate you have managed to fill with a non-paid article.


    How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (172) 2

6 Update your portfolio and samples

Your portfolio and samples should be current and relevant. Update your portfolio and samples regularly to reflect your latest work, skills, and achievements. Remove or replace work that is outdated, irrelevant, or low-quality. Add new work that showcases your growth, diversity, and innovation. Keep track of your performance, feedback, and results. Showcase your portfolio and samples on your website, social media, or other platforms where your audience can find you. Keep improving your writing skills and portfolio and samples to stand out from the competition.

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  • Arika Lawrence Creative Technologist | Strategist | Responsible AI Champion | Digital Intelligence Leader | Visionary | Explorer
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    I’d say make it a monthly requirement to invest some time in doing portfolio maintenance. Whenever you finish a portfolio-worthy piece, tag it and put it aside with notes on why you’ll be adding it.Create a portfolio maintenance list of the top three things you want to accomplish for that month. These tasks can include auditing your portfolio layout/design,links, content, getting it reviewed, etc. to see if anything could use a refresh or removal. When it’s time to do your portfolio maintenance, you should feel a bit more organized and clear about what needs to be done.Treat your “portfolio maintenance day” as a professional development day, and do your best to stick to your schedule. Use the time to reflect and celebrate your wins!

  • Nilanjana Chatterjee F1 News Writer | Entertainment Journalist | Movie critic and buff | Anime for Life (and Living)


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    Apart from having a well-organised, simple, yet elegant portfolio, another thing that would matter a lot would be updating your portfolio regularly. It works to your advantage if you think about it. 1. You can send your portfolio to your recruiter on the get-go without having to sit at the nick of time to update everything. 2. You have a periodic record of what you write and how you have invested your time in writing something that doesn't make you feel like you haven't made progress. A bonus would be if you showcase some of your works on your LinkedIn profile for your connections to see. You never know who might get you or lead you to your next job or gig.


7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Michelle Markey Owner at Michelle Markey, Unlock Your Words


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    I recommend showcasing samples that show you can write in multiple tones. When your work all sounds the same, then the client or brand feel they aren't getting a personalized approach.

  • Anchal B Chaudhary Top Writing Voice | Top Web Content Writing Voice | Content Writer | Ghostwriter | Book Writer | Creative Writer
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    Everybody is short on time these days.So, if I am personally sharing my portfolio, I would like to keep it customised and updated as per my current potential client.This ways he doesn't have to filter through the fluff to get to his requirement.

  • Belinda R. Senior B2B SaaS Content Writer + Strategist
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    Don't know where to host your portfolio? I recommend Notion! (Not sponsored btw 😉)It can be time-consuming and costly to set up a website just to showcase your work. Creating a portfolio is easy and free. Sign up, add your links/docs to a new page, publish it, and that's it. You can also track visits with the analytics to see if people are visiting your portfolio.

  • Piyumani Ranasinghe Attorney-at-law | Policy and Legal Research
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    Few things that help you stand out at the end of the day:- be authentic, as cliché as it seems, authenticity goes a long way. It is not a skill, but rather an attitude and can be cultivated. It will seep into your portfolio as well.- know what you want to say and reflect on what you put out there every now and then. A portfolio of course has a marketing dimension, but you are also a human being and that should be key!- ultimately, remain happy! You may do your research on improving the portfolio, but at the end of it all - try not to compare. Brings back again to trusting your own confidence and skill!


Writing How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (221)


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How do you write a portfolio and samples that stand out? (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.