How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (2024)

  • Written byBamboo Cosmetic Dentistry
  • onApril 19, 2017
  • Archive

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (1)

Teeth whitening kits are a staple in the home of anyone aiming to look after their appearance. They are simple to use. They are cost effective. And most importantly, they can be extremely good at whitening your teeth!

How Does a Teeth Whitening Kit Work?

Well, there are several types of teeth whitening kit that you can try out. Some work better than others. And each can have its own method of working.

Take Home Whitening Trays Give Amazing Results

Take home whitening kits are, in our opinion, the most effective way of whitening your teeth. The process is simple too. You first need to have a set of trays created. These trays are clear moulds of your teeth that sit snugly against both the upper and lower arch. In order to have these made you’ll pop in to our dentist in Cardiff where we will take a mould of your teeth. These are then carefully crafted to create a perfect tray for your teeth.

So you have the trays, what next?

When coming in to collect your trays you’ll also be given a series of whitening solution and syringes as well as some simple instructions on what to do next. Once at home you’ll need to open one of the syringes by twisting the nozzle at the end. You will then squeeze just a drop of solution into each of the sections of the tray. At this point you are ready to begin your whitening. You slot the trays into your mouth, wipe away any excess solution that may have oozed out, and then you just need to wait. Whilst waiting you can go about your everyday business. Apart from eating, drinking or doing anything like smoking of course.

After 1.5 hours…

Once your trays have been in for around 1.5 hours you are ready to take them out. Now you can give them a rinse and a clean under the tap and place them back in the box until tomorrow. It is advised not to brush your teeth just yet but instead rinse out your mouth with water. You can then repeat this process daily for up to 2 weeks. However, you’ll probably reach your targeted stage of whiteness before those 2 weeks are up in which case you can stop whitening them and save your remainder solution for when you want to top up.

What Results Can You Expect From this Teeth Whitening Kit?

The brightest of white smiles can be achieved using our take home teeth whitening kit. In fact, we can guarantee that you’ll reach what is known as ‘saturation point’. Saturation point is basically when your teeth have become the whitest they can possibly become. This will vary with different sets of teeth but we can assure that you’ll reach that point at least. Some people prefer not to reach such a level of whiteness and that is entirely fine too. It just means that you’ll need to decide at what point to stop the whitening process between treatment 1 and treatment 14. If you’d like to book a consultation to find out more aboutteeth whitening kits in Cardiffthen you can do so byclicking here.

What are the Alternatives to Teeth Whitening Kits?

There are a few alternatives you can go for. However, the thing to note is that most other options cannot penetrate deep into the tooth to remove stains fully. Instead they will only be useful for surface stains. This is great for those who have teeth that are only slightly discoloured on the surfaces. However, in other instances you may be disappointed with the obtained results. Some of those alternatives include, whitening strips and charcoal toothpaste. Although those methods are not so great, there is one other brilliant method to whiten teeth…

Laser Teeth Whitening

Not nearly as scary as it sounds. You get to do this one comfortably sat in the dental chair. With ourPhilips Zoom laser teeth whitening, your teeth will be treated for 4 x 15 minute sessions to bring your teeth up to 8 shades whiter. One of the great advantages of this technique is the speed in which your teeth can be whitened. After the treatment you’ll also be given a set of whitening trays and some solution so you can maintain your bright white smile in the future!

In Conclusion…

If you really want to achieve a sparkling white smile then your best bet is to go for an in house treatment as this will help you reach saturation point. On the other hand, those less efficient treatments such as charcoal toothpaste and whitening strips will really only touch the surface which may lead to you being disappointed. If you are thinking about whitening your teeth then it is very important that you first make sure you are dentally fit.Even if all you need is a filling then this can still be dangerous for you to have a whitening procedure before having the filling. This is because the whitening solution will be able to get inside the tooth. You’ll first need to visit the cosmetic dentist for a consultation where he can check out your teeth to be sure that it is safe for you to proceed with the treatment.

How can you get in touch?

Are you keen to get your teeth on the road to whiteness? Then your first step is to get in touch with our five times award winning dentist Dr Dan about your teeth whitening kit. To do this simply give us a quick call on 029 2056 9769. Alternatively you can reach us through our dedicated contact formright here.

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How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (2)

One of our values is to listen (properly). That’s so we build our dental practice around you, not the other way around. Get in touch using the method below which is most convenient to you, at a time that suits you.

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (4)

02. Upload Your Photographs

02. Upload Your Photographs

Please upload up to 6 photographs of your smile. Use the form to let us know how we can help you. It’s secure, quick and discrete.

A Bamboo dentist will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible.

Not sure what photos to send? Please follow this short guide. Thank you.

02. Upload Your Photographs

02. Upload Your Photographs

Please upload up to 6 photographs of your smile. Use the form to let us know how we can help you. It’s secure, quick and discrete.

A Bamboo dentist will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible.

Not sure what photos to send? Please follow this short guide. Thank you.

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (5)

03. Live Video Consultation

03. Live Video Consultation

You’re very welcome to book a Free, half-hour Video Chat with an experienced team member. All you have to do is pick a time and date from our Calendly booking system below.

03. Live Video Consultation

03. Live Video Consultation

You’re very welcome to book a Free, half-hour Video Chat with an experienced team member. All you have to do is pick a time and date from our Calendly booking system below.

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (6)

04. In Person Appointment

04. In Person Appointment

You’re very welcome to book a Free* In Person Appointment with a Bamboo cosmetic dentist. There’s no better way than to see you in person.

An in-person consultation usually lasts 30 minutes where one of our cosmetic dentists will meet you. You will get to talk through your concerns and we will advise on the best options. If our treatments are suitable, you will be given a treatment plan there and then.

To book yours, please call us on 02920 569769 and a member of the team will create a patient file and find you the next suitable appointment.

Alternatively, please contact uswith your contact details and we will give you a call.

*Consultations are free, we just need a £35 refundable deposit to secure the appointment at the time of booking.

04. In Person Appointment

04. In Person Appointment

You’re very welcome to book a Free* In Person Appointment with a Bamboo cosmetic dentist. There’s no better way than to see you in person.

An in-person consultation usually lasts 30 minutes where one of our cosmetic dentists will meet you. You will get to talk through your concerns and we will advise on the best options. If our treatments are suitable, you will be given a treatment plan there and then.

To book yours, please call us on 02920 569769 and a member of the team will create a patient file and find you the next suitable appointment.

Alternatively, please contact uswith your contact details and we will give you a call.

*Consultations are free, we just need a £35 refundable deposit to secure the appointment at the time of booking.

Partners & Professional Accreditations

When dealing with your teeth it’s important to use a medical professional that you can trust. That’s why we’re proud to be affiliated/members of the following organisations:

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (7)

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (8)

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (9)

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (10)

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (11)

How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (12)



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How Does A Teeth Whitening Kit Work? (2024)
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