How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (2024)

9 Min. Read

July 5, 2024

How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (1)

On average, a new business takes two to three years to be profitable. When a company starts to make a profit depends on how high its startup costs are. According to the Houston Chronicle, the more capital a business needs upfront to provide its products or services and the higher its salaries, the longer it will take for a company to become profitable.

Key Takeaways

  • Most small businesses take two to three years to become profitable
  • Factors that affect profitability include business size, industry and competition, and business model
  • Strategies like cost-cutting and boosting efficiency can improve profitability
  • Keeping careful accounts and regularly analyzing expenses are essential for growing your profitability.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • How Long Does It Take a Business to Become Profitable?
  • Factors That Affect Profitability
  • Profitability Strategies for Small Business Owners
  • Conclusion
  • How Do You Know If Your Business Is Profitable in the First Year?
  • What’s The Average Profit for the First Year in Business?

How Long Does It Take a Business to Become Profitable?

Two to three years is the standard estimation for how long it takes a business to be profitable. That said, each startup has different initial costs and ways of measuring business profitability. A business could have enough cash to become profitable immediately or take three years or longer to make money.

Profitability Based on Business Type

Entrepreneur estimates that businesses making a new product take at least three years on average to become profitable. There’s the cost of adding a partner or experts to the company payroll to produce products, as well as marketing costs, among other expenses.

Occasionally, a company makes a profit from a customer acquisition or new product within three years. But these instances are rare; most owners must be patient and wait.

On the flip side, a home-based online business may generate a profit immediately as it requires little money to start up. An online business only requires an internet connection, a computer, or even a tablet or smartphone. Not all online businesses will instantly generate profit or even reach the break-even point, though, as marketing and product costs can add up.

For inspiration, read up on these profitable home-based business ideas you can run from home. Some you can even start without any money at all.

Profit Calculator

How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (3)

Each business’s profitability timeline will differ, so it’s important to determine when your business will make money.

This formula is called a “break-even analysis”, it will reveal how much revenue you need to cover your expenses and when your business will generate that revenue.

A break-even analysis is a standard part of every business plan, meaning it’s done before the business is even launched. The U.S. Department of Commerce recommends this free online calculator to figure out your break-even point.

Definitions of Profitability

Profitability can be defined in a few different ways, but first, it’s important to understand the difference between profit and profitability. Profit means revenue minus all expenses and is an absolute amount.

Profitability is relative and looks at the overall performance of your business. This could be measured using your profit ratio, break-even point, equity and asset returns, or profit per client. Depending on your business structure and goals, you may find different profitability measures to better reflect your performance.

That said, it’s typically not recommended that an owner take a large salary, especially in the first or second year anyway. It’s more important to reinvest that money back into the business to stimulate growth rather than taking a larger salary.

Knowing the difference between “ramen profitability” and actual profitability is also important. Ramen profitability means the business can support its owners financially (though barely). Online or home-based businesses that take little money to start up can quickly reach ramen profitability.

What profitability means to you depends on your goals as a business owner and what success means to you. Many business owners want good salaries and don’t worry about appearing profitable on paper. Others, especially those looking for investors, will likely want to demonstrate profits.

Factors That Affect Profitability

Making your business profitable is a process that may take several years. Exploring the factors that affect growth can help you improve efficiency and become profitable more quickly.

  • Start-Up Costs
    These are the initial expenses to get your business started. They can include things like machinery and equipment as well as inventory.
  • Industry And Competition
    Your profits are affected by the other companies in your industry. If you’re entering a new market, you may have lots of scope to set your prices. However, if many companies are offering the same products or services, the increased competition may make it harder to raise prices.
  • Business Model And Revenue Streams
    Different pricing models like fixed pricing, volume pricing, and so on can affect your profitability. It may take time and market testing to determine the best revenue stream for your business.
  • Marketing And Advertising
    Initial marketing costs are overhead expenses that will likely take time to generate profits. Finding the balance between marketing expenses and the payoff can also take time.
  • Management And Operations
    Management and operations help oversee your business to ensure it is efficient and profitable.

Profitability Strategies for Small Business Owners

In addition to the business factors that shape profitability, there are also strategies you can use to boost your business’s growth.

  • Cost Cutting And Efficiency Measures
    Is there a process that’s lagging and could be improved? Periodically reviewing your business’s efficiency can help you boost profitability by cutting out unnecessary expenses or improving productivity.
  • Diversifying Revenue Streams
    Having multiple revenue streams can increase your profitability by reaching a wider range of customers. This is also important in case one revenue stream struggles for a while – with multiple streams, you’ll still have a source of profit.
  • Building A Strong Brand And Customer Base
    It takes time to connect with customers and create your reputation as a business, but it’s essential for long-term growth. Establishing your brand and providing consistent, high-quality goods and services helps you gain loyal customers who strengthen your growth.
  • Investing In Technology And Automation
    Automating your business processes can help you reduce your expenses while improving productivity. Technology like FreshBooks’ online payroll software helps you streamline tasks like payroll so you can focus your time and energy on growing your business.
  • Seeking Out Funding Or Investment
    Depending on your business goals, you may want additional investors to help grow your business. Actively seeking out start-up capital can help you achieve profitability by boosting your financial inputs.

Also Read: How to Increase Revenue for Small Business

How Does FreshBooks Help in Your Path To Profitability?

How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (4)

Measuring your expenses and revenues is key to achieving profitability. Aim to review your monthly financial projections to understand your best income sources and where you can improve efficiency. Accounting software like FreshBooks helps you manage your books so you can focus on becoming profitable. Detailed expense tracking helps you understand where your money is going, while financial reports give you a clear overview of your growth.


Creating a profitable business is a gradual process. On average, businesses take two to three years to become profitable. However, many factors determine profitability — while some small businesses fail within the first year, others with low start-up costs can even be profitable in the first year. Using breakeven analysis to understand your expenses and revenues can help you create a plan to grow your business, while strategies for achieving profitability enable you to reach profitability. Click here to get started with your free trial today.

People also ask:

How Do You Know If Your Business Is Profitable in the First Year?

There’s a simple formula to measure profitability and success for your small business in the first year:

Revenue – Expenses = Profit

If it’s a positive number, that’s profit. If it’s a negative number, your business is losing money. If your number is zero, you’re breaking even. While this metric is a rough indicator, for a comprehensive report, check out our post on how to know if a business is profitable. In it, we’ve explained various indicators that will help you determine the profitability of your company.

What’s the Average Profit for the First Year in Business?

Most businesses don’t make any profit in their first year of business, according to Forbes. In fact, most new businesses need 18 to 24 months to reach profitability. And then there’s the reality that 25 percent of new businesses fail in their first year, according to the Small Business Administration.

Even companies that turn a profit may lose it in their first year when they invest back in their business by hiring new people or expanding their product or service offerings. And then there are taxes to pay on any profits you do make.

How many businesses are profitable in the first year?

Very few startup businesses are profitable in their first year — most take 18 to 24 months to become profitable. Businesses with small start-up costs, such as online or home businesses, may be able to turn a profit earlier.

How soon do most businesses fail?

The U.S. Bureau of Labour reports that 25% of new businesses fail within the first year. After that time frame, roughly 50% make it to the five-year mark.

Do most businesses lose money in the first year?

Most businesses do not turn a profit in the first year. Whether they lose money or break even depends upon a variety of factors, including the size of the business and the industry and competition.

At what point is a business considered profitable?

A business generates profit when its revenue exceeds its expenses. However, profitability can vary depending on your definition and goals. Some small businesses aim for a comfortable owner’s salary, while others aim for a founder’s salary and additional profit on the books.

How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (6)

Jason Ding, CPA

About the author

Jason Ding is a seasoned accountant with over 15 years of progressive experience in senior finance and accounting across multiple industries. Jason holds a BBA from Simon Fraser University and is a designated CPA. Jason’s firm, Notion CPA, is an accounting firm with a business-first focus. The firm specializes in preparing personal and corporate taxation while providing fractional CFO work and leading the accounting and finance function for several small-to-medium-sized businesses. In his free time, you’ll find Jason on the basketball court, travelling, and spending quality time with family.


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How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide (2024)


How Long Does It Take a Business to be Profitable? A Guide? ›

On average, businesses take two to three years to become profitable. However, many factors determine profitability — while some small businesses fail within the first year, others with low start-up costs can even be profitable in the first year.

How long does it usually take for a business to be profitable? ›

Building the fundamentals of a small business can take about a year but most small businesses take at least two to three years to reach profitability.

How much time does it take to make a successful business? ›

But how much time does it take to make a successful startup? I get asked this question a lot. The short answer is it takes at least 4 years just to get pointed toward a real business, and I'd argue it takes 7-10 years to make your startup truly the success that you had in mind when that idea came to you.

How long would it take to start a business? ›

Typically it takes a startup business 6 months to one year from initial idea to product launch and their first paying customers. Service businesses can be launched in 3 months, online businesses in 30 days and retail stores, restaurants, and clothing lines commonly take one year from conception to launch.

How long does it take to make a good business plan? ›

Writing a traditional business plan can take hours, days, or even weeks. We recommend a simpler plan—a one-page plan—that you can complete in under an hour. Sounds too good to be true? We successfully used this easy business plan format to build LivePlan, and it's a major reason why the product is so successful.

How long does it take to raise money for a business? ›

You should expect to spend at least 6 months fundraising before you meet your goal. It might take a few months more or less, but it's never a particularly fast process. (However, if you're nearing a year of fundraising time, something isn't working right.)

How long does it take for a franchise to become profitable? ›

The FTC's guide says it may take a year to become profitable. You should have access to capital that will cover both business expenses for six months and personal living expenses for a year. Beware of franchise consultants.

How long does it normally take for a business to break even? ›

A standard break-even time is between 6-18 months. If it will take a longer time to reach a break-even point, based on your calculation, then you may need to alter your plans to increase the price, reduce cost or do both. Any break-even point above 18 months is a strong risk indicator or signal.

How long does it take to become successful at something? ›

It takes about ten years of intentional practice to become excellent at something, but you can become better at something right away. In fact, any amount of practice is beneficial. Read for more on why practice can have such an immediate impact and how long you need to stick with something to become great.

How fast to grow a business? ›

Ideal business growth rates vary by the type of business and industry as well as the stage that the business is at in its development. In general, however, a healthy growth rate should be sustainable for the company. In most cases, an ideal growth rate will be around 15 and 25% annually.

How long does it take to develop a product? ›

Creating a product from scratch is not a rush-play. It requires a full-on idea generation for the manufacturing process. And in these phases are the product development stages. Thus, it takes up to one year to develop the product.

How does business become successful? ›

10 factors that contribute to business success
  • Set a business goal. ...
  • Understand Your Customer Needs. ...
  • Research your competition. ...
  • Attract and retain the right talent. ...
  • Be transparent with your team. ...
  • Become a decisive leader. ...
  • Learn to be patient. ...
  • Keep business documents.
Oct 5, 2021

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In 2020, the average lifespan of a company on Standard and Poor's 500 Index was just over 21 years, compared with 32 years in 1965. There is a clear long-term trend of declining corporate longevity with regards to companies on the S&P 500 Index, with this expected to fall even further throughout the 2020s.

How long before a business should be profitable? ›

On average, startups typically take between two to five years to become profitable. This timeline can vary depending on factors such as the industry, business model, initial funding, and market conditions. High-growth industries may take longer, while traditional industries might achieve profitability more quickly.

How long does it take for a small business to succeed? ›

Real talk: In most cases, it will take about four years to attain a real business and around seven to 10 years for a business to be successful. On top of that, more than half of startups fail before they reach their fifth year.

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According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don't. Even if it's just notes about your potential business, writing things down will make you more likely to proceed with your business.

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in the activity? The IRS presumes that an activity is carried on for profit if it makes a profit during at least three of the last five tax years, including the current year — at least two of the last seven years for activities that consist primarily of breeding, showing, training or racing horses.

What is a good profit for a first year business? ›

What's a good profit margin for a small business? Although profit margin varies by industry, 7 to 10% is a healthy profit margin for most small businesses. Some companies, like retail and food, can be financially stable with lower profit margin because they have naturally high overhead.

How fast does the average business grow? ›

However, as a general benchmark, companies should average between 15% and 45% of year-over-year growth. According to a SaaS survey, companies with less than $2 million annually have higher growth rates.

Is $50,000 enough to start a business? ›

Starting a business with just $50k is absolutely a feasible option for aspiring entrepreneurs. Even though it's not a million, $50,000 to invest in a new business is still a great starting point.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.