How Long Does It Take To Earn 1 Crore? [Calculator] | Aero Business Solutions (2024)

How Long Does It Take To Earn 1 Crore? [Calculator] | Aero Business Solutions (1)

Financial Freedom, Entrepreneurship / By Editorial Team / July 12, 2024


Ever thought about having one crore rupees? It might sound like a big, faraway dream for many. Some folks think it's something only super smart or super lucky people can achieve. But guess what? We're here to show you that getting to one crore isn't some magic trick. It's doable, and anyone can make it happen with the right money moves.

Note: This is a guide on how to reach the 1 crore mark through investing and NOT through earning (salary, business, lottery etc..). This guide is specifically those who are not earning a ton of money and still want to get to the 1 crore mark through intelligent investing.

Common Misconception: A Distant Goal

Let's tackle the big idea that one crore is too far off. Many folks see it like a puzzle with too many complicated pieces. Our goal? To clear up the confusion and prove that reaching one crore is more like a road trip than a rocket launch. So, get ready as we break down the journey to one crore into simple steps you can follow. It's time to make that big money dream of yours a real thing!

1 Crore is Just the Beginning

Now, here's a secret that many don't realize – reaching one crore is not just a financial milestone; it's a gateway to a world of possibilities. Think of it as stepping into a new dimension of financial freedom. The journey to one crore is like opening a door, and once you step through, you'll find that the path to even greater wealth becomes significantly more accessible.

The Snowball Effect of Wealth Building

Picture this: you've diligently worked your financial plan, and you've hit that one crore mark. Congratulations! Now, here's the exciting part – building wealth often follows a snowball effect. It's like rolling a snowball down a hill; as it gathers more snow, it grows bigger and gains momentum.

Once you've mastered the art of accumulating one crore, the strategies and habits you've developed become second nature. With your financial foundation in place, the journey to 10 crores becomes a more straightforward endeavor. The principles that helped you reach your initial goal can be scaled up, setting you on a trajectory towards even greater financial achievements.

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20K to 1Cr!

Let's break down the journey to your first crore in a more straightforward way.

Imagine putting aside 20,000 rupees every month. Doable, right?

Here's a breakdown of how long it takes to reach one crore, depending on your investment strategy with just 20K investment per month:

  • 0% return:42 years
  • 5% return: 23 years
  • 12% return: 15 years
  • 18% return: 12 years
  • 25% return: 10 years

If you just keep the money without any growth (0% return), it'll take a long 42 years to hit one crore. That's quite a wait, right?

Now, switch to a safer option like a Fixed Deposit at 5%, and suddenly the time needed shrinks to 23 years – almost half!

Want things to move even faster? Consider investing in stocks with a 12% return, and you'll get there in just 15 years. Opt for a great piece land that may give 18% returns, and the timeline shortens to 12 years.

But here's the exciting part – if you strike gold with a golden stock or land that's able to get you 25% returns, you could reach that one crore goal in just 10 years.

Surprising, huh? In just 10 years you could be a crorepati. Before you say 10 years is too long, remember most people never reach this milestone even in their entire lifetime.

And with the same investment of 20K per month and returns of 25% you'll reach your 2 crores in the next 2.5 years and 3 crores in the next 1.5 years. Mind blowing huh! Use our calculator below to understand the true power of compounding.

Getting to one crore isn't some impossible dream; it's about making smart choices that match your money goals.

Investment Time Calculator


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How to make 1 crore in 10 years?

Using the above calculator, we can calculate different scenarios to make 1 crore in 10 years based on the amount you're investing and the target returns on those investments.

Here are different scenarios for making 1 crore in 10 years:

Monthly InvestmentExpected ReturnsTime to 1 Crore
₹15,00030%10 Years
₹20,00025%10 Years
₹27,50020%10 Years
₹37,50015% (Mutual Funds)10 Years
₹50,00010% (High Intrest FD)10 Years
₹65,0005% (FD)10 Years

How to make 1 crore in 5 years?

Using the above calculator, we can calculate different scenarios to make 1 crore in 5 years based on the amount you're investing and the target returns on those investments.

Here are different scenarios for making 1 crore in 5 years:

Monthly InvestmentExpected ReturnsTime to 1 Crore
₹70,00030%5 Years
₹85,00025%5 Years
₹95,00020%5 Years
₹110,00015% (Mutual Funds)5 Years
₹130,00010% (High Intrest FD)5 Years
₹145,0005% (FD)5 Years

How to make 1 crore in 3 years?

Using the above calculator, we can calculate different scenarios to make 1 crore in 3 years based on the amount you're investing and the target returns on those investments.

Here are different scenarios for making 1 crore in 3 years:

Monthly InvestmentExpected ReturnsTime to 1 Crore
₹1,75,00030%3 Years
₹1,90,00025%3 Years
₹2,05,00020%3 Years
₹2,20,00015% (Mutual Funds)3 Years
₹2,40,00010% (High Intrest FD)3 Years
₹2,60,0005% (FD)3 Years

How many zeros in 1 Crore?

In the Indian numbering system, 1 crore is equal to 10,000,000. Therefore, there are 7 zeros in 1 crore.

1 Crore = 1 followed by 7 Zeros (written as 1,00,00,000)

Key Conversions to Remember

  • 1 Crore = 100 Lakhs
  • 1 Crore = 10 Million
  • 100 Crores = 1 Billion

Did you know "crore" originates from the Sanskrit word "koti," meaning "ten million"? That's right! 1 crore is equivalent to 10,000,000 (10 Million). This makes it a significant term in the Indian financial landscape, often used to represent large sums of money, populations, or other substantial amounts.

Understanding crores helps you navigate financial discussions, business targets, and everyday conversations in India. It represents a substantial amount, making it a valuable term to have in your vocabulary.

Setting Financial Goals

Alright, let's dive into the world of financial goals – your personal treasure map to success. We're going to keep it simple, so grab a cup of tea, and let's get started.

Understanding Personal Financial Goals

What are these financial goals, you ask? Well, they're like the GPS for your money. Your goals are the places you want your money to take you. It could be saving up for a dream vacation, buying a house, or, in our case, reaching that magical one crore mark. The key is figuring out what matters most to you and making a plan to get there.

Short-term vs. Long-term Goals

Not all goals are the same. Some are like sprinting to the finish line (short-term goals), while others are more like a marathon (long-term goals). Short-term goals could be things like buying a new phone, while long-term goals are the big, life-changing stuff, like retiring comfortably or hitting that one crore jackpot. Mixing both in your financial goal recipe adds a perfect balance to your money journey.

Importance of SMART Goals

Now, let's talk about being SMART with your goals. No, we're not talking about IQ; we're talking about Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Imagine your goal is a well-baked cake. You need the right ingredients (specific), a way to measure success (measurable), a goal that's realistic (achievable), something that matters to you (relevant), and a deadline (time-bound). Being SMART ensures your financial goals are not just wishes but well-thought-out plans. So, get ready to turn your dreams into a roadmap and let's make those SMART financial goals your guiding stars.

The 1 Crore Goal: Why and How?

Alright, let's dig into the nitty-gritty of the 1 Crore goal. It might seem like a big, fancy number, but trust us, there's a method to this financial madness.

Importance of the 1 Crore Milestone

Why one crore? Good question. One crore isn't just a random number plucked from the sky. It's a significant milestone that can make a real difference in your life. Whether it's securing your future, living comfortably, or fulfilling some of your biggest dreams – one crore can be the key to unlocking a world of financial possibilities.

Factors to Consider When Setting This Goal

Now, let's talk strategy. Setting the 1 Crore goal isn't just about picking a number and hoping for the best. It's about considering your lifestyle, your dreams, and how much you need to live the life you want. Your age, expenses, and risk tolerance also play a role. It's like tailoring a suit – the goal should fit you perfectly.

Aligning the Goal with Your Life Aspirations

One crore isn't just a number on paper; it's a tool to bring your dreams to life. Maybe it's about traveling the world, buying a house, or having the freedom to retire on your terms. Aligning your financial goal with your life aspirations makes the journey more meaningful. It's not just about the money; it's about the life you want to live.

Monthly Investments

Alright, let's dive into the heart of the matter – monthly investments. This is where the rubber meets the road on our journey to the 1 Crore goal.

Significance of Monthly Investments

Think of monthly investments as planting seeds in your financial garden. Putting in a small amount regularly is like giving your money the sunlight and water it needs to grow. It might not seem like much at first, but over time, those small contributions can bloom into a substantial financial garden. Consistency is the key here.

Strategies for Increasing Monthly Investments Over Time

As time goes on and your financial muscles grow, you can increase your monthly investments. It's like leveling up in a game – you start with the basics, and as you get more comfortable, you push for more. We'll explore strategies for gradually increasing your contributions, ensuring your money game gets stronger over time.

Expected Returns

Now, let's talk about the returns – the rewards for your financial efforts. We're going to explore different investment options, peek into their potential returns, and understand the game of risk and reward.

Overview of Different Investment Options and Their Potential Returns

There's a whole buffet of investment options out there, and each comes with its own flavor of returns. We'll take a quick tour, from the safer choices to the riskier ones.

  1. The Safe Bet – Savings Account (Low Risk, Low Return): Like keeping money under the mattress, but safer. Returns are steady but not exactly thrilling.
  2. The Steady Climb – Fixed Deposits (Low to Moderate Risk, Moderate Return): A bit like a slow and steady race. Not too risky, and the returns are better than a savings account.
  3. Accelerating Gains – Stocks (Moderate to High Risk, Potentially High Return): Think of stocks like the roller coaster of investments. They can be a wild ride, but if you hang on, the returns might be worth it.
  4. Turbocharging Growth – Real Estate (Moderate to High Risk, Potential High Return): Buying property is like planting a money tree. It takes time, but the returns can be substantial.
  5. Striking Gold – High-Risk Investments (High Risk, High Potential Return): Ventures like startups or cryptocurrencies. Risky, but if they hit the jackpot, the returns can be phenomenal.

Historical Returns of Various Asset Classes

Let's peek into the past. Historical returns can give us a sense of what these investments have delivered. Keep in mind, though, past performance doesn't guarantee future results.

  • Savings Account: Low but stable.
  • Fixed Deposits: Moderate and consistent.
  • Stocks: Variable, with the potential for high returns.
  • Real Estate: Steady growth over time.
  • High-Risk Investments: A roller coaster – could go way up or down.

Understanding the Risk-Return Trade-Off

Here's the golden rule of investing: the higher the potential return, the higher the risk. It's like choosing between a quiet walk and a thrilling roller coaster. You decide what fits your style. Understanding this trade-off is key to making smart investment decisions. We'll explore scenarios that balance risk and return, so you can choose the adventure that suits you best.

Returns on Goal Achievement

Now, let's put these returns into action and see how they impact the journey to our 1 Crore goal. We're going to use a case study and a handy table to illustrate the time differences with various returns.

Case Study: Navigating the 1 Crore Journey

Meet Alex, our financial trailblazer. Alex has set a goal to reach one crore rupees and is ready to embark on the journey. Let's see how different returns affect the time it takes to get there.

Monthly InvestmentLocker (0%)FD (5-7%)Mutual Funds (12-15%)Great Land or Stock (18%)Jackpot Land or Stock (25%)
₹20,00042 years24 years16 years13 years11 years
₹50,00017 years13 years10 years8.5 years7.5 years
₹100,0008.5 years7.5 years6.5 years5.6 years5.2 years
  1. Locker (0%): Stashing money with no growth takes the longest time. It's like waiting for a slow train.
  2. FD (5-7%): A bit better. Fixed Deposits provide a steady climb, shortening the time to our goal.
  3. Mutual Funds (12-15%): Accelerating gains with mutual funds bring the goal even closer in a shorter timeframe.
  4. Great Land or Stock (18%): Turbocharging growth with higher-risk options significantly reduces the time needed to hit one crore.
  5. Jackpot Land or Stock (25%): Striking jackpot with high-risk investments surprisingly slashes the time to just 11 years.

What We Learn

Now, let's connect the dots. Higher returns mean reaching your goal faster. It's not just about the amount you put in; it's about making your money work hard for you. Armed with the knowledge of different returns, can now choose the path that aligns with their risk tolerance and time frame.

Remember, this is just a roadmap. Actual returns can vary, and it's crucial to keep an eye on the market. But armed with this knowledge, you're better equipped to navigate the twists and turns.

Investment Vehicles

Alright, let's explore the vehicles that can drive your money towards that 1 Crore destination. We'll take a scenic route, covering various investment options, how to mix things up for stability, and why systematic investment plans (SIPs) are like your financial GPS.

Overview of Various Investment Options

Investment OptionExpected Rate of Return
Fixed Deposits (FD)4% - 7%
Public Provident Fund (PPF)7% - 8%
National Pension Scheme (NPS)8% - 10% (depending on the fund)
Equity Mutual Funds10% - 15% (long-term average)
Debt Mutual Funds6% - 9% (varies with market)
Real Estate - Residential5% - 10% (long-term appreciation)
Real Estate - Commercial6% - 12% (rental income + appreciation)
Farmland5% - 12% (depends on location and crops)
Urban Plot8% - 15% (depends on location and development)
Land on a highway10% - 25% (depends on infrastructure development)
Gold ETFs6% - 8% (subject to gold prices)
Nifty 50 Index (Equity)Historical average around 15% (but can be risky)
Sectoral Index FundsVaries by sector, typically 12% - 18% (higher risk)
Cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin)Highly volatile, potential for high returns, but high risk
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)12% - 15% (long-term average)
  1. Equity: Think of equity as a slice of a company's pie. Buying stocks means you own a bit of that company. It's like being a shareholder and sharing in the company's success.
  2. Debt: This is like lending money. Bonds and fixed deposits fall into this category. You're the lender, and in return, you get regular interest payments. It's a bit like being the banker.
  3. Real Estate: Buying property is like planting seeds. It takes time, but over the years, it can grow into a valuable asset. It's like having a little piece of the world.
  4. Mutual Funds: Picture a financial potluck. Mutual funds pool money from many investors to buy a variety of stocks, bonds, or both. It's like having a diversified basket of goodies.
  5. Gold: This shiny metal is like the timeless classic in your investment wardrobe. It's a hedge against inflation and can shine even when other investments falter.

Diversification Strategies

Now, let's talk about not putting all your eggs in one basket – diversification.

  1. Spread the Wealth: Instead of putting all your money in one type of investment, diversification means spreading it across different ones. If one isn't doing well, others might be picking up the slack.
  2. Mix of Risk and Stability: Balance is key. Mixing high-risk investments with more stable ones can help smooth out the bumps in your financial journey.
  3. Rebalance Regularly: The financial world is a bit like a seesaw. Regularly check your investments and rebalance if needed. It's like adjusting the weights to keep things steady.

The Role of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

Imagine saving for a big purchase by setting aside a small amount each month. That's the magic of SIPs.

  1. Consistent Contributions: SIPs let you invest a fixed amount regularly, usually monthly. It's like setting up a subscription for your financial goals.
  2. Rupee Cost Averaging: When prices are high, you buy less; when they're low, you buy more. It's like being a savvy shopper, getting more for your money when prices drop.
  3. Discipline in Investing: SIPs bring discipline to the game. It's not about timing the market; it's about staying in the game for the long run.

So, whether you're riding the equity roller coaster, enjoying the stability of debt, planting seeds in real estate, or adding a touch of gold, diversification and SIPs are your co-pilots on this financial journey.

Simple Tips to Earn 1 Crore

Alright, buckle up! We're entering the last stretch of our journey towards that 1 Crore goal. Here are some essential tips to make sure you stay on course and navigate any bumps in the road.

  1. Invest at least 20% of Your Income: Allocate at least 20% of your monthly income towards investments. Set up an automatic transfer to your investment account to ensure consistency.
  2. Accelerate Debt Repayment: Pay an extra EMI or make additional payments on high-interest debts annually. This can significantly reduce the overall interest paid and hasten your journey to becoming debt-free.
  3. Live Below Your Means: Adopt a frugal lifestyle by cutting unnecessary expenses. Differentiate between needs and wants, and prioritize spending on essentials while avoiding non-essential purchases.
  4. Create Multiple Income Streams: Explore ways to generate additional income. This could include freelancing, consulting, starting a side business, or earning passive income through investments.
  5. Utilize Tax-Saving Investments: Invest in tax-saving instruments such as ELSS, PPF, and NPS to optimize your tax liabilities and enhance your overall investment returns.
  6. Track Your Expenses: Use budgeting apps or tools to track your expenses. Awareness of where your money goes allows you to make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Optimize Top Monthly Expenses: Examine your spending on the three major monthly expenses: food, transportation, and housing. Look for opportunities to reduce costs without compromising your quality of life. This could involve meal planning and cooking at home to save on food expenses, using public transportation or carpooling to cut down on commuting costs, and exploring ways to lower housing expenses such as renegotiating rent or refinancing your mortgage. Even a 10% to 30% reduction in these major expenses can create substantial room in your budget, allowing you to allocate more towards savings and investments.
  8. Regularly Review and Adjust Your Plan
    • Financial GPS Check: Life is full of surprises. Regularly review your plan to make sure you're still on the right path. It's like checking your GPS during a road trip – you might need to adjust the route to avoid traffic.
    • Market Watch: Keep an eye on the financial weather. Markets go up and down, and staying informed helps you make smart decisions. It's like watching the forecast before planning an outdoor adventure.
    • Life Events: Big life events, like a new job or a growing family, can impact your financial journey. Adjust your plan to accommodate these changes. It's like updating your playlist to match your mood.
  9. The Importance of Discipline in Sticking to the Investment Plan
    • Consistency is Key: Just like brushing your teeth every day keeps cavities away, consistent investing keeps your financial health in check. Stick to your plan, even when the market throws curveballs.
    • Emotional Detox: Markets can be emotional roller coasters. Stay disciplined, don't let short-term fluctuations shake you. It's like staying calm during turbulence on a flight.
    • Automate Investments: Set up automatic transfers to your investment accounts. It's like putting your financial health on autopilot, ensuring you consistently contribute to your goals.
  10. Being Adaptable to Changes in Financial Circ*mstances
    • Emergency Fund: Life happens. Build and maintain an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses. It's like having a spare tire for your financial journey.
    • Reassess Goals: As life evolves, so do your goals. Reassess regularly and adjust your plan accordingly. It's like recalculating your route when you decide to take a detour.
    • Flexible Investments: Choose investments that offer flexibility. It's like having a backpack with adjustable straps – it can accommodate the changing load.

Remember, flexibility, discipline, and regular check-ins are the fuel that keeps your financial engine running smoothly. Stay committed to your plan, adjust when needed, and adapt to the twists and turns.

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to Financial Success

Phew! We've covered a lot on this journey towards the 1 Crore goal. Let's do a quick recap of the key points that will guide you on this financial adventure:

  1. The One Crore Dream: It's not just a distant fantasy; it's a tangible goal with the right strategies.
  2. Monthly Commitment: Consistency is your secret weapon. Small monthly investments build the stepping stones to financial success.
  3. Expected Returns: Understanding the different investment options and their potential returns is like having a menu for your financial feast.
  4. Diversification and SIPs: Mixing and balancing your investments, along with systematic investment plans, ensure a smoother ride.
  5. Tips for Goal Achievement: Regularly review, stay disciplined, and be adaptable. Life is full of surprises, and your financial plan should be ready for them.

Now, the stage is set, the roadmap is laid out. It's time for you to take the wheel and start your journey towards financial success.

Your Financial Success Awaits!

The road to financial success is not a sprint; it's a marathon, and you've got the perfect training plan now. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your money grow. Remember, the 1 Crore goal is not just about the money; it's about creating a life you envision.

So, whether you're just beginning or recalibrating your financial compass, take that first step. Explore, learn, and implement. Your financial journey starts with a decision, and the tools are in your hands.

Don't let the myths and misconceptions hold you back. You've got the knowledge, the strategies, and the roadmap. It's time to turn that One Crore Dream into a reality. Your future self will thank you for the smart decisions you make today.

Here's to your financial success! Happy investing!

Additional Resources

Financial Planning Tools:

  1. Mint: A comprehensive budgeting tool that helps you track your spending, set financial goals, and manage your money.
  2. Personal Capital: Offers tools for budgeting, investment tracking, and retirement planning, with a focus on wealth management.
  3. YNAB (You Need A Budget): An excellent budgeting app that follows the zero-based budgeting approach, giving every dollar a job.

Further Learning:

  1. Books:
  2. Websites and Blogs:
    • Investopedia: A vast resource for learning about financial concepts, investing, and market trends.
    • NerdWallet: Offers guides and reviews on various financial products, from credit cards to investing.
  3. YouTube Channels:
    • Wint Wealth: This channel provides insights into wealth creation, investment strategies, and personal finance. Wint Wealth aims to simplify financial concepts and empower viewers with practical knowledge.
    • Finance with Sharan: Sharan is known for simplifying complex financial concepts in Hindi. His videos cover a wide range of topics, including mutual funds, stocks, and general financial planning advice.
    • Two Cents by PBS: Two Cents offers engaging and informative content on personal finance, budgeting, and money-related topics. The channel breaks down complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand, bite-sized videos.
    • Warikoo: Ankur Warikoo's channel covers a variety of topics, including entrepreneurship, career advice, and personal finance. His content often combines practical insights with motivational elements.
  4. Educational Platforms:
  5. Podcasts:

Remember, continuous learning is a key element in the journey to financial success. These resources can provide valuable insights, tools, and perspectives to enhance your financial knowledge and decision-making. Happy exploring!

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How Long Does It Take To Earn 1 Crore? [Calculator] | Aero Business Solutions (2024)


How much time does it take to earn 1 crore? ›

How to make 1 crore in 10 years?
Monthly InvestmentExpected ReturnsTime to 1 Crore
₹20,00025%10 Years
₹27,50020%10 Years
₹37,50015% (Mutual Funds)10 Years
₹50,00010% (High Intrest FD)10 Years
2 more rows
Jul 12, 2024

How to make 1 cr in 3 years? ›

How to Grow Your Savings to 1 Crore?
  1. Create a detailed financial plan: Plan your expenses, savings, and investments in detail. ...
  2. Cut unnecessary expenses: Review your expenses and eliminate any unnecessary spending. ...
  3. Invest wisely: It's important to invest your savings wisely to grow your wealth.

How many years will it take to save 1 crore? ›

To accumulate Rs 1 crore in 20 years from an equity mutual fund offering a 12% yearly return, you have to invest Rs 10,880 a month for the entire tenure. When you can invest for 25 years, the monthly investment amount will come down to Rs 5,880. As you can see, the longer the tenure, the less amount you have to invest.

Can I earn 1 crore in 5 years? ›

Yes, It is possible to earn Rs. 1 crore in 5 years with a well-planned investment strategy. Achieving this goal requires a disciplined approach and selecting the right investment options.

How common is 1 crore salary in India? ›

As of December 31, 2023, over 2.16 lakh individuals in India earned above ₹1 crore annually. The number of such earners has increased, with robust personal income tax collections growing at 27.6% year-on-year.

What is the 8 4 3 rule of compounding? ›

Let's take a look at how the 8-4-3 rule works: For example, if we invest Rs 21250 every month at an annual interest rate of 12% for the next 15 years, we will accumulate Rs 1 crore by the end of the period! Rs 21,250 invested every month for the first 8 years, will lead to a corpus of Rs 34.3 lakhs.

How to make 1 cr in 7 years? ›

You can consider two investment combinedly to reach at 1 crore capital in next 7 years: Research debt free micro caps or small caps stocks which have potential to grow fastly in coming days and invest 50% there for 3–5 yrs atleast.

Is 1 crore enough to retire India? ›

Is 1 Cr enough to retire in India? The answer will depend on your expense pattern. If your monthly expense is ₹25,000 post-retirement, having 1 crore can be sufficient.

How many US dollars is one crore? ›

Hence, there are approximately 120,382 US Dollars in 1 Crore Indian Rupees. This conversion provides a perspective on the value of a large sum in Indian currency when expressed in US Dollars, a widely used international currency.

How to make 1 crore by investing 5000 per month? ›

If you invest Rs 5000 every month with a step-up of 10% every years at an average annual return rate of 12% for 21 years, you will accumulate approximately Rs 1.16 crore. Your total invested amount will be around Rs 38.40 lakh, while the interest amount comes to Rs 77.96 lakh.

How much should I invest to get 1 crore in 15 years? ›

What is 15-15-15 Rule? The rule says to achieve the goal of earning Rs 1 crore, an investor should invest Rs 15,000 monthly through SIP for 15 years, considering a 15% annual return from an equity fund. Consistent adherence to this strategy can lead to significant wealth accumulation.

How much SIP for 1 crore? ›

You aim to invest approximately Rs 20,000 every month towards achieving your Rs 1 crore target.

How to get 1 cr in 10 years? ›

Monthly Investment to Make 1 Crore in 10 Years

An individual can invest INR 38,050 to get 15% annual interest. Hence, in 10 years, the amount will be INR 1,0,09,124, and the investor will achieve the target of making 1 crore in 10 years.

How many millions make 1 crore? ›

1 Crore is equal to 10 Million.

How to make a crore in 15 years? ›

Under this rule, the first 15 stands for the monthly investment that you need to make. That is, your monthly SIP amount will be Rs. 15,000. – The second one stands for your investment tenure of 15 years i.e., to achieve the mentioned goal of 1 crore, you need to invest 15000 every month for 15 years.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6313

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.