How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Student Loans? | BestColleges (2024)

The average time it takes to pay off student loans depends on the loan amount and monthly payment. Timelines for federal student loans range from 10-25 years.


Lyss WeldingRead Full Bio

Higher Education Research Analyst

Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evalua...

Updated on January 19, 2024

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Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.Read Full Bio

Editor & Writer

Jordan Stewart-Rozema writes data-driven education content focusing on higher education trends, student finances, and alternative education pathways such as coding bootcamps. She previously worked to promote online learning and media literacy educati...

Fact-checked by Marley Rose

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Lyss WeldingRead Full Bio

Higher Education Research Analyst

Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evalua...

Edited by

Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.Read Full Bio

Editor & Writer

Jordan Stewart-Rozema writes data-driven education content focusing on higher education trends, student finances, and alternative education pathways such as coding bootcamps. She previously worked to promote online learning and media literacy educati...

Fact-checked by Marley Rose

Updated on January 19, 2024

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How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Student Loans? | BestColleges (7)

Image Credit: Jeffrey Coolidge / Stone / Getty Images

Data Summary

  • Student loans can take 5-20 years or longer to repay.
  • It would take the average bachelor's degree graduate about 10 years to pay off their student loan debt if they made debt payments of $300 a month.
  • 18 million federal student loan borrowers are on a 10-year repayment plan.[1]
  • 2.9 million federal loan borrowers are on an extended repayment plan, which lasts up to 25 years.Note Reference [1]
  • More than half of federal student loan borrowers are over 35.Note Reference [1]
  • Student loan debt varies by race and gender. So does median income.[2] It takes the average female college graduate longer to repay their debt than the average male graduate, and it takes the average Black college graduate longer to repay than the average white graduate.
  • It would take the average male professional degree-completer about 12 and a half years to pay off his student loan debt if he spent 15% of his income on repayment. The average female professional degree-completer would take over 29 years.

Most borrowers are on the standard 10-year plan to repay their federal student loan debt. But that doesn't mean they're able to meet these terms. Nearly 24 million people over 35 owe some federal student loan debt.

The average time to pay off student loans depends on a borrower's loan amount, interest rate, and how much they can afford to pay each month.

This guide explains the average student loan payoff time and covers typical repayment periods for federal and private student loans.

Average Time to Pay Off Student Loans

It takes 10 years to pay off student loan debt on the standard federal loan repayment plan. However, some undergraduate borrowers may be able to pay off student loans faster by making larger payments.

Time to Repay Average Student Loan Debt for Bachelor's Degree-Holders
Monthly PaymentTime to Repay Average Student Loan Debt
$30010 years, 1 month
10% of monthly income5 years, 3 months
20% of monthly income2 years, 6 months

Behind the Numbers

In the table above and the sections below, we used the following data:

  • Bachelor's degree-completers' average federal student loan debt at graduation in 2021-2022 dollars overall and by race and gender.[3]
  • 25- to 34-year-old bachelor's degree-holders' median incomes in 2021 overall and by race and gender.Note Reference [2]
  • The current federal interest rate for undergraduate student loans: 5.5%.[4]
  • Graduate degree-completers' average federal student loan debt at graduation in 2021-2022 constant dollars[5] and median income by degree level and gender.[6]
  • The current federal interest rate for graduate student loans: 7.05%.Note Reference [4]

The figures do not include private loan debt. Average graduate student loan payoff times do not include borrowers' debt from their undergraduate studies.

Average Time to Pay Off Student Loans by Gender and Race

Women and Black students are more likely to take out federal loans and borrow higher amounts on average than male and white students, respectively.Note Reference [3] Additionally, income inequality — which includes the gender pay gap and racial wealth gap — impacts borrowers' ability to pay off loans. As such, average student loan payoff times vary by gender and race.

Assuming that borrowers can pay 10% of their monthly income against their student loan debt:

  • It would take the average female bachelor's degree-holder almost two years longer than the average male to repay their student loans.
  • It would take the average Black bachelor's degree-holder more than twice as long as the average white borrower to repay their student loans.

Explore more student loan debt data by race Link

Average Time to Pay Off Graduate Student Loans

Graduate degrees typically cost more than undergraduate degrees. So, graduate students tend to borrow more and can take longer to pay off their loans. While higher degrees correlate with higher earningsNote Reference [6], graduate degree-holders can still take longer than undergraduate degree-holders to pay off their debt.

If the average master's degree-holder pays 15% of their monthly income against their debt, they could repay their debt in about four and a half years on the average man's salary and six and a half years on a woman's salary.

If a graduate degree holder were to devote 10% of their income to repaying student loan debt, repayment would take longer.

Assuming that a woman with a professional degree graduate owes the average amount of debt and earns the median income for a woman with her degree, it's mathematically impossible for her to repay her debt on this income. Interest would accumulate faster than she could pay down the debt.

Time to Repay Graduate Loan Debt by Degree Level and Gender, Paying 10% of Income Monthly
Degree LevelStudent Loan Payoff Time (Men)Student Loan Payoff Time (Women)
Master's Degree7 years, 7 months11 years, 4 months
Doctoral Degree7 years, 1 month11 years, 7 months
Professional Degree31 years, 4 monthsImpossible. Interest would accumulate faster than the borrower could repay the loan.

How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Federal Student Loans?

The standard federal student loan repayment plan divides monthly payments over 10 years.[7] However, borrowers have options. Borrowers with multiple federal student loans can consolidate loans and make payments over 10-30 years. In addition, the government offers income-driven repayment plans allowing borrowers to make smaller payments over a longer period.

At the end of 2023, there were about 43.2 million total federal student loan borrowers.Note Reference [1]

Standard Student Loan Payoff Time for Federal Loans

  • Around 18 million federal student loan borrowers are on a repayment plan that lasts 10 years or less.Note Reference [1]
  • Of those borrowers, 15.2 million make monthly payments of equal amounts, and 2.8 million make graduated payments. Graduated payments start lower and increase every two years.Note Reference [1]
  • At the end of 2023, 1.2 million borrowers were in forbearance, meaning they do not currently need to make student loan payments.Note Reference [1]
  • Borrowers do not need to begin making student loan payments until six months after leaving or completing their program.[8]
  • 6.1 million current students and 1.6 million recent graduates have not yet entered federal student loan repayment.Note Reference [1]

Extended Repayment for Federal Loans

If you borrow more than $30,000 on a direct loan and have no other outstanding direct loan debt, you can qualify for extended repayment. Extended repayment lasts up to 25 years.[9]

About 2.9 million borrowers were in extended repayment at the end of 2023.Note Reference [1]

Average Student Loan Payoff Time After Consolidation

Consolidating student loans can help create more manageable payments. Federal Direct Consolidation Loans last 10-30 years.

To determine your loan term, the government considers how much total debt you have, including debt you are consolidating and any other student loans, including private loans.

Direct Consolidation Loan Repayment Periods by Total Debt
Total Student Loan DebtRepayment Period
Less than $7,50010 years
$7,500-10,00012 years
$10,000-$20,00015 years
$20,000-$40,00020 years
$40,000-$60,00025 years
Greater than $60,00030 years

Average Student Loan Payoff Time for Income-Driven Repayment Plans

The government offers four income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. For each, borrowers owe monthly payments based on a percentage of their discretionary income — i.e., what they make above a federally set threshold. The repayment periods for these plans vary. Generally, the repayment period is 20-25 years.[10]

Income-Based Repayment: 20-25 Years

  • Borrowers must owe more than their annual discretionary income to qualify for this plan.
  • Borrowers pay 10-15% of their monthly discretionary income.
  • 3.2 million borrowers are on this plan.Note Reference [1]

Income-Contingent Repayment: 25 Years

  • Most federal loans, including consolidated loans, are eligible for this plan.
  • Borrowers pay 20% of their monthly discretionary income.
  • 1 million borrowers are on this plan.Note Reference [1]

Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) Repayment: 20 Years

  • Only new borrowers qualify for this plan.
  • To qualify, borrowers must owe more than their annual discretionary income.
  • Borrowers pay 10% of their monthly discretionary income.
  • 1.6 million borrowers are on this plan.Note Reference [1]

Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Repayment: 20 Years or Less

  • Most federal loans — except loans made to parents — are eligible for this plan.
  • Borrowers pay 10% of their monthly discretionary income.
  • 4.9 million borrowers are on this plan.Note Reference [1]
Average Student Loan Payoff Time for Income-Driven Repayment Plans
Income-Driven Repayment PlanRepayment PeriodPayment Amount (% of Discretionary Income)Number of Borrowers
Income-Based Repayment20-25 years10-15%3.3 million
Income-Contingent Repayment25 years20%820,000
Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE)20 years10%1.5 million
Saving on a Valuable Education20 years or less10%4.9 million

How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Private Student Loans?

Private student loan interest rates vary. They can take 3-30 years to repay. Private lenders assign different terms and interest rates depending on a borrower's credit, income, and other factors. Find a few scenarios below.

Repayment Period After Refinancing

If you're stuck in a high-interest loan, you may be able to lower your monthly payments or become debt-free faster by refinancing with a lower interest rate.

See how repayment periods change with a lower interest rate in the scenarios below.

Average Repayment Period for a $15,000 Student Loan

Average Repayment Period for a Student Loan: $15,000
Payment AmountPayoff Time - 8.4% InterestPayoff Time - 7.25% Interest
$15014 years, 5 months12 years, 10 months
$2506 years, 7 months6 years, 3 months
$3504 years, 4 months4 years, 2 months
$4503 years, 3 months3 years, 2 months

Average Repayment Period for a $20,000 Student Loan

Average Repayment Period for a Student Loan: $20,000
Payment AmountPayoff Time - 8.4% InterestPayoff Time - 7.25% Interest
$15032 years, 5 months22 years, 8 months
$2509 years, 10 months9 years, 2 months
$3506 years, 2 months5 years, 11 months
$4504 years, 6 months4 years, 4 months

Average Repayment Period for a $50,000 Student Loan

Average Repayment Period for a Student Loan: $50,000
Payment AmountPayoff Time - 8.4% InterestPayoff Time - 7.25% Interest
$150Impossible to pay off. Interest is higher than monthly payment.Impossible to pay off. Interest is higher than monthly payment.
$250Impossible to pay off. Interest is higher than monthly payment.Impossible to pay off. Interest is higher than monthly payment.
$350Impossible to pay off. Interest is higher than monthly payment.27 years, 7 months
$45018 years15 years, 5 months
$55012 years, 1 month11 years, 1 month
$6509 years, 3 months8 years, 8 months

Behind the Numbers

  • We sampled six private lenders and found an average fixed interest rate of 8.4% and an average refinance rate of 7.25%.
  • Keep in mind that some private lenders offer loans with variable interest rates, meaning that the interest rate and your payment may change monthly. The repayment period will not change.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long It Takes to Pay Off Student Loans

How long does it take to pay off student loans?

The standard student loan payoff time for federal student loans is 10 years. However, repayment time depends on the loan amount and how much you can pay a month.

A bachelor's degree-holder with the average amount of federal loan debt would need to pay just over $300 a month to pay off their loan within 10 years.

When do you have to start paying student loans?

Typically, student loan borrowers begin repaying their federal student loans six months after leaving or completing their program.

Some private lenders offer deferment to current students and a six-month grace period after graduation. But this varies, so check with your loan provider.

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How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Student Loans? | BestColleges (2024)


How Long Does It Take to Pay Off Student Loans? | BestColleges? ›

The standard repayment plan takes 10 years to pay off a student loan. But repayment can last longer if you change your repayment plan — for example, income-driven options can last up to 25 years. How quickly can I pay off my student loan? You can pay off a student loan as quickly as you're financially able to.

How long would it take to pay off a student loan? ›

The standard repayment plan takes 10 years to pay off a student loan. But repayment can last longer if you change your repayment plan — for example, income-driven options can last up to 25 years. How quickly can I pay off my student loan? You can pay off a student loan as quickly as you're financially able to.

How long does it take to get an answer on student loan forgiveness? ›

Once we've received all of the documentation needed to determine whether you qualify for loan forgiveness, you'll be notified. A final review of your account will be done to process forgiveness, which will take at least 90 business days.

How long does it take to pay off $100 K student loans? ›

How long does it take to pay off $100K in student loans?
Repayment termMonthly paymentsTotal interest paid over the life of the loan
10 years$1,110$33,225
15 years$844$51,984
20 years$716$71,943
25 years$643$93,290
1 more row
May 2, 2024

How fast do doctors pay off student loans? ›

Depending on various factors, paying off medical school loans might take 10 to 30 years. According to a study from Weatherby Healthcare, 25% of doctors expect to take six to 10 years to pay off their student loan debt, while 34% expect to take at least 10 years to pay off their student loans.

How to pay off student loans quicker? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster. Ask your servicer if the additional payment amount can be allocated to your higher interest loans first.

Are student loans forgiven after 20 years? ›

All borrowers on SAVE receive forgiveness after 20 or 25 years, depending on whether they have loans for graduate school. The benefit is based upon the original principal balance of all Federal loans borrowed to attend school, not what a borrower currently owes or the amount of an individual loan.

What happens after 120 payments for PSLF? ›

If you made payments after your 120th qualifying payment, those payments will be treated as overpayments and refunded to you if you have no additional outstanding loans. If your qualifying payment total is at 120 or more, your account is eligible to be placed into forbearance and no payment is due.

How will I know if my PSLF is approved? ›

Log in to to track your Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) application status or PSLF progress. Contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243 with additional questions.

How do I know when my student loan forgiveness is approved? ›

Your student loan servicer(s) will notify you directly after your forgiveness is processed. Make sure to keep your contact information up to date on and with your servicer(s). If you haven't yet qualified for forgiveness, you'll be able to see your exact payment counts in the future.

Is $100,000 a lot of student debt? ›

If you're a recent college graduate with a mountain of student loan debt — say $100,000 or more — paying off such a large amount could be a major struggle. For example, if you're making payments on federal student loans under the standard 10-year repayment plan, your minimum monthly payment might be quite daunting.

Are student loans worth it? ›

With careful planning, student debt is worth it

But the data clearly show that incurring a carefully calculated amount of student debt to earn a marketable degree and enter a well-compensated, in-demand profession is very likely to pay off. In the end, it's a personal choice.

How to pay off $200 K in student loans? ›

9 tips for paying off $200k in student debt
  1. Apply for loan forgiveness and repayment assistance programs.
  2. Research your repayment options.
  3. Pick a debt repayment strategy.
  4. Create (and stick to) a budget.
  5. Automate your student loan payments.
  6. Make extra payments.
  7. Consolidate federal student loans.
  8. Refinance private student loans.

How long does it realistically take to pay off student loans? ›

Data Summary. Student loans can take 5-20 years or longer to repay. It would take the average bachelor's degree graduate about 10 years to pay off their student loan debt if they made debt payments of $300 a month. 18 million federal student loan borrowers are on a 10-year repayment plan.

How much med school debt is too much? ›

Not only has average medical school debt grown significantly, but it's not unusual for med students to borrow more than average. Most medical students borrow less than $300,000 — but about one out of every seven medical students borrow more than that, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

How much debt to become a doctor? ›

The average medical school debt is over $200,000 — a hefty amount of debt to carry at the start of your career. The expected payoff schedule can exceed the 10-year mark. During that time, you'll be paying the equivalent of an extra mortgage payment to make progress on the loan.

How much is the monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan? ›

What is the monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan? The monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan ranges from $742 to $6,285, depending on the APR and how long the loan lasts. For example, if you take out a $70,000 student loan and pay it back in 10 years at an APR of 5%, your monthly payment will be $742.

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Research from shows that almost 45.3 million Americans hold an average federal student loan debt balance of $37,338. Combined, student loan debt in the U.S. adds up to nearly $2 trillion. According to the same data, the average student loan monthly payment is $503.

How long will it take for student loans to be erased? ›

If you repay your loans under an IDR plan, any remaining balance on your student loans will be forgiven after you make a certain number of payments over 20 or 25 years—or as few as 10 years under our newest IDR plan, the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan.

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