How Many Solar Panels to Run a House Off-Grid | LGCY Power (2024)

Did you know that around the globe, the annual off-grid solar market serves 420 million people?

As the advent of solar energy has led many Americans to install solar panels on their roof, the number of solar panels in circulation in the off-grid market has also increased. It’s much easier than ever before to go off the electrical grid with your grid homes and have endless power wherever you live.

This goes for individuals with mobile homes or tiny homes that travel around, as well as individuals who simply want to be disconnected from the local power grid.

Are you interested in taking your house solar using an off-grid system? Are you wondering how many solar panels to run a house off-grid you’ll need?

In this article, we will help you with calculating the number of panels you’ll need using the amount of electricity your system uses.

What Is Solar Power?

Solar power is the process of turning the energy from the sun into heat or electricity. Solar energy is the most abundant source of renewable energy, and the United States has some of the best solar resources in the world.

Solar technologies can use this energy to do a lot of different things, like making electricity, lighting up a room, or making it more comfortable. They can also work to heat water for home, business, or industrial use.

This can be used to power all types of devices, small electronics like remotes and construction signs, to residential properties and large businesses. Depending on the use, each of these can be an efficient replacement for the existing energy production and storage system.

How Does Solar Power Work?

Solar PV panels are made up of many small photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic means that the cells can turn energy from the sun into electrical energy. These cells can be stacked together to scale upward and create a larger output of energy.

Most of the time, these cells are made of silicon, which is a semi-conductive material that can conduct electricity while keeping the electrical imbalance that is needed to make an electric field.

Basic Panel Technology

Sunlight will strike the semiconductor, and the energy is issued out in terms of photons. The photons then knock loose nearby electrons, which are then free to move around in the cell. Polar semiconductors are placed between each other in the solar cell to create an electric field (see the image to the left for a visualization).

This electric field pushes the free electrons in a certain direction, towards the metal plates that line the cell and make it conduct electricity. This flow is called an energy current, and how much electricity each cell can make is based on how strong the current is.

Once the free electrons hit the metal plates, the current is sent into wires, which lets the electrons flow like they would in any other way electrical system.

As the solar panel creates an electric current, the energy flows through a series of wires to an inverter. Even though solar panels make direct current electricity, most buildings need alternating current electricity to run. The job of the inverter is to change the electricity from DC to AC so that it can be used in everyday life.

After the electricity is changed into a form that can be used, it is sent from the inverter to the electrical panel or breaker box and sent into the building to be used where needed. Solar energy can then be used to easily power lights, appliances, and other electrical devices.

Through the utility meter, the breaker box sends a surplus that is not used back to the grid. The utility meter keeps track of how much electricity goes from the grid to your home and back again.

Giving Back

When your solar energy system produces more electricity than you use at home in the average day, this meter actually turns backward. Through a process called “net metering,” you get credit for the extra electricity you make.

When you need more power than your solar array can give you, you can get extra power from the grid through this meter. This keeps everything running normally.

Unless you have a storage solution that lets you live completely off the grid, it’s possible you will need to get some energy from the grid, especially at night when your solar array isn’t producing. But a lot of this grid energy will be made up for by the extra solar energy you make during the day when you aren’t using as much.

How Much Power Can Come From One Solar Panel?

There are many different kinds of solar panels for homes, and not all of them are the same. And not all of them make the same amount of electricity.

Solar panels are rated by how many watts of electricity they make. More power will be made by your solar installation if the wattage rating is higher.

The power output of most residential solar panels ranges from 250 to 400 watts, depending on the size of the panel and how efficiently it turns sunlight into energy. Even though higher power ratings are better, power output is not the only way to judge how well a solar panel works.

For example, two solar panels may both have an efficiency rating of 15%, but one may produce 250 watts of power while the other produces 300 watts.

The higher output may just be because the 300-watt panel is bigger, not because it is more efficient or has better technology. So, panel efficiency is a better measure of how well solar panels meet your energy needs than just the amount of power they produce.

What Is Off-Grid vs. On-Grid

How does an off-grid system compare to an on-grid system? Here are the main differences:


Even in the middle of winter, when there is less sun, an off-grid solar system is sufficient to make enough electricity for a home’s needs. But since an off-grid solar system doesn’t connect to the electricity grid, it needs batteries to store energy.

Because batteries and inverters are so expensive, off-grid solar systems are usually more expensive than other options. Because of this, they are usually only used in more remote areas that are far from the grid. Still, the price of batteries continues to go down in most regions, so even in cities and towns, the number of people who want an off-grid solar system is rising.

Off-Grid Pros

  • A solar system like this can work without being connected to the grid.
  • They make enough power that it can be stored and used at night.
  • These are good for places that are far away and don’t have access to the power grid.
  • The power supply won’t be affected by shutdowns or problems with the local infrastructure.

On-Grid Solar System

On-grid solar systems are the most common way for homeowners to use solar power. These systems are hooked up to the public electricity grid and use solar inverters. They don’t need batteries.

If you have more solar power than you need, you can sell it to the electricity grid. When you sell energy, you usually get utility credits or other compensation.

Solar inverters are an important part of a home solar energy system. They take the electricity that your solar panels make and turn it into a form that your appliances, lights, and other electronics can use.

Unlike an off-grid solar system, these can’t work or make electricity when the power goes out. This is for safety reasons.

Since blackouts usually happen when the electricity grid goes down, if the solar inverter sent power into a broken grid, it would put the people who were fixing the network’s problems in danger.

Most solar systems that are connected to the grid and have batteries can disconnect from the grid and still provide some power during a blackout. This is called “islanding.”

On Grid Pros

  • On-grid solar power systems are very cheap and easy to set up.
  • You can get your money back if you pay off your electricity bills in about 3 to 8 years. This will take less time if you use incentives
  • The extra energy that the system makes can be used to make money for the people who live there.
  • Solar power systems are a clean, renewable source of energy that can be used over and over again. Depending on the type of system you choose, they can help you in many ways.

Knowing the pros and cons of both on-grid and off-grid solar systems will help you choose the best one for your needs. With the right solar system and the right installation, you can get clean, cheap energy without having to worry about problems with maintenance.

How Many Solar Panels to Run a House Off-Grid: The Cost

For this example, let’s say you have some 300-watt solar panels and want to power your home with them. You don’t have access to the grid, so the best way to meet your energy needs is to install off-grid solar on your home.

Let’s say that each panel on your roof gets about 8 hours of sunlight per day. A 300-watt solar panel that gets 8 hours of sunlight a day will make almost 2.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity each day. If we multiply this by the number of days in a year, we get about 900 kilowatt-hours of power from the sun. In short, each panel will give off 900 kilowatt-hours of electricity every year.

How much power does your house take up? Most data show that a typical American home of 2,000 square feet uses about 11,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

So, if we divide our total energy use by how much one solar panel is expected to produce, we can see that about thirteen panels of this size would be enough to power a home of that size.

Compare that to your average utility bill per kilowatt hour to see the cost and how much you could save.

If you have a small house or are powering an RV, you won’t need as many solar panels because you won’t need as much energy.

Solar Incentives

The government offers a tax credit that can be used to pay for part of the cost of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system. It can be claimed on your tax return each year. There are also credits for other types of renewable energy at the state and local levels.

The system must be put to use during the tax year and power a home in the United States. The IRS doesn’t have a clear definition of what it means for something to be “placed in service,” but it has said that it means the installation is done.

The government extended the credit at the end of 2020. Systems installed in 2020-2022 get a 26% tax credit, and systems installed in 2023 get a 22% tax credit.

A 30% tax credit was available for systems installed before December 31, 2019, but this has ended. The tax credit will end completely in 2024 unless Congress decides to keep it going.

Update: In August 2022, the solar tax credit was increased to 30% and extended through 2032.

Going Solar With Off Grid Homes

At the end of the day, if you’re wondering how many solar panels to run a house off-grid you will need, the answer is probably between 10 to 15. This will depend on how large your home is, how large your panels are, the panel material, and your average daily consumption. Most homes will be able to go off-grid with a number of panels that can easily be mounted on or near the home’s structure.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you could go solar with an off-grid home, please contact us today.

How Many Solar Panels to Run a House Off-Grid | LGCY Power (2024)


How Many Solar Panels to Run a House Off-Grid | LGCY Power? ›

To meet or exceed 100% of your daily energy needs, you would need a system sized at 6.20 kW, consisting of 17 panels rated at 365 watts each.

How big of a solar system do I need to run my house off-grid? ›

At the end of the day, if you're wondering how many solar panels to run a house off-grid you will need, the answer is probably between 10 to 15. This will depend on how large your home is, how large your panels are, the panel material, and your average daily consumption.

Can solar panels power a whole house off-grid? ›

It's possible to go off-grid with your solar panel system, but you'd have to install a larger system with multiple solar batteries to store energy—which is expensive. Generally, you'll need the following system components for an off-grid solar setup: Solar panels. Solar inverters.

How much solar and battery do I need to live off the grid? ›

If you use a battery to go off-grid

Your solar panels produce electricity for an average of 5 hours a day, so you'll need enough stored electricity to last the remaining 19 hours. Based on the 6.3 kW electricity load above, you'll need about 120 kWh of battery capacity—or about 12 average solar batteries.

How many batteries does it take to run a house off-grid? ›

One solar battery is probably enough if you're looking for resiliency to keep your home going through potential power grid lapses. 8 to 12 solar batteries is around what you'll need if your goal is self-sufficiency.

How many batteries do I need to run my house on solar? ›

This excess energy can be used later when the sun isn't shining or when there's not enough sunlight reaching your panels. The average home needs 6- 8 batteries to run on solar, so be sure to factor this into your calculations when choosing a system.

How many solar panels to run a 2000 sq ft house? ›

Depending on energy consumption, location, and weather patterns, the number of solar panels needed for a 2,000-square-foot home can range from 20 to 24. This number is based on 375-watt panels. This would assume that the home uses, on average, around 9,000-11,000 kWh of power per year.

What is the best power source for off grid living? ›

As an eco-friendly and abundant resource, sunlight makes solar energy an ideal solution for off-grid living. Various solar systems can provide options for different needs: Grid-tied with battery backup – for inconsistent grid connections. Off-grid solar – completely independent of the grid.

How much does an off the grid solar system cost? ›

According to our research, off-grid home solar systems can cost around $45,000 to $65,000 — significantly more than traditional grid-tied panels. You can use off-grid solar panel arrays in remote regions with no electric service, and some homeowners go off-grid as a lifestyle decision.

Can I disconnect my solar panels from the grid during a power outage? ›

The steps for doing this will vary depending on the configuration of your solar power system, including the type of inverter you have, but here's an example: Locate the switch to disconnect your system from the grid. This will be in or near your main breaker box.

What happens when off-grid solar batteries are full? ›

The solar panels will keep working and generating voltage but that voltage is not going to be used in any way or stored anywhere unless you use an appliance or there is battery space to store that excess energy.

How long do solar batteries last? ›

How Long Will Solar Batteries Last? Most solar batteries on the market today will last somewhere between five to 15 years. While that is a significant amount of time, you'll likely need to replace them within your solar system's 25 to 30+ year lifespan.

How many solar panels to power a tiny house? ›

These ways you can determine the amount of electricity required for your energy needs and thus how much solar energy your tiny home will need. On average, a well-designed tiny house might need around 200 to 600 watts of solar panels to cover basic needs like lighting and essential electronics.

Should I have more solar panels or more batteries? ›

Adding batteries might be more beneficial if you frequently experience power outages or require a continuous power supply. Expanding your solar panel capacity could be a wiser choice if your energy demands are already met.

What is the cost of a Tesla Powerwall? ›

Key takeaways. A fully installed Tesla Powerwall costs about $15,600, including accessories and installation costs. The price of a Powerwall before installation is $9,300. You can lower Tesla Powerwall costs with solar battery incentives like the 30% federal tax credit and local energy storage rebates.

How big of a battery bank do you need to run a house? ›

Let's say you want a three-day battery backup to cover your home's average daily usage of 30 kWh. That means you'll need a total of 90 kWh of stored energy. Using our example of a 400 Ah, 6 V battery that provides 2.4 kWh, you would need about 38 batteries to reach 90 kWh (90 kWh / 2.4 kWh per battery).

Will a 5kW solar system run a house? ›

A 5kW solar panel system can absolutely run a house – but not every day. This size of system will produce 4,250kWh per year, on average. This is enough electricity to run the average four-bedroom household on many days throughout the year, but you won't be able to go off-grid easily.

What size solar system does the average house need? ›

On average, a household requires about 17 to 21 solar panels to provide enough solar energy to power a home. Several important factors, such as your geographical location, the size of your home and the specifications of the solar panels, can determine the exact number of solar panels necessary for your home.

How many batteries do I need for a 20kW solar system? ›

Size of your solar panel arrays
Solar panel systemTotal energy generated in 5 hoursNumber of batteries needed
3 more rows
Sep 2, 2024

How many 12 volt batteries to run a house? ›

The standard three bedroom household will likely require 8-12 12V batteries. The more you intend to live like a person on-the-grid, the more batteries needed. This isn't a question with an easy answer - there's no number that fits everyone, and all batteries are different.

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