How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (2024)

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers?

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (1)

Hallo dear!

I’m afraid that, to provide a proper answer to your question, we should have a look at Mycroft’s and Sherlock’s scores in an IQ test, which, unfortunately, we have no way of consulting, provided that they have ever taken one. ;-)

Now, joking aside, it’s certainly true that observation, memory, and logic are all skills that can be improved - and to some extent even built - through training. But there are differences in the degrees to which they depend on training, and in the maximum age till which a training can be effective in stimulating them. Also, we have at least one clue that Sherlock, at least, possessed one of these skills - logic - in a considerable degree when he was little more than a child. Plus, genius is probably something more than all these skills, even considered all together…

Let’s begin by saying that, after a certain age - let’s say middle age, and remember that I’m NOT a neurologist - it becomes harder and harder to improve these skills, till the margin of improvement becomes very narrow; on the contrary, the younger the age, the greater the positive effect of training in improving these abilities.

Memory can not only benefit form early - and then steady - training (our grandparents, who were accustomed to learn long pieces of poetry by heart since primary school, usually had better memory than us, who place everything we need to remember in computers, smartphones, and the like…), but can also be aided by a set of tricks and specific memory techniques.

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (2)

Modern Sherlock, for instance, uses just one of this techniques - the now famous ‘mind palace’, best known as method of loci or memory palace - to store and recall when needed all the information he deems useful for his profession.
Thus, HIS excellent memory, too, appears mainly the result of a constant, committed training, on Sherlock’s part.

This, possibly, is also the case with Mycroft - or, at least, with canonical Mycroft, judging by his brother’s description of his extraordinary memory (BRUC):

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (3)

Observation, too, can be learned, and generally IS an acquired habit, even if some kind of natural disposition to work upon is required: there ARE people who have no eye at all for details, just as there are tone-deaf or color-blind people.

Canonical Holmes himself clearly states that his ability at observation is mostly the result of a long and hard training (BLAN):

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (4)

(And see also HOUN:)

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (5)

Thus, as in many other things, there must be a certain natural attitude in a person, in order to become a good observer, but to reach professional levels, like Sherlock Holmes, training is not only necessary, but indispensable.

The third (but actually, in a way, the first, because, without it, all the rest would be almost useless, in their professions…) skill that makes Sherlock and Mycroft what they are is, as I’ve said,logic. It’s their ability at logical reasoning that makes possible for them to be soo good at drawing inferences, as any inference - deduction, abduction, induction, etc. - is a logic thought process.

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (6)

Now, logic is the aspect of intelligence that is better measured through IQ tests - hence my opening joke. It’s NOT, by all means, the only component of human intelligence, and there are forms of intelligence - such as emotional intelligence, for instance - that are not measured at all by the standard IQ tests. Also, ability at logic reasoning is probably the aspect of intelligence that is less influenced by different languages and cultures (even if, as any other element of the human mind, it IS influenced by them, to some extent), so that, once again, it is the one better measured by existing standard tests:

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (7)

Of course, this ability, too, is partly due to an inborn quality, and partly due to environmental factors - but exactly how much influence each of them has is still matter of passionate debate, as far as I know. What appears reasonably certain, is that how much a person will develop (or not develop) his/her potential in this field is strongly linked with the amount of intellectual stimulus she/he receives (or doesn’t receive) VERY early in his/her life; the older the age, the lesser the positive effect of exposure to even intensive stimuli. Thus, a person with an average potential at birth can turn out with a considerably high IQ in adulthood when exposed to high levels of intellectual stimulus during childhood, while a person with an ABOVE average potential at birth could turn out little better than an idiot if totally deprived of intellectual stimuli through childhood.

Which, by the way, is the reason why I consider CRIMINAL each policy of savage cuts to public expenditure for education: it’s not only a sure way to produce more ignorant people; it’s also an effective way to produce more stupid people (which, however, is exactly what many governments would like best).

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (8)

Anyway, as I said above, Sherlock’s and Mycroft’s most prominent feature - the one which allows them to make the most of their highly trained memory and observation skills - is their exceptional ability at logic reasoning: an ability that both of them display to an above average degree, and that probably Mycroft possesses in an even greater degree than Sherlock, both according to what we are shown in ASiB, and according to Canon (GREE):

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (9)


How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (10)

This passage, by the way, illustrates how the debate about the respective weight of inborn qualities and training was already very up-to-date for canonical Holmes and Watson! (It also shows a certain naive attitude on Holmes’ part, as he appears to underestimate the fact that Mycroft and him grew up in the same environment and were presumably exposed to the same stimuli for the most important part of their lives…).

That Sherlock was already very brilliant, with regard to his ability at logical inferences, before reaching adulthood, we are told for certain in tGG, when he remembers how he was himself “just a kid” when he managed to understand that Carl Powers had been murdered. And we might presume that Mycroft, too, has been a very brilliant youngster. That they came from a family that was able - and presumably willing - to provide them with the best education available, and that probably grew them in a stimulating environment, we can easily enough assume from a series of clues scattered through the series (their way of speaking, Sherlock’s mastery of violin, and of course their very brilliance). How much of their intelligence is due too pure natural, genetic endowment, and how much is the product of that stimulating environment, I’ll let for you to decide.

However, as the faculty of logical reasoning, once reached adulthood (meaning: once grown after the teens), is almost definitively set, what is apparent is that the Sherlock and Mycroft that we know today ARE individuals endowed with an above average intelligence - at least with respect to that kind of intelligence which appears as an ability at logic reasoning. What I mean, is that they cannot have trained for this kind of ability once chosen their professions and as a way to reach the peak of their jobs, like one trains for mountain climbing or even for strenghtening his/her memory and her/his skills at observation: whatever component of nurture there is in their brilliance, it acted in the first stages of their lives, implicitly, and with a general effect over their intellectual abilities; and it could not have been replaced, if not in a very minimal degree, by any kind of 'training’ in adulthood. In this sense - and only in this - Sherlock and Mycroft can be considered of above average intelligence - or 'geniuses’, if you prefer.

And now, as I’m sure that this whole question was arranged to hear me rattle crazy numbers (the pun will not work in English, alas! In Italian we say “dare i numeri” - literally “to give numbers” - to mean “to go crazy”, “to ramble senselessly”) because you know that I’ve a penchant for them, I’ll dutifully comply.

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (11)

Considering that average IQ is 100, and that the majority of the population (about 95%) scores between 70 and 130, my headcanon (because this IS pure headcanon!) is that, when it comes to raw intelligence, Sherlock scores 140 and Mycroft scores 145.
Here, I’ve told you the numbers!

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (12)

Now, trying for just a second to be (just a little) serious, it must be told for truth’s sake that 'genius’ is, in turn, a concept more complex than the kind of intelligence that can be measured with an IQ test.
The current view amongst many psychologists is that, of course, a minimum level of IQ is required to become a genius - a minimum, however, deemed no higher than 125 (and according to some quite lower) - but also that that level of IQ is sufficient for the development of genius only when combined with other complex influences, in particularopportunity for talent development, and personality characteristics of drive and persistence. Genius is more than raw - albeit great - intelligence: it’s originality and creativity, two qualities which go beyond logic, and which cannot be measured by a standard IQ test. Genius is the ability to find a new road where nobody before had ever thought there could be even the faintest trail - which is what Mycroft does with his solution of the 'Coventry Conundrum’, and what Sherlock does with his solution of his and Moriarty’s “Final Problem”.

Hard training and stubborn, humble commitment, as detective Columbo once said to a Mensa-member murderer he had just arrested, can bring a person of average intelligence to beat one with an IQ far higher. But no amount of training can give a person that spark of creativity and originality that - whatever its mysterious origins - defines genius. And thus, I guess, whatever their IQs, we can serenely keep considering the Holmes Brothers as geniuses.


How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (13)

Posted 10 years ago

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Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, Mycroft, Holmes Brothers, Sherlock meta, IQ, Ramblings,

How much brilliant are the genius Holmes Brothers? (2024)


Why are all the Holmes siblings so smart? ›

BBC's Sherlock portrays Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft Holmes as smart, but one might be smarter. The Holmes brothers inherited their genius from their mother, while their father is depicted as the "sane one," who isn't as superhuman as the rest of the family.

How much IQ does Mycroft Holmes have? ›

Mycroft is smarter than Sherlock so he's IQ must be at least 191 but my personal guess is 200 (because he's just a little smarter than Sherlock.)

Which Holmes brother is smarter? ›

Mycroft Is Smarter In Conan Doyle Canon

That said, he's also actually much lazier than his brother.

Who is the smartest in the Holmes family? ›

Abilities. Genius-Level Intellect: Of all the Holmes siblings, Eurus was the most clever. She is the most intelligent human on Earth. Compared to Mycroft who was professionally assessed as 'remarkable', Eurus was 'incandescent'.

What is the IQ of Moriarty? ›

But if Sherlock and Moriarty were forced to sit and give one of those internet Find Your IQ Test. They'd have aced it and scored somewhat near 200. On a serious note, the IQ of Albert Einstein is said to be around 160.

Who is smarter, Mycroft or Eurus? ›

Eurus is considered to be a lot smarter than Mycroft but she has to be at least 192 in IQ but my personal guess is 245+ (because she can manipulate anyone and she knew exactly what would happen in 5 years and she got Moriaty to do anything.

What is Enola Holmes' IQ? ›

Enola Holmes is a fictional character from a series of novels by Nancy Springer. In the books, Enola's intelligence is frequently remarked upon, but her exact IQ is never mentioned.

Is Holmes smarter than Moriarty? ›

Skills. Moriarty was an exceptionally intelligent and cunning criminal genius. He is so smart that even Sherlock Holmes considers Moriarty to be his equal and have a brain of the first order and was very impressed by his intellectual abilities.

What is Sherlock's IQ? ›

Radford estimates Holmes' IQ at 190, which places him much, much higher than our crazy-haired scientist. Since then, there have been many more studies on this fictional character leading people to lower his intelligence rating, but he still remains one of the smartest characters ever written.

Why is Mycroft Holmes so powerful? ›

Mycroft is part of the Cabinet Office and is so powerful that he can use mass surveillance to track Sherlock. In keeping with the books, Mycroft describes himself as "occupying a small position in the British government", but more accurately, "he is the British government".

Why does Mycroft hate Enola? ›

In secret, Mycroft is jealous of Enola in the same way he is jealous of Sherlock. The fact that Enola is a young lady only compounds his internal struggle. It's unlikely that someone like Mycroft could emotionally handle being outshone by a woman of any age, which is why he treats Enola so horribly.

Is Mycroft a virgin? ›

By the end of the encounter, we see Mycroft hesitating to reject the proposal; taking the card with him, just in case he decides to call her after all. We've all known since season 2, that Mycroft Holmes isn't a virgin, unlike Sherlock. He is more in touch with his sexuality, yet reptilian and unemotional.

Does Elizabeth Holmes have a genius IQ? ›

Is Elizabeth Holmes actually a genius? No. Her belief that she was a genius came not from any solid evidence of brilliance, nor even from something as meaningless as an IQ test, but from a professor at Stanford telling her she was a genius… shortly before she dropped out.

Is Watson smarter than Holmes? ›

Watson is intelligent, if lacking in Holmes's insight, and serves as a perfect foil for Holmes: the archetypal late Victorian/Edwardian gentleman against the brilliant, emotionally detached analytical machine. Furthermore, he is considered an excellent doctor and surgeon, especially by Holmes.

Does Holmes have ADHD? ›

Sherlock – Sherlock Holmes

He tends to leave projects unfinished, and is easily bored by the mundane. He also says what's on his mind, and is known for his blunt honesty. His brilliant mind also leaps from topic to topic incredibly quickly- characteristic of the hyper-active mind of a modern-day ADHDer.

Is Mycroft smarter than Sherlock in Enola Holmes? ›

The biggest departure from the original stories was Mycroft. For those less nerdy than me, Mycroft Holmes is Sherlock's older brother, who is smarter even than Sherlock, but who operates purely in the theoretical realm.

Is Mycroft really smarter than Sherlock? ›

Mycroft is described as having abilities of deduction and knowledge exceeding even those of his brother, though their practical use is limited by his dislike of fieldwork. The character has been adapted many times in literature and media, including television series, films, radio, and comics.

Is Irene Adler smarter than Sherlock? ›

Irene turns out to be an interesting opponent to Sherlock, as she's a highly intelligent woman and ends up being the one person the famous detective finds himself unable to “read” through his unbelievable observation and deduction skills.

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