How Much Crypto Should Be In Your Portfolio (2024)

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Adding Bitcoin to your investment portfolio might positively impact your long-term returns, but it’s all a matter of timing.

A CFA Institute Research Foundation report looked at the impact of Bitcoin on a diversified portfolio between January 2014 and September 2020. Over this period, a quarterly rebalanced 2.5% allocation to Bitcoin improved returns from a traditional portfolio by nearly 24%.

That’s a massive impact from a tiny allocation. It’s also hardly surprising: Bitcoin appreciated by approximately 2,875% over the period.

Be very careful with findings like this, which can make it seem like the more crypto you buy, the better. That’s only really true for early adopters—say, if you’d added the same amount of crypto in December 2020, the impact through July 2022 would have been just about zero.

You can get too much of a new thing, and that’s especially true of cryptocurrency. Let’s look at how much crypto you should have in your portfolio.

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How Much Crypto Should You Own?

Most experts agree that cryptocurrencies should make up no more than 5% of your portfolio.

This amount is “small enough to keep an investor comfortable in periods of high volatility, but also large enough to have a truly positive impact on the portfolio if crypto prices rise,” says Bruno Ramos de Sousa, head of global expansion at Hashdex.

Some experts, such as Aaron Samsonoff, chief strategy officer and co-founder of InvestDEFY, allow for allocations as high as 20%. But how much crypto should be in your portfolio ultimately depends on your risk tolerance and beliefs about crypto.

In addition to outsized long-term returns, cryptocurrencies tend to have excessive volatility.

In the case of the CFA Institute study, the larger the allocation to Bitcoin, the higher the return and the greater the volatility. Between January 2014 and September 2020, the traditional portfolio without Bitcoin yielded a 6.26% return versus the traditional portfolio with a 2.5% Bitcoin allocation, which produced an annual return of 8.6%, which also saw increased volatility.

“The potential for outsized returns coupled with the significant risks of this emerging asset class means that a very small allocation is sufficient,” says Ric Edelman, founder of Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals and author of “The Truth About Crypto.”

Experts say that a small amount can materially improve your overall returns without leaving you at risk of financial harm if your cryptocurrency investment declines significantly or even falls to zero.

“Adding some to your portfolio can be a great way to really take advantage of long-term gains while knowing that if you don’t make it big, you aren’t out your whole investment portfolio,” says Callie Stillman, partner at Lift Financial.

What Should My Crypto Portfolio Look Like?

Once you’ve decided how much cryptocurrency to own, the question becomes which crypto assets to buy and how much to hold.

Edelman suggests four crypto portfolio options. First, you could own Bitcoin only. It’s the oldest and largest digital asset in crypto market dominance.

“When institutions invest, they typically buy only Bitcoin. It might not produce the highest gains, but it’ll be the last to go to zero,” he says.

As Bitcoin’s market dominance fades, it’s increasingly important to diversify your position to capture the complete crypto opportunity set, says Martin Leinweber, digital asset product strategist at MarketVector Indexes.

“Different assets deliver notably different return patterns and respond heterogeneously to Bitcoin pullbacks,” says Leinweber. “While short-term correlations can be high, longer-term “Bitcoin has nothing to do with a gaming token such as Axie Infinity or an exchange token such as Binance Coin (BNB).”

A popular alternative to Bitcoin is Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, with 18% market dominance. “Many believe it has far greater utility for global commerce and therefore will continue to gain in prominence,” Edelman says. Many other coins and tokens also rely on the Ethereum blockchain.

You could also have a portfolio that includes a mix of Bitcoin and Ethereum. “They are the co*ke and Pepsi of crypto,” Edelman says. Between them, you have more than 60% of crypto’s market share.

Edelman suggests a 50-50 split or 60-40 favoring your preferred coin. “Otherwise, you’re making a big bet,” and “bets should be avoided as this asset class is plenty risky already.”

While larger coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum may make up a larger share of your portfolio, keeping smaller proportions of other crypto assets can improve your long-term returns, Leinweber says.

Check Out Crypto ETFs

Directly owning crypto is no longer your only option for investing in the space. There is a variety of Bitcoin ETFs and blockchain ETFs that provide a simple way to get crypto exposure in your portfolio.

Edelman points to the Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund (BITW), a market cap-weighted ETF of the 10 largest digital assets. Being market-cap weighted means Bitcoin and Ethereum make up the bulk of the fund at more than 90% of the total portfolio.

“Most passive crypto investors would be best suited to focus on Bitcoin, Ethereum and/or a crypto index fund,” Samsonoff says. “Single name blockchains and projects, even the larger ones, still have a lot of tail risk and on a risk-adjusted basis, it is hard to outperform Bitcoin, Ethereum, or an index unless you are an active researcher in the space.”

Leinweber suggests a multi-token fund replicating a market cap-weighted index to ensure you get the crypto market return.

“You’re implicitly buying the winners and selling the losers,” he says, with the asset manager doing the job for you and replicating the index.

Some crypto ETFs invest in publicly traded companies engaged in the crypto industry, such as crypto exchange Coinbase, crypto bank Silvergate Bank and Bitcoin mining company Riot Blockchain, rather than buying the cryptocurrencies directly.

Investment companies also provide separately managed accounts (SMAs), which are like personalized mutual funds that own up to two dozen different cryptocurrencies.

“The account is managed specifically for you, with a truly personalized approach to rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting that you can’t do with funds,” Edelman says. The challenge to SMAs is they usually have investment minimums as high as tens of thousands of dollars.

The Composition of a Good Crypto Portfolio

Stillman says that your crypto portfolio should look just like any other part of your investment portfolio. It should be diversified and match your risk tolerance.

You should use cryptocurrencies that you’ve researched and feel comfortable investing in. “Read the whitepapers on them to better understand how they work and their objective,” she says. “Dig into who is behind them and know their track record.”

An important question is why you’re buying crypto and your plans. Are you buying because your friends told you to? Is it for the short- or long-term gain? What are you planning on doing with any gains you earn? “Some crypto is liquid, and some is not,” Stillman points out. “How important is that to you?”

A good crypto portfolio lets you hold it through bear and bull markets without losing sleep at night. “If the crypto portion of your portfolio is sized too large or concentrated in speculative altcoins, you risk having paper hands,” a term used to describe investors who sell out of fear at the first sign of a downturn, Samsonoff says.

“Inversely, if you are sized too small, you risk getting greedy as confirmation bias kicks in after crypto has been rallying, and you potentially buy into a top after feeling sidelined on the way up,” he says.

How to Manage Your Crypto Portfolio

Keeping a long-term perspective, meaning years and decades, is the key to managing your crypto portfolio. “This is a new and thus very volatile asset class, and you should focus on the potential for profits over decades, not weeks or months,” Edelman says.

Leinweber says that portfolios over a four-year or longer period are generally in profit. “It’s an investment in a new technology and not a get-rich-quick scheme.”

Many experts recommend using a dollar-cost averaging strategy where you buy or sell a fixed dollar amount regardless of what happens. This can take emotion out of the equation.

“Trying to time the market perfectly or checking your portfolio every day in general leads to more stress and bad decision-making. Instead, it is better to have periodic reevaluations of your positions and rebalancings based on your evolving view of the market, not much different from a stock portfolio,” de Sousa says.

Otherwise, your cryptocurrency allocation could overwhelm your portfolio and increase your overall risk.

“If you’re not an active trader, you should have a steady percentage allocation to crypto and rebalance to your target weights monthly or quarterly,” says Greg King, founder, and CEO of Osprey Funds.

How To Track Your Crypto Portfolio

Tracking your crypto portfolio can be a challenge.

The most important advice when tracking your crypto portfolio is to align your thesis time frame, Samsonoff says. Know your trigger for entry and exit before you get started.

“Without a clear plan, you will have your conviction—or lack thereof—tested and succumb to emotional decisions based upon volatility of the crypto space,” he says.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency investments, my expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. I've closely followed the developments in the cryptocurrency space, staying abreast of market trends, investment strategies, and the nuances of various digital assets. My insights are not just derived from external sources but are also rooted in firsthand experience navigating the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies.

The article in question delves into the integration of Bitcoin into investment portfolios and provides valuable insights backed by evidence, particularly referencing a CFA Institute Research Foundation report covering the impact of Bitcoin on a diversified portfolio from January 2014 to September 2020. This report reveals that a quarterly rebalanced 2.5% allocation to Bitcoin significantly improved returns by nearly 24% during that period. The evidence presented underscores the potential benefits of incorporating Bitcoin into traditional investment portfolios.

However, a note of caution is introduced, highlighting the importance of timing in cryptocurrency investments. The article emphasizes that while historical data supports the positive impact of Bitcoin allocation, blindly increasing one's crypto holdings may not yield the same results. A case in point is the cautionary tale of adding crypto in December 2020, which would have had minimal impact through July 2022.

The article addresses the pivotal question: How much crypto should one own? Experts concur that a moderate allocation, typically no more than 5% of the overall portfolio, strikes a balance between harnessing potential gains and mitigating the risks associated with cryptocurrency volatility. Risk tolerance and personal beliefs about crypto play a significant role in determining the ideal allocation.

Furthermore, the article explores diverse crypto portfolio options, ranging from a single-asset approach (e.g., Bitcoin only) to a combination of assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The significance of diversification is highlighted, considering the evolving dynamics of the crypto market.

To cater to diverse investor preferences, the article introduces various investment avenues beyond direct ownership of cryptocurrencies, including crypto ETFs and blockchain ETFs. Notable examples, such as the Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund (BITW), are mentioned as options for passive investors seeking exposure to the broader crypto market.

The composition of a well-rounded crypto portfolio is discussed, emphasizing diversification and alignment with an investor's risk tolerance. The importance of thorough research, including understanding whitepapers and evaluating the track record of crypto assets, is underscored.

Managing a crypto portfolio involves a long-term perspective, and the article advocates for a measured approach, suggesting strategies like dollar-cost averaging to reduce emotional decision-making. The importance of aligning one's entry and exit triggers and having a clear plan to navigate the volatile crypto space is emphasized.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide on incorporating cryptocurrencies into investment portfolios, drawing on evidence, expert opinions, and practical strategies. It caters to both seasoned investors and those new to the cryptocurrency landscape, offering valuable insights for navigating the complexities of this emerging asset class.

How Much Crypto Should Be In Your Portfolio (2024)


How Much Crypto Should Be In Your Portfolio? ›

Less Than 5% Several experts argue that due to their inherent volatility, investors should allocate no more than 5% to crypto.

How much of my portfolio should be crypto? ›

Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Those new to crypto investing may start with 1% to 2% as an introduction.

What is 80 20 crypto portfolio? ›

The 80/20 Principle Strategy For Risk-Adverse Investors

These investors can allocate 80% of their investment portfolio to more stable and established cryptocurrencies or traditional assets, while dedicating 20% to riskier and potentially higher-yielding investments such as NFTs.

What's a good amount of Bitcoin to hold? ›

Let's Talk Numbers. Now that we've addressed the emotional aspects of investing in Bitcoin, let's delve into the crux of the matter: how much BTC should you aim to accumulate? While this varies from person to person, I recommend aiming to HODL between 0.1 BTC and 0.25 BTC.

How much of your portfolio should be cash? ›

Cash equivalent securities include savings, checking and money market accounts, and short-term investments. A general rule of thumb is that cash and cash equivalents should comprise between 2% and 10% of your portfolio.

What is a good balanced crypto portfolio? ›

A well-balanced portfolio of crypto assets is one that's made to mitigate the risks involved in crypto trading. Investors should split their investments between cryptocurrencies so they don't put all their eggs into one basket. This also means diversifying between Bitcoin and smaller altcoins.

How much of your networth should be invested in crypto? ›

Plenty of financial planners and other experts recommend that their clients keep their cryptocurrency investment allocation minimal. In fact, investing 5% of your portfolio in crypto is an often-quoted percentage of your net worth to tie up in crypto assets.

What is 100x profit in crypto? ›

Before we dive deeper into the strategies, let's define what precisely a 100x return means in the crypto world. A 100x return refers to multiplying your investment by 100, resulting in a whopping 10,000% return. For example, turning $10,000 into $1 million or $1,000 into $100,000 would be considered a 100x return.

Is a 90 10 portfolio good? ›

A 90/10 investment allocation is an aggressive strategy most suitable for investors with a high risk tolerance and a long time horizon. While Warren Buffett has an enviable track record as an investor, it probably isn't for everyone.

What is a 60 30 10 portfolio? ›

The classic 60/40 portfolio calls for 60% stocks and 40% bonds. AllianceBernstein's 60/30/10 portfolio is trying to achieve similar returns—it still has 60% in an equities index, 30% in a bond index and another 10% in a TIPS index—but with steadier performance if inflation spikes.

What will $100 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, a $100 investment in Bitcoin today would be worth $5,510 in 2030. This translates to a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 95%. While the prediction is bullish, Bitcoin's 14-year CAGR is well over 220%, so it is not entirely out of the question.

How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

Summary: As of 2024, there are about 420 million cryptocurrency users globally. Of these, approximately 1.5 million individuals possess more than 1 Bitcoin, which is just 0.36% of all cryptocurrency users. Here's the detailed breakdown: - Total Bitcoin Supply: The maximum number of Bitcoins is capped at 21 million.

How much do you need to invest in crypto to make money? ›

How much should you invest in cryptocurrency? Some experts recommend investing no more than 1% to 5% of your net worth.

How much should I put in my portfolio? ›

To make sure your portfolio will outpace inflation over the long term, a good rule of thumb is to hold between one to six months of living expenses in cash and allocate the rest to stocks and bonds based on your comfort level.

How much of my portfolio should be in real assets? ›

While institutional investors and endowment funds often invest much bigger chunks of their portfolios in real estate (including both public and private debt and equity securities), I'd argue that most individual investors should keep their real estate exposure limited (which Morningstar defines as 15% of assets or less ...

How much of your portfolio should be risky? ›

Most sources cite a low-risk portfolio as being made up of 15-40% equities. Medium risk ranges from 40-60%. High risk is generally from 70% upwards. In all cases, the remainder of the portfolio is made up of lower-risk asset classes such as bonds, money market funds, property funds and cash.

What is a good percentage to sell crypto? ›

Avoid trying to time the market perfectly. Instead, set clear price targets for selling your crypto and determine the percentage to sell at each target. For example, if you invested $25,000 in a particular coin, you might sell 20% when your portfolio reaches $50,000, 30% when it reaches $75,000, and so on.

How much profit should I take on crypto? ›

Cryptocurrency trading is a highly profitable venture. However, knowing when to take profits in crypto trading is crucial. This is to ensure gains are maximized while losses are minimized. A proven method of maximizing profits is to close 50% of the trade after making 10% profit.

Should Bitcoin be a part of your portfolio? ›

As a Diversifier

Cryptocurrency is an asset class all its own, independent of stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, etc. For this reason, many investors view it as one more option that should be considered when building a well-diversified portfolio.

How much to allocate to BTC? ›

Given these changes and increased institutional interest, our analysis suggests it's prudent to cap allocation to Bitcoin to maximally 2-3% of the portfolio. The analysis highlights the need for caution and realistic expectations when interpreting historical data and extrapolating long-term conclusions.

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