How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (2024)

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (1)

Throughout the publishing industry, there exists a great variation in the amount of money earned by authors and their net worth across different genres. In addition to an author’s perceived level of ability, the manner by which they choose to publish, preceding reputation and personal background can all play a consequential part in the amount of income they generate.

  • Book advances often start at $5,000 from major publishing houses.
  • Advances from independent publishers are slightly lower, often starting at $1,000.
  • Authors who work alongside traditional publishers can earn royalties once an advance has been repaid (earning out).
  • Traditional paperback royalties usually range from 5% to 7.5%, whereas hardback royalties often range from 10% to 15%.
  • By looking to self-publish, authors can immediately earn up to 70% in royalties.
  • If an author’s work is selected, TV/movie option deals can also be around $15,000 for a three-year deal.
  • Despite these rates, 54% of full-time authors earned less than $12,488 annually from their writing as of 2017.
  • 23% of full-time authors received zero income from their books.
  • Hybrid authors (both traditionally & self-published) generated the highest median book-related income at $3,961.
  • Trade fiction authors generated the highest median book-related income at $4,912.

How much do authors make per book?

In traditional publishing, authors will receive royalty payments from each sold copy once the book advances have been repaid. The royalty is usually calculated based on the book’s net price after deducting publishing and distribution costs.

When calculating the author’s royalty earnings, multiple factors affect the royalty: the format of the sold copy, the type of print, and the type of publishing. Along with these factors, the author’s previous success and the publishers’ overall confidence in the book’s selling potential.

  • When it comes to traditional publishing, authors can expect between a 5% and 15% royalty rate, depending on the type of print.
  • Paperback and mass-market paperback royalties are the lowest, usually ranging between 5% and 7.5%.
  • For hardcovers, royalties are the highest, mostly in the 10% to 15% range.
  • If an author sells 5,000 copies of their book at a $10 net price, they can expect to earn between $2,500 and $7,500 in royalty payments after the advance has been paid off.
  • This figure gets much higher if an author goes with self-publishing, and for 5,000 copies sold at a $10 net price, they can expect to earn between $20,000 and $35,000.
  • Authors who self-publish can expect to earn between 2.6 and 14 times more than those who go with traditional publishing, advances excluded.
Traditional publishingSelf-publishing
Royalty5% – 15%40% – 70%
Book price (net)$10$10
Copies sold50005000
Total income$2,500 – $7,500$20,000 – $35,000
How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (2)
  • In order to earn $100,000 from book-selling, authors who decide to publish their book with traditional publishers need to sell between 66,667 and 200,000 copies of their books.
  • The final count depends on royalties and the assumed net price of the book standing at $10.
  • With the same net book selling price, authors who go with self-publishing must sell between 14,286 and 25,000 copies of their books to earn $100,000 from book sales.
Traditional publishingSelf-publishing
Lowest royalty5%40%
Highest royalty15%70%
Book price (net)$10$10
Required copies sold to earn $100,000 (lowest royalty)200,00025,000
Required copies sold to earn $100,000 (highest royalty)66,66714,286
How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (3)

Earnings from major publishers

  • For large publishing houses, advances can start at $5,000 for first-time authors, increasing to a five-figure sum depending on reputation, number of books in the deal, etc.
  • Deals from the Big 5 offer authors an even greater opportunity to receive a five-figure advance or more.
  • Once advances have been met, publishers pay out royalties on additional book sales, often using standard pre-agreed rates.
  • The sale of a manuscript to a major/Big 5 publisher is usually overseen by a literary agent who will generally look to keep 15% of the deal’s total earnings.
  • Many authors aspire to have a deal with a major/Big 5 publisher and will dedicate time to signing with an agent who can help them achieve this.

Earnings from independent publishers

  • Independent publishers may accept submissions without the involvement of agents.
  • Due to their smaller size and decreased governance, they can be more likely to take a risk on alternative/niche book topics.
  • Indie publishers generally look to offer advances from $3,000 and upwards.
  • As these advances are of a lower value, they may offer authors a higher royalty revenue percentage that kicks in once the advance has been matched.
  • If an independent publisher wants to make a book their lead title, they may offer a bigger advance than a major publisher, due to its increased importance.

Earnings from self-publishing

  • For authors who do not have a deal with a publisher, self-publishing is an alternative route-to-market.
  • Self-published authors fully own their work and as such, it is the author’s responsibility to perform price-setting, marketing and sales.
  • Online activities are key, with ebooks making up the majority of self-published sales.
  • Self-published authors often look to use services by companies such as Amazon in order to print-on-demand.
  • Furthermore, by self-publishing, an author is able to receive a larger percentage of each book sale.

Median book-related income

Although there are authors that are able to make a living from writing alone, many authors earn less than minimum wage and work multiple jobs to supplement their income. Even if an author is talented, the odds of a manuscript being published by a traditional publishing house is between 1% – 2%.

By author type

(both full-time and part-time authors)

  • As of 2017, hybrid authors (both traditionally & self-published) have the highest median book-related income at $3,961.
  • This is a drop of 21.58% when compared to 2013.
  • Traditionally published authors have the second highest median book-related income at $3,360.
  • This is a drop of 35.48% when compared to 2013.
  • Self-published authors have the lowest median book-related income at $1,951.
  • However, it showed an increase of 85.46% since 2013, the only author type to increase over the period.
Author type20132017Change
Traditionally published$5,208$3,360– 35.48%
Self-published$1,052$1,951+ 85.46%
Hybrid$5,051$3,961– 21.58%

A graph to show median book-related incomes by author type is given below:

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (4)

By genre

  • As of 2017, authors that specialize in trade fiction generate the highest median book-related income at $4,912.
  • However, this is a decrease of 4.79% since 2013.
  • Commercial Nonfiction authors generate the second highest median book-related income at $2,950.
  • This is a drop of 36.99% since 2013.
  • Literary fiction authors generate the lowest median book-related income at $1,500.
  • This is a drop of 46.04% since 2013.
Literary fiction$2,780$1,500– 46.04%
Commercial nonfiction$4,682$2,950– 36.99%
Trade fiction$5,159$4,912– 4.79%

A graph to show median book-related incomes by book genre is given below:

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (5)

By race

  • As of 2017, white (non-Hispanic) authors generated a median book-related income of $2,950.
  • This is a drop of 29.29% since 2013.
  • Non-white authors generated a median book-related income of $1,500.
  • This is a drop of 37.97% since 2013.
  • Showing a disparity when it comes to diversity, the median book-related income for white (non-Hispanic) authors was almost double that of non-white authors.
White (non-Hispanic)$4,172$2,950– 29.29%
Non-white$2,418$1,500– 37.97%

A graph to show median book-related incomes by race is given below:

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (6)

Largest book deals for individual books

  • The largest individual book deals were $15 million for both Bill Clinton’s “My Life” (2004) and for Britney Spears’ upcoming memoir.
  • Memoirs make up six of the top ten largest individual book deals of all time.
  • Three of the top ten largest individual book deals were in the Nonfiction genre.
  • One of the top ten largest individual book deals was in the Crime fiction genre.
  • From the largest individual book deals, only Tom Wolfe and J. K. Rowling are primarily known as authors.
YearTitleAuthorDeal sizeGenre
2004My LifeBill Clinton$15 millionMemoir
N/AN/ABritney Spears$15 millionMemoir
2014Hard ChoicesHillary Clinton$14 millionMemoir
2016Born to RunBruce Springsteen$10 millionMemoir
2016The Girl with the Lower Back TattooAmy Schumer$9 millionMemoir
1994Crossing the Threshold of HopePope John Paul II$8.5 millionNonfiction
2010LifeKeith Richards$7.3 millionMemoir
2008Back to BloodTom Wolfe$7 millionNonfiction
N/AThe Maramon ConventionAbraham Verghese$5 millionNonfiction
2012The Casual VacancyJ. K. Rowling$2-8 millionCrime fiction

A graph is given below to show the largest individual book deals by genre:

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (7)

A graph is given below to show the largest individual book deals by author profession:

How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (8)

How much do authors make FAQ

What are book advances?

  • A book advance is a figure paid to an author by a publisher to cover expenses while the book is written.
  • The figure is an estimate of its future earnings and conveys confidence in the author from the publishing house.
  • Book advances typically range from low four-figure sums up to seven-figure sums.
  • Advances are usually paid by the Big 5 publishers, major publishers and independent publishers.
  • Furthermore, authors have to pay tax on book advance earnings.

What are book royalties?

  • Royalties are paid to authors by publishers in order to publish their books.
  • The royalty rate is a percentage of the value of book sales made. Although negotiable, many publishers have standard rates which they utilize for most authors.
  • For publishing houses, royalties are usually paid out on any profits that exceed the value of the advance. The book format affects the rate:
    • Paperback royalties: 5% to 7.5%
    • Hardback royalties: 10% to 15%
  • Higher royalties are sometimes offered to authors as an alternative to paying advances.
  • Self-published authors can immediately start earning royalties at a higher rate as they do not receive an advance.

What are foreign book rights?

  • An author or a publisher can submit publications to a foreign rights agent to represent titles in different languages.
  • The foreign rights agent looks to offer publications to foreign publishers who may be interested in their titles.
  • Authors are paid by foreign publishers for each language/region the book is sold to.
  • This can range from $1,500 per title and language/region, upwards to six-figures in rare cases.

What are book television/movie rights?

  • For a book to be adapted for a TV series or movie, a producer obtains story rights from the author for a limited time to determine if the adaptation will be worthwhile.
  • As part of this option contract agreement, the author is given money in exchange for the rights.
  • If the time period expires, rights can be re-sold. In some cases, this allows authors to profit multiple times from the same title.
  • Although option deals can vary, a standard contract could be around $15,000 for a three-year deal.
  • The contract itself is often negotiated by publishers/agents directly, who could look to charge between 15% to 20% for the service.
How Much Do Authors Make – WordsRated (2024)


How much does the average author make per book? ›

Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties. First-time authors willing to publish traditionally will receive a prepayment.

How much do you make if you sell 1 million books? ›

Selling a million copies would earn you a million dollars. Depending on your contract, you may get a book deal advance, which is an advance payment made to authors in traditional publishing. If you don't make enough money to pay back the advance, you're not required to pay the advance back.

Can authors make 100k a year? ›

Making 100k as a writer is possible, but it is not a guarantee. High-paying writing jobs are often competitive and require high skill and experience. Freelance writers who specialize in certain niches or industries may be able to command higher rates, but it can take time to get to that level.

How much do authors pay literary agents? ›

Though it's not always possible to tell who is legit, you should stay away from agents who seem untrustworthy. 2. Cost. Generally speaking, a literary agent will take around a 15% commission on your published work, which includes everything from audiobooks to film rights.

Is writing a book profitable? ›

It may take more legwork, but you get to make money writing a book on your terms. As you can see from above, traditional publishers only give you around 10 to 15% of royalties. Self-publishing gives you anywhere from 35 to 70%.

Do self-published authors make money? ›

An April 2023 study by the Alliance of Independent Authors found that the median earnings for self-published authors were $12,749. By comparison, the median income for traditionally published authors was less than half of that figure—$6,080. The average income of self-published authors in 2022 was $82,600.

How many books to sell to make $100,000? ›

To make $100.000 / year, you have to sell 50.000 books, which equals to 50.000/12 = 4.667 books per month. After the first year, you'll have 12 books published. To make $100k with those 12 books, you'd need to sell 348 copies of each book each month.

Can you become rich from selling a book? ›

With average royalties ranging from 10% to 15% for traditionally published books and up to 70% for self-published works, the income from a single book can be quite limited. For every Rowling or King, there are thousands of authors who struggle to break even, let alone make a profit.

What is the average book deal for a first time author? ›

According to Rachelle Gardner, the typical advance for a first-time author is $5,000 to $15,000. Rebecca Brandewyne states that the average advance for authors is $1,000 to $10,000.

Who is the highest paid author? ›

J.K. Rowling

It's no surprise that J.K. Rowling leads the way in the highest-paid authors. The world knows her as the author who inspired a generation to read. Her Harry Potter series took the world by storm. While she began her series writing on napkins, today, the names Harry, Ron, and Hermione are hard not to know.

What books make the most money? ›

Fall in Love with Romance

If you're looking for a genre that makes the most money, look no further than romance. Through the years, romance continues to be the most popular and profitable book genre. How well does it do? The romance world rakes in $1 billion a year, covering a third of the entire fiction market.

Are authors in high demand? ›

Job Outlook

Employment of writers and authors is projected to grow 5 percent from 2023 to 2033, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 15,100 openings for writers and authors are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

How much Netflix pay authors? ›

Average Netflix Writer yearly pay in the United States is approximately $86,263, which is 47% above the national average.

How much does Apple pay authors? ›

For ebooks, you'll earn 70% royalties on all your titles regardless of price point. No hidden fees or exclusivity requirements.

Is it better to self-publish or traditional publish? ›

Self-publishers get more control and a higher royalty rate, but some traditional authors enjoy working with agents and other publishing professionals who guide them. Therefore, no one will know for sure which way is better, except you, of course.

How much does Stephen King make per book? ›

How much does Stephen King make per book? It is not known exactly how much Stephen King makes per book or has been paid as advances for publishing his books. It has been estimated that King earns between $1 and $3 for each of his book copies that are sold.

How much do authors make from a bestseller? ›

The royalty amount varies per author, but 10 percent of the return on book sales is common for many authors. The percentage may rise with the number of copies sold, such as 10 percent for the first 5,000 books sold and 12.5 percent for subsequent sales.

What is the average book sales for new authors? ›

In the first 3 months

After we publish a book, we transition the book to the Author, so we stop seeing direct sales numbers. The average traditionally published non-fiction book sells about 250-300 copies in the first year, but when we manage a book launch, our target is to sell 1,000 copies in the first 3 months.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.